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Chapter 609 Harman Kahn of Girlhood

Chapter 609 Harman Kahn in Girlhood

When I arrived at the dormitory of the 12th Independent Technical Force, I saw a large group of children running around. They were all children rescued from the [Flanagan Institution]. On their way back to Luna 2,

With everyone's sincere concern and care, I also let down my guard.

Back on Luna 2, Yang Hui sent someone to check their identities. Most of them were children abducted and kidnapped from civilians by the [Flanagan Agency]. It was easy to find out their family backgrounds.

Those whose families are still alive must be sent back, and the rest...

Most of them are orphans and homeless.

Originally, Yang Hui planned to send these children to Earth to live in an orphanage owned by the Bist family, but...

There is a child named Lita Bernal in the 12th Independent Technical Corps. The children who stayed behind saw Lita Bernal studying in the 12th Independent Technical Corps. Besides studying, she also helped others to do things.

I took on all kinds of jobs that I could, and then I started to study with her.

It's not like Yang Hui didn't tell them that he would send them to an orphanage on Earth and let them start a new life. After all, the 12th Independent Technical Force is a combat force and not a nursery. Rita Bernal stayed because of her special characteristics.

It is already a special case among special cases. It is obviously against the rules and inappropriate to leave so many children.

As a result, without exception, they all refused, and their attitude was very firm.

Perhaps because they had experienced grief and torture, they had a very unfriendly understanding of the world in their hearts. Except for the 12th Independent Technical Force who rescued them, everyone else remained extremely wary.

This also gave Yang Hui a headache. He couldn't think of a good way to deal with it for a while, so he could only ask Lita Bernal to temporarily lead them to do some things in the army to help them.

However, among all the children of the 12th Independent Technical Force, one is different, and that is the pilot of the NT-specific MA captured by the 1st Team, one of Zeon's most powerful NTs, the future queen, and the leader of Neo Zeon.

Leader, Harman Kahn.

Yang Hui also has some differences, why Harman Kahn was sent to the [Flanagan Agency] as a test subject.

Harman Kahn's family is not a civilian family. Although the Kahn family is not a big family in the Principality of Zeon, her father is a valet of Dejin Sodo Zabi and is said to have the rank of general. Haman

·Kahn also has a sister who is far apart in age and is the concubine of Dozlu Zabi. This has been confirmed when he picked up Dozlu Zabi's family.

Based on these two relationships, Harman Kahn should not have been sent to the [Flanagan Institution] to participate in the NT's cruel experiments.

Moreover, Harman Kahn has had excellent NT qualities since he was a child. Because of his kind nature as a child, he often helped others find lost items, and gradually turned into searching for missing relatives. Like Lita Bernal, he was

Call it the "Miracle Child" or "The Prophecy Girl".

It was precisely in this way that Harman Kahn came into the sight of Kycilia Zabi, summoned her to his side as a page, and was very fond of her.

Therefore, within the Principality of Zeon, as long as they are found to be NT, they will all be sent to the [Flanagan Agency] in various ways. The only exception is Harman Kahn, who is only registered in the [Flanagan Agency].

I will not participate in any experiments.

But now, she took part in the battle on the NT-specific MA, which puzzled Yang Hui.

"Are you finally willing to talk to me?" He came to a separate room and sat opposite the purple-haired girl. Now Haman still has refreshing short hair. He does not have the temperament of a queen, but he can see that he belongs to a warrior from his eyes.

eyes, and the vague shadows of those in high positions.

"Yang Hui, a colonel of the Federation Army, a unit directly under General Jonah Ibrahim Rebir, the commander of the 12th Independent Technical Force, the number one kill king in the Federation, the strongest MS pilot, and also a

An excellent commander and researcher, he led the team to develop the [Heretic] series of MS and [Kilin-class] battleships, and fought in many theaters..."

"If you just asked me to come here to hear my own glorious history, let's not waste time." Listening to Harman Kahn repeating his information as plainly as a machine, Yang Hui immediately interrupted, stood up and left.


But as soon as he stood up and took two steps, he turned around and sat back after hearing Harman Kahn's next words.

"I know Lord Dozuru is still alive, and his family was taken away by your people."

"...So?" Yang Hui sat back on the chair and asked Harman Kahn with great interest.

"I can keep it a secret for you."


"Send me to see my sister."

"Haha, this deal is not equal." Yang Hui spread his hands, and when he saw Harman Kahn making a deal with him very calmly, he suddenly became more playful.

"It is indeed not equal. To be able to send Lord Dozuru away safely from under the nose of General Tiam, there must be an ulterior secret between General Tiam and you. Not only General Tiam, but also people from far away

The same goes for Earth’s General Ray Bill, who can hide it from everyone and keep the federal parliament silent. You have