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Chapter 446 The battle begins

"Aren't you going to meet them? Aslan, Durandal has already told me that Yitzhak and Diego are on the opposite side." Yang Hui asked Aslan on the bridge of the Sky Sword.

"We don't have that time now, do we? The operation is about to start in half an hour, and my current status, contact with them, is not good for them." Aslan replied, his expression was still a little sad, of course he

I want to reunite with my friends, but now is not the best time.

On the one hand, [Julius 7]'s destructive operation is about to begin, and he cannot be allowed to run around.

On the other hand, in what capacity did he go to the ZAFT army's fleet to meet Yitzhak and Diego? Aslan Sala, the son of former Speaker Patrick Sala? Or Aslan Sala, Yang Hui's bodyguard?

"Okay, after the operation is over, I will give you a few days off. This place is not far from [Heliopolis]. Let's find an opportunity to meet them during the operation."


"What are you talking about?" Yang Hui pushed Aslan. We have been friends for so many years, and we still need to thank him for such a small thing? It's strange.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, Representative Duane Halbaton of the Atlantic Federation sent a communication request." At this time, Bucky Lulu reported.

"Take it over."



"Your Excellency Yang Hui, long time no see."

"Long time no see, General Halbarton, I didn't expect that the representative of the Atlantic Federation would be you."

"Hahaha, I can't help it. How can we be the same kind of people?" Duane Halbarton laughed, both self-deprecating and sarcastic.

Duane Halboton and Yang Hui are indeed the same type of people in a sense. They are both people hated by the top leaders of the Atlantic Federation and [Blue Cosmos].

"That's my honor, General Halbarton, but...the members of the delegation can't wait?"

"...Isn't that right? I don't think anyone can be uneasy, right?" Duane Halbar paused for a moment, then returned to his smile and cheerful answer to Yang Hui, but at the same time he raised his fist and clenched it a few times.

"General Halbarton, please wait a moment. It's almost the scheduled time."


When the communication ended, the smile on Yang Hui's face was replaced by a serious look, and he immediately asked CIC to send an encrypted message to Durandal.

"Natal, inform Mina to execute Plan B."

"Plan B!?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

There are two plans for the destruction of [Julius 7]. Plan A is to destroy [Julius 7] smoothly without any incident. Compared with the plan which is only made on the premise that someone will interfere, it will cause less destruction.

Troops remain on high alert throughout the entire process.

"Who is it? Dare to make trouble at this time?" After sending the message, Baji Lulu frowned deeply. After all, when the whole world is watching, which force dares to risk the world's disapproval?

"I don't know, but it must be related to the Atlantic Federation." Yang Hui said with certainty. Duane Halbarton's fist seemed to express excitement, but he was telling Yang Hui that all the members of the accompanying delegation this time were

his people.

Then... this has to make Yang Hui be more careful. Participating in the destruction of [Julius 7] is a huge honor and a free contribution. For the sake of safety, Duane Halbaton is allowed to participate in the operation.

It is in line with the life-saving style of the Atlantic Federation’s top brass.

But...the rest of the delegation shouldn't all be Duane Halbaton's people, at least some monitors should be excluded, right?

So... is it an abandoned son? A bait? Or one of the targets to be eliminated?

No matter which one it is, or neither one is the case, you should be vigilant.

"I can't be sure, but it's better to be careful."

"...Understood." Baji Lulu nodded, "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, prepare to attack."


Yang Hui got up and headed towards Gnaku with Aslan.

"Yang Hui, are you really not going to hide the pseudo-solar furnace?" Aslan asked Yang Hui on the way.

"It's not necessary. The pseudo-solar furnace and GN particles will be promoted all over the world sooner or later. Moreover, this is Orb's unique technology. If you want to get it, you have to pay whatever price you have to pay. Who will be given it or not, not everyone."

Is it up to us?"

"I see."

"And you are overthinking it now. One of the biggest features of the GN particle furnace requires a gravity environment to be well expressed, and they can't see anything in the universe."

"That's right..." Aslan thought for a while, and it was indeed the case. The anti-gravity properties of GN particles are really not very visible in the universe. You can only see orange radiant particles walking... that's all...

"Wait a minute, what about interfering with electromagnetic signals?"

This is the second most important characteristic of GN particles. They interfere with electromagnetic signals. Unless they undergo special processing like Orb's electronic equipment, all electronic equipment will be seriously interfered with.

If this characteristic is discovered, it will become popular among all major forces.

This is only one aspect. Now is an important period when the operation is about to begin. Once the GN particles interfere with the electronic equipment of the ZAFT fleet, the entire fleet will become extremely chaotic.

"Don't worry, arrangements have been made. The ZAFT fleet has already set off. Their defense zone is outside the maximum diffusion range of GN particles and will not affect them."

Currently, the only machines equipped with pseudo-solar furnaces are the Dawn Gundam, the Archangel, the Cherubim, the De Angel, the Freedom Gundam and the Justice Gundam. The other machines do not even use the GN particle storage chamber, so the diffusion range of GN particles is only

Although the six Gundams are relatively scattered in the area where the six Gundams are located, they will not affect ZAFT's troops.

Unless... someone takes the initiative to enter their defense zone.

"Will someone cause trouble?"

Just after boarding the Dawn Gundam, Yang Hui received the communication from Setsuna, Lyle and Tieria.

"It's just possible, be careful and you won't make a big mistake."

"That's right, but the Atlantic Federation's decision is really worrying."

"They don't dare."

“Just because the general manager doesn’t dare to make decisions doesn’t mean that no one is smart.”

"So be careful. There is a threat. Let's deal with it. Kira, Aslan, are you ready?"

"Ready." X2

Two more people appeared in the multi-person communication. Kira and Aslan nodded, indicating that they were ready to attack at any time.

Kira is not a soldier of the Orb Army, but this kind of huge combat operation is also conducive to the development of world peace. Yang Hui did not spend much effort to invite Kira out of the mountain. This also consolidates the relationship between Kira and them.

The connection, the strong bond, will become unstable if it is not maintained for a long time.

"It's time." As he said that, Yang Hui turned on the all-channel broadcast through the Sky Sword, "Notify the entire army that the battle code name is [Rescue] and the battle has begun."


"The approach path has been cleared, the electromagnetic ejection charge has been completed, and at dawn, please attack."

"Understood, Dawn, Yang Hui, attack!"

This chapter has been completed!
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