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Chapter 230 Next stop, Gundam SEED

The airframe is still being remanufactured, but detailed data has been collected, and the training room is ready for use. We can directly use real simulations to test in advance to see if there are any areas that need modification and debugging.

However, considering that the material warehouse is "splashy", it would be best not to change it, otherwise I really don't know if it is enough.

Fortunately, the evaluation system of Promis Fortress is still very good. During the design process, the work of checking for omissions and filling in the gaps has been carried out. There is nothing unreasonable or that needs major changes.

Moreover, Lyle and Tieria have not yet entered the mission world. Even if they train day and night for a week, their growth will be very limited.

Since there hasn't been much change, let's compare their previous bodies, replace the interior with better technology, and then replace the solar furnace with new engines and energy sources, and that's it.

The remaining work is to change the OS according to the requirements of Setsuna, Lyle and Tieria. Although it is not clear which world the next world will be, the current central hall is only level 2, and there will definitely not be any high-level ones.

In a difficult mission world, three B- aircraft and one B+ aircraft, with corresponding pilots, are absolutely capable of protecting themselves.

However, the bodies of the three of them have not changed much. The bodies of Flit, Gerhart, Yasem, and Woruf have changed a lot. The appearance of the Lekirus Gundam, Gundam AGE-2 and G-Titan

There hasn't been much change, but the internal structure has been completely updated, and the mobility, defense, flexibility, and output have all changed, so you must adapt and control it in advance.

This is just the first change, the second change is in terms of armament.

Gundam AGE-1 has undergone comprehensive changes. The two-handed shield attack system consists of two high-power beam rifles attached to the surface of the shield. After changing the mode, it can be converted into a two-node high-power beam sword, and the inside of the shield is a triple high-power beam sword.

It is equipped with a grenade launcher, two [Shigure no Blade] daggers hanging on its waist, and [X-Rounder launchers] on its shoulders. In addition to providing high-speed flight capabilities in the atmosphere, the armed backpack on its back also contains two

A four-unit micro missile launcher and two mechanical auxiliary arms.

This is the new form of Gundam AGE-1 after breaking away from the AGE system. Yang Hui named it the savior form. It can be regarded as a gift to celebrate Fleet's true becoming the savior.

Gundam AGE-2 has not changed much. It is still in the form of Barrett Hunter. Yasem is not an X-Rounder, let alone a changer. As a natural person, he cannot use the [X-Rounder Launcher], so in the original

On the basis of it, he is equipped with two leg boosters, which not only increases the maximum speed of the flight form, but also provides the MS form with the ability to stay in the air for a short period of time in the atmosphere. At the same time, these two external thrusters can also be separated from the body.

It functions like a floating shield. As for the operation... leave it to Harrow.

The tail of Lekirus Gundam has been changed from one to two, which not only enhances the flexibility, but also replaces the beam cannon with the [Shigure Blade], which has a telescopic function and can reach a length of 500 meters. It is not limited to close combat.

; The beam gun has been strengthened, with two modes: penetration and blasting. The shield has strengthened its defensive capabilities and the [X-Rounder launcher] and beam sword have been removed. The beam sword and beam Vulcan cannon in the palm have also been removed.

, instead two high-power beam sabers were stored inside the thighs, and the [X-Rounder launchers] were moved to the shoulders, and there were two of them.

As for G-Titan, according to Waruf's request, the original missile launcher was dismantled and the back thruster was strengthened to improve mobility. As for the armament... Waruf said that he could not operate too many weapons at the same time. It was simple.

The composite weapon of beam rifle + sword, gun and shield is enough. Compared with serving as a firepower bunker, it is closer to Graham's fighting style.

However, considering that Woruf's physical fitness and driving skills were not as good as Graham's, in order to ensure his safety, Yang Hui specially strengthened the safety features of his full body armor and cockpit to prevent him from actually trying to kill himself.

Finally, there are Yang Hui’s Dawn Gundam and Graham’s Flag Gundam.

The two Vangus cannons on the back of the Flag Gundam were removed, and then the structure of the entire body was changed. The "Shigure Blade" on the wing was no longer located at the tip of the balanced wing when it returned to its MS form, but hung on

On the lower back, the ejection function was cancelled, and it was only used as a melee weapon. Two beam boomerangs were re-equipped on the shoulders. Not to mention, Graham liked this weapon. Finally, the armor and skeleton were strengthened, especially the skeleton.

The toughness of Graham's extreme sports is endless. No matter how good the material is, it can give you money to play. All Yang Hui can do is prolong the time for the frame to be damaged.

The main changes to Dawn Gundam are the wing-shaped floating cannons on the back. The sixteen floating cannons along with their brackets were all removed and replaced with two purple-gray wings. The wings contain four [X-Rounder launchers] and a large number of nozzles. High-speed

When moving, it can assist the main nozzle to double the maximum speed. It can adjust the balance of the body well at ordinary times, and at the same time, it allows the Dawn Gundam to have the ability to fly within the atmosphere.

Speaking of [X-Rounder Launcher], Yang Hui is not an X-Rounder, but he is a changer and a mental power user. He can also control the bit with the help of the mental connection device, and compared to the degraded X-Rounder

, the evolved changer's mental power is stronger and more stable, so Yang Hui can use the bits generated by four [X-Rounder Launchers] at the same time.

