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Chapter 363 Dispute Renewed

It was the dawn of another day, and the beginning of the war. When the sun rose, the Orb army had already opened a defense line at Izanagi Port. Compared to yesterday's tight integration, there were now only a dozen mobile suits standing on the coast.

Looking at the huge fleet across the sea.

Everyone was very nervous, because when they learned that the disappearing MS troops were not hiding to ambush the enemy, but had been transferred overnight, they were the last remaining force to surround Orb.

But when they saw the figure standing in the center of the defense line, they were not nervous anymore, because that was their belief and it was a sign of invincibility.

Archangel, Cherubian and De Angel stood beside Dawn Gundam. The four machines were in the center of the defense line, leaving a large blank area around them.

The tactics are similar to yesterday's, but different, because this time the blank area covers almost the entire Izanagi Port. Except for the four Gundams lined up side by side, there are no other military forces deployed here. It is no longer a large area.

After the crossfire of the troops was covered, the elite troops filled the gap, but relied on the powerful strength of their four machines to guard alone.

"Show your cards directly?"

"Well, I won't hide anymore. I was the only one hiding yesterday, and I felt itchy and uncomfortable."

"Who makes you the ace? Your Majesty the Commander-in-Chief?"

"Haha, forget it, rather than hiding in the shadows and calculating this and that, I still prefer to fight openly and openly."

"Knowing that you will lose?"

"Orb will lose, I... will not lose!" Yang Hui had an excited and fanatical smile on his face. He was actually not qualified to complain about Graham, because he was a changer and his emotions were better controlled.

Graham appears so obvious, but in fact there is a warlike soul hidden in his body.

Unlike Graham, who longs for the strong and fights, he can enjoy a peaceful life without fighting, but rather than hiding in the shadows and being the mastermind behind the scenes, he prefers to fight with the enemy with real swords and guns.


"Really? If you explode with all your strength, Orb can't lose." What kind of strength is Yang Hui? What level of machine is the Dawn Gundam? How terrible is the combination of two? In an instant, Lyle and Tieria are

The person who knows best says bluntly that yesterday's three unknown Gundams, Yang Hui, could repel them all by himself, and even the slightest negligence would have destroyed them in the hands of Yang Hui and Dawn Gundam.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. Look, they are coming."

As soon as the words fell, the Earth Army's fleet began to attack, frontally covering the location of the four Dawn Gundams.

Because this is the center of the defense line, and the troops are weak, there are only four planes for defense. As long as the four planes' defense line is broken, they can go straight to Huanglong and capture Orb's general headquarters.

But... Yang Hui and the other four dared to guard the central defense line without any reinforcements, so they naturally had their support.

"In an instant, Lyle retreats, Tieria!"

"Understood, the beam rocket launcher is charged, completed, and launched."

The two cannons in De Angel's hands were brought together, the brilliance shone brightly, and the beams shot out in a torrent. As De Angel swept across, the dense rain of missiles turned into countless fireworks blooming in the sky.

Dawn Gundam stretched its wings, raised its two guns slowly, locked on the fish that had escaped the fire, and opened fire.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

At this time, dozens of thick beams of light broke through the fire and enveloped the Dawn Gundam and Energizer.


The wings shone with golden light, and light clusters flew out from between the gaps in the feathers, closing one by one in front of Dawn Gundam to form an airtight wall of light.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

After the smoke and dust dispersed, a large force composed of [Daggers] descended from the sky, maintaining fire suppression on the wall of light.

"Consumption? Or restriction? Either way, but it's very naive."

More light groups merged into the light wall, and then detached from the other side. They found their targets and stuck to them one by one. They turned into cones and broke through the armor's protection, causing careful explosions from inside the machine body, blowing all the targets in the air.

[Dagger] all exploded into pieces.

"Spread out and fight each other."


"The reserve team is ready. Once we are entangled, we will immediately fill the gap."


Yang Hui has never been so arrogant that he can defend this line of defense with only four people. If it is just a mixed force, it will be useless no matter how many soldiers come, but the Earth Army is not just a mixed force. Just yesterday, the Snatching Gundam, Forbidden Gundam and Disaster appeared.

The Ego Gundam with three machines can hold back the Angels of Power, Angels of Cherubim and Angels of Virtue.

Not to mention that the Atlantic Federation dared to lead troops to invade even though they knew the existence of Yang Hui and Dawn Gundam, and dared to put forward such conditions as handing over Yang Hui, which shows that they are determined to win Yang Hui.

Knowing that Yang Hui is so confident in his strength, it means that the opponent must still have a trump card that has not been revealed, and it is aimed at Yang Hui.

Sure enough, the Snatcher Gundam, Forbidden Gundam and Calamity Gundam appeared closely behind the large army, and together with them, ten Gundams appeared.

"Strike Gundam E, and there are ten of them. Haha, Aznar has also spent a lot of money this time, but... you can't stop me!" Looking at the ace MS troops approaching rapidly, Yang Hui didn't feel at all because of the new

The ten Gundams that appeared were panicked.


