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Chapter 298 The Stalker Arrives

The battle in the water was fierce, but the sky was much better.

"Hey! It's really difficult!"

The Sky King was bitten by the tail of a [Dean], and it was difficult to get rid of it for a while. The other party ignored the Archangel's anti-aircraft fire as if it didn't care about life and death, and stared at the Sky King closely.

At this moment, the sea stirred up waves, and [Gunn]'s explosion caused [Dean]'s pilot to lose consciousness for a moment.

"good chance!"

As an excellent sniper, Lyle would never let go of an opportunity. After blocking the attack of the Marko plane, he immediately dropped his shield, locked onto [Dean] who was chasing the Skymaster, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The unpredictable sniper shot penetrated [Dean]'s waist like a meteor, leaving a ferocious hole.

"Well done!"

[Dean] was defeated, and Mu's pressure was greatly reduced. The Air King turned around and shot, breaking the balance wing on one side of the Marco plane.

"damn it!"

The Marko was about to turn back to deal with the Air King, but in an instant his hair stood on end, and his survival instinct made him pull the control lever.

The next second, golden lightning struck, amputating his right leg at the root.

On one side was the bombardment and harassment from the Air Overlord, and on the other side was the deadly sniper attack from [Jean], leaving Marco Morasim in a dilemma.

At this time, the sea surface was churning with waves one after another, and the signals from friendly forces were dropped one after another. He knew that this battle could not be fought.

"Has Team [Guen] been killed? Damn it, all units are retreating!"

Dragging his broken body, [Dean] retreated quickly. His subordinates received the order and also abandoned the Archangel and left the battle. However, they did not have the skills and good luck of Marco Morasim. As soon as they turned around, the two

An electromagnetic artillery shell penetrated them, and before they exploded, they were completely torn apart by the fire net of the [Porcupine Formation], and scattered fragments were scattered into the sea.

"Huh~ Fortunately I didn't make a mistake." Yang Hui wiped his sweat and raised a thankful smile on his lips.

The rotation angle of the [Heroic Type] linear cannon is only 360 degrees vertically. The chances for enemy aircraft to enter the shooting range are very rare and fleeting. Yang Hui, who can only operate it with one hand, missed it. Fortunately, he finally evacuated.

The enemy plane gave him a chance to wash away his shame.

"Good job, Yang Hui!" Bucky Lulu shouted happily.

This shout attracted everyone's attention. Bucky Lulu actually still had such a side, and the battle was not completely over. Is this still the iron-blooded Captain Bucky Lulu?

Sensing everyone's surprised looks, Bucky's pretty face turned red, and he immediately returned to his normal state and scolded: "Ahem, the battle is not over yet, don't get distracted."

Everyone turned around, not daring to laugh out loud. Yang Hui was right. Such a contrast in cuteness is indeed very cute.

However, they also agreed with Bucky Lulu's praise. The opportunity just now was indeed rare, and the angle was also very tricky. Yang Hui only had one hand, so it was inevitable that the operation would be inconvenient, but Yang Hui was able to seize this opportunity and use the remaining two machines.

Dean] defeated at the same time, it is already the top weapon control.

"Hehehe." Ma Liu smiled softly and immediately asked the radar control: "The location of the enemy plane?"

"The radar is not responding and the interference is disappearing. It can be judged that the ZAFT army is retreating!"


"Very good!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was no loss in this battle, if there could be no battle or no battle, from the time they landed on the earth until they arrived in Alaska, every battle might be an invitation from the King of Hell.

"Where's Kira? Let him return to the ship."

"Understood, if you receive the raid, please reply! Second Lieutenant Yamato, if you receive it, please reply!"

"This is Kira Yamato, is the Archangel okay?" The communication was connected, and Kira's tired and nervous voice came.

"The enemy has retreated. How is the situation over there?"

"Well, they have all been defeated."

"That's good, the battle is over, return to the ship immediately."


The Archangel successfully survived the first crisis after entering the sea, but what they didn't know was that such a crisis would come again, and would even become more and more dangerous, and... the persevering stalkers were about to meet them.

At the ZAFT Army's Gibraltar base, two small boats that had just descended from space landed on the ground. The hatches opened, and four machines, Duel, Storm, Thunder, and Holy Shield, walked out of them at once.

After parking the aircraft, the four Aslans got off the aircraft one after another and followed Cruze to the second briefing room to gather.

"Captain Cruze, where are the long legs now?" Yitzhak asked anxiously when he came to the briefing room. He failed to sink the Archangel in space and even let it land on the earth. Even the Desert Tiger

They all fell into ruins in their hands, and the proud Yitzhak felt extremely humiliated.

"Yitzhak, don't be so impulsive." Kruse comforted him. This time they landed on Earth, they were not going to pursue the Archangel. [Operation Breaking the Situation] was the most important task assigned to him by the Supreme Council. Likewise,

It is also a very important part of his plan. Compared with the variable Archangel, [Operation Breaking the Situation] has a higher priority.


