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Chapter 347 Cagalli is heartbroken

The sound of the exchange of fire was not loud. It was probably in the corridors and halls outside the theater. It came and went quickly. Within a few minutes, all the gunfire stopped. Several people in black suits walked into the theater.

Led by people in ZAFT military uniforms.

"Who are you?" Aslan and the other three asked, pointing their guns at the visitor.

"It doesn't matter, Aslan, Diego, and Nicol, they are all like-minded comrades."

Sure enough, the leading soldier walked into the light, allowing people to see his face clearly. If Yang Hui were present, he would definitely be recognized as Dagosta, the former adjutant of Andre Butterfield.

"Miss Lux, it's time for us to leave."

"Okay." Lux nodded, and then said to Aslan, Diego and Nicol, "Thank you, Aslan, Diego and Nicol."

"What on earth is this..."

Lux did not explain to the three of them, but walked out of the protective circle of the three and came to Dacosta: "Where is Teacher Marchio?"

"It's safe to leave."

"Then..." After learning that Teacher Marchio was safe, his father had already left PLANT along the arranged route, and her traces must have been discovered, so she had to leave, "Aslan, Di

Brother Ya, Nigel, thank you for bringing my little fan."


"Before we meet next time, I hope you will see with your own eyes what has happened in this world, what is happening now, and who you and we should fight."

Looking at Lux's leaving figure, Lux's parting words echoed in their minds. Maybe... they really need to use their own eyes to see, otherwise... they might not even know if they can still dunk the enemy.

Pull the trigger.

The Archangel and the remaining Earth Army warships returned to Orb safely under the escort of the fleet. Since they have not yet confirmed that they will join Orb, their identities are sensitive and they cannot appear openly in front of the public. They can only go to a secret port temporarily.


"Now you can finally rest in peace for a while."

"Yes." Everyone was silent, having no choice but to do so. They have been in a state of tension since [Heliopolis]. Until now, every time they can rest peacefully, they have been in Orb. This is also

Let them sigh from the bottom of their hearts that Aub is really a wonderful country.

After the warships entered the port, Uzmi led his people to interview the captains of each ship. Unlike the last time when they made a diplomatic statement in advance, this time they entered Orb privately, so they could not move freely and could only wrong them.

Stay on their respective ships for the time being.

And Cagalli... After hurriedly boarding the Archangel, she was looking for Kira. She also thought Kira was dead, but now that she knew Kira was still alive, she ran over to find him excitedly.

She was ready to give him a big hug as soon as they met, but stopped when she saw Fleur next to Kira.


"You...this is?" Cagalli pointed blankly at Fleur, who was holding Kira's arm intimately.

"Well...it's just like what you saw." Kira scratched her hair and said to Cagalli sheepishly.

Kira and Fleur are together again. After the separation of life and death, and the forced separation in Alaska, both Kira and Fleur have changed. Kira has found a way forward and strengthened his heart, while Fleur

...Of course, it was impossible to completely reverse it all at once, but she also discovered her dependence on Kira and how panicked she would be without Kira, so her hatred and use decreased, and her true feelings increased.

"This...you...I..." Cagalli seemed to have received a huge blow and stepped back step by step.

"Cagalli? What's wrong with you?" Kira was worried about Cagalli for no apparent reason and thought she was sick.


With tears in her eyes, Cagalli turned around and ran away, almost hitting Yang Hui.

"This girl, what... hmm?" Yang Hui, who originally didn't know why Cagalli went crazy again, understood everything after seeing Kira and Fleur.

"Yang Hui, Cagalli..."

"She's fine. She goes crazy intermittently. She'll be fine after a while. Don't worry about her." Yang Hui told Kira not to care about Cagalli. Although Kira only cares about Cagalli as a friend, Fleur is still around no matter what.

Well, it is wrong to think about another woman when your girlfriend is around, whether as a friend or anything else.

Besides, Cagalli's good impression of Kira is not necessarily a love, it should just be a close feeling connected by blood. Let Cagalli wake up as soon as possible, otherwise she will really misunderstand and learn the truth.

It's really fun.


"That's right, but you guys...congratulations." Yang Hui teased.

"Ah haha, thank you."

"Humph!" Fleur turned her head and ignored Yang Hui. Although she had become more sensible and understood many things, and knew that Yang Hui was not to blame for her father's death, she still hated him.

"Fule..." Kira was very embarrassed. One of them was his girlfriend, and the other was a good friend. It was uncomfortable to be caught in the middle.

"Okay, I'm going to leave now. You can rest, I'm still busy."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"I'm used to it, but Kira, Fleur..." As they passed each other, Yang Hui turned his back to Fleur and said, "...Congratulations to you all."

