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Chapter 292 Bloody Desert

The next day, [Desert Dawn] entered a state of intense preparation. The child was reluctant to leave his father, the wife was worried about her husband, and the mother prayed for her son.

"Hurry! Move these over there!"

"Time is running out!"

"Okay, that's it."

"Take as many as you have!"

"But there is no room left."

As the Archangel left the ground and officially set sail, the armed trucks of [Desert Dawn] also started one after another, driving in front of the Archangel like an escort.

"Oh, they obviously don't have to go." Lyle sat in the [Jean]'s specialized cockpit and sighed as he looked at the excited resistance organization.

In order to save energy, Yang Hui and Lyle's [Jean] Desert Specialized Type did not follow the Archangel on land, but moved into the Archangel's Gnaku, waiting for the enemy to appear before attacking them.

"Aren't we the same?" Yang Hui teased.

"haha, yes."

Lyle understood that Yang Hui was not talking about the present, but the past.

In the world of Gundam OO, joining the [Celestial Being] organization and fighting against the whole world as a very small number of individuals, knowing that they will risk huge lives, is what is the difference between this and the [Desert Dawn] in front of us?

"Get ready, as expected, our whereabouts have been discovered."

"Understood, Cherubim, prepare to snipe the target."

"...Not only did you steal your brother's lines, but you also turned Cherubeus green?"

"Hehe, my brother is not here anyway, and the machine I am piloting is a Cherubeus, there is no such thing as green or green."

"Haha, this is the first time I've seen a scumbag act so confidently."

"Are you sorry?"

Turning his attention to the other side of the battlefield, the whereabouts of the Archangel had been found by Andre Butterfield last night, but Andre Butterfield was rarely in the mood and did not want to use sneak attacks and night attacks.

, I want to have a fair fight with everyone on the Archangel, so I have arranged the battlefield until now.

"Are they making any noise?"

"Yes, it is moving north-west."

"This direction is heading towards the ruins of Tapadia's factory. It seems I guessed it right."

Andre Butterfield predicted from the beginning that if the Archangel wanted to break through their blockade, this route would be the best choice. Other directions would be insurmountable even with clever tricks, so he carried out the attack near the ruins of the factory in advance.


"Great, Captain, we will definitely destroy them this time." D'Agosta said excitedly. The name of Long Legs has already been ranked among the ZAFT troops. Being able to break through the pursuit of the Cruze team all the way to the earth will definitely not be tolerated.

It may be underestimated, but it also means a lot of achievement. Being able to sink the Archangel, let alone the reward, will at least make you superior within the ZAFT army.

"Don't be too careless, Dacosta, be careful of getting killed." Andre Balderfeldt taught him a lesson. Although he had made arrangements in advance, he still did not dare to underestimate the Archangel and Strike Gundam.

The previous performance was very scary, and in what capacity will Yang Hui, who is invisible, appear on the stage?

"Yes! Captain, shall we attack now?"

"Well, the Lesseps, set sail, altitude 02, signal the Petrie, Henry Carter, and Steve to get ready, the battle has begun."


"Boom boom boom boom..."

The battle has not yet started, and neither side has entered the other's sight. A sea of ​​fire burned in the desert in front of the Archangel, signaling the start of the battle.

"This is the direction of the resistance minefield!"

Both the Archangel and Desert Dawn stopped, looking at the red light and billowing smoke rising into the sky in horror.

[Desert Dawn] If you want to fight against the ZAFT army, you can't just rely on armed jeeps and 75mm armor-piercing bullets. You have to lay out a lot of minefields in the desert as traps to deal with the ZAFT army.

The reason why we chose this direction to move forward is because this area has the largest minefield.

But what they didn't know was that this minefield had been discovered by Andre Butterfield a long time ago, and he used it to determine the direction of the Archangel's movement, and arranged it in the opposite direction.

"Don't panic! We're not being attacked!"

"Then landmines, in an instant..."

"It seems that the tiger is finally going to attack us with all its strength."

Led by Saiib, a few people are still awake and know that Andre Butterfield has never taken them seriously. Otherwise, the [Desert Dawn] organization would have been eliminated long ago.

The mines were cleared, and the fool also knew that the enemy had discovered their location, and did not dare to waste any more time. The Archangel and [Desert Dawn] moved towards the ruins of Tapadia's factory again, but just after seeing the edge of the ruins, the radar

An alarm was issued.

"Beep beep beep..."

"The radar detected the shadow of a suspected enemy aircraft. The interference was serious and it was difficult to determine the number. The direction is 1:30!"

"There is a large heat source 2 behind it, presumably an enemy mothership-class destroyer!"

"Fight against the air, against the ship, against the MS, start the attack!"

"Strike, Air King, [Jean] Units 1 and 2, attack!"

When the war finally started, both Yang Hui and Lyle couldn't wait.

"The APU is started, the catapult is connected, everything in the system is normal, [Jean] Unit 1 is ready to attack!"

