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Chapter 314 Hot Potato

Hearing this, the four of them fell silent. They understood what Yang Hui meant. Now they are Yang Hui's good friends, and the purpose of coming to Orbu is to travel.

If... Aslan had spoken words like "spy" and "prisoner", then an extremely miserable end would be waiting for them, even if each of the four people present were the sons of members of the PLANT Supreme Council, as spies

If caught, they will only die.

Yang Hui was helping them hide their identities, but at the same time... he was also monitoring them to prevent them from doing anything excessive.


Although Yang Hui and Aslan were friends, and Huang and Wang Liumei were acquaintances with the four of them, Aslan did not think that Yang Hui would put his personal feelings above the general right and wrong.

"You are a hot potato right now, so it would be best if we can send you away safely."

The person who answered Aslan was not Yang Hui, but Wang Lumei.

"What?" The four of them were stunned.

Seeing this, Wang Liumei continued to explain to the four of them: "If something happens, your parents will make trouble for Orb."


The four of them were silent. One of their parents is one of the twelve members of the PLANT Supreme Council. Aslan's father, Patrick Sara, and Yitzhak's mother, Isalia Jur, are radicals.

Nicol's father, Yuli Amalfi, is a moderate, and Diego's father, Tad Elsman, is a centrist who leans toward the moderates.

If nothing happens to the four people, it will be clear that PLANT still maintains a balance between moderates and radicals. Once something happens to the four people, the balance will be broken, and Nicol's father and Diego's father will immediately join the radicals.


At the same time, PLANT and ZAFT will also launch crazy revenge against Orb. As a result, Orb has only two options, either to resist desperately, or to join the Earth Alliance.

Therefore, when the four Aslans infiltrated Orb, Yang Hui not only had to restrict their behavior to prevent them from finding the location of the Archangel, but also protected them to prevent accidents from happening in Orb.

"Huh, after talking so much, aren't you scared?" Yitzhak snorted coldly.

"Then you think this scene should be broken?" Yang Hui was not angry, but looked at the peaceful scene in front of him and asked Yitzhak calmly.


Yitzhak was arrogant and dissatisfied with Orb's cunning approach of playing both sides and erecting a memorial arch, but he had to admit one thing, that is, Orb's peaceful atmosphere really made Yitzhak feel comfortable, and he didn't want to

Break this tranquility.

"But can Orb really be good at foreign affairs? The war... will spread here one day." Aslan asked.

"Of course not."

"Haha, are you giving up on yourself? Just living day by day?" Diego mocked.

"You want to trick me with such a simple trick? Are you looking down on me too much?" Yang Hui mocked back.


Diego was not only mocking Yang Hui, but also a provoking method, with the intention of escaping more information. The Archangel was on the one hand, but Orb itself was on the other hand. After all, Orb made both forces

The feared neutral country.

"But it is a fact that you are close to the Earth Army. Aren't duels, storms, thunder, holy shields and raids the best proof? And Long Legs, if it weren't for your help..."

"It's just a transaction between countries, where does the intimacy come from?" Yang Hui directly interrupted Nigel's question.

"Haha, do you think we will believe it?" Yitzhak sneered.

"Just go back and ask your parents." Wang Liumei chuckled without explaining too much. Although they are both sons of one of the members of the Supreme Council, they are not the core of PLANT. They don't know many things.

Among people, only Aslan knew better. This was something he only heard about during the hearing of the Supreme Council last time when he saw Wang Liumei killing everyone.

"When are you going to let us go?" Aslan asked.

"You can leave anytime you want."

"..." The four of them looked at Yang Hui blankly, obviously not believing it.

You must know that the value of the four of them is not just as simple as spies. If Yang Hui arrests the four of them and then secretly contacts the Supreme Council of PLANT, he will definitely be able to gain a lot of benefits by using the four of them as weights.

To be honest, Yang Hui also thought about it this way, but after thinking about it for a while, he dismissed the idea.

Using the four of them as weights to trade with PLANT will certainly bring benefits, but the benefits will definitely not be many, because now ZAFT is about to take a big action, and wars will continue after that, including the Alaska capture battle, the Panama base capture battle, etc.

The two large-scale battles used almost half of ZAFT's military strength and caused ZAFT heavy losses.

At this point, although the mass accelerator of the Panama base was successfully destroyed, and the Alaska base attack battle was calculated by Cruze and the Atlantic Federation, the military power on the earth suffered heavy losses, and had to shrink its troops, abandon a large number of occupied areas, and shrink a few

Important base.

