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Chapter 507 The big guys gather together

On the way back to Earth, Ray Bill's chat with Yang Hui never stopped. He wanted to know more about this young man who couldn't see through anything.

"What do you think of the Federation and Zeon now?"

"Zion is just a flash in the pan. The new combat method built with MS as the core caught the federation by surprise. But after the federation reacts, the advantage will become smaller and smaller, and it will eventually be overtaken and then defeated."

"It seems that you have a high opinion of the Federation."

"After all, the size is there, the army needs materials, money, minerals, manpower... these are all things that Zeon lacks."

"Everything you don't have is in the hands of the enemy, and if you want to get it, there is only one way." Ray Bill's eyes flashed.


"Yes, Zeon is ready to attack Earth."

"They made two preparations. They were openly preparing for peace talks, but secretly they were preparing to descend to the earth."

"Haha, peace talks? Now? That's not called peace talks, that's called surrender!" Ray Bill said angrily.

"The key is that many people are frightened by Killian Zabi's madness."

To be honest, Kilian Zabi's "Operation Britain" was a crazy act of directly using colonial satellites as bombs. Yang Hui, who had experienced it personally, was also frightened. He just imagined that he couldn't feel the fear at all, colonizing like an asteroid.

The satellite fell from the universe to the earth, and there was a feeling of powerlessness as if the mortal body of human beings were fighting against the natural disasters of nature.

(PS: This refers to the situation when it has entered the atmosphere and cannot be stopped.)

At that time, SIDE2's No. 8 open colonial satellite Ifisu Island was equipped with a nuclear pulse engine. It was a 32-kilometer-class (actual length 40 kilometers) colonial satellite with a diameter of 6.4 kilometers and a mass of nearly 600 million tons. It was destroyed when it fell to the ground.

The force can reach 3 million times the destructive power of [Little Boy]. Even the Federation Army Headquarters Gabro, which is built under a solid rock formation and can survive a direct hit by a nuclear bomb, cannot directly withstand it.

If this is not enough to clearly understand, because of the interception of the 2nd and 4th Federation fleets stationed on Luna 2, Iphisu Island fell off the scheduled orbit and began to disintegrate, but the relatively intact first half was smashed out on the eastern coast of Australia.

The largest artificial crater in history, it caused the complete destruction of one-third of the Oceania continent, and 17% sank in the Pacific Ocean; the debris from the second half spread across the Eastern Pacific, reaching the North American continent, destroying a quarter of the North American continent, causing

The tsunami destroyed all the federal naval fleets in the Pacific and destroyed all pan-Pacific cities.

The number of direct casualties and missing persons reached 320 million, while the number of indirect casualties and missing persons caused by weather changes reached 2 billion.

The ecological sequelae of this disaster (changes in the earth's rotation angle and abnormal atmospheric systems) lasted for several years, causing huge difficulties in post-war reconstruction.

The scene of a natural disaster that resembles the destruction of the world is man-made and can be used repeatedly. Most people will be frightened to the point of weakening their legs.

"Hmph! Kira Zabi is a madman!"

"Crazy people also have some sense and a few bottom lines, but Kilian Zabi...with all due respect, it would be more appropriate to call him a psychopath."

"Yes, but even so, we cannot surrender! The Federation has not lost yet! If Kilian Zabi plans to use colonial satellites as bombs again, he will definitely not succeed!"

There is confidence, but Ray Bill is more expressing his passion and indignation. Only Luna 2, the Federation's army in the universe, has been relatively intact, and it is also struggling to hold on under the impact of the Zeon army.

If Kilian Zabi planned to drop another colonial satellite to the Earth, it would be difficult for the Federation Army to stop it after losing most of the space fleet and not having a complete mobile suit force.


"Killian Zabi will no longer use colonial satellites as bombs in the near future."

"Haha, the thoughts of a psychopath are not something that normal people can fathom."

"If you can't figure out Killian Zabi's thoughts, you can still think of other people's thoughts."

With that said, Yang Hui released a piece of information. This information was neither important nor unimportant, because it was a secret visit within the Zeon Army regarding their views on [Operation Britain]; but it was important to say that,

Because this information can provide the most intuitive understanding of whether the Zeon army is united.

The internal unity of an army is directly linked to its combat effectiveness.

"This is... haha, those who do evil will inevitably die. This is a truth that has been continued from the era of BC to this day."

It can be seen from this information that the differences within the Zeon Army are also very large. During the Zeon Republic, the influence left by Zeon Daken was still strong, and many Zeon soldiers still had an outstanding warrior spirit.

The sudden death of Onn Daken was already suspicious of the Zabi family. After Kilian Zabi successively ordered the Zeon army to carry out several brutal and inhumane operations, his views on the Zabi family became even greater.