Based on the X105 Strike Gundam, the latest VPS armor technology has been introduced, thus greatly extending the operating time of the body. The "E" in the name of the body means "Enhanced".

Actaeon's technicians made changes to the design of the head unit, changed the ammunition supply path of the head Vulcan cannon system, updated the head sensor system, and improved the ability to maintain data link communication with friendly aircraft during close combat.

Stability. Additional posture control nozzles are also added to the shoulders to further improve mobility in space.

In terms of armament, Strike Gundam E is equipped with two 12.5mm [Shock Type] multi-barrel short-range defense weapon systems on its head. The beam rifle has been changed from the original 57mm high-energy beam rifle to two M8F-SB1 [Short] short beams.

Although the range of the rifle has been reduced by about 15%, the rifle is small, can be deployed quickly, and consumes less energy.

Each of the palms and feet of the machine body is equipped with an EQS1358 rocket anchor launcher. The cable itself has the high strength to lift objects with a total weight of about 100 tons in a 1G environment, and can be launched into buildings and ships.

It can be used to control the posture of the aircraft, and can also be used to restrain the enemy's aircraft, or directly thrust into it to destroy it.

In addition, this type of aircraft, like the Strike Gundam, can use various types of strike backpacks, including air combat, sword combat, artillery combat, and IWSP backpacks.

The Strike Gundam is only a C+-class machine, and the Strike Gundam E is a B- at best. Ten units put a certain amount of pressure on Yang Hui, but he is not alone.

"Setsuna and Lyle changed targets, Tieria is still responsible for the heavy firepower unit."


"Kira, Aslan, Diego, Nicol, and the new ones from Wutai are left to you."

Since Aslan, Diego and Nigel chose to participate in the war, they should be temporarily included in the command system of the Orb Army. Although Yang Hui is the commander-in-chief of the entire army, the command of the large forces has been given to the emperor.

He will not interfere with the emperor's command, so he is responsible for commanding the ace MS troops as usual.


Although the three Aslans did not join the Orb Army, since they chose to fight alongside them, as soldiers, they naturally knew that random actions might disrupt the deployment of the entire army, so they accepted Yang Hui's request and listened to him for the time being.


As for Yang Hui dealing with five new machines by himself, they really weren't worried. Both Nigel and Aslan had personally experienced how powerful Yang Hui was, and both of them almost died in his hands.

"The reserve team comes forward to take our place, Huo, leave it to you."

"Don't worry, Commander, we will never let the enemy pass."

Archangel, Cherubim, and Deutsch each found their opponents. Freedom Gundam, Justice Gundam, Rebirth Gundam, and Covenant Gundam flew out from both sides, and jointly launched a colorful cannon, destroying the formation of ten Strike Gundam E.

Cut open and drive the five Strike Gundam E to one side of the battlefield.

The remaining five Strike Gundam E were preparing to support the friendly forces. They wanted to join forces to eliminate the four unknown machines that performed well yesterday. Two long beam chains blocked their path forward.

"Sorry, this road is blocked."

Before they finished speaking, Dawn Gundam had already rushed in front of them, raising its physical sword high and slashing towards the waist of Strike Gundam E.

"Dang~" a crisp metal sound sounded, and the struck Strike Gundam E hurriedly raised its shield to block the sword, but at the same time, the sacred but deadly bit had surrounded it.


"Beep beep beep..."


The siren sounded, and the Daybreak Gundam quickly retreated. As soon as it left the spot, the Vulcan cannon's shells came from four directions, intertwined into a net, and exploded all the bits surrounding the Strike Gundam E, saving the friendly forces.


"It seems that we have found a way to deal with bit."

Bit may seem mysterious and strange, but it is actually an energy group wrapped in a special stance. As long as the stance is broken, the energy wrapped in it will explode.

In other words, as long as there is no contact with the bit, there is no threat. Moreover, from the previous battle data analysis, they have mastered the scope of the bit, which is about ten kilometers around the Dawn Gundam. The range of ordinary beam rifles is greater than

It's far away. As long as you keep a distance from the Dawn Gundam and use fire suppression, you can destroy it!

Therefore, the ten Strike Gundam E that appeared on the scene were either Wing Backpacks or Artillery Backpacks.

But... this is just their own idea. After coming to this world, Yang Hui did not improve Dawn Gundam and bit. This world has special particles like the OO world!

Dawn Gundam's wings flew up, the thrusters behind it blazed brightly, and its speed suddenly increased. It shuttled back and forth at strange angles amid the fire blockade of five enemy aircraft, and turned into a meteor before arriving in front of a Gundam Strike Gundam E.

"The first."

The opponent's cooperation was indeed excellent. When the Dawn Gundam raised its sword, the other four locked on the Dawn Gundam and opened fire. However, Yang Hui was not afraid of the fire blockade. The golden light shone and high walls were erected on both sides of the Dawn Gundam.

, violent artillery fire hit the wall, the live ammunition exploded violently, and the beam deflected strangely, but could not break through.



"The first one, defeat it."

This chapter has been completed!
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