Although after the Battle of Panama, the Atlantic Federation targeted Orb and gave the ZAFT army a chance to breathe, the Orb offensive and defensive battle did not last long. At the same time, other forces of the Earth Army launched a large-scale operation to recapture Victoria Harbor.

, ZAFT once again suffered a huge setback.

Immediately afterwards, the Gibraltar base and the Kabethalia base were attacked on a large scale.

Look at it this way, ZAFT has been hit one after another, how much benefit can it provide to Orb? In other words... how much can it achieve by the time the hype is so high that it is said now?

If you don't get enough benefits, you will turn against PLANT. This is a trade that is not worth the gain. In this case, it is better to sell it well and let the four Aslans leave Orb directly. After all, there is still the possibility of fighting side by side in the future.

In the end, Yitzhak, Diego, Nigel and Aslan left Orb. After all, they had been exposed and their original purpose could not be achieved. Is it true that they were freed from Orb as Yang Hui said?

How many days off?

But it wasn't all without gain. At least everyone got to visit Orb for free, and got a set of expensive clothes for free, and Yitzhak finally found the person he wanted to kill the most in his life.

"Damn it! That bastard!" After Yitzhak returned to the mothership, he punched the locker to vent his anger. Looking at the clothes in front of him, it became more and more dazzling.

"I really made a profit this time. I got a set of clothes for free. I even glanced at the sign. The price of this set of clothes is equal to my year's salary." Diego joked, he is not short of this little money.

, just joking to lighten the atmosphere, and at the same time teasing his friend, "And Yitzhak, you finally found your nemesis."

"What did you say!?"

"Ah haha, don't be angry, don't be angry." Diego looked at Yizhak's expression of wanting to eat someone, and was so frightened that he backed away.

"That guy...only that guy...I will never agree with you!"

"Forget it, Yitzhak, you can't compare." Nigel persuaded. He was not mocking Yitzhak. He was really worried that Yitzhak would become obsessed with it. Based on what Yang Hui has shown so far,

, it is indeed not comparable to Yitzhak.

Moreover, Huang and Yang Hui were originally an unmarried couple. Judging from their interactions, the two parties were not forcibly united by a political marriage. The look in their eyes when they looked at each other was so intense that it showed that their relationship was very good and stable.

Yitzhak's behavior is not very authentic.

"What did you say!?"

"Yitzhak, you are indeed not as good as Yang Hui." Aslan did not comfort or ridicule, but calmly stated the objective facts.

"Shut up! Aslan! In the end, it's all your fault! If you hadn't offered to infiltrate Orb, how could we have suffered this humiliation!?"

"That's right, Aslan, you are fully responsible for this matter." Although Diego showed an attitude of earning a profit, he, like Yitzhak, felt a huge shame.

Nigel didn't speak either, because he also felt the same way. Although his self-esteem was not as strong as Yitzhak's and Diego's, he also felt that this infiltration mission was too frustrating. He was caught by the opponent just after entering Orb.

, and even let them go as if they sympathized with them.

Gained relaxation and expensive clothes, but left dignity as a price.

"Yang Hui saved my mother in [Julius 7]."

"What?" The three of them were stunned for a moment and remained silent. The tragedy of [Julius 7] is a scar in the hearts of all PLANT citizens. No matter how angry they are, they will endure it.

But another doubt arose in the hearts of the three people. Why did Yang Hui save Aslan's mother? And only Aslan's mother?

"Actually, before the tragedy happened, Yang Hui warned the Supreme Council through secret channels, but no one believed it at first, so..."

"What did you say!?" The three people were shocked when they heard this secret.

"Yes, I only learned about this at the last hearing. Not only did it remind us of the Earth Army's attack, but Orb has actually been secretly cooperating with us in various ways, covering many aspects. Of course, the same is true for the Earth Alliance.

It is precisely because of such frequent exchanges that the emperor and Wang Liumei frequently go to PLANT. It is also precisely because of that tragedy that the Supreme Council has always turned a blind eye to Orb without excessive oppression.

, and behind all these transactions... I guess it is Yang Hui who is the matchmaker."

"This is impossible!" As soon as he finished speaking, Yitzhak objected excitedly, "How old is he? How can he do so many things?"

If Yang Hui can do this, then...then who is he? What qualifications does he have to compete with Yang Hui for the emperor?

"He is the same age as me, but he did it, and his status in Orb is very high. There is intelligence speculation that all Orb's development strategies in recent years have his shadow, and..."

There is another guess. Aslan has always been hesitant to say it, but after this incident, some things can no longer be concealed, otherwise the four-person team is likely to fall apart.

"And what?"

"... He was probably the pilot of the unknown machine that seriously injured me and Captain Cruze."


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