However, there was internal disharmony, and there was no chaos on the surface. After all, even if there were people born in big families among them, they would not dare to confront the Zabi family. [Blue Superstar] Lamba Lal's Lal

Family is the best example. The Lal family is dilapidated. Although Lamba Lal has outstanding abilities and is valued by Dozlu, because he is dissatisfied with the practices of the Zabi family, he has been dismissed from the military and can only live idle.

, relying on alcohol to vent depression, anger and helplessness.

"Is it possible to fight for these people?" Ray Bill asked Yang Hui. Not to mention being able to stick to his true attitude in the big dyeing vat, there are also many familiar elite aces who are also dissatisfied with the Zabi family. If they can be pulled over,

By joining the Federation and the camp, the previously lost elites can be replenished, while Zeon will also suffer heavy losses.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is skinny. Regarding Ray Bill's thoughts, Yang Hui shook his head, which made Ray Bill regretful.

"Impossible, General Ray Bill." Digging people? Ray Bill is good at Yang Hui? He started the poaching plan so long in advance. How many people did he poach?

The Federation is okay, most of the famous characters are grassroots, and the difficulty is not high.

But on the Zeon side, about half of the famous people were born in the Zeon family, and they are inseparable from the country of Zeon, so they cannot be poached.


"That is a pity. So many outstanding warriors can only struggle to survive under the oppression of Kilian Zabi."

"General Rebel, you have gone into a misunderstanding."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Their allegiance is to the country of Zeon, not to the Zabi family."

"you mean?"

Yang Hui smiled and did not fully explain, leaving room for Ray Bill's imagination. Although his cooperation with the Federation is basically confirmed, isn't it not yet? Xia Ya is also a trump card that Yang Hui keeps, and he will bring it out at more critical times.

can achieve better results.

Seeing that Yang Hui didn't say anything, Ray Bill didn't ask any more questions. When an old fox meets a young fox, he has a blind mind. If he asks questions, he won't get an answer. Force and threats will lead to the deterioration of the relationship, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

"Master, we are about to enter the descent trajectory."

"Contact Lieutenant General Thiam."


Soon, Tiam's nervous face appeared in the projection, mainly because Ray Bill's safety was too important, and the Federation Army was at an absolute disadvantage in the universe, so they were afraid of being intercepted by the Zeon Army.

"General Rebel, Mr. Yang Hui, our escort ends here."

After the events of the past few days, Tianmu also had a lot of contact and exchanges with Yang Hui, and found that Yang Hui was not simple. In addition, Ray Bill and Yang Hui had a good relationship. The two age groups were like friends who had never known each other.

, get along with each other as equals.

"We have Lieutenant General Rautiam."

"Thank you for your hard work, Tianm."

"It's our duty. This fleet will return to Luna 2 immediately after your ship enters the descent orbit."

"The universe depends on you. We must hold on until the moment of counterattack."

"Yes." Although Rebel now has no right to give orders to Tianm, Tianam is still willing to carry out Rebel's instructions.

Seeing that the conversation between the two was over, Yang Hui received their nods and gave instructions to the captain: "Disengage from the Second Fleet's array and begin the descent procedure."

"Yes, Master."

In the huge fleet, the shuttle, which was much smaller than the battleship, began to descend, leaving the protection of the battleship and heading towards the earth. Tianmu watched with his own eyes as the shuttle dragged its fiery red figure through the atmosphere and entered the earth safely.

After that, the fleet was ordered to return.

"The moment of counterattack is really exciting." Thinking of what he saw and heard during the journey, Tianmu became more confident in this war that the Federation will win.

The shuttle returned to a stable and normal temperature and went directly to the federal army headquarters Gabro. However, there was no fanfare. Instead, it landed quietly at a secret apron in Gabro without letting everyone know that Ray Bill was back.


"Old man, welcome back, you are in good condition." Seeing Ray Bill walking out of the shuttle in high spirits, Garp's eyes lit up, and the people who followed him to greet Ray Bill, including Kim Colini, Hai

Man Dimitov, Green White, John Gowan, Vic Hancock.

This lineup cannot even be described as luxurious. To put it bluntly, except for those who could not leave the station, all the top officers of the federal army were present.

By the way, there is another person who is not here, that is Erlan, the Zeon spy who had made great achievements in carrying out the rescue plan of Rebil and was trusted by Rebil. The rescue plan of Rebil is no longer Dejin Zabi and Kissi.

In a drama co-directed by Leah Zabi, he did not have the opportunity to make a contribution. He is still just a brigadier general and is placed in an unimportant position.

Yang Hui, who came out later, also sighed, "As expected of Ray Bill, he quietly returned home and was greeted by the top brass of the federal army. This was much more prestigious than a grand welcome ceremony!"

"Well, I've learned a lot." Ray Bill hugged his old friend Gepu. Although the two have completely opposite styles of acting, they have been friends for many years and have a tacit understanding that is difficult to match.

"This is our great hero, the third young master of the Bister family, Mr. Yang Hui." After Ge Pu and Ray Bill separated, he introduced Yang Hui to the others present.

This chapter has been completed!
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