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Chapter 294 The End of the Desert

The battlefield between Yang Huiji and [Lakou] was independent. The two were fighting like a duel without anyone disturbing them.

[Lakou] kept gliding, and the two-unit beam cannon on his back kept firing. The green beam locked onto Yang Huiji at a tricky angle.

Yang Huiji had no shield or anti-beam coating, so he did not dare to directly resist the power of the beam cannon. He could only dance on the sand, narrowly avoiding the deadly beam, and at the same time, the heavy machine gun fired back.

However, [Rakko]'s mobility was superior to [Zion], and all the 76mm bullets fell on the desert, splashing little bits of flying sand.

"Excellent skills." Aisha Tryin praised, with [Jean] and [Lakko] competing against each other, and being able to hold on for so long with one versus two, and even launching a counterattack, posing a threat to them, this skill

, no one she knew.

"Haha, are today's teenagers all monsters? If the machine hadn't restricted him, we might have been killed instantly, right?" Andre Butterfield sighed in a cold sweat.

"You look happy, Andy."

"Of course, this is a battle that a warrior dreams of!"

Yang Hui is not Kira, Elsa Train is not teasing Andre Butterfield, and Andre Butterfield is not in pain.

Kira feels confused and painful about the battle, and is very kind-hearted and can stand up bravely at critical moments, so Andre Butterfield likes Kira very much and does not want to fight with him.

But Yang Hui was different. He could feel Yang Hui's consciousness. It was the heart that a warrior should have. The consciousness of both sides risking everything, risking life and death.

When dealing with soldiers, you must respond with all your strength, so as not to insult the opponent's consciousness, even if the opponent is the enemy.

At this moment, Yang Huiji suddenly paused and exposed his back to [Lakou].

"Has the machine reached its limit? What a pity, little brother!"

[Lakou] seized the opportunity, stopped and accelerated, and rushed towards Yang Huiji. The beam sword in the wolf's mouth unfolded, and the shining blade was like the scythe of death, trying to cut Yang Huiji in half.

Unexpectedly, just as [Lakou] approached Yang Huiji, Yang Huiji suddenly turned around and fell to one side as if he was tripped by his feet. The muzzle of the heavy machine gun almost touched [Lakou]'s head.


Human survival instinct caused Andre Butterfield to subconsciously pull the joystick, causing [Lakou] to fall in the other direction.

"Bang bang bang bang..."


When the two planes were about to fall and miss each other, the heavy machine gun spit out fierce tongues of fire, all of which hit the twin beam cannon behind [Lakou], even leaving a bullet hole in the right rear leg.

Similarly, although the angle of [Lakou] shifted, it still severed Yang Huiji's left hand and left leg together with the heavy machine gun.

"Boom boom boom..."



The beam cannon exploded, causing violent vibrations and even the cockpit erupted with arcs of electricity and thick smoke. After rolling several times on the yellow sand, he stabilized his body.

Yang Huiji's condition is also very bad. The earth is not the universe. If he loses a leg, he loses 90% of his combat effectiveness. Although he can barely stand on one foot, it is difficult to maintain balance.

But Yang Huiji didn't give up the fight yet. He drew out the heavy sword with his remaining right hand and pointed it at [Lakou].

"Andy, you're going to lose."

[Rakko] is in much better condition than [Jean]. Although one leg is disabled and the beam cannon is gone, he can still maintain 70% mobility, and the beam sword on his mouth is deadly enough.

But years of experience and the feeling of fighting told Aisha Tryin that she could no longer fight, as she would definitely lose if she continued to fight.

"Yeah, we're going to lose."

After saying that, Andre Butterfield immediately contacted Lesseps.



"Issue an order to abandon ship."

"team leader?"

"The victory has been decided. Gather the remaining troops, retreat to Barnadia, and contact Gibraltar."

"Captain!..." D'Agosta heard Andre Butterfield's determination and was about to object when his communication was cut off.

"You should escape too, Elsa, this is your last chance."

"Your memory is getting worse, Andy. I told you, let me escape alone, it would be better to die here."

"Really? You are also a fool."

"Hehehe, you said I was a good woman before."

"Ahaha, I was wrong, then... just stay with me!"

Andre Butterfield shouted, his expression became fanatical, and [Lakou] rushed out towards Yang Huiji.

"You still want to fight? Then I will respond with all my strength, [Desert Tiger]."

All the expressions on his face disappeared, and his eyes were filled with colorful light. It was as if the world around him had completely quieted down. There were no explosions, no bombardments, no shouts, no screams. Yang Hui only had [Lakou] in his eyes.

