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Chapter 202 Qiao is a traitor?

"Grandpa Yang Hui, how is Lu?" Qiao asked anxiously.

"Asleep, but not well."

"How...how could..." Qiao's face turned pale, and Dean even rushed over and grabbed Yang Hui's clothes, his face looking hideous and terrifying.

"What happened to Lu? Did you do something to her!?"

"Calm down! Do you want to wake her?"

Yang Hui grabbed Dean's hand and twisted it hard, put his hands behind his back, suppressed them on the ground, and scolded him in a low voice.


"Although I am a federal soldier, I still don't bother to do anything to a child. That child's body has reached its limit. If measures are not taken immediately, she will not survive even a week."

"how come……"

Hearing this, Dean's pupils lost their color. His sister was everything to him. When he was very young, his parents passed away, and he only had his sister by his side. Now that he has lost his sister to the disease, his world is about to lose all color.


"Impossible! Grandpa Yang Hui, could you have made a mistake? I got the special medicine from Mr. Izelkanda, and it's obviously... it's obviously effective!" Qiao asked anxiously.

"I don't know about the medicine you mentioned, but I don't think it can cure it. Otherwise, the diseases caused by Mars rays will not always bother VEGAN. And... I am a researcher. Although I am not a medical professional, I don't know the data.

I saw it wrong." Yang Hui explained.

"How could this happen... By the way! And Mr. Izelkandar! I'll beg him! He must..."


"Grandpa Yang Hui..."

"In what capacity are you begging him? Don't forget your identity!"

"But... Lu just needs help, why should she consider her identity..."

"Because your name is Chio Asuhino! Your grandfather was the former commander-in-chief of the Earth Federation Army! Your father is the current captain of the [Celestial Being] Brigade!"

"This...this is just a name..."

"This is war, Qio, have you ever thought about why Izelkandar is so kind to you?"

"He...he wants me to be the bridge between VEGAN and the earth..."

"Bullshit bridge! When did the bridge connecting two countries need a child? How qualified are you, a kid who doesn't understand anything, to take on this important task? Do you think the Federation didn't send a message to Izerkanda?

Apply for peace talks? Why does he keep rejecting it?"


"If you ask him now, he will agree to all your requests, but there is no charity in the world for no reason. Once one day, he uses his kindness to you to ask you to agree to him, will you agree or not!? I tell you

You, Qio, if you agree to Izelkanda, then you are a traitor to the Federation! A traitor to the Earth! Not only are you a traitor, you will also implicate your parents, aunts, grandparents! Implicate the entire Asuhino family!


"I didn't! I just wanted to help Lu! I just... I just don't want to see the two sides continue to fight... VEGAN, they are also humans! They are not demons!"

"That's right! VEGAN is also a human being, but so what?"

"Grandpa Yang Hui..."

"I told you, Qiao, this is war, not the savior game you imagined. There is no savior in war, and there is no right or wrong. There are only killing and being killed! You don't even have this awareness, why do you want to

Fight in a Gundam?"


"Qiao, forget it..."

The two sides were arguing endlessly, and the content already involved Qiao's identity, the truth of the war, etc., but Dean didn't care at all, he only cared about his sister.

And... Dean, who has been responsible for the entire family since he was a child, has a maturity that Qiao does not have. He understands what Yang Hui said very well. Qiao went to ask Izelkanda to help Lu, but Izelkanda in turn asked Qiao to do something wrong.

What should he do about the things on his mind?

As an older brother, of course he would do everything possible to save his sister's life, but as a friend, he didn't want Qiao to get into trouble or even go down the wrong path because of them.


"Forget it, this old gentleman is right, you... don't become a traitor for us, it's not worth it."

"But...but you are my friends..."

"That's right, friend, so don't let us owe you any more."


"No more! Qiao! You are a pilot of the Federation! You are from Earth! And we... are VEGAN..."

Qiao was silent. He didn't know how to express his inner anxiety and unwillingness. He wanted to refute Yang Hui, but he couldn't say anything. He couldn't say anything.

Especially when Yang Hui said that he would become a traitor, it was like a heavy hammer that smashed his thoughts into pieces.

"Grandpa Yang Hui..." Qiao, who knew he could not refute and was powerless, looked at Yang Hui with tears in his eyes. This was his last hope, "... please, please save Lu, okay? As long as you can

Save her, I promise you anything, woo woo woo..."

"...Sigh." Looking at the crying Qiao, Yang Hui sighed and touched his head.

"I can't cure her disease either..."

