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Chapter 337: Does it matter if you disagree?

The five people present, except Lao Sahak, including Yang Hongyu, all glared at Yang Hui.

"I can agree with everything before, but what you are doing now is actively starting a war! It is destroying Orb's ideas!" Uzumi roared to discover the dissatisfaction in his heart. The [stage plan] not long ago has been touched.

He has reached his bottom line. Although it makes sense, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is the ZAFT army who is actively scheming, and they just have excuses to cover up.

But this time there is no chance. The Orb Army will take the initiative to attack the ZAFT Army's occupied areas. This is a blatant declaration of war on PLANT.

"Orb must take this step, otherwise Orb will have no future." Yang Hui said to the four of them in the most serious voice.

"If you want to violate Orb's ideals, it's better not to have such a future!"

"So in your eyes, your dignity and your ideas are more important than the country of Orb and all its citizens?"


"The situation is now very clear. Once our guesses are correct, the Earth Army and the ZAFT Army will kick off a full-scale decisive battle. With the temper of the Atlantic Federation, will they let Orb go? Once the Earth Alliance is defeated, ZAFT will

Will you let Orb go again?"


"In troubled times, no one can stay out of it, not you, not me, not Orb! If Orb wants to maintain his ideals, he must become stronger! So strong that no one dares to provoke us, and no one can bear the responsibility

You can afford to provoke us!"

Yang Hui said to them sonorously and forcefully.

Always remain neutral? Just because of the current Orb? Why!?

In the age of war, remaining neutral will only displease both sides, and you will be regarded as a thorn in the side of other forces, isolated, and besieged.

If you want to maintain it, you can only become stronger and stronger, so strong that you have the power to fight against the whole world, standing high in the clouds as a judge, a judge, and even a domineering king!

"...Did you choose Earth United?" Uzmi asked.

"No, I didn't choose any side." Yang Hui replied.

"Then why target ZAFT?" Uzmi asked. From the beginning of [Stage Operation] to the upcoming [Recovery Operation], Yang Hui's chosen opponents were all ZAFT troops, and he even took the initiative to help the Earth United to share the pressure. This was not a choice.

What is Earth United?

"Because ZAFT hit the muzzle of the gun." Yang Hui gave an answer that seemed very casual, but it was also true. The target that Yang Hui was interested in happened to be occupied by the ZAFT army, and just when Orb needed to tell the world

When you show off your muscles, you put the opportunity in front of them. If not, who will hit you?

"What about the Earth Federation? What about the Atlantic Federation?"

"They're not far away. As long as they dare to come, I'll fight them!"

"Madman! You are a madman!" A patriarch pointed at Yang Hui angrily and cursed. In his opinion, Yang Hui was really crazy. He actually provoked the two strongest forces in the world at the same time. This was to take Orb with him.

Towards destruction!

"Lord Uzmi, I propose that Yang Hui be immediately removed from the post of commander-in-chief, and the emperor be removed from the post of chief of general staff as well!"

Uzmi ignored the suggestion of the clan leader and looked at Yang Hui with burning eyes.

"Do you think Orb can survive the attack from both sides?" Uzmi asked Yang Hui.

"No, the current Orb, let alone both sides, can't do one side."

"In that case, why did you do this!?"

"Because Orb needs a new life!" As he said, Yang Hui handed out a document. This was a public opinion poll he conducted secretly. Regarding the topic of war, "After a long period of peace, Orb seems to be peaceful, stable and prosperous. In fact,

It has already been corroded."

"This is it!" The five people looked at the survey summary in their hands, and their faces became uglier than eating SHI.

There is only one question in this poll: What will the people do if a war breaks out in ORB?

According to the survey results, about 50% of the citizens will choose to leave the country to seek refuge, about 20% of the citizens are willing to support Orb financially and materially within the conditions, and about 20% of the citizens will choose to seek refuge in other countries and abandon their identity as Orb citizens.

Only the remaining 10% of people are willing to rise up and resist and live and die with the country.

The people of this country have been smoothed away by the peaceful life and their blood has been extinguished. When the motherland is in danger, their first thought is to seek refuge abroad rather than stay and contribute. Even if such a country can continue

What if peace continues?

"Orb needs a war to inspire the blood of the people, a screening to remove those who do anything to save their lives, and a new life to exchange for new vitality."

"If Orb dies, how can he be reborn!?"

"Yanhuang of the East Asia Federation has a saying. I think everyone should learn it carefully. If you save people and lose land, you will save both people and land. If you save land and lose people, you will lose both people and land. The giant floating platform is the second one I got for Orb.

The territory can receive refugees when necessary, waiting for Orb's rebirth, and then can be developed into a new industrial and military area as one of Orb's deterrent forces; and the current goal is the third."

"But... we cannot directly launch a war. We can... we can conduct political negotiations diplomatically. For ZAFT, that land..."

"Haha." Regarding the patriarch's speech, Yang Hui expressed his thoughts with a sneer.

