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Chapter 587 My hands are itchy and I want to play

In the meteorite zone of L3 space, the 12th Independent Technical Force and the 11th and 12th Fleets have been waiting here for more than ten days. They are not idle doing anything. The MS troops of the 12th Independent Technical Force

Except for a very small number of people who have experience in space driving, the others are pure rookies. There are even many people who have come to the universe for the first time and have had negative physical reactions to the gravity-free environment, which requires adaptation.

The warships of the 11th and 12th fleets are all modified new ships with the ability to carry mobile suits, and simple garnets capable of housing two mobile suits are installed on both sides.

Therefore, the MS units of the two fleets also needed to adapt to the cosmic environment. Yang Hui simply arranged them all together, and under the leadership of Jung and others, they adapted to the cosmic environment and used space-specific backpacks.

"How's it going?" Yang Hui came to the bridge and asked.

"There has been no news from General Tiam, but it only lasts a few days."

"Well, Tiam's deployment this time is very interesting. Are you using that old guy Rebel as a lesson plan?" Yang Hui touched his chin, looked at Tiam's combat deployment, and teased.

Tianmu's deployment is very interesting. There are no problems with the frontal defense line. What is interesting is that Tianmu arranged for the [Swordfish] reconnaissance aircraft equipped with a new radar to leave the space area where Luna 2 is located, and monitor the surrounding 360° space.

All areas are included in the reconnaissance scope, and each [Swordfish] reconnaissance aircraft is also equipped with a special sensing device to ensure contact with Luna 2. As long as the signal is lost, it means that the Zeon fleet is coming.


Not only that, he also spread a large number of small detectors in the outer circle to increase the search range. This small detector does not use anti-Minovsky particle technology, which means that it enters the Minovsky particle

Immediate failure in particle environment.

"...This tactic is so familiar..." Seeing this, Yang Hui twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking of a certain powerful bear.

That's right, this tactic is the same as the one used by Sergey to search for Ptolemy. It cost a lot of money to spread dense detectors across a vast space. The result was not detection, but failure.

"You have a lot of money." For this kind of extravagant behavior, what else can Yang Hui use to describe this kind of extravagant behavior?

However, this tactic is indeed very effective.

The reason why Tianmu prepared so many detection methods is to prevent the Zeon fleet from suddenly disappearing and reappearing like in the Battle of Rum, catching the Federation by surprise.

"Where are they? Are they having fun?" Yang Huiyou closed the battle plan sent by Tianmu and looked at the training situation on the screen.

"I should be very happy." Bucky Luluhui reported.

Because it was the 12th Independent Technical Force, all mobile suit units of the 11th Fleet and the 12th Fleet were undergoing space adaptability training together, so after everyone got used to it, they started acting training, although it still could not achieve the effect of actual combat.

But it is enough as an adaptation.

At first, the MS pilots of the 11th Fleet and the 12th Fleet wanted to challenge the 12th Independent Technical Force, not because they thought too highly of themselves, but because they really wanted to test the gap between the two sides, and then...

Under the instigation and instigation of this guy Fort Romfilo, the two sides had a "big battle" and then beat each other so bloody that they almost beat each other to suicide.

Fortunately, Jung and others are still very reliable. They dragged Fort Romfilo to apologize to them one by one, encouraged them, and taught them a lot of things in the subsequent adaptive training, especially

Experience in battle is something that people who have not personally participated in MS battles cannot understand.

But now, aware of the gap between them, the mobile suit units of the 11th and 12th fleets are conducting simulation training with a team of the 12th independent technical force. After the end, everyone will fight against the eight team captains.

And now Yang Hui saw Jung and the others hiding and seeking among the meteorites with a large group of pursuers.

"Notify them that the training content has changed."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bucky Lulu saw Yang Hui turn and leave, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Notify everyone that the training content has changed. Everyone is in one camp and exercises the target to shoot down the No. 1 aircraft."


Everyone laughed. They all knew Yang Hui's bad taste. The team captains were having so much fun. They couldn't let them get too proud and they had to be punished.

Besides, how boring is it to just look at it? My hands must be itchy.

All mobile suits in the melee are still in the universe.

"Oh, Colonel, his hands are itchy." Ford Romfilo said with a sad face.

"Um...can you just surrender?" Amuro asked weakly. He was the one who knew Yang Hui's cruelty best among everyone, because Yang Hui was personally responsible for many of his trainings.

"Okay..." Isamu Kashima said calmly.

At this moment, many people were moved and planned to surrender directly. Even though there were so many of them, Yang Hui only had one person and could be killed by surrounding him with all-round firepower, but...

