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Chapter 26 Destined Reunion

(The free chapters do not count the number of words. Readers, do you have any objections to me killing a man 2,000 times? Why are there no votes left? I am asking for a round of votes!

Of course, the most important thing is to pursue reading. There is no problem in raising books. I will definitely not be a eunuch, but I still want to give you some motivation and hope, okay?

Thank you!)

A hidden corner around the battlefield was completely untouched by the flames of war, but a team of mobile suits was stationed here very strangely.

"The fighting was so intense that people couldn't help but want to rush in and fight."

"Save it, you'll die if you go in at your level."

"Yes, hahaha."

"The captain is still very good. He anticipated the outcome from the beginning and asked us to leave the battle sequence in advance and come here to hide."

"Do you think Captain can capture a Gundam?"

"Not even the captain, right?"

"What if it succeeds?"

"Then we will follow the captain and enjoy the hot food. Haha, that's a Gundam. After handing it in, we might even have a share in the new body that is developed through reverse research."

"The new machine is really exciting."

This group of people were the subordinates of Ali Al-Sashes.

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together. These people are also a group of war lunatics. Some of them may have been motivated by money at first, but after following Sashes for a long time, they were naturally influenced. In order to provoke war, they kidnapped and poisoned.

Assassinations, etc., they commit all kinds of evil. It is said that only with war can they make money, but the real purpose is just to enjoy the fun brought by war.


"Beep beep beep..."

"What's wrong? Where did the alarm come from?"

"Gundam! It's Gundam! Coming towards us!"

"How is that possible!? This is so far away from the battle area!"

"No matter! Get on the plane quickly, maybe you can still..."

"That's too late!"

After the last words fell, everyone stopped all movements and looked into the distance. To the naked eye, a blue and white aircraft could be seen speeding towards them.

"Hey, hey, boss...is this...did you do something to blame others? It's actually this Gundam..."

"Haha...it's over...we're done..."

After recognizing the Secret Angel, Saches's subordinates could not even think of resisting. They just looked at the Secret Angel in the sky with desperate smiles, waiting for the end to come.

Before they reached the sky above them, the GN-Bit unfolded and fired continuously with the GN submachine gun in their hands. The mobile suit exploded, leaving countless craters on the ground.

"You have done so many evil things, have you ever thought about today?" Yang Hui looked at the sea of ​​fire below with a cold face and said to himself.

After confirming that no one survived, the Secret Angel flew towards the war zone again and reported to the emperor: "The removal of rats is completed, now return to the scheduled mission."

"Understood, Secret Angel continues to be on standby at high altitude to monitor the completion of the final phase of the Gundam Messenger's mission."

"Your face doesn't look good, who provoked you?" Yang Hui asked, looking at Huang's dark face on the screen.

"In an instant, that kid actually walked out of the cockpit during the battle. If Lockon hadn't gone in time, we would have lost a Gundam Messenger." Huang cursed angrily.

"Uh..." Yang Hui was speechless.

Because Katy Manekin showed up in advance on this battlefield where she shouldn't have appeared, Yang Hui thought he wouldn't meet Sashes again because of the butterfly effect, but he didn't expect that just as he was walking away, they still met on the back foot.

If this is the case, Setsuna is really not to blame for this matter. After all, Sashes once tempted him to kill his biological parents. To this day, Setsuna is still searching for his own god. The influence is profound.

Later, Setsuna was able to fully wake up and find his own path, and it was the effect of Uncle Luo's sacrifice that made him fully wake up.

With Yang Hui here, Uncle Luo will definitely not sacrifice, but if Setsuna wants to fully grow up and understand the path under his feet, Sashes is an unavoidable part no matter what.

In fact, from Yang Hui's point of view, Setsuna is pretty good. If you tell brothers Di Landi now that it was Saches, the culprit who killed your parents and sister, do you believe it or not? They won't even care about the mission and just do it.

Went to hunt down Thashes to the ends of the earth.

"The fifth phase of the plan is underway now, and the sixth phase of the plan will begin immediately. Hurry up and get there, we don't know what changes will occur." Huang said.

"Okay, I'll be there right away, but don't worry too much. Katie is determined to retreat. She should be AEU's last trump card. I can't think of any other preparations AEU can make."

"So much the better."

