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Chapter 370 Death of Gina

A few days later, Mina found Yang Hui. Although she hid it well, she still saw a little sadness on her face.

"What happened to Gina?" Yang Hui asked directly. The only thing that can make Mina feel sad now is Gina.

"Well, he died at the hands of scrap dealers and mercenaries."

Yang Hui was silent and did not comfort Mina. After all, Gina had a right to die. No one else could blame him. Moreover, Yang Hui had already agreed with Mina a long time ago that Gina was out of control. Even if Luo and Cong Yunqi didn't kill him, Yang Hui would get rid of him.

He, Gina, is not Cagalli, who can let Yang Hui give him so many opportunities.

"I remember that before the fall of Orb, he was still imprisoned by me in the mainland. He was the only living person left in the mainland."

"Yes, so he made a deal with the Atlantic Federation."

After the fall of Orb, Gina, who had been imprisoned, was released by the Atlantic Federation. At first, Murtagh Aznar's character was prepared to publicly execute Gina to scare the world.

Bu's top executives were either missing or died in the fire. Gina was the only member of the five major families he found, who could vent his personal anger and demonstrate his authority; secondly, Gina was the adjuster, and killing the adjuster would be a huge blow to Moore.

For Tower Aznar, it is his favorite game.

He will definitely not let go of killing two birds with one stone.

But Murta Aznael let Gina go, which means that the conditions offered by Gina were enough to make him happy, and the conditions that allowed him to let Gina go...

"It's me, right?"

"Not only you, but also the entire Orb. Gena promised that as long as [Blue Cosmos] can help him control the entire Orb, he is willing to hand over everything Aznar wants that belongs to Orb, and at the same time, he can

Give him your life alive."

"Did Aznar believe it?" Yang Hui asked Mina in surprise.

"I believe it, otherwise I wouldn't let Gina go."

"Haha, now I know why that idiot Aznar could become the leader of the [Blue Cosmos]." Yang Hui sneered, also laughing at Murtagh Aznar's stupidity.

The conditions offered by Gina were clearly a bad check at first glance. Murta Aznael did not get anything, so he spared Gina's life. As long as he lives, who can tell clearly what will happen in the future?

And based on Yang Hui's understanding of Gina, Gina's idea must be to become a blood-sucking insect parasitic on the two big trees of Atlantic Federation and [Blue Cosmos] to absorb nutrients and strengthen himself. When he can do it again, he will directly attack Atlantic Ocean.

The Federation and [Blue Cosmos] sucked it all up in one go.

It is absolutely impossible to fulfill the promise anyway.

No one with any brain would believe it, but Murta Aznar actually believed it? If it weren’t for the fact that his brain was too simple and easy to be controlled, Yang Huijue wouldn’t believe that such a fool could be the huge religion of [Blue Cosmos]

The leader of the organization.

As a result, Gina's intentions were good, but the reality was harsh. He died before his ambitions were fulfilled, and eventually died in the hands of Luo and Cong Yungui.

"Is there any specific battle situation?" Yang Hui asked Mina.

"I got it from the recycled golden machine, do you want to see it?"

"Let me guess, he attacked ZAFT's fleet on Aznar's order, and then Luo happened to meet him, and Gai happened to be there, and they joined forces to kill him?"

"Haha." Mina sneered and didn't answer, but looking at the gesture of folding her hands, Yang Hui knew that he had guessed correctly... How strange! This was a set plot, and he didn't interfere much, but he didn't expect that Gina would have the same reason.

Caused the same death.

"After the golden machine is repaired, leave it there. You can just use the purple machine." Yang Hui advised. The golden machine of the Heretic Gundam is Gena's body. Even if Mina doesn't like Gena, they are still twins. Yang Hui doesn't

I hope Mina will always be affected by Gena's death because of the Heretic Gundam Golden Machine.

"I know."

"Then I'll get ready."

"Yang Hui..."

"What's wrong?"

"If you die, I will happily take over all power from Orb."

"..." Hearing this, Yang Hui raised the corner of his mouth and waved with his back to Mina. He knew that this was Mina's way of caring. She was an arrogant and aloof queen, so she couldn't express normal concern.

Woolen cloth.

"How are you preparing?" After boarding the White Tiger, Yang Hui went directly to the bridge and asked. Not to mention, the captain was an old acquaintance and came to Hugao in [Tianzhizhu] one step ahead.

"The materials have been received, the MS has been contained, and they are ready to go at any time," Hu Gaohui reported.

"Well, notify the Archangel to set sail, target L4."


"The sailing process begins, loading program A..."

"The main power is online and the ignition procedure is ready..."

"All personnel in the surrounding area have been evacuated..."

"All systems are ready, Captain!"

"Well, the White Tiger is setting sail!"

"Understood! The White Tiger sets sail!"

As the main engine fire at the tail grew brighter and brighter, the White Tiger slowly moved towards the boundless universe outside the port, leaning out bit by bit.

