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Chapter 428 Undercurrent

"I didn't expect you to be so kind to your friends?" Yang Hui teased Cruze with great interest.

Kruse had been reminding Durandal that he knew about it, and Kruse also took the initiative to tell Yang Hui about it.

"I just don't want our plan to change." Cruze replied calmly.

Yang Hui still believes this sentence. What kind of person is Kruse? If he is ruthless, he can drag people around the world to bury him. Will such a person be a good gentleman?

But when the two things of helping friends and reducing variables overlapped, he didn't mind helping his friends. After all, being able to become Cruze's friend, Durandal's ability is definitely not bad, and he can win more people for the team.

Talent is also a part of the plan.

"By the way, have those people dealt with it?" Yang Hui asked.

"Dealed with it, those idiots thought they could sit back and relax by joining the Atlantic Federation. It's ridiculous. They didn't even need us to take action, and they were devoured completely." Cruze sneered.

Yang Hui and Kruse were talking about the former Orb nobles who took advantage of Orb's fall and defected with their family property. Yes, they were the eight families who were coerced by Yang Hui. Should I say they were disappointed, Yang Hui was not disappointed at all.

, not a single one was left behind, they all ran away.

Several families, including the Sailan family, even used special channels to bring back their children who were distributed and run away with them.

However, when it came to the children of those families who did not run away, Yang Hui was relieved that they could actually escape with their families, but they actively refused to defect, and one or two even took the initiative to report to the superiors that their families wanted to defect.

Different choices bring different consequences.

The self-righteous people chose to run away, and as a result, the family property was divided up. Now it is not known how many people are still alive; those who grew up in adversity and chose to stay, preserved a piece of incense for the family, although the family

It is no longer a grand occasion, but as they grow up, as long as they serve Orb seriously, their status will become higher and higher in the future, and maybe they can return to the ranks of the nobility.

When Yang Hui sent these young disciples to different places, why not give them a chance to choose? If they can take this opportunity to return to their hearts, they will still be Orb's nobles.

But Yang Hui also knows the greed and ugliness of human nature. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. People who are used to enjoying themselves suddenly lose their glory and wealth. How many people can bear it? How many people can rise again?

Therefore, their defection was expected by Yang Hui from the beginning, and some arrangements were made in advance.

"How much did you get?"


"Can't keep them all?"

Cruze did not answer Yang Hui, but glanced at him with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Okay, I'm greedy." Yang Hui raised his hand and surrendered. It would be good to keep 70% of the remaining property of the defecting family. When they defected, the Orb mainland fell, and Yang Hui and others went to the universe together.

They were all focused on the war between PLANT and the United Earth, and did not pay much attention to them. Otherwise, it would be a dream for them to escape from Orb.

And don’t treat the people of the Atlantic Federation as trash. There are still capable people, especially when it comes to making money. Yang Hui thinks he can’t compare to those businessmen, so he can get 70% with the help of advance preparation.

Very good results.

"There is another piece of information that I can't make up my mind about."

"What information?"

"The little princess has been a little restless lately."

"Huh? Cagalli?"

"Yes." As he said that, Kruse sent a piece of information to Yang Hui's PAD.

Yang Hui clicked it and took a look, his face immediately darkened: "There is someone behind her."

"Obviously, otherwise, the little princess would not do such a thing."

The intelligence showed that Cagalli, who was supposed to be living a carefree life as a princess in Orb, was now frequently moving around among officials, and even showed words and actions to win over her.

If it was Cagalli's personal judgment, Yang Hui would never believe it. With Cagalli's ability, even if she wanted to go against Yang Hui, she would do so openly and would never act in private. The word "keep a low profile and bide your time" was never in her dictionary.

Moreover, Orb is now prosperous and powerful, becoming one of the countries in the world that cannot be provoked. Orb has restored peace and has more powerful power to guard this peace. Cagalli will never take the initiative to destroy it.




"Everyone who has had any contact with her, even just a face-to-face encounter, will be investigated."

"This scope is too big. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack." Cruze shook his head. After the armistice, Cagalli also ended her life under house arrest. She was only not allowed to interfere in anything related to Orb, but she still did not have the freedom to travel.

The problem is, it's just that all her itineraries are monitored, and even when she takes a shower or goes to the toilet, a female agent monitors her, making it truly 24 hours a day without any blind spots.

When he received this piece of information, Cruze immediately contacted the person responsible for monitoring Cagalli, but after questioning, he found that there were no problems and no clues. This surprised Cruze. Who

A person so powerful? Can he avoid all 24-hour surveillance and contact Cagalli?

And now, Yang Hui asked Kruze to check all the people who have met Cagalli. There are too many people. Cagalli now goes to the city of Orb every day to hang out here, play there, and meet them.

There are hundreds of thousands of people here, if not millions, right? Where did he get the manpower?

"Start by checking the people around her, including our people."

"I see."

"By the way, has Kisaka been following Cagalli?"

"You suspect there's something wrong with him?"

"He won't have any problems, but he is too soft on Cagalli. Look for an opportunity to transfer him to Papua New Guinea."


"Also, is there anyone watching over Kira?"

"Is it useful? He lives in the orphanage of target number two and rarely leaves. If you are worried about the little princess coming into contact with him, don't worry, the little princess doesn't even know where Kira lives."

"That's good. Although Kira is sensible, he is too kind. If he can't defeat Cagalli, he won't let her be stupid alone."

"I will arrange it. When are you going to meet target No. 2?"

"He is back?"

The second target is Mentor Marchio. He was originally the number one target. Now the Kingdom of Scandinavia has shown its flaws, so Mentor Marchio was placed as the second target. He has always been the target that Yang Hui intended to contact, but the other party

It is possible that someone who knew something disappeared after PLANT left, and no trace of him has been found until now.

Naturally, his home is taken care of by the Yamato family and Lenoa Sara, as well as taking care of the orphans.

And now, he is finally back, and Yang Hui can finally meet this mysterious mentor in person.

"After the incident with [Julius 7] is over, I will go see him. Now that he is back, I must make sure that he does not disappear again."

"Don't worry, it's been arranged."

This chapter has been completed!
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