Moreover, among the many technology centers, Yang Hui spends the most time on the [X-Rounder launcher]. The power of the bit is difficult to resist, but the range of action is a flaw, it is too small!

This is a huge flaw for Yang Hui, who is good at mid-range and high-speed mobile shooting.

So Yang Hui spent a lot of time and combined all the technologies at hand to strengthen and transform it. In the end, it only doubled the scope of the bit, but it was still insufficient.

"This will weaken your combat effectiveness, Yang Hui. Why don't you dismantle the [X-Rounder launcher] and replace it with a floating cannon." Fleet suggested.

"There is definitely some weakening, but the current scope of the bit is enough for me to use. After all, I am not Yulin, and I rarely snipe from long distances. Moreover, the practicality of the bit must be mastered skillfully. It is much better than ordinary floating guns.

It has no entity, unlimited generation, armor penetration, stance penetration... We can just wait until we collect enough technology and then strengthen it." Yang Hui said to Fleet.

"Okay, just don't get carried away. There is one more thing I think you should pay attention to. Yang Hui, four [X-Rounder launchers] can indeed greatly enhance the firepower of Daybreak Gundam, but the energy consumption is huge. With your

Combat style, you can last up to 20 minutes in a large-scale battle."

"So..." As he spoke, Yang Hui changed the technology tree page to the energy option, and clicked on the lonely solar furnace icon, "...this is my ultimate goal. Without the solar furnace, my abilities are already gone.

It was cut in half."

"I'm not a changer, so I don't know how GN particles are blessing you, but the solar furnace... Aeolia Schuchenberg is a fucking monster!"

Every time they see the information about the solar furnace, technical staff such as Fleet and Madonna can't help but swear.

After arriving at Promis Fortress, they learned about the situation in the Gundam OO world. It stands to reason that the technological development of the Gundam OO world is not as good as that of Gundam AGE. This excludes EXA-DB and the miniaturization of beam weapons.

, the establishment of space colonial satellites, MS technology, battleships, etc. are all inferior to the Gundam AGE world.

However... the emergence of the monster Aeolia Schuchenberg has abruptly raised the technological level of the entire world.

Solar power generation systems, the discovery of GN particles, and solar furnaces, which of these things are not shocking to the world?

Especially solar furnaces and GN particles, if you can only use one word to evaluate them, it would be "omnipotent"!

Can counteract gravitational effects, semi-permanent energy, interfere with electronic equipment, can be attacked and defended, assist revolutionaries to open large chat rooms, multiple furnaces at the same frequency to increase the output geometrically, and even quantum jumps in the theory of existence, etc., it is simply God

There is no flaw to be found in the creation.

Fleet and others once doubted, does such a person really exist? Could it be that some god was so idle that he came to the mortal world to despise human beings?

"Well, I agree with your assessment. You will have the opportunity to see him in the future. Then you can scold him in person. Don't worry, he is just a piece of data now and can't hit you."

"... Let's go back to Daybreak Gundam." Fleet didn't intend to compare himself with the monster, and wisely changed the topic, "How are you going to solve the energy problem?"

The greatest deterrence of Dawn Gundam and Yang Hui is the terrifying multiple firepower coverage, and the terrifying accuracy. However, if it cannot sustain a long-term battle, then Yang Hui will have a fatal weakness and the deterrence will be greatly reduced.

"It depends on whether the new world has a better energy system. For now, it will be better to bring two more auxiliary energy warehouses." Yang Hui said helplessly.

"That's fine. Anyway, you're not Graham, and you rarely get the upper hand in battle."

"Haha." Yang Hui rolled his eyes and smiled, which meant that Graham couldn't hear him, otherwise this kid would be beaten up again.

"Speaking of which, tomorrow is the day to set off. Are you ready?" Yang Hui asked Fleet.

"Well, I've been waiting for this day."

Yang Hui saw some excitement in Fleet's eyes, raised his eyebrows, and persuaded him: "You have to be steady, Fleet. On the surface, Graham is the captain, but I am the leader of the entire team."

It’s in your hands. Although the child Gerhardt has made great progress, he is still prone to impulsivity. Only you can see the overall situation and give the most correct instructions. I don’t ask you to achieve much results. The task is endless.

Yes, but each of you must come back safely."

"..." After hearing this, Fleet suppressed his inner excitement and replied seriously, "I understand, leave it to me."

The next day, everyone gathered in the central hall to bid farewell to the twelve people who participated in the mission. Some were envious, some were happy, and some were worried.

"Are you all ready?" Yang Hui asked the eleven people participating in the mission.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

"Mavis, let's start."

[Select the mission world...Gundam W, Gundam SEED.]

"Are these two worlds?" Yang Hui was stunned for a moment, and then made a choice, "Graham, you go to the Gundam W world."

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to?" Fleet asked.

"Gundam, OZ, masked man, artificial intelligence, and most importantly, be careful [Zero System]."


"Mavis, let's go."

[Start the mission world transfer, heading to the Gundam SEED world...]

This chapter has been completed!
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