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Chapter 461 Deal in battle

"Yes Yes!"

Everyone saluted in panic, and then quickly returned to their work. There was no way, Yang Hui's sense of oppression was too strong, the crew members were all new recruits, Thalia was the new captain, Arthur Tran

He is the newly promoted deputy captain, and most of the others are students who have just graduated from the military academy. They simply cannot bear Yang Hui's sense of oppression.

Durandal glanced at Yang Hui in surprise, but quickly put it away. This was also the first time Durandal felt Yang Hui's oppression at close range during combat. To be honest, even he was scared and couldn't help but follow Yang Hui's instructions.

command action.

"I made you laugh." Durandal glanced at the people busy at work and said to Yang Hui with shame.

"There is no need to apologize to me, Durandal." Yang Hui shook his head, "To be honest, I am more of a military officer than the supreme leader, and I am used to the responsibilities of a military officer."


"Half of it is to win on the premise of ensuring that as many people as possible survive."

"..." Durandal remained silent. He and Yang Hui had exactly the opposite views. For victory, the price paid is worth it.

Of course, he didn't say this. If Yang Hui heard it, he would definitely say something to him, "If you have the ability, sacrifice yourself first!"

"The pulse is ready, the pilot is ready!"

"Attack now!"

"Understood! Pulse, prepare to attack. Pilots please enter the core fighter, select the [Sword Shadow] module, open the No. 2 [Shadow Clan] module library, Shadow Clan Flying Body, prepare to eject..."

"The platform is set up, the central catapult is online, and the air-tight gate is closed..."

"The emergency team please be on standby with the attack area..."

"The central catapult rises to the launch position..."

"The core fighter aircraft, the entire system is online, and begins to execute the sortie..."

"The hatch is open, the ejection system is connected, the catapult thrust is normal, the approach path is clear, and the core fighter is ready to attack!"

"True Bird, core fighter, attack!"

The narrow ejection deck in the center of the Minerva opened, and the red, blue and white fighter jets rushed out of the ejection deck dragging long tail flames.

"The catapult is connected, and the shadow flying body can be ejected!"

"Then there's the chest flying body, which can be ejected!"

"The flying body with legs can be ejected!"

Following closely behind the core fighter, three component modules were launched one after another. While still in the air, the core fighter folded up and docked with the flying bodies on the chest and legs respectively. The arms and legs stretched out, revealing the Pulse Gundam.

His true appearance, the last shadow docked behind the Pulse Gundam from the flying body.

When the VPS armor is activated, the gray outer armor changes to the main color of red, with a golden edge.

While the Pulse Gundam was still in the air, it pulled out two MMI-710 [Broken Steel Sword] laser anti-ship knives, and slashed them down with the force of splitting Huashan.

The targeted Gaia Gundam sensed the danger and quickly jumped back to avoid the heavy blow. The heavy sword landed on the ground and flew at any time.

At the same time, the Abyss Gundam and Chaos Gundam, which were still destroying the armory, also noticed the gorgeous appearance of the Pulse Gundam, and at the same time listed this new machine with no information in the intelligence as the number one threat target.

"Hey? The three-stage docking mode is a bit interesting." The three-stage combined docking mode of the Pulse Gundam reminded Yang Hui of a child he didn't like very much, and his impulsive little brother.

"Your Excellency Yang Hui, what do you think of this?" Durandal asked proudly.

"Well, it's interesting..."

Hearing Yang Hui's positive comments, Durandal originally showed a proud smile, but it immediately disappeared because...

"...But it's all fancy and a mess. If it were me, he wouldn't have a chance to combine. He even flew low in front of the enemy and circled around, looking for death."

"Uh..." Not only was Durandal's expression froze, but other people on the Minerva were also sweating profusely.

No one doubts that Yang Hui is deliberately looking for trouble. He is the top in the MS field, no one else.

"Now is not the time to talk about this!" Thalia suddenly looked at Durandal, "Speaker, it is now certain that Gaia, Abyss, and Chaos were robbed by the enemy. Since they are robbing troops, there must be a mothership outside.