Hearing this, both Qiao and Dean lowered their heads, and their tears became even more intense.

"...But I can save her life for the time being."

"Really?" The two of them raised their heads in surprise and asked, hope opening a gap in the hopeless space.

"Well, the most advanced medical cabin at present can save her life, but until a complete treatment is found, she must remain asleep, and..."

Saying that, Yang Hui looked at Dean.

"…She must come with us."

"This..." Dean was stunned, and his expression became very complicated. He had no hatred towards the Earth Federation and was full of admiration for the Earth, but... he was also a member of VEGAN.

Just like what Yang Hui taught Qiao just now, if he agrees, then he will be a traitor to VEGAN.

Yang Hui did not urge him and waited for his answer.

Dean's fists loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened again. In the end, between the honor and disgrace of his identity and the life of his sister, he chose the latter.

"I'm willing to go with you, but you must promise to cure Lu."

"...Okay, I promise you."

Although Yang Hui is not a medical professional and does not know how to treat diseases, he still dares to make a guarantee, because in the original plot, the disease caused by Mars rays is eventually overcome, and even if he cannot, someone will do it.

"Great!" Qiao was very happy. He was also worried that Dean would not be willing to agree. Now not only did he agree, but Dean and Lu's wishes were also fulfilled, and he did not have to separate from his friends. It was a happy outcome for everyone.

"Okay, pack up immediately and we'll leave right away."


"I go……"

"Stay here!" Seeing that Qiao was going to say goodbye to Izelkanda again, Yang Hui pulled him back.

"But..." Although Yang Hui taught him a lesson, he still felt that he should say goodbye and thank him for taking care of him during this time.

"No but! Once Izelkandar finds out, not only will you not be able to leave, I will also die here, and the brothers and sisters will lose their last hope!"

"How could it be...Mr. Izelcanda, he wouldn't..."

"You are still young and cannot see people's true colors. The adult world is not that simple."


"Beep beep beep..."

At this time, the PAD rang, and Yang Hui saw that it was Graham's communication and connected directly.

"It's me, how's the situation?"

"We've recaptured Gundam AGE-3, how are you doing there?"

"I found Qiao. I will meet you soon."


The communication was hung up, and Yang Hui dialed Youlin's communication again.

"This is Yulin, please speak."

"We're done here and ready to take over."


After hanging up the communication, Qiao asked Yang Hui: "Grandpa Graham and Grandma Youlin are here too?"

"Well, there is also your father, so... stop fooling around, every move you make is related to the life and death of all of us." Yang Hui tried his best to persuade, hoping that Qiao wouldn't do anything willful again.

"Okay, I get it now……"

At this time, Dean also walked out of the room with Lu on his back. Their family was very poor and there was nothing they had to take with them. If they had to take away something, it would only be Lu's favorite diary.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah." Dean nodded.

"Come with me."

With three children in tow, Yang Hui found a secret route on the map and returned to the scheduled rendezvous without meeting anyone along the way.

"Yang Hui! Qiao!" Here, the Luna Gundam driven by Yu Lin greeted them, but they were stunned when they saw Dean and Lu, "Who are they?"

"Guest, this child's condition is very bad. You take them back first and send her to the treatment cabin. I will take Qio to receive the Gundam AGE-3."


Dean was shocked by Youlin. He didn't expect that a kind and gentle old lady was actually an MS pilot. But he understood that the current situation did not allow him to waste time chatting, so he just kept some problems in his heart and waited for them to be safe.

Now that everything is safe, ask again.

On the other side, Yang Hui took Qiao to the Gnaku area and found Graham and Asem waiting for them.

"It's finally here. If you don't come, you will be discovered." Graham joked.

"Qiao, are you okay?" Yasem hugged Qiao and checked him up and down to see if he was hurt.

"Dad, I'm fine."

"It's okay."

"Okay, get on the plane quickly, we have to evacuate." Graham reminded that now is not the time for father and son to be affectionate. Although they knocked out all the VEGAN people around them, over time, they will definitely be

I found that it would be very difficult to evacuate safely by then.


Qiao boarded the Gundam AGE-3, but it did not start immediately. He needed to wait for Yang Hui and the others to return to the transport ship safely and pilot his own body to pick him up.

Returning to the transport ship, Yang Hui and the others immediately boarded the plane and ordered the transport ship to set off first and arrive at the designated location to wait for their return.

"Master, can you really deceive VEGAN by doing this?" the captain asked worriedly.

"It must be okay, just follow my instructions."


This chapter has been completed!
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