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Chapter 233 Things from the old life

"Only 50%?" Uzmi and Yang Hongyu both frowned. This success rate was too low for them to accept.

"That's right, only 50%, leaving us too little time." Yang Hui shook his head and said.

Fifty percent refers to the development and growth of Orb. While adhering to the concept of neutrality, it must be able to withstand the pressure from the two major forces of the Earth United and ZAFT, and it must be able to protect itself even if it falls into a war.

If Yang Hui had come to this world 20 years earlier, Yang Hui would have been confident in developing Orb into the third largest force on par with Earth and PLANT. But it is already the end of CE70 and [Plan G] is about to be completed.

, the X series has all been shipped to [Heliopolis], which means that the official plot line is about to begin.

It only takes about half a year from the beginning of the plot to the time when the Earth Alliance has its own MS troops and attacks Orb.

Half a year is not enough for Orb to be able to compete with the Earth United and PLANT, even if the full strength of Yang Hui, Setsuna, Lyle and Tieria are taken into account.

And considering that Orb has been under the surveillance of the two major forces, if you want to form a mobile suit unit, you need to import a large amount of rare materials from the outside. It is impossible for such a big move to hide from the eyes of the two major forces. Once discovered, it will definitely be

Adopt political, economic and other sanctions against Orb and restrict Orb's import and export, leaving Orb with technology but unable to convert it into combat effectiveness.

It is even more likely that it will cause the two major forces to be wary and launch an attack on Orb in advance.

So the 50% that Yang Hui mentioned is the success rate calculated based on all these difficulties, and it is really very high.

"...I understand, just go ahead and do it."

The difficulties that Yang Hui could think of, Uzmi could naturally think of. To be honest, after taking into account all possible factors, Uzmi felt that the 50% mentioned by Yang Hui was just a deliberate increase to comfort them. In his opinion,

Come on, let alone 50%, not even 10%.

However, Yang Hui's point of view is exactly the same as that of Uzmi. Now Orb is a bitch who builds archways. He can only stand on the moral high ground to promote slogans and ideas, and has no power to defend his position. Once the earth unites or

PLANT made up its mind to ask Orb to side with Orb, and Orb had no choice but to join a force. The bubble of neutral countries burst.

Therefore, in order to maintain a neutral position and not be manipulated by anyone or any force, Orb must have the power to protect himself, and even the power to fight against the world.

It's just... Uzmi is old, and his enterprising spirit has long been worn away. He can only see how to maintain Orb's current status, but cannot see future development.

Yang Hui's behavior of secretly joining forces with Sahak to help jointly develop mobile suits appeared to be undermining Orb's position, but secretly it actually set Orb on the path to development and growth.

So...even if the success rate is slim in his eyes, he will support Yang Hui's plan. At worst, he will use his own life to pave the way for the young seeds. As long as Orb's ideas are passed down, the seeds can thrive, and their older generation

What does your contribution count?

"Leave it to me, Lord Uzumi."

The evaluation of Uzmi and Yang Hui is mixed. Uzmi can only see the present and cannot see the future development situation. Such a person has failed as a leader of a country, not to mention the situation of Orb.

It's so complicated. Orb's path is to sail against the current. If he doesn't advance, he retreats. He only seeks temporary safety. Orb's demise is a matter of time.

But as the leader of the country Orbu, Uzmi has dedicated his life to the country, and was even willing to use his own life to pave the way for Orbu. This is admirable, not only for him, but also for most of the senior officials.

It's all like this.

With such a leadership group, the whole country is united and has unparalleled cohesion. This... is the real reason why Orb is called the "Sleeping Lion".

"You go to [Heliopolis]. Since it is your participation in the plan, then witness it with your own eyes until the end."

"Well, I've already booked a flight and will leave today."

"And...if you can, help me bring that idiot daughter back."

Yang Hui:~囧~

As soon as he heard the words "idiot daughter", Yang Hui got a headache.

Cagalli Yula Asghar, Uzmi's adopted daughter, is also the first princess of Orb. Doesn't it sound very noble to her?


Yang Hui's only evaluation of Cagalli is "a naughty kid who never grows up."

He has a violent personality, is impulsive, and is single-minded. He only cares about what he sees and does not think about the deeper meaning behind it. Once he has determined his own thoughts, he will not listen to anyone's advice and does not care about other people's feelings.

She insists on having her own way, and even encourages people around her to join her in going crazy.

The most important thing is! Cagalli is also a short-sighted person. She firmly believes that the current Orb is the best and refuses all changes.

Cagalli is worthy of being Uzumi's daughter. Her short-sighted vision is exactly the same as Uzumi's, and she even outdoes others. Although Uzumi has no enterprising spirit, he can support young people's enterprising spirit and see clearly.

What is Orb's future path?

But Cagalli can't see clearly, and will even criticize Yang Hui's behavior, thinking that it is destroying Orb, and her approach is to constantly give in on the basis of maintaining Orb's neutrality, which will eventually lead to other forces gradually cannibalizing Orb.

, swallowing up Orb silently.

Yes, Yang Hui's approach does take a lot of risks, but Orb's current situation is like this. If you don't explode in silence, you will die in silence. Give it a try, Orb still has a future, but Cagalli's approach

He just pushed Orb to the brink of destruction without even a chance to look back.