Yang Hui left the Archangel and went directly to the Ministry of National Defense. He also needed to listen to the battle report on the territorial sea border and the report from Papua New Guinea.

"Morishima, Yamazaki were damaged, Benson, Kirishima, and Ranmaru were damaged. The fleet's losses were very small, mainly to the MS troops. The 1st MS Group lost 8 aircraft. Fortunately, the pilots survived.

It's just a little injured." Togao reported regretfully.

"So... what are you regretting? These casualties will completely wipe out the ZAFT fleet." Yang Hui was amused by Hu Gao. Isn't it too much to be unsatisfied with such a result?

"No, I just discovered the shortcomings of our army through this battle."

"Tell me about it." Yang Hui and Huangdu listened carefully to Hu Gao's report. Hu Gao was an excellent commander, and the feedback from frontline commanders was the most authentic.

"The main problem is the connection between MS units and fleets, and the M1 Heretic is not suitable for maritime combat."

"Well... this is indeed a problem." Yang Hui and Huang also know this. The M1 Heretic has just entered mass production. Although it was designed to be modular from the beginning, it can be equipped with different armed backpacks to adapt to different battles, just like the Assault.

environment, but now the mass production of the M1 Heretic is already at its limit. Orb does not have so much materials and funds to mass produce specialized backpacks.

The armed backpack is indeed not very valuable, and Yang Hui can take out the design drawings at any time, but don't forget that most of Orb's materials and funds have been transferred to the [Heavenly Pillar], where the big customers need to be satisfied.

Furthermore, even if it is mass-produced, Orb does not have enough time for the pilots to adapt. The special modifications of a few aces are okay, but not all pilots have such strong adaptability.

After a long period of training, they can control the M1 Heretic freely. If they are given any additional equipment and go into an environment they have never been to before, they will not be able to achieve results at all.

"The problem of the M1 heresy cannot be solved for the time being, but the connection between the troops... Emperor."

"Well, I've already given the order, Todaka, the Fourth Fleet and the Fifth Fleet only have 3 days of rest. Then you will take the MS troops to coordinate training, and then write a detailed report and suggestions to me."


"What's the situation now in Papua New Guinea?" Yang Hui asked again.

"It went very well. Because of the Alaska Campaign, Carpentaria only left the most basic garrison troops. Most of the troops in the Oceania Federation-occupied area were transferred away. The remaining garrison didn't even have a few MSs. They were basically all

Armed helicopters and tanks cannot stop our offensive at all." While reporting, the emperor opened the combat map and marked the progress of the Orb fleet.

It can be seen that the Torres Strait was blocked, Cape Tribulation and Cook were threatened, and the defenders of the Carpentaria base did not dare to move. They could only watch helplessly as Orb's troops landed from the Gulf of Papua, and then headed towards

Deep inland.

"What's the situation like in Port Moresby? Is there much damage?"

"No damage."

"No damage?"

"Yes, there was no fighting in Port Moresby at all. Gaeltacht was very good. He knew that Port Moresby was an important port, and subsequent support troops and supplies had to be sent to the frontline troops from here, so he

He never thought of a force attack from the beginning. The fleet heading to Port Moresby just confronted the defenders. After the main force landed from the Gulf of Papua, he asked the special forces and elite marines to launch an attack from the back of Port Moresby.

He carried out a sneak attack and at the same time received help from the Intelligence Department, opened the gate and occupied Port Moresby without any effort."

"Awesome." Yang Hui had to give a thumbs up to Gaelta. He attacked in the east and west, and secretly attacked Chen Cang. This military strategy is simply amazing!

"The 3rd MS Group, the 7th and 8th Marine Groups, and the 10th Air Strike Group have been sent to support us. The accompanying officials have also set off. They are all our people."

"It's mid-May now. Can we capture the entire Papua New Guinea before June?"

"If nothing unexpected happens, it's okay, but it will take time to fully master it."

"...How do local residents treat us?"

"Of course they were welcomed in all directions. The ZAFT army did not win the hearts of the people after they occupied Papua New Guinea."

"What about the attitude towards adjusters?"

"I can't say that I like or get close to you, but I won't take the initiative to hurt you."

"That's enough, expand inward from Port Moresby." As he spoke, Yang Hui drew a circle with Port Moresby as the starting point, "Make the control of these cities the highest priority, I said

It’s total control!”


"Before June, the 1st MS Group and Special Forces Group must return to Orb, and all their work will be fully taken over by the 3rd MS Group, the 7th and 8th Marine Groups, and the 10th Air Strike Group."

"Understood, I will pay attention to the time."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you, I'll go see Lord Uzmi."

This chapter has been completed!
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