This is a meteorite area! There are large and small meteorites everywhere. These are natural bunkers. In this environment, if you want to defeat Yang Hui? No matter how many people come, it will be useless!

But the next second, the second half of Isamu Kashima's words made everyone give up the idea, and even shuddered.

"...If you are not afraid of the colonel settling the score later."


"I'll go deliver..."

"Can you fool the colonel?"


"Tactical formation A01, newcomers, please do not leave alone, otherwise..."

"Beep beep beep..."

At this moment, all the sirens on the plane sounded, and a red dot on the radar detector quickly approached them.

Then, to the naked eye, a meteor trailed a long tail flame back and forth in the meteorite area, getting faster and faster, getting closer and closer to them.

"Coming! Spread out!"

Jung gave the order, and the 12th Independent Technical Force immediately dispersed and formed small teams to surround the No. 1 machine from all directions.


"What are you still doing? Do you want to die!?"

Seeing that the mobile suits of the 11th Fleet and the 12th Fleet were still stunned, Aslan immediately cursed, and then they came to their senses and began to disperse, but...

It was completely chaotic. The small team was not a small team, and the large team was not a large team. They were all in a mess. Some even bumped into each other and hit rocks directly, almost missing themselves.

"Damn it!" When Aslan saw this, he immediately wanted to turn around and help them, but Jung's words frightened him and he immediately came back to his senses.

"Aslan, the colonel is heading in your direction!"


In the blink of an eye, several marked bullets passed through the small gaps between the meteorites and hit several Heretic Gundams, all of which were in the chest. If this position was hit, they were declared dead. Team 9 led by Aslan only

There are 3 people left.

"So...so fast!"

"Where? Where on earth!?"

"Bang bang~"

Two more Heretic Gundams were hit in the chest by marking guns, and Team 9 was gloriously left with Aslan alone.

"over there!"

Aslan turned around suddenly and fired a shot at the position behind him, but he only saw an afterimage flashing past his eyes, and the bullets of the marker gun painted a meteorite with bright colors.

But the Aslan Machine did not stop in place, and immediately dodged to the left. At exactly this moment, the mysterious shooting came, and the Aslan Machine was almost infected.

"Hai! We're going to your side!" Aslan didn't see the face of Unit 1, but he saw the meteor trailing the tail flame heading towards the direction of Cong Yunhai and Team 10 at high speed.

"Tactical formation B12, disperse!"

"Understood!" X8

The team members spread out in groups of three and three, forming a large triangle at three points to guard the surrounding area.

"Two o'clock!"

As soon as the order comes, the gun can be fired. A large number of bullets from the marked gun are tilted towards the 2 o'clock direction, making a strong mark on the continuous meteorites.

All failed, but it was not without gain, because Cong Yungui locked Yang Hui's position.

"Retreat slowly and wait for reinforcements!"

"Understood!" X8

"Ha, as expected of Cai, he has great skills." Yang Hui, who was moving at high speed, could not help but curl his lips, slowly slowed down, and began to deal with them. Cong Yunqi was an excellent hunter, and once he locked his position

, it will be difficult to get rid of it.

However... Yang Hui is naturally not easy to control. His fingers are flying quickly on the operating panel, and his feet are stepping on the pedals alternately according to an elegant and special melody.

"The action has changed! Be careful!"

If Unit 1 just now was a ghostly assassin, then now he is like an erratic dancer, spinning back and forth with strange steps, making it unclear what his next move will be.

"Bang bang bang~"

Elegant rotation and firing are his only beats. Each beat can take away a life and form a dance of death.

"Cut." Seeing that three teammates were out, Cong Yunqi did not divert his attention. He fixed his eyes on Yang Hui to prevent him from disappearing from his sight. Everyone in the 10th team fired back, but none of them hit No. 1.

However, Cong Yunqi's goal was achieved, which was to contain the No. 1 aircraft, prevent him from escaping before reinforcements arrived, and also control casualties.


A marker gun flew from behind Unit 1 and hit its back directly, but at the moment when it was about to make contact, Unit 1 turned slightly sideways, raised its left arm, and blocked the shot with its shield.

"I'll go! This black gun is great, Russ almost killed me!" This shot was so amazing that Yang Hui almost didn't react, so he wanted to "reward" Russ Kesel.

However, it was this stunning shot that caused Yang Hui's movements to stall. Support from Team 1 to Team 8 and Aslan had already arrived.

"Now, kill the colonel!"

Gunfire rang out from all directions, and countless marker bullets hit Unit 1.

"Yes, but... you are looking down on me. Be a little more serious." A flash of lightning flashed across Yang Hui's forehead, and his eyes were filled with colorful light.

This chapter has been completed!
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