So... Yang Hui has made up his mind to protect Uzumi and others as much as possible. If he can't, Orb cannot be allowed to fall into Cagalli's hands.

"Can I refuse?" Yang Hui asked with an aggrieved look.

He and Cagalli have known each other since childhood, and their relationship is quite bad. They quarrel almost as soon as they meet. Yang Hui is not a real child, so he will not be serious with the child, but Cagalli can't stand it. She likes to be serious with him every time she sees him.

He was about to quarrel with him, and he had an attitude of "I can't win and no one can leave." This gave Yang Hui a headache. He had no choice but to hide away if he couldn't afford to offend him.

"Hahaha, your relationship is still as bad as ever."

Speaking of the relationship between their children, Uzmi and Yang Hongyu laughed at the same time.

"It's not my fault, it's her unwillingness to let me go." Yang Hui spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Well, I understand, but Xiaohui, I want to ask you to bring her back, not in the name of Uzmi Nala Asghar, but in the name of my father."

"...I'll do my best. You know your daughter well." If it were a request from a national leader, Yang Hui would have refused no matter how principled he was, but he could not refuse the request of an old father.

"Hahaha, then I'll leave it to you."

Yang Hui nodded, stood up and left. After leaving, the smile on Uzmi's face completely disappeared, and instead he had a headache. Yang Hongyu's expression was completely opposite to Uzmi's, full of pride and pride.

"Hey, why can't that girl learn from Xiaohui?"

"Hey, Xiaohui has been a genius since he was a child. He also has the maturity and stability of an adult, which ordinary people can't learn."

Excluding the relationship between superiors and subordinates, Uzmi and Yang Hongyu have also been close friends for many years. It is not a formal occasion, so there is no need to be too serious when speaking.

"Lao Yang, what I mentioned to you before...how have you considered it?"

"It's not that great. You know my son, there's really nothing my father can do for him." Yang Hongyu spread his hands and said bluntly.

"There really isn't any leeway at all? Doesn't your family like Cagalli very much? Can't he help with the work?"

"Yes, the one in my family really likes Cagalli and wishes that Cagalli could be his daughter, but...a daughter is not a daughter-in-law. Don't forget Noriega and the two girls from the Wang family."


"Forget it, Xiaohui and Cagalli are really not suitable for each other."

"Oh, that girl... I'm afraid she won't be able to get married."

Yang Hui didn't know about the private conversation between Uzmi and Yang Hongyu. He was now concentrating on what he should do next to maximize his interests.

If nothing else happens, ZAFT's intelligence network has obtained information about "Plan G", and the Cruze team is also on its way to "Heliopolis". A battle is inevitable.

Yang Hui doesn't care about the plot. What Yang Hui has to consider is how to preserve [Heliopolis] from the battle. After all, it is the only colonial satellite on Orb's surface. If it is destroyed like this, Orb will be destroyed.

The citizens of Bu will worry about whether Orb will not be able to protect them, which will eventually lead to disunity.

However, the destruction of [Heliopolis] is also beneficial. First, it can be used as a reason to submit diplomatic compensation to PLANT and harvest a large amount of materials. Yang Hui has a good relationship with PLANT's high-level officials, so it is still possible to obtain material compensation;

Secondly, Orb does not have cosmic power yet, and [Heliopolis] is just a pig waiting to be slaughtered. As long as the two major forces have ideas, they can occupy [Heliopolis] without any effort, and Orb

There is nothing we can do, rather than letting it hang out and absorb Orb's energy, it would be better to destroy it directly.

What? You mean the territory in the universe?

Please, when Orb becomes stronger, let alone one [Heliopolis], there will be dozens or hundreds of [Heliopolis]!

Therefore, Yang Hui was not sure whether to protect [Heliopolis] for a while.

There was also the robbery of the X series. He once thought about snatching a Gundam as a temporary vehicle, but this idea was quickly dismissed because of his identity.

There is no problem with the rhetoric of protecting himself for a while, but in Yang Hui's plan, he will definitely follow the Archangel, at least for a certain distance. Once he follows the Archangel and helps them fight, neither the Earth United nor PLANT will let him go.

Take this opportunity.

For example, as a natural person, why can you pilot a mobile suit? Or as a neutral person, why should you help the coalition fight?

This will bring crisis to Orb.

As for the idea of ​​having to follow the ship, there are many talents on the Archangel, including the captain, deputy captain, ace pilot, a master helmsman who uses the battleship as a fighter plane, a super maintenance division... There are many talents on the ship, especially Bazi Lulu

Vice Captain, Yang Hui is reluctant to let her become a victim of political struggle.

The most important thing is the existence of Kira. Although Kira will eventually join Orb's side, Yang Hui not only wants Kira to help Orb fight, but also wants to completely pull Kira to his side and make contact in advance.

It is very necessary, because Kira is confused at this period. At this time, establishing a good relationship with Kira and instilling his own ideas is almost the only opportunity. Once Kira has determined his own path and values, it will be difficult to let him

Accept your own ideas.

"The strongest adjuster...I wonder if I can accelerate your growth..."

This chapter has been completed!
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