"What do you mean!?" Feeling the ridicule and insult, the patriarch stood up and pointed at Yang Hui and roared, "Don't forget that I am your elder!"


Yang Hui's attitude remained the same, not because the patriarch was stupid, but because he was mocking him for not even making excuses to cover up his cowardice.

Are there any fools who can become one of the five patriarchs? Just look at the map and you will know what the land of Papua New Guinea means to the ZAFT army, and what it means if it is taken away by Orb. They will let you go just because of a few words from you.

?What a joke!

It is simply self-insulting to say this kind of excuse that even a dog would not believe in the current situation!


"That's enough!" Uzmi shouted angrily, causing the quarreling clan leader to sit back down again, and could only express his dissatisfaction with glares.

"...Is there any other choice?" Uzmi asked Yang Hui in a deep voice.

"Yes, join the Earth Federation and become a lackey of the Atlantic Federation."

"...You guys go down first, we have to discuss it."

"As soon as possible, we don't have much time."

After Yang Hui and Huang left the conference room, the patriarch went berserk again and unleashed his anger on Yang Hui on Yang Hongyu.

"Look at the good son you trained! How can he talk to his elders!? What does he want to do? To shake things up!? I will never agree to his nonsense!"

"Haha, do you think your disagreement is useful?" Yang Hongyu didn't care about the patriarch's attitude, but shook his head mockingly.

"What do you mean!? Yang Hongyu! Speak clearly!"

Yang Hongyu ignored him, but looked at Uzmi and old Sahak. They were the ones who had the most contact with Yang Hui. The other two people didn't see it, but they must have seen it.

"Haha, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and today's young people are incredible." Old Sahak also smiled self-deprecatingly and expressed his attitude.

"Sit down, there is no point in arguing now." Uzmi eased the atmosphere.

"Lord Uzumi! Do you plan to support his crazy move? This is..."

"Representative Yang Hongyu is right, it doesn't make any sense whether we agree or not." Uzmi said with a bitter smile.

"How...how could this happen? He is just..."

"Just what? Just a child? Haha, can you deceive yourself with these words?" Old Sahak mocked.


"When Lord Uzmi appointed him as the commander-in-chief of the entire army and the emperor as the chief of general staff, our opinions no longer mattered."

"This...but we are still the leaders of Orb and have the right to remove them from their posts..."

"Then what? Will ORB split? Or directly launch a coup?"


"Do you know how much prestige Yang Hui and Huang have in the army? There are other departments with their people. We were eliminated as early as two years ago." After figuring this out, Lao Sa

Huck leaned back leisurely. He no longer wanted to care about these things because he couldn't control them anymore.

He has no power in Orb's native land. Even if Yang Hui wants to attack their people, he can't threaten him. At worst, he can just go back to [Heaven's Imperial Pillar] to hide, and he knows that [Heaven's Imperial Pillar] will soon become Mina's one-word hall.

Now, he, an old man, has been forced to retire. The only ones still resisting are the three or two big cats and kittens who follow Gina.

So old Sahak decided to retire early.

"Is there really no other way?" The representative who spoke slumped back on his chair, his eyes filled with despair.

"We can no longer stop them. He came to us not so much to ask for our consent, but to inform us," Uzmi said.

"Master Uzmi, what are we going to do next?" Yang Hongyu asked. He and Uzmi were old friends. He knew that Uzmi would not sit still and wait for death, but instead of secretly hindering Yang Hui's plan, he secretly provided help.

"... Instruct all departments to fully cooperate with their plans. When they ask for people and give money, just do as they say. Prepare a press release and release it to the outside world at the same time as the [Liberation Operation] begins. In my name


"Lord Uzumi!"

"We are all old. If young people have ambitions, let them work hard to realize them. As their elders, what we have to do is to do our best to clear the way forward for them." Uzmi said to

The four people said that the five people present may fight in private, but as long as Orb is involved, everyone will be united.

"...I understand, Uzumi-sama."

"I will take care of the people below."

After the meeting, the other two people left early, while Uzmi, Lao Sahak and Yang Hongyu stayed.

"Uzmi, we have been fighting for our whole lives, but we didn't expect that we were both ousted by a young man before we could decide the winner." Old Sahak laughed at himself.

"Don't even look at whose son that is?" Yang Hongyu said proudly. He was indeed dissatisfied with Yang Hui's radical plan, but Yang Hui's excellence was obvious to all.

"The biggest stain in your son's life is that you are his father."


"In comparison, my adopted daughter is not bad, at least she is much better than an ignorant and willful little girl."

"...Are you so free?"

"I was forced to retire." Old Sahak spread his hands.

"Master Uzmi, even if we are willing, the people below..."

Although Orb is headed by the five major families, it does not mean that the political situation is peaceful. Not to mention the conflict between the Ashar family and the Sahak family, there are also many nobles under the five major families waiting to be promoted.

"Do we need to worry about it?" Uzmi smiled nonchalantly.

"[Celestial Being]... Haha, I hope those guys can be more peaceful, otherwise..."

This chapter has been completed!
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