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Chapter 590 The bet is a game

"Long time no see, Malu."

"Long time no see, Natal."

No one expected that the sisters would reunite as captains when they met for the first time after being separated for several months, and that they would be called warships of two opposing camps, and even the military uniforms would be the military uniforms of the opposing camps.

The crew of the Gwardan was not surprised at all. They were Yang Hui's people. Before Bucky Lulu was brought to the Federation by Yang Hui, they had been at the secret base in Granada. Arnold Neumann was still her boss.


But the people on the Luna's side were startled and looked at Bucky Lulu in stunned silence.

"Ship...Captain?" Brad turned his head stiffly and looked at Bucky Lulu, his eyes full of doubts and curiosity.

"You will know later." Baji Lulu pursed her lips and smiled, but did not answer directly.

"Got...understood." A good habit developed over the past few months, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, otherwise...if Yang Hui is the nightmare of everyone in the MS team, then Bucky Lulu is the nightmare of all the crew members.

, Bucky Lulu is very scary when she gets serious.

The two battleships merged together, making Malu, Bucky Lulu and Arnold Neumann feel like they were back in their own worlds fighting side by side.

"Weapon system activated, [Gotfield] Mega Particle Cannon, [Valiant] electromagnetic gun activated, locked, Musai class directly ahead, missile launchers all loaded with anti-ship missiles, [Porcupine Formation] prepared, anti-aircraft attitude...


Different warships, different captains, but issued the exact same order. Whether it was the Luna or the Gwardan, they all opened their sharp claws, let out a deep wolf roar from their bloody mouths, and were ready to pounce on the locked ship.


"Fire all bombs!"

"Fire all bombs!"

The MS troops attacking from two directions slowly moved closer to the Zeon fleet.

"Hey, Char, long time no see."

"Yang Hui, I didn't expect that I would fight side by side with you."

"Haha, there are so many things you didn't expect, such as being treated like a monkey by me?"

Xia Ya: convex

"Hahaha, how about it? Do you want to compete this time? My people and your people." Yang Hui challenged.

"This joke is not funny, Yang Hui." Xia Ya objected wisely, "You have many more people than I do."

"How about calculating it as an average?"

"That's not bad."

"Shall I compete with you alone?"

"...This is a battle." Xia Ya smiled helplessly. He had been looking forward to this moment for many years. He was also prepared for this battle. He was serious in his excitement, but he could not let his emotions cause the plan to fail.

Who knows...

In Yang Hui's words, it was as easy as a game.

"so what?"

"...Haha, as expected of you, Yang Hui, come on then!" A rare and fiery competitive smile appeared on Xia Ya's face.

"Haha, this is what [Red Comet] should look like! You guys, have you heard it? Don't embarrass yourself in front of friendly forces!"

"Hahahaha..." The channel of the 12th Independent Technical Force resounded with laughter. They were also confused at first as to why they met Zaku and Zeon's MS troops, not to mention they were flying side by side without any fighting.

However, in the hearts of the veterans, they are the 12th Independent Technical Force and Yang Hui's troops. They will carry out the orders given by Yang Hui without compromise, even if they are asked to die.

Although the new recruits were hesitant, they all followed Yang Hui's orders with the comfort of Aslan and Cong Yungai, because from the beginning, Aslan and Cong Yungai knew that there were collaborators in the Zeon Army.

told them.

At the same time, in addition to Kira, Shotana Hardy, Andy Stross, Cabriel Karcia and Michael Kaminsky, the other members of the [Ghost Force] also

It was hard for them to accept it for a while. After all, they were enemies of life and death before, but now they have become companions.

"Hey Kira, is that really the boss?" Cabriel Calcia asked Kira.

"Well, it's Yang Hui." Kira replied affirmatively.

"The boss really knows how to drive a mobile suit?" Cabriel Calcia exclaimed. Although he had known about Yang Hui's glorious deeds a long time ago, he never believed it was true.

"Well, Yang Hui taught me how to drive a mobile suit."

"Real or fake!?" Not only Cabriel Calcia, but also other members of the Cyclops team, as well as the entire [Ghost Force] pilots, they are fully aware of how many monsters Kira is.


"Well, it's true."


"Our original target was him, right?"

"Fortunately, we are companions now."

"Haha, your highness made a bet with that monster. The final number of defeats will be calculated as an average. Don't embarrass your highness!"

"Since you've heard everything, then cheer up. It would be very embarrassing to lose." Xia Ya interrupted at the right time and said to everyone.

"Hahaha, Your Highness, don't underestimate us!"

"Yes, we are also aces!"

"Let us give full play to the power of the new body!"


