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Chapter 326 The Awakening Lion

"Notify the ZAFT troops in the territorial waters that you are within the territorial waters of the United Arab Emirates. Telegraph your troops to withdraw from our territorial waters immediately. Otherwise, we will regard your provocative behavior and expel you by force. Repeat.

, immediately withdraw from our territorial waters..."

"Damn it! It's too late!"

Withdraw from territorial waters immediately? Are you kidding me?

From their current location, it would take about ten minutes to withdraw from Orb's territorial waters, and Orb's escort fleet was guarding their target in the center in such a grand manner. Isn't this a clear slap in their face?


"...Get ready to fight..." Aslan hesitated for a moment, considered all possibilities, and made an immediate judgment.


"Huh? I'm impressed by you, Aslan, you actually have such courage sometimes."

Yitzhak and Diego agreed with Aslan's decision. They had long been unhappy with Orb, especially when they were discovered by the other party shortly after infiltrating and were secretly expelled. This was like a charity and deeply hurt.

It hurt their pride.

"But this will trigger international disputes..." Nigel worried.

"Get ready to fight, they won't let us go!" Aslan didn't want to fight Orb either.

Aslan is indeed simple, but he is definitely not stupid!

The expansion of territorial waters is disclosed to the public in the form of a press conference. This is definitely not a small matter. It stands to reason that a lot of preparations should be made. At least... PLANT will also be generated in advance, otherwise it will be impossible to ignore that their location is exactly in the new area.

within the territorial waters.

The timing, the location, the goal...it's all such a coincidence!

In the end, Aslan could only come up with one answer - the sleeping lion had woken up and had opened its fangs towards them, intending to use them to announce the awakening of the beast king.

"ZAFT troops are on the move."

It is indeed difficult to detect the submarine force, but knowing that the ZAFT forces surrounding Orb are submarine forces, would Yang Hui be unprepared at all? He has already prepared sonar detection methods and has locked the positions of all ZAFT forces.


"[Stage Combat] has begun, disperse."

"Understood." X3

The Archangels, Cherubim and De Angels broke away from their formation and rushed towards the other three directions. Dawn Gundam spread its wings and stood on the deck of the Archangel, folding its hands, as if the gods in heaven looked down upon the creatures on the earth.


The Archangel has been trying to connect to the Dawn Gundam's communications, but Yang Hui did not accept it. From now on, it is not just as simple as escorting the Archangel away from Orb.

[Stage Combat] allows Orb to appear on the world stage. With the Archangel sailing, the ZAFT army will arrange an opportunity for the fleet to block it, create an excuse to launch an attack on the ZAFT army, and declare to the world that Orb is no longer someone else.

You are a soft persimmon who can be bullied casually!

Orb is very small, certainly not as good as the Earth United and PLANT, but he is not at the mercy of others. Anyone who wants to bully Orb should be prepared to have a piece of his flesh bitten off!

At a distance visible to the naked eye, the blue sea was polluted by shadows. A total of three Voscuro-class submarine carriers surfaced. The MS ejection deck was opened. [Dean] and [Gunn] all attacked, and there was also a duel.

, the four aircrafts of Storm, Thunder and Holy Shield were flying in the [Dean] formation in the sky.

The battle began, and the ringing communication was finally connected. Before Ma Liu could ask what was going on, Yang Hui directly gave instructions to the Archangel: "The Archangel is moving towards Alaska, and we will clear the way for you. Other things.

Just don’t participate.”



The communication was immediately hung up, and Ma Liu and others were still confused. They had no idea what had happened, but one thing they all knew was that Orb's fleet was not as simple as simply escorting them away from Orb.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's going on? When are we going to attack?" Mu asked the bridge.

The Strike Gundam and the two Skymasters were all ready to attack. They had long been mentally prepared that they would encounter a tough battle if they left Orbu, but they were so nervous that they didn't even wait for the order to attack.

"There should be... no need to attack." Ma Liu said helplessly.

"What's the meaning?"

Ma Liu smiled bitterly and shook his head, recounted everything that had just happened, and then connected the real-time footage of what happened outside to the screens of the three machines.

"This... haha, it's such a great gift. I don't know how to repay it." Seeing this, Mu took off his helmet and covered his face with a bitter smile.

"Orb... participated in the war?" Thor and Kira, who served as the pilots of Air King II, could not believe it, but the bloody facts were before them.

Outside the Archangel, [Gunn] attacked as the vanguard, and all the torpedoes locked onto Orb's battleship. Just when they were about to launch, the alarm was bright red and beeped non-stop.


"Boom boom boom boom..."

Before the torpedo was launched, Orb's warship launched an attack first. Countless anti-submarine missiles fell from the sky, like fish diving into the water, and accurately hit all targets.

The target of the missile is not only [Gunn] in the water, but also the [Dean] troops in the air. However, compared to [Gunn] who was stunned in the water, the [Dean] formation immediately launched its attack when the missile was launched.

In order to counterattack, they fired anti-aircraft shells and several guns continuously, knocking down the incoming missiles one by one. Only one or two "Deans" were shot down by the missed missiles.

