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Chapter 597 Chaos Arrives

The response speed of the Zabi family was still very fast. Kilian Zabi knew very well how much harm the restoration of the Republic of Zeon would bring to the Principality of Zeon, and this bud must be nipped in the cradle.

So the moment Char began to speak, Kilian Zabi ordered his personal guards to set off immediately. At the same time, all A. Bawa Kong's garrison troops went out to destroy the restored Zeon Republic. As for A. Bawa Kong,

The defense of Wa Kong will be handed over to SIDE3's defense force.

Considering that Char has a large group of aces under his command, as well as the Federation's Twelfth Independent Technical Force, Kilian Zabi even transferred half of the Solomon Fortress fleet to SIDE 6 to destroy the Zeon Republic. It can be seen that Kilian...

How determined was Zabi?


"How is the progress of the [Solar Ray System] transformation?"

"Now 45% complete..."



A loud slap slapped the reporter to the ground. Kilian Zabi's face was very ugly and twisted like an evil ghost.

"Why has such an important weapon not been completed yet? Will we still be so passive after it is completed!?"

"I am so sorry……"

[Solar Ray System], also called [Solar Ray System], or colonial satellite cannon, is a decisive battle weapon that Kirian Zabi had people transform the No. 3 colonial satellite [Mahar] of SIDE3. It has the ability to destroy a planet with one hit.

The power of a colonial satellite is also his biggest trump card to win.

At this time, it is the best opportunity for the [Solar Ray System] to appear. It can not only eliminate the serious troubles, but also show Zeon's absolute strength to intimidate the Federation.

As a result... the chain was dropped at a critical moment, and the transformation progress was not even half completed. How could Kilian Zabi not be angry?

"That's enough! You'd better hope that this battle can wipe out Daken's remnants, otherwise... hmph!"

"Yes Yes!"

"What's the situation on Earth? Why hasn't there been any news from Kycilia yet?" Kilian Zabi asked again. In the universe, he has mobilized a large number of troops to destroy the Republic of Zeon, but the Earth is a crossroads.

It was for Kycilia Zabi to conquer. The restoration of the Republic of Zeon will definitely cause huge riots. The earth is the battlefield that Kylian Zabi cares about most, so she is eager to get news about the earth.

"There is no news from Lady Kycilia yet..."

"Tell me the news about her as soon as possible, as well as the situation of SIDE6."


"Go down and hurry up and complete the [Solar Ray System]."


Kilian Zabi was left alone in the commander-in-chief's office, and even his favorite secretary and mistress was kicked out.

"Bang~!" Kilian Zabi punched hard with a ferocious face and swept the documents on the table all over the floor. He was very confident, even arrogant, thinking that the war between Zeon and the Federation must be one-sided.

situation, with Zeon's advanced technology and his strategic arrangements, we will definitely be able to defeat the Federation with overwhelming force.

As a result... accidents occurred frequently, especially for the Federation's ace force - the Twelfth Independent Technical Force. No, it should be said that it was Yang Hui. Ever since he appeared, Zeon's footsteps were stopped abruptly, and he was even

After taking several steps back, everything began to go beyond Killian Zabi's control.

It's not like he hasn't thought about killing Yang Hui directly to eliminate this huge threat, but...

The means in the dark have no effect, such as abduction, kidnapping, intimidation, assassination, poisoning, etc. All imaginable methods have been thought of and executed, but Yang Hui is like growing a third one, Zeon.

Before they had time to take action, all the people were killed by an unknown organization. In addition to the loss of manpower, no results were brought back, even the most ordinary guard in the 12th Independent Technical Force.

On the surface, Kilian Zabi also asked Kycilia Zabi to directly crush with a large force, completely crushing this sparse ace force, but what he waited for was the bad news that followed one after another.

Kycilia Zabi lost in the North American War Zone, allowing the Federation to regain a large amount of territory, including several large mines. One-tenth of the troops in the North American War Zone were wiped out by an ace force.

Kycilia Zabi was captured in the East Asia Theater and lost the non-conventional occupied area. More than half of the Zeon army, including the Australian invasion force, was lost. The East Asia Theater occupation operation failed.

The battle of Luna 2 failed, and the Zeon space attack force led by Dozuru Zabi was completely lost. Dozuru Zabi was captured during the battle and disappeared on the way to the Gabro Base on Earth. Life and death


It can be said that the successive failures of Kycilia Zabi and Dozru Zabi overwhelmed Zeon, which was already heavily loaded. With a sparse population and scarce resources, it wanted to reorganize a huge space fleet and mobile suit force.

Both have reached the point where they have run out of fuel.