"If you want to win against us, it's early!" I don't know when the communications between the 12th Independent Technical Force and the [Ghost Force] were connected, forming an independent public channel.

"What did you say!?"

"Haha, remember, I am Jung, the captain of Team 2, the original Ace of Zeon. Are you interested in competing alone?"

"Bijibi, my name is Brynice Ogus, and my nickname is [Kill with one strike]."

"Shh~ It sounds pretty awesome."

"Whether it's powerful or not, Bibi will tell you."

"I am [Scarlet Lightning] Johnny Redding, who dares to compete with me?"

"Captain of Team 3, Kashima Isamu, please enlighten me."

"Captain of Team 4, Russ Kesel, where is my opponent?"

"Let me compete with you, Nordit Bauer, no nickname."

"Baninger, how about a competition between us two old guys?"

"Shutana, you couldn't beat me before, don't even think about winning this time!"

"Haha." Xia Ya has been listening to the conversation in the communication channel. Shouldn't it be said that it is not the soldiers brought out by Yang Hui? They are all familiar with each other, and they have suddenly become closer to their subordinates, but...

This was good, because he was also afraid that the two troops would clash during the battle. Although the leader had a good relationship, there would be times when there were too many people below him to control.

"Beep beep beep..."

"here we go."

The communication channel instantly became silent. From behind their butts, countless thick beams of light shot towards the Zeon fleet ahead, followed closely by countless anti-ship missiles, dragging long plumes of smoke from above their heads.

go through.

"You can see it, Char."


"All aircraft, single column fleet on the left side of the target!"

"All aircraft, single column fleet on the right side of the target!"

"Teams disperse!" X2


Yang Hui and Xia Ya are rivals and close friends. Their tacit understanding allowed them to issue the same order at the same time, but one went to the left and the other to the right. The two troops moved rapidly in different directions.

After the bombardment fell on the Zeon fleet, it broke through the blockade of fire.

"Vice Admiral! The rear of the fleet was attacked!"

"What? Where did the troops come from?"

"No...I don't know!"

"Bring up the image!"


As soon as the image came out, everyone lost their voice.

"It's them……"

"Twelfth...Independent Technical Force!"

"How are they in the universe!? Didn't they say they were on the earth!?"

There is no difference in appearance between the Astray Gundam and the mass-produced Astray, but the Luna, which follows the MS units, is iconic. With a single battleship and MS units, the current Federation only has the twelfth independent technology


"What are those!?" Dozru Zabi asked, pointing to an unknown battleship that was somewhat similar to the [Gwakin-class] and a mobile suit that was almost the same as the Zaku II.

"I don't know, there is no comparison in the database!"

"...It's Char." As he said that, Dozlu Zabi broke off another section of the steel railing.

He didn't recognize the machine, but he was too familiar with the movements of the mobile suit. The red horns had three times the speed and shuttled back and forth in the fleet like a meteor. It could only be [Red Comet] Char.

There are other machines, white, blood red, blue... With these special paintings, he can immediately find the corresponding person in his memory.

"Lieutenant Colonel Char! How... how is this possible!?" People on the bridge couldn't believe it when they heard Dozru Zabi's whisper. Char and the [Ghost Troops] he led once became Zeon's benchmark, and also

One of Dozru Zabi's most trusted and relied-upon subordinates, and the last trump card for their comeback in this battle.

And now... looking at their own benchmark, their own life-saving straw is ruthlessly harvesting the lives of their own people, they can't believe it, and they don't dare to believe it.

"Damn it!" Dozlu Zabu cursed, and he couldn't count the number of bulging veins.

"Lieutenant... Lieutenant General, we..."

"Go at full speed! We can only go at full speed! We must break through the blockade of the federal fleet to have any chance of survival! Order the MS troops and the entire fleet to move forward~!!!!"


From the left and right directions, two MSs, one red and one white, turned into meteors, roaming freely among Zeon's fleet. Every time they stopped and turned for a fleeting moment, they would take away a Musai-class cruiser.

The subordinates who followed him were not to be outdone. The wolves galloped and hunted wantonly.

Aslan jumped onto a cruiser, unsheathed his beam saber, cut the bridge from top to bottom, and quickly retreated. The next second, the blazing cruiser was overwhelmed by a large number of micro-missiles.

A Heretic Gundam and a Zaku Phantom were back to back. Kira and Aslan laughed in unison and moved in the same direction at the same time. The elegant solo dance turned into a gorgeous double waltz.

The same scene appeared everywhere on the battlefield. The two troops who entered the battlefield from both sides finally merged together. You looked at my back, and I took care of your back. The tacit understanding and resonance unique to the ace brought them together.

Connected together.

This chapter has been completed!
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