"I understand how you feel, Yitzhak, and no matter what, you have to prevent Long Legs from reaching Alaska with the data, but this is already the task of the Carpentaria base."

"This is our job, captain, we must kill that guy with our own hands!"

"Yes, I feel the same way, Captain!"

Yitzhak proposed that Diego, as a good friend, would naturally support him, and he and Yitzhak were both very proud people. It was their mistake to let the Archangel land on Earth by mistake, and they both wanted to wash away the shame with their own hands.


Aslan and Nigel didn't speak. They didn't have such a deep obsession with pursuing the Archangel, especially Aslan. He didn't want to fight Kira and was the least willing of the four to pursue the Archangel.

"Of course my mood is the same as yours, but unfortunately, in order to prepare for [Operation Breakthrough], I can't get away." Kruse pretended to be regretful.

"Then let's go by ourselves!" Yitzhak said anxiously.

"Since you guys have said so... how about you try it yourself?"

"Yes!" With Cruze's permission, Yitzhak and Diego were happy, especially Yitzhak. If they went by themselves, they would be a new team, and naturally they would have to choose a new captain. He considered himself to be excellent.

, and his Duel Gundam is positioned as the captain's aircraft, so he thinks he is the most suitable candidate.

But Cruze's choice disappointed him.

"Then Yitzhak, Diego, Nigel, and Aslan will form a team and continue the mission of chasing Long Legs. As for the command...Aslan, I will leave it to you."

"Eh?" Aslan was stunned, and Yitzhak and Diego both had ugly expressions on their faces. Because of Aslan's experience of being seriously injured, the bond between the four of them has been strengthened, but it does not mean that

The competition is gone.

"I will arrange for the Carpentaria base to prepare a mothership for you, and set off immediately."

"Captain, shall I take command?" Aslan asked in confusion. Logically speaking, he is the least likely to be the commander among the four. In the previous battle, because of his friendship with Kira, he had been in trouble.

The only time he used all his strength was to get seriously injured, and Cruze also knew about his relationship with Kira, so even if it was to avoid suspicion, he would not let him take command.

"That ship has a deep connection with you." Cruze walked up to Aslan and patted him on the shoulder, "I know your difficulties, but I'm also looking forward to your performance, Aslan."

"Team Sara..."

"Hmph, you are obviously the one who lost the battle. How shameless."

"Yitzhak! Diego!"

"I'm sorry~"

"Oh, it's just the truth."

At this time, Aslan didn't care at all about the quarrel between the three of them, he was just immersed in complicated thoughts.

On the other side, because the Archangel had to go to Orb for supplies, it did not choose the shortest route to the Alaska base. Also, in order to avoid the threat of the deep sea, it chose the shallow sea area to proceed.

"Ah, I really want to reach Orb as soon as possible." Looking at the route map in the cafeteria, Kaz became more and more anxious.

"I want to, but I can't rush it," Thor said.

"Yes, it is rare to be able to go to Orb on the way. After all, our final destination is the Alaska base, and we have to make a long detour to pass through Orb," Sai said.

"Hmm, so just be content. If it weren't for Yang Hui, we wouldn't even be able to go back to Orb. After all, we can't retire midway during the battle." Mirialia said.

"I know, but I still think about it..."

"Isn't it good to have something to think about? So don't talk about Kaz either."

"Yang Hui?" X4

"Hey, I'm hungry. I'm going to find something to eat." Yang Hui held the dinner plate and sat down next to the four of them.

"Thank you, Yang Hui, for giving us the opportunity to return to Orb." Mirialia thanked her.

"I didn't let the Archangel go to Orb for you. It was just a transaction, so you don't have to thank me."

"Yes, we all understand political transactions." The four of them joked. After a long period of contact, they recognized Yang Hui more and more. The original resentment and anger had dissipated among Sumeru, although sometimes the words

He is very vicious and has no mercy when speaking, but they all know that this is all for their own good.

Moreover, they all felt the changes in Yang Hui. Unlike before, when they always felt alienated, they now communicated with him more sincerely.

However, some things are still not stated clearly to them, but they can understand it.

Just like this trip to Orb, Yang Hui went to North Africa to find Cagalli. Without the Archangel, couldn't he take Cagalli back to Orb?

Of course not. The reason why he entrusted the Archangel to escort him and Cagalli back to Orb, and even conducted diplomatic exchanges with the Atlantic Federation, wasn't he just helping them?

It's just because of Yang Hui's position that he can't publicize the truth, so everyone can just keep it tacitly known.

At this time, Kira came to the cafeteria, and the four Thors became silent, especially Sai, who lowered his head and did not look at Kira.

This chapter has been completed!
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