After the communication ended, Yang Hui shrugged, thinking that it would be better to comfort him when he went back. If he hadn't been here this time, Setsuna and Enangang would have been in real danger, so in a sense, the emperor lost to Katie again.

Manekin once.

The follow-up mission was naturally as Yang Hui expected. There were no more variables. Five Gundams shuttled through the canyon, evading all enemy reconnaissance, and directly destroyed Moralia's command base. I didn't want to die.

The commander surrendered as a signal that the mission was completed.

However, Yang Hui did not return directly to Wang Liumei's private island after the mission, but followed Wutai Gundam to the temporary base.


After getting off the plane, the Gundam messengers gathered together. Neil punched Setsuna in the face without mercy, and no one else showed any sympathy.

"You should know why you were beaten, right? The identity of the Gundam Messenger is the same as that of the Solar Furnace, and it has S-level confidentiality obligations. Why did you show up in front of the enemy?"

Neil just felt a pain in his head now. He knew that Setsuna would not do such an outrageous move without any reason, but as a parent, he naturally had to show his attitude in order to lead this team well.

But Setsuna kept silent to Neil's questioning, which made Neil's head hurt even more. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. If you get beaten up and explain the reasons, maybe everyone will accept it. But you didn't say anything, which makes it difficult for me.

do it.

In response, Tieria became impatient and pulled out a gun and pointed it at Setsuna.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it. For the safety of the plan, I can execute you on the spot."

Although Tieria does not have any friendship with other Gundam messengers in the original work, the most important thing in his heart is still the [Celestial Being] plan, so he will ignore any factors that may threaten the [Celestial Being] plan.

You have to exclude even your companions.

Upon seeing this, Neil and Lyle immediately snatched the gun from Tieria's hand.

"Stop, Tieria."

"If we condone his stupid behavior, we may be implicated. The plan has just started and cannot be frustrated here..."

"I will not leave, I will not leave Angel, I am the Gundam Messenger." Setsuna also drew his gun and pointed it at Tieria.

The two sides were at war with each other, and Yang Hui's arrival only eased the atmosphere a little.

"I said... what are you doing? Just like a man, why don't you just fight with fists to the flesh and it's over? Why are you using knives and guns? In an instant, put away your gun."

"Hello, Mr. Myron..."

"What are you talking about...uh..."

The three people who originally tried to stop the fight all complained about Maierin. This was just adding fuel to the fire. Don't you think the matter is not big enough?

But in the middle of complaining, he opened his mouth and looked at Setsuna, because he really obeyed and put away the gun.

Yang Hui also grabbed the gun from Lyle's hand and threw it to Tieria: "You too, you are too old to argue with a child, don't be ashamed."


"Okay, Setsuna, tell me, why did you walk out of the cockpit during the mission?" Yang Hui made Tieria so angry that he half died, and ignored him, but looked at Setsuna and asked.

Setsuna's expression was very complicated and she still said nothing.

But if you don’t tell me, won’t I know? Naive!

"The pilot of that [formula] is Ali Al-Sashes, right?" Yang Hui asked.

"What!?" Everyone was shocked and looked at Yang Hui with disbelieving expressions. Brother Dilandi's eyes were filled with hatred.

"I can't think of anyone else who can make you lose your temper in battle. According to the information, Sashes joined PMC after abandoning you. He is active in various battlefields around the world as the most outstanding mercenary.

He even instigated many wars." As he spoke, Yang Hui threw a quantum storage device to Setsuna.

"There is information about him here, take it and take a good look at it. I have left him to you specifically. You can decide who will take action when the time comes." Yang Hui said to brothers Setsuna and Dilandi.

"This...Mr. Merin." The three of them didn't know what to say, but Brother Dilandi still bowed to Yang Hui to express his gratitude, and Setsuna nodded in response.

"But there is a premise. Let me make it clear first. If the three of you lose control because of this person again, then don't blame me for taking action to deal with him. Really, you bastards, do you know how much effort I have to spend to coax her?"

"Uh...ah haha." Everyone twitched their mouths and hurriedly backed away, knowing full well that Maierin in this state could not be offended, otherwise the resentment they received from the emperor would be vented on them.

However, everyone was feeling emotional. The originally tense relationship was relieved by Yang Hui's half-hearted joke.

This chapter has been completed!
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