!Should be notified..."

"It's too late." Before Durandal spoke, Yang Hui shook his head and said, "Ten minutes have passed since the three new mechas were snatched. The enemy's mothership must have been in place, and...I

I don’t think that the infiltration force only has three pilots who snatched the machine body.”

"This... Speaker!" Thalia shouted hurriedly. If what Yang Hui said was true, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Contact the command center immediately and ask them..."

"Beep beep beep..." Before Durandal could finish the order, Yang Hui's PAD rang. Seeing that it was Bucky Lulu's communication request, Yang Hui looked at Durandal and connected directly after seeing the other party nodding.

"it's me."

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, are you okay?" Bakki Lulu asked with concern.

"Aslan and I are fine. We are taking refuge on the Minerva now."


"ZAFT's cutting-edge battleship, let's not talk about it for now. The internal explosion was caused by the robbery of the troops. Three new mobile suits of the ZAFT army were snatched away. There should be a mothership outside to respond. The Sky Sword and the escort fleet are on alert. The MS troops are in an emergency.


"Understand...do you need internal support?"

"No need, just keep an eye on the outside... If the ZAFT army is attacked by surprise, we can provide appropriate support... Is that okay? Speaker Durandal."

Durandal was stunned for a moment, and his face became a little ugly. Yang Hui's inquiry seemed to be an application, but in fact it was a notification, leaving no choice for Durandal.

"Okay." Although he was unhappy, Durandal still accepted Yang Hui's application. The most important thing now is to reduce casualties, recapture the Gaia Gundam, Abyss Gundam and Chaos Gundam, and at the same time annihilate the invading enemies.

"Did you hear everything?" Yang Hui asked Bucky Lulu on the other end of the PAD.


After the communication ended, Yang Hui put away his PAD, ignored Durandal's gaze, and instead observed the battle in the war.

"Tsk, tsk, no way." Seeing the battle, Yang Hui shook his head. Mayu also flew the Zaku Warrior to attack. At the same time, there was also a red Zaku Warrior, a white Zaku Phantom and the Pulse Gundam to attack the Gaia Gundam and the Abyss Gundam.

and Chaos Gundam, but... four against three, if you have a special painting, you should be an elite. Even if you are an elite, you can barely maintain an encirclement, and you can't even suppress it.

The remaining ordinary garrison troops can't even help, and are even holding them back.

"Your Excellency Yang Hui..." Durandal's expression became even more ugly. This time, his face was really humiliated. If this continues, the three machines that are likely to be taken away will break through, and the armory will also

Suffering greater losses and having no other options, he could only make another request to Yang Hui, "If it were you, could you capture those three machines?"

"Speaker!?" the crew members exclaimed again, surprised by Durandal's decision.



"But those three pilots have to be handed over to me." The Gaia Gundam, Abyss Gundam and Chaos Gundam are not of much value to Yang Hui. Although they are ZAFT's latest mobile suits, to be honest... they don't need to be used.

Looking at the specific information, Yang Hui had already guessed the parameters of the three machines from the battle, which was even worse than Mu and Morgan Subaliai's Strike Gundam.

"Impossible." Durandal rejected Yang Hui's request, "Now the enemy's identity is unknown, and we need more information."

"For information, I can give you a substitute, how about leaving the mothership of the universe to you?" Yang Hui proposed a new trading chip.

"In this case... you can, but you must ensure that the commander of this operation can be caught." Even if Xiaoyu Xiaoxia is caught, he won't be able to get much valuable information. After all, how much can the grassroots soldiers know?

The commander of the operation is worth much more than three pilots snatching the aircraft body.

"Okay." Yang Hui agreed. He didn't have high demand for information. He already knew that this was the work of the [Phantom Pain] troops. He was just a little concerned about three good prospects who might have potential.

"Then do I need to contact your ship to send your two machines over?" Durandal asked.

"No need." Yang Hui shook his head and looked at Thalia, "Does this ship still have free airframes?"

"There are...and two Zaku warriors...but..."

"That's enough. Let's go, Aslan, let's go have fun together."

This chapter has been completed!
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