"Damn Orb! He actually launched an attack without saying a word..."

"Kill them!"

Yitzhak and Diego were completely angry and were about to rush out of [Dean]'s formation and crush the Orb fleet to ashes, but Aslan stopped them in time.

"Don't rush too far ahead!"

"Get out of the way! Aslan!"

"Make no mistake about our opponents... spread out!"

Pink beams of light came one after another. Fortunately, the three machines responded quickly, otherwise they would have been hit.

But after they dispersed, Dawn Gundam's shooting did not stop. The two beam submachine guns fired one after another. Dense beams of raindrops fell into the [Dean] formation, and four or five gorgeous fireworks exploded in an instant.

Dawn Gundam spreads its wings, the fire shines, it flutters its wings and turns into a shooting star dancing in the sky. The golden brilliance once again brings the sacred judgment.

"Go ahead, bit."

"Watch out! That one is coming!"

Seeing the familiar golden light, an emotion called fear surged into my heart. Duel, Storm, Thunder, Holy Shield, and all the [Deans] quickly retreated and spread out, widening the distance from the Dawn Gundam.

However, is [Dean] alone qualified to compete with Dawn Gundam in speed? Moreover, it is Dawn Gundam equipped with a nuclear engine and full firepower.

Moving gracefully through the intertwined firepower network, the golden light ends flew in all directions. Just passing by, several [Deans] turned into sieves and then exploded.

"Damn it! Ah~!!!"

Fear reached its peak, and when it broke out, it brought endless courage. The Duel Gundam emptied all its ammunition in an instant, drew its sword and charged towards the dawn.

The pink beam sword struck the golden wall made of bits, and the collision of energy caused real aftermath.

Dawn Gundam was unmoved, just turned his head slightly and looked at Duel Gundam, his wings flew up, swinging Duel Gundam away, and the pink sword tip was about to penetrate the Duel Gundam's armor.


At this time, the Thunder Gundam rushed out from the side, pushed the Duel Gundam away, and let the sharp sword tip pierce his right shoulder.

He turned his wrist and raised it upwards, and the Thunder Gundam's right arm was rooted to the ground.


The Storm Gundam's cover shot arrived, and the Dawn Gundam immediately put its wings in front of it. The bit's brilliance withstood the crazy fire suppression, and the golden light balls continued to explode. The huge impact drove the Dawn Gundam back.

The Holy Shield Gundam took the opportunity to come to the side of the Thunder Gundam, protecting it and retreating. The Duel Gundam on the other side also recovered and retreated.



"We have no chance of winning! Retreat!"

Thinking that with the experience of surviving a close call, Aslan was confident that he would not be instantly killed by the Dawn Gundam again. If the four machines of Sala's team maintained a good formation and performed fire suppression on the Dawn Gundam, they would have a chance to defeat it.

But reality shattered his plan. Yitzhak's recklessness not only destroyed the formation and lost the opportunity, but also caused the Thunder Gundam to lose an arm, and only the most important arm.

Most of the Thunder Gundam's weapons are on its right arm. Without the right arm, only the [Wolf Lock] claw-like anchor on the left arm cannot restrain the Dawn Gundam at all.

The only plan for now is to retreat. As long as they withdraw from Orb's territorial waters, they will be safe.

"Damn it! I must kill it today!"

Yitzhak refused to give up, and the Thunder Gundam held on to the Duel Gundam with his remaining arm.

"Let me go! Nigel! I want..."

"Watch out! It's coming!"

While the three of them were entangled and retreating, the fire suppression of the Storm Gundam weakened, and the Dawn Gundam launched a charge again, rushing towards the three aircraft like a meteor.

"Aslan! Yitzhak! Diego! You retreat! I will hold it back!"


Regardless of Aslan's obstruction, the Thunder Gundam launched a reverse charge and launched its claw-like anchor. As soon as it approached the Dawn Gundam, it was cut in half.

But the Thunder Gundam did not give up. The gentle Nigel burst out with unparalleled courage and determination. Regardless of the bit's attack on the Thunder Gundam, he used his sight to cover up and came to the Dawn Gundam in the dense explosion. His only remaining hand

He grabbed the Dawn Gundam's head, and with the fire behind him, he took the Dawn Gundam and fell into the bottom of the sea.

Three, two, one, boom~!

There was an explosion in the water.


"Are you... kidding?"


The world seemed to have quieted down. Dawn Gundam and Thunder Gundam fell into the water. In the huge explosion, it was unknown who would win and who would lose. Both of them were uncertain about their life or death.

Yitzhak was extremely sad and angry. It was all because of him that Nigel had reached this point. He wanted revenge. He wanted to kill all the Orb fleet present!

But the Storm Gundam hugged the Duel Gundam tightly and retreated with it and the Shield Gundam.

"Let me go! Diego! Let me go!"

"Don't let Nigel's sacrifice be in vain!"

A sharp shout broke away Yitzhak's madness, and he could only curse and bang on the console with tears of regret.

The three planes retreated, and the few [Deans] struggled to block the influx of missiles and cover the evacuation of the three motherships.

This chapter has been completed!
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