The light of the beam sword filled the cockpit screen. At the critical moment, Yang Huiji used one foot to jump up, and the heavy sword in his right hand fell hard.



Sparks flew everywhere, debris flew everywhere, and engine oil was like blood sprinkled all over the golden desert.

With the heavy chopping knife stuck on his back, [Lakou] rushed out a certain distance. The light beam and the main camera's light went out, and he fell softly to the ground.

Yang Huiji fell to the ground. Even though the desert was as soft as a woman's hand, the remaining upper body was scattered when it touched the desert and turned into pieces on the ground.


[Lakou]'s cockpit door opened, and the couple walked out with support, looking in the direction of [Jean] in trance.

"I won..."

"Well, I won. I didn't expect...haha, I lost again."

Both Andre Butterfield and Elsa Tryin had a dream-like feeling. Originally, they thought they would lose or even die. However, they did not expect that it was this desperate belief that allowed them to survive.

"No, I won, you lost."


The two men suddenly turned around, only to see Yang Hui pointing a gun at them. Although he was embarrassed and his left hand was hanging limply, his eyes were bright, filled with the excitement and joy of victory.

"I'm curious why I'm here instead of there?" He couldn't use his other hand, so he could only raise his chin and point at the wreckage of [Jean] beside him.

"You're not going to jump off the plane midway, are you?"

"How do you think your left hand was broken?"

That's right, just when the two planes passed each other, Yang Hui made a crazy decision and jumped out of the cockpit. Although the softness of the sand provided a buffer, he still broke his left arm and endured the pain.

, Yang Hui had already ran to [Lakou] before the two left the cockpit.

"Hahahaha...you are really brave!"

"So, are you convinced?" Yang Hui asked.

"..." Andre Butterfield was silent, while Elsa Tryin held her lover's hand with a gentle smile on her face. They were one and would bear everything together.

"Just shoot." Andre Butterfield said to Yang Hui with a serious expression. "The battle will only stop when one side dies."



Andre Butterfield stupidly watched Elsa Tryin open her arms in front of him, and also saw Yang Hui raise the muzzle of his gun and point it at the sky.

"Haha, you seem to be scared by me." Yang Hui smiled and threw the gun away.

"What...what do you mean?" Andre Butterfield asked.

"Still the same question, are you convinced?" Yang Hui asked again.

The couple was stunned for a moment, recalling what Yang Hui said to them when they were at his house: "Personally, I prefer to beat the opponent, once is not enough, just twice. After beating the opponent and making the other person worship you, that is the best."

Good practice.”

But now, the two of them are not allowed to admit that Yang Hui has done what he said and will do what he says.

"Hahaha, I'm convinced! I'm totally convinced! This guy is really interesting! Hahahaha..."

"So, you two, are you interested in changing jobs?"

"I'm sorry, little brother, I have to live up to your kindness again."

Andre Butterfield decisively refused. He knew that Yang Hui was helping them. After all, the encirclement and suppression failed and they suffered heavy losses. They lost the pilot [Lakou] to [Jean]. No matter what, they would be punished by the above.

, and may even go to a military court.

But now that [Lakou] has been destroyed, they can fake the appearance that they died in the battle, and then accept Yang Hui's solicitation and change their identity to live in Orb. Moreover, under the leadership of a person like Yang Hui, they can be popular and drink spicy food.


But he still refused, because he was not a man who ran away. He had failed and he deserved the punishment. Even if it was a military court, he would go on to do it.

Moreover, PLANT is his country and his home and cannot be betrayed.

"Well, that's a shame."

Unexpectedly, if Andre Butterfield agreed like this, Yang Hui would be a little disappointed.

However...if you don't accept his offer, it doesn't mean that you won't be able to fight together in the future. In the future, Tiger will be one of Lux's generals.

"Brother, I have always been curious. You have frequent contact with both the Earth Army and PLANT. What is your purpose?" Andre Butterfield asked.

"Protect Orb."



"..." Looking at Yang Hui's quick and sincere eyes, Andre Butterfield judged that it was true.

"Haha, then I wish you success. If we meet again next time... we may not be able to meet you."

"Who knows what will happen in the future, but it's time for you to go."

"Yes." It was time for the couple to leave, because the people from the Archangel and [Desert Dawn] were coming in this direction. "I look forward to meeting you next time, little brother."

"I am looking forward too."

The two sides left in different directions. The directions of progress were completely opposite, but they would not be branch lines. One day in the future, the winding roads would intersect again.

Yang Hui faced the bright sun and walked slowly towards his companions who greeted him. His shadow was stretched until the end of the desert.

This chapter has been completed!
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