That's why Kilian Zabi turned his attention to the super-large plasma ray cannon - [World Tree] and the colonial satellite cannon [Solar Ray System], and shifted the focus of weapon development away from MS.

Transfer it to MA, because fewer people can be used to exert greater power.

At the same time, also in SIDE 3, in the Zabi family's mansion, Prince Dejin Zabi, the apparent leader of the Principality of Zeon, saw Casbar Zim Daken standing in front of people again, re-establishing the original

Zeon slowly closed his eyes, his face became older, and he made a certain decision in his heart.

On Earth, Kycilia Zabi was also in a panic and didn’t know what to do. Mark Bay, her temporary deputy, also looked gloomy because they had received news of dozens of base rebellions. All of these rebellions had occurred.

Within five minutes after the speech ended, and... news of the rebellion of his subordinates continued to come.

Fortunately, Kycilia Zabi handed over Odessa and European territories to Mark Bay from the beginning. Fortunately, Kycilia Zabi came directly to the city after escaping and was made into iron by Mark Bay.

Barrel Odessa, otherwise, what she should worry about most now is her own safety, not the war situation on the earth.

"Damn Casbar!" Kicelia Zabi couldn't help but cursed. She didn't expect that Casbar Zim Daken was still alive. She spent a lot of effort to save Casbar.

He killed Baal Zim Daken, but ended up killing an impostor.

The kid who was bullied by me back then actually appeared again and caused huge trouble to me. If you were lucky enough to survive, just cherish your life! Why did you jump out to disturb Feng Yun!?

The current situation has always been what Kyecilia Zabi was most worried about. She never dared to underestimate the influence of the Daken family. Even after more than ten years, this was the day the Daken brothers and sisters left Zeon. She also

The reasons for killing all must be eliminated.

Moreover, ever since Zeon decided to declare war on the Federation, Kilian Zabi's series of high-pressure policies and extreme strategic methods have caused internal discord.

Therefore, the moment Caspar Zim Daken stepped forward, it caused civil strife within the Zeon Army, and 30% of the people directly declared rebellion against the Principality of Zeon and defected to the Republic of Zeon.

Kycilia Zabi knew very well that there was still the remaining 70%, but she was still waiting to see whether the Zeon Republic could survive the Zabi family's revenge.

"Lady Kycilia, I think you should return to the universe immediately." Mark Bay suggested.

"Well, that's what I think too." Kycilia Zabi also thought of this. Now that the earth is in chaos, it doesn't make much sense for her to stay on the earth. The most important goal of the earth now is stability.

The situation does not require merit but no fault. As long as it is stabilized, Mark Bay can achieve this goal. It is unnecessary for her to continue to stay on Earth.

As for the universe, Dozru Zabi's life and death are now unknown. The entire space fleet has been wiped out and she has lost the leadership of the commander. The remaining and newly built fleets are also in disarray. She must return to the universe and take over the reconstruction of the space fleet.

"I have arranged a shuttle for you and it will leave in the afternoon."

"Thank you for your hard work, I'll leave the earth to you, Mark Bay, don't let me down."

"Please rest assured, Lady Kycilia."

"Is there any news from North America?"

"I have already contacted General Som. For safety reasons, it is better to bring Master Kalma to Odessa."


"By the way, Lady Kycilia, my previous proposal..."

"Well...just do it."

"Thank you very much."

On Earth's European frontline, Ray Bill also received information that Zeon was launching a civil strife, but uncharacteristically, he did not take advantage of Zeon's chaos to launch a full-scale attack. Instead, he ordered everyone to stabilize their mentality and advance slowly.

"General, I don't understand your approach." A major general questioned Ray Bill's order, "Whether it is the Principality of Zeon or the Republic of Zeon, they are both Zeon, our enemies, and invaders.

, they should all be wiped out!”

"Then bring the two contradictory Zeons back together and use all their strength to deal with us?" Ray Bill asked the major general calmly.


"We are advancing steadily. Although the speed of regaining the lost ground is a little slow, we will not let the two Zeons share the same hatred and let them go dog-eat-dog. When both sides suffer, we will capture them all in one fell swoop."

"Yes, I understand……"

"But General, if we do this, the parliament..." Another colonel staff member raised his concerns.

"Do you think those politicians know how to fight a war better than we do?"

"No...don't dare."

"Then why are you afraid of them? Remember, we are soldiers!"


Do we really not need to care about the reaction of the parliament? Of course not. On the surface, the federation has a separation of military and political affairs, but everyone knows the real situation. The influence of the federal parliament on the military lies at the top.

But Rebel didn't panic at all, because he was not alone. There were also Garp and Kruse. With the two of them, the radicals in the parliament and the hostile aristocrats could not hold them back.

This chapter has been completed!
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