"Understood, Yang Hui, [Jean] Unit 1, attack."

Under the thrust of the electromagnetic catapult, [Jean] accelerated violently and was pushed out of the ejection deck. The fire on his back and legs exploded, slowing down the speed of his fall, and landed steadily on the desert, but with the help of his legs

There are many nozzles and the legs are not touching the ground, just like wearing a pair of skates on solid ice.

Following Yang Hui's [Jean] Desert Specialized Type, Lyle's No. 2 Unit, Strike Gundam Wing Equipment, and Skymaster equipped with Strike Gundam Artillery Pack also attacked one after another.

“What a warm welcome.”

As soon as the four planes took off, they were greeted by a formation of ZAFT armed helicopters. However, in Yang Hui's eyes, these armed helicopters were as fragile as mosquitoes.

"Lyle, tactical formation A02."


The two [Jean] Desert Specialized models kept a certain distance, using the desert as a stage, gliding back and forth along elegant arcs, approaching, intersecting, and separating, like elegant dancers, performing a gorgeous dance.

But underneath the elegance and magnificence, there is a deadly scythe hidden.

As the two machines continued to glide, the 76mm heavy assault machine guns in their hands spit out tongues of flame, adding pyrotechnics to the stage and releasing beautiful fireworks into the sky as embellishments.


Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. At first, no one believed that a natural person could pilot a mobile suit, but they saw the two machines dancing gracefully and magnificently in a spiral, while sweeping away mosquitoes from the sky like a god of death.

"How is it possible...how did he...do it?"

Cagalli was the one who was most affected. She didn't know Lyle very well, but she knew Yang Hui and thought she knew him quite well. But now... Cagalli felt that Yang Hui was right. She really didn't know Yang Hui at all.

"Cagalli, be careful!"


Just when everyone was marveling at the performance of Yang Hui and Lyle, the enemy's follow-up troops were approaching. The 12 [Baku] units were menacing, and the motherships and destroyers at the rear were watching eagerly.

"Desert type [Jean]? No, after modification, they actually still have such a thing!?"

On the Lesseps, Andre Butterfield was stunned for a moment, and then he was shocked by the performance of the two [Jeans]. To be honest, he couldn't do such an action himself, and the two aircraft were in a strict formation.

With close cooperation, you will definitely not be a rookie on the battlefield, but an absolute ace.

"Is it him? Haha, he actually hid this trick, it's amazing."

Andre Butterfield has already guessed that the driver of one of the "Jeans" is Yang Hui. The Archangel has no adjusters other than Kira, and there is no natural person who can drive the mobile suit, and it is impossible to modify it.

Pass [Jean], otherwise, it would be impossible not to use it in the previous battle.

"I'm going to attack too, Dacosta. I'll leave the rest to you."

"Yes, captain, please be careful."

"Oh, I won't die so easily."

All the armed helicopters are destroyed, and the next enemy is [Baku].

The number has changed again, but Yang Hui is not surprised. This should be a normal situation. Andre Baldefeldt is the person in charge of the ZAFT army in the African theater. He can be regarded as the commander of the military region, but he only has six or seven units under his command.

Baku], this is very unreasonable.

"Twelve units [Baku] are really deadly." Lyle said with a "panic" smile.

"Can you please stop smiling? I'm not convincing." Hearing this, Yang Hui rolled his eyes angrily.

"Isn't this just for the occasion?"

"It's almost a mockery."

"Okay, I'm just being sarcastic."

"Then get ready, B71."


About to engage the enemy with [Baku], the formation of the two [Jeans] changed. They no longer walked side by side, but one behind the other. Yang Huiji held a gun in one hand and a sword in the other, carrying a rocket launcher in each hand.

The Lyle machine stood behind him, hiding his figure.

Missiles and artillery shells were coming, and the two aircraft kept an elegant arc and shuttled back and forth amidst the explosions. Did they shoot to point out the missiles that could not be dodge, and quickly approached.

When it came into contact with [Baku], the extremely fast Baku tried to use its speed and inertia to directly hit it.

Unexpectedly, when the collision was about to happen, Yang Huiji jumped lightly, rolled against the back of [Baku] and swung his sword, cutting it in half.

The electromagnetic cannons on the backs of [Baku] on both sides had locked onto Yang Hui's machine, and the golden electric light began to shine, but just as they were about to be launched, two rockets accurately hit them, blowing the dog's head to pieces.

Yang Hui's machine landed, and the heavy machine gun burst into flames. When a [Baku] was about to launch a missile, it detonated the missile and exploded together with [Baku].

Not to be outdone, the Leer aircraft then fired the remaining two rockets, causing the two [Baku] to lose their combat capabilities.

"So...so awesome..."

The belated Strike Gundam stopped in the air. Watching Yang Hui and Lyle's performance, Kira didn't know what to do for a while.

Okay, the update is over. The new update rules have been mentioned before. No more wasting time. I will at least write down. I will be embarrassed if I really owe you an update.

This chapter has been completed!
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