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Chapter 220 The perfect combat weapon

The golden brilliance gradually dimmed, and the shining universe regained its depth and calm.

"I finally eliminated you. Gundam, Diva, and the mountains that hindered VEGAN have finally been leveled..."

Before the Digma Zenon cannon was fired, Gerhart had been paying attention to the positions of the six Gundams and the Diva, although he found that other federal fleets had been spreading out to both sides.

But their actions seemed to be just spreading out their formation, and the most important targets were the Gundam and the Diva. As long as they were still dragged in the ray axis, it wouldn't matter if they eliminated a few less federal fleets.

But the excitement and excitement were soon interrupted as the electromagnetic environment recovered.

"Gundam...all units are in good health!"


Gerhart has already found the location of Liu Tao's Gundam on the combat map. It is not far from the ray axis, but it is indeed unscathed.

"Where is the Diva? Find the location of the Diva!"

"Diva...signal lost!"

"What were the losses to the Federation fleet?"

"...The Federation fleet suffered minor losses!"

"The enemy fleet seems to have made an evasive maneuver before the Digma Zenon cannon was fired!"

"This..." Gerhat was shocked and immediately figured out that his plan was seen through by the other party, "Another trick has been set up!"

Gerhardt was very angry and unwilling. His plan was already perfect, even though it was all about setting up bait to lure the enemy fleet and hit it on the beam axis in an attempt to catch them all.

But the first time they used unmanned warships, this method could not be used the second time. Gerhardt wanted the commanders of the federal army to think that they would not use the lives of their compatriots as bait, so the second time in order to be more realistic

, and in order to mislead the federal army, a part of the fleet was sent to defend the ray axis.

On the one hand, it confuses the federal army, and on the other hand, it eliminates dissidents. It can be said that it is a plan that kills two birds with one stone.

who knows……

His plan was actually used by the opponent. At the same time, he also guessed the target he cared about most, using the Diva and six Gundams as bait to consume the launch opportunities of strategic weapons.

"The Digma Zenon cannon is recharged! Don't give the federal army a chance!"

"41% of the cooling system has been offline, and it is expected to come back online in 21 minutes!"

"Lord Gerhart, it's too late." Falk Okramud reminded Gerhart that the distance between the federal fleet and the second moon was not far away. Under the fierce attack of the federal fleet, the VEGAN fleet was also lost.

It was a heavy blow, not to mention that part of the fleet had just been sacrificed. Before the Digma Zenon cannon was recharged, it would be impossible to delay the attack of the federal fleet, unless...

"Start charging immediately! I will attack to hold off the federal army and buy you time. Once the charging is completed, launch immediately..."

"No!" Falk Okramud immediately objected, holding Gerhat to prevent him from going his own way, "Lord Gerhat, you are not only the commander-in-chief of this battle, but also Lord Izelkandar's.

Heir, VEGAN still needs you to lead, you can no longer put yourself in danger!"

Falk Okramud is firmly opposed to Gerhardt's attack again. Previously, he had the guards of the Guards and Flam Nala, but he could only face a disastrous defeat against the Gundam. Now that he has lost his excellent guards, Jayhart

Hart is no match for Gundam.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Gerhard's strength, it's that the other party is too terrifying.

"If I don't attack, who will contain the Gundam? Without anyone to contain the Gundam, we have no chance!"

"But Lord Gerhardt..."

"No need to say more, I have made up my mind, and the command will be left to you, Falk."

After speaking, Gerhat broke free from Falk Okramud's objections and prepared to leave the command room.

Gerhard actually knew that VEGAN would most likely lose this battle, but he was unwilling to give up just like that. He still wanted to struggle, and he also wanted to understand his past self and give an explanation to VEGAN.

If...if he ends up dead in battle, he hopes to use his own life to fight for better conditions for VEGAN.

At this time, the door of the command room opened, and Gerhart, who was about to go out, almost bumped into the lady outside the door.

"Madam! Why are you here? It's very dangerous here. Madam, please go back to the mansion and wait..."

The arrival of Mrs. Doreen shocked everyone. At this time, she should stay with Izelkandar and take care of him. Moreover, the command room has always been the ultimate target of the enemy. On the ever-changing battlefield, no one can

I don’t know if a grenade will suddenly appear and blow up the command room, or if the enemy marines will break into it.

Mrs. Doreen naturally knew that it was very dangerous, but she had a reason to come. This was Izelkandar's last request to her before he died.

"Jerhart, where are you going?" At this time, Mrs. Doreen was not as gentle and kind as before. Instead, she exuded the aura of a superior person that was difficult to look at directly.


"Madam, please stop Lord Gerhart. Lord Gerhart plans to fight the Gundam on his own!"

Seeing the arrival of Mrs. Doreen, Falk Okramud found a savior. He could not dissuade Gerhart from committing suicide, nor could anyone else. Now in the entire VEGAN, only Mrs. Doreen must be able to stop Gerhart.



