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Chapter 526 A real man never looks back at the explosion!

It was a wilderness, filled with debris and scorched black holes and craters left by the explosion.

"Major, it's solved."

"The materials have also been recycled."

"keep going."


From the initial nervousness, to the later excitement, and now, the blood of the wolves searching for prey still flickered in their eyes, but their expressions were only calm and numb.

Just now, a complete patrol team consisting of 3 Zaku IIs, 6 Magera tanks and 6 Dopp fighter planes was wiped out by the team led by Yang Hui, and no one was spared alive.

They couldn't remember how many patrol teams they had eliminated. They just followed Yang Hui's footsteps and continued to move forward, destroying any enemy that stood in front of them.

"Attention, all planes, we have entered enemy-occupied territory, be careful."

"Understood." X3

After advancing for a while, I didn't encounter any enemies. I compared the map and found that my current location was not far from Zeon's supply line, and there was a Zeon material transfer station not far ahead. If I could transfer this

If the station and all supplies are destroyed, Zeon will face a crisis of shortage of supplies within a month.

But as an important stronghold of Zeon, it is naturally impossible to be defenseless. On the contrary, it is heavily guarded. It will take some planning to remove this material transfer station.

After finding a hidden location not far away, Yang Hui looked at the map and thought about the battle plan.

"Major, I'm back." Karl, the blogger responsible for reconnaissance of the base, immediately found Yang Hui.

"How's it going?"

"I walked around the base. It was heavily guarded. The standing mobile patrol team included a squadron of Zakus. There was also Dopp's continuous patrol in the air. There were 12 fixed posts. Each one except a squadron of Zakus and Zakus.

There is a small group of Majela tanks with heavy firepower points outside, but it is a pity that we cannot contact the headquarters. If we can get satellite photos, we can also know the strength of the troops inside."

"Can the Super Mega Cannon of Unit 4 be destroyed at once?" Russ Kessel asked.

"No." Blogger Karl shook his head in denial, "The general shape of the base is square. With the attack range of the Super Mega Cannon, it can only cover one-third of the area at one time."

"Then it won't work."

Their goal is to completely destroy this material transfer station. Once the enemy is alerted, not only will there be no second chance to launch a sneak attack, but it will even intensify Zeon's pursuit of them.

The result is only one third of the material transfer station, which is not worth the loss.

"There should be no problem with the security here. During the investigation, I paid attention to the patrol routes of the Zeon patrol force. So far, I have not found any patrol routes that overlap with here. Major, I want to go to the transfer station at night to see the situation." Blog·Karl

Asked for instructions.

"Okay, I will go with you tonight. If there is really no chance, we will give up here."

"Understood." X3

"Fort, how many supplies do we have left?"

"It's enough for us for ten days."

"Okay, let's all take a rest and take turns on duty. I'll be on the first shift."

"Understood." X3

As the sun sets, the silence of the night gradually takes over the warm sky, and the temperature drops.

Yang Hui looked at the time and found Blogger Karl to set off together to conduct a second reconnaissance of the material transfer station.

"Sure enough, it's tighter, Major, we have no chance." After Blogger Karl determined that the defenses were tighter at night than during the day, he immediately suggested that Yang Hui give up the raid on this material transfer station.

"Well, although it's a pity, I can only...wait, what is that?"

Just when Yang Hui was about to give up, he suddenly saw several signal lights flashing in the sky. He checked with a night vision telescope and saw that several "Fat Uncle" transport planes landed from the sky and were in the transfer station.

"Another batch of support has arrived. Damn Zeon, how many troops have been invested here?" Blogger Carl gritted his teeth. Every material here will add a burden to the federal army.

"Well... I think... we may have a chance." Yang Hui said.


"Go back first."


After returning to the hiding place, Yang Hui immediately summoned the three of them and spread out the map for a meeting: "Just now, a group of [Fat Uncles] arrived at the transfer station. The battle situation on the front line is very tense. Judging from the aggressiveness of the Zeon army, they

I am in a hurry and want to win the Middle East as soon as possible, so..."

"This support will also be transported to the front line as soon as possible. It is very likely... that it will set off tonight!"

"It's possible, if so, we can stop this batch of supplies midway and attract the troops at the transfer station to leave the transfer station."

"...Ruth, you go to this location." Yang Hui drew a circle on the map deeper into Zeon, and then drew a curve, "At this location, wait for Ford's signal, use Super Mega

The cannon attacks area A of the transfer station. After the first shot, abandon the Super Mega Cannon and evacuate from this direction as quickly as possible."

"Are you going to abandon the Super Mega Cannon?" Russ asked. After several battles, he has fallen in love with this weapon. It is powerful, has a long range, and is a super weapon that can achieve success with one hit. So he abandoned it like this. He also

A bit reluctant.