Knowing that he had completely left the [Heavenly Pillar], the majestic appearance of the White Tiger was completely displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

"Correct course, target L4 colonial satellite group."

"Understood, target confirmed, L4 colonial satellite group, course correction completed."

The White Tiger set off and headed towards the L4 colonial satellite group together with the Archangel. During this trip, no one knew how many people would come back alive, and no one knew what they would encounter. Facing the unknown, everyone was worried.

Nervous and fearful, but equally determined, because they have their own goals and beliefs.

"Aren't you willing to give in?" In Cagalli's room, Mina rarely accompanied her to watch the departure of the White Tiger and the Archangel.

"...Isn't it the same for you?"

"Huh?" Facing Cagalli's rhetorical question, Mina looked at her with wide eyes, feeling that the person in front of her was a fake.

"Why...why are you looking at me like that?" Cagalli lowered her head in embarrassment.

"I'm just curious, what gave you the courage to speak to me like this?" Mina's pretty face was covered with frost. The arrogant and cold queen would not allow her inner thoughts to be exposed, and she would not do anything to expose them.


"You...what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." The White Tiger and the Archangel have already left, and there is no need for her to stay here to accompany her children. [Heaven's Pillar] is not safe, and she must beware of attacks from the Earth Army or ZAFT Army at any time.


When Mina was about to leave the room, Cagalli stopped her.

"I can't possibly let you out."

"No! I mean... I also want to ask you... Since you are unwilling, why don't you go with me?" Cagalli asked.

"...I'm leaving, will I leave this place to you?"

After saying that, Mina left the room without looking back. What she said made Cagalli thoughtful.

"Kisaka, what she means... is that everyone has something they should do, right?" After thinking for a long time, Cagalli asked Kisaka, after all, she was under house arrest in this room, who could talk to her?

There is only Kisaka.

"Yes." Kisaka smiled happily. In his opinion, after this house arrest, Cagalli finally grew up, and at least learned to think about problems on her own.

"Then...what should I do?"

Faced with Cagalli's questioning, Kisaka did not answer. To be honest, Kisaka didn't know what Cagalli should do, or... what she could do. The only thing that shined was her MS driving skills.

Although he is not as good as Yang Hui and others, he can still be regarded as an ace-level pilot.

But Kisaka would rather Cagalli didn't have such a talent and just stay in a safe place.

"Ah~!!! I can't think of it!" Cagalli scratched her hair frantically. She really couldn't think of anything she could do. Her commanding was not as good as the emperor's, her politics and diplomacy were not as good as Wang Liumei's, and her overall planning was not as good as hers.

Even if they go up to Yang Hui, they can't compete with Yang Hui in battle. Even Mina has more leadership qualities than her. "Damn it! I still can't calm down! I really want to fight with them!"

"..." Well, Kisaka is used to it. As expected, Cagalli like this is what he is most used to. The image of a silent thinker is really not suitable for Cagalli, so... let's just be a princess.

On the way to L4 from the White Tiger and the Archangel, Patrick Sara, who was in PLANT, was very worried. He finally found Sigal Klein's clues, but ended up missing again and couldn't find Lacus Klein.

There is no trace of her, but the ongoing anti-war broadcast proves that she is indeed still in PLANT.

There is another very serious problem that bothers Patrick Sala, that is, the special force composed of Aslan, Nigel and Diego has lost contact.

The last time I heard from them was at the Carpentaria base, and I haven't received any news since they left.

According to reports from the intelligence department, the spies they planted within the Earth Army came back with information. During the Orb Defense War, four MSs suspected to be Freedom Gundam, Justice Gundam, Rebirth Gundam, and Covenant Gundam appeared to assist the Orb Army in resisting the Atlantic Ocean.

Confederate attack.

It's just a suspicion and cannot be confirmed.

But this also made Patrick Sala feel uncomfortable. He felt that he had been betrayed. His son and descendant, whom he trusted so much, actually rebelled? No, it is not certain that he has rebelled yet.

But... why did you help the Orb Army if you didn't rebel? Just because of your friendship with Yang Hui?

Even if this were the case, Patrick Sala was extremely scared, because he had always valued Yang Hui. Even if Aslan and the others were just helping out on a whim, Yang Hui might pull them into rebellion.

If nothing else, once Yang Hui knew about the existence of the anti-neutron jammer, would he use it?

But it doesn't make sense. If Yang Hui got the anti-neutron jammer, Orb would have the power of nuclear energy. Why didn't he use it even if the country fell?

Too many doubts surrounded Patrick Sala's mind, making it difficult for him to sort out his thoughts.

Therefore, he decided to find a helper to help him analyze it.

"Someone is coming!"

"Your Excellency Speaker."

"Where is Cruze?"

"Last contact, Captain Cruze is resting at the Carpentaria base."

"Contact him and ask him to come back with his troops."


This chapter has been completed!
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