"As a commander, how can you be so impulsive? My dear, I entrusted VEGAN's future to you. Is this how you repay his trust?"

Being able to become Izelkandar's wife and remain together till now depends not only on the emotional bond, but Mrs. Doreen naturally also has the courage and ability to be a superior person. She has no shortage of vision, ability, and means. It's just that she is married.

After giving it to Izelkanda, he slowly buried his abilities and became Izelkanda's good wife.

Now that Izelkandar is gone, Mrs. Doreen has stood up without hesitation for VEGAN, which he dedicated his life to, regaining the courage of the past.

"But Gundam..."

"Jerhart, my dear is no longer here."


The command room suddenly became quiet, and the next second everyone shed tears in frustration, unwilling to accept this fact.

"how come?"

"Why did Lord Izelkandar die?"

"Didn't I say that Izelkandar-sama just needs a good rest and everything will be fine?"

"No way! I don't believe it!"

"Quiet!" Mrs. Doreen shouted, silencing the excited crowd.

Faced with everyone's expectations and even pleading eyes, Mrs. Doreen still chose to tell the truth: "It's true, my dear passed away half an hour ago."

"how so……"

"Lord Izelkandar..."

"Cheer up!" Doreen's scolding made everyone who was bowing their head and crying look up, "Although my dear has passed away, VEGAN is still there! It is still fighting, and this battle is related to the fate of VEGAN! Now!

Are you crying and ready to surrender to the Federation?"


"Then cheer up. Although my dear has passed away, his soul has already gone to Eden. He is waiting for your arrival in Eden and will fight this battle with all his strength. All for VEGAN!"

“Everything is for VEGAN!” XN

The morale that was originally at the bottom was stimulated to the top by Mrs. Doreen, just like adding a lot of firewood and pouring a bucket of oil on the extinguishing spark.


Mrs. Doreen's words can boost morale, but the current situation has not been resolved. No matter how high the morale is, it can only bring greater casualties to the federal army and cannot completely change the situation of the war.

There is no one to stop the Gundam. No matter how brave VEGAN's sergeants are, they cannot stop them.

"Are you troubled by the problem of Gundam?" Mrs. Doreen asked Gerhardt and Falk Okramud.

"...Yes." The two nodded.

Falk Okramud prevented Gerhat from fighting the Gundam, but he could not deny that the Gundam was now the biggest problem and the threat it posed was unparalleled.

"This is the purpose of my coming, Gerhart, and this is also the gift I left for you, a way to counter the Gundam."

"How to counter the Gundam!?" Gerhart was shocked.

"That's right."

With that said, Mrs. Doreen took out her PAD, clicked on a piece of information and handed it to Gerhardt.

"This is!"

"The cloning technology, the combat-enhanced X-Rounderers created from his cells, there are five in total, all equipped with the highest masterpiece of VEGAN technology - [VEGAN Robots], they are all ready, they will definitely be able to

Defeat Gundam." Mrs. Doreen said with certainty.

"Lord Izelkandar's... clone..."

Seeing the information about human cloning, Gerhardt felt extremely complicated. Cloning technology had been sealed long before the war in the old era because this technology was too inhumane.

What he didn't expect was that Izelkandar would be so crazy that he not only unlocked this forbidden technology, but also used his own cells to create five clones.

The information page turned, and the information about [VEGAN Robot] appeared in Gerhart's eyes.

The whole body is black, and the height of 31 meters makes it stand out among the MS. However, at such a height, it is not bloated at all. Instead, it is as skinny as a stick, as slender as an insect. The lumbar spine drags a slender tail, and the tip of the tail is equipped with a device called [Del].

The beam cannon of the "Special Gazer" is as powerful as the beam cannon of the Legilus Gundam. Its dry wood-like hands are equipped with hooks that shine with cold light. This is not just for looks, but is comparable to the high-power beam sword.

Thermal saber.

Although it is tall, its slender figure allows it to have greater mobility than the Legirus Gundam.

"The perfect combat weapon!" Gerhat and Falk Okramud exclaimed at the same time.

The clones have no thoughts of their own and will only faithfully implement the master's orders. At the same time, they are also X-Rounder ability users specially strengthened for fighting. Coupled with [VEGAN robots] specially made for killing, they suddenly feel that this

There is hope for the battle again.

Gerhardt held the PAD tightly and sincerely thanked Mrs. Doreen: "Thank you, madam, this power is so timely."

"Use it well, Gerhardt, don't forget, you shoulder the hope of the entire VEGAN." Mrs. Doreen nodded and left the command room. Her mission was completed. Now she has to go back and wait for the end of this war.


After Mrs. Doreen left, Gerhart no longer hesitated and immediately ordered: "[VEGAN] robots attack immediately, the target is Gundam!"

This chapter has been completed!
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