"Well, after this battle, we will be very pressed for time. With the Super Mega Cannon, we won't be able to make it in time."

"Understood, I will set up a self-destruct program."

"Well, then Ford and Blog, you go to this location." As he said, Yang Hui drew another circle on the map. This is the location between the front line and the transfer station. "Wait for the supply team. We will launch a missile in five minutes."

After firing a signal bomb, destroy all the supplies and reinforcements, and then retreat from this direction and join up with Russ."

"Understood." X2

"I will raid the transfer station after your operation. An hour later, I haven't gone to the rendezvous point yet, so you continue to execute the plan."

"...Understand." X3

The three of them did not dissuade or comfort them. First, they believed that Yang Hui would be able to reunite safely within the limited time. Second, they no longer needed to be so pretentious. They were all soldiers, warriors, and comrades. What they needed was

Silent understanding and support, rather than obstruction and tenderness.

"Major, what if the supply team doesn't come?" Fort Romfilo asked.

"You can wait here for up to two hours. If they don't show up within two hours, evacuate directly to the meeting point." This time was also calculated by Yang Hui. If it goes as they expected, Zeon can't wait to send supplies and reinforcements.

If you are sent to the front line, you will definitely pass this location within two hours. If not, you will not be able to catch up with the battle after dawn, and there will be no need to set off at night.

"Understood." X3

The four planes had already separated and Yang Hui was lurking alone not far outside the transfer station, waiting for the battle to begin.

"Counting the time, Ford, Blogger and Ruth should have arrived at the scheduled coordinates. The next step is to wait... huh? Haha, are you in such a hurry?"

At this time, Yang Hui saw a squadron of Zaku IIs escorting a large convoy heading towards the front line. Just as they had guessed, the Zeon army was eager to make achievements and impatiently sent additional troops to the front line.


Fifteen minutes later, Yang Hui saw about a squadron of mixed formations of Zaku IIs and tank fighters leaving the transfer station and marching towards the ambush site of Fort Romfilo and Blog Carl. After a while, a group of Zaku IIs and tanks and fighter jets also appeared not far away.

There were flashing flares, gunfire, and explosions. Yang Hui knew it was starting over there, and what happened next was...


The Super Mega Cannon unleashed its power, and the thick torrent of beams covered and submerged one-third of the transfer station like a wave. After the pink light dissipated, arcs were still pulsating on the melted ground, and then...

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The continuous explosions formed a whole line, and the fierce firelight illuminated the quiet night, breaking the tranquility of the moon.


The alarm sounded at the transfer station, and it was expected that the interior was in chaos, but Yang Hui would not give them a chance to restore order. The Heretic Gundam's eyes lit up and it moved towards the transfer station at an extremely fast speed.

"That is……"


The Zaku II of the three-machine team was originally attracted by the fire and explosion at the transfer station. As soon as he saw the shadow of the Heretic Gundam, he was cut in two by the beam sword.

Without stopping, Gundam Astray No. 1 raised its hand and destroyed the two nearest heavy fire points with two shots, then jumped into the interior of the transfer station.

"That's it! The Federation's mobile suit!"

"How would it appear here!?"

"Enemy attack! Where are the MS troops!? Come quickly..."

"Boom boom boom boom..."


The Heretic Gundam No. 1 rushed into the local base before anyone had time to react. It was like a wolf king rushing into a flock of sheep and began to slaughter his prey wantonly.

At the first moment, Yang Hui rained out the high-explosive grenades prepared in his backpack, and then kept moving at high speed while firing rapidly. The beam gun and Vulcan cannon kept firing, and his targets were everywhere he looked.


However, Yang Hui did not sweep aimlessly. After all, even if all the ammunition he carried was used up, he would not be able to achieve the results of the Super Mega Cannon.

Therefore, he is looking for the ammunition depot and destroying the ammunition depot will not only bring huge pressure to Zeon on the front line, but also use the ammunition depot to explode to destroy more of the transfer station.

"found it!"

After searching around, Yang Hui found the ammunition depot at the core of the transfer station, and to his surprise, next to the ammunition depot was the spare MS unit's gnaku.


After cutting off two approaching Zaku IIs with one sword, Yang Hui took the Zaku II's grenade, threw it in the direction of the ammunition depot, and then retreated directly out of the transfer station as quickly as possible.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The explosion was deafening, fire and smoke shot into the sky, and the air wave seemed to overturn the entire transfer station.

The protagonist who caused all this, Yang Hui, as a real man, never looked back at the explosion, with a ferocious smile on his face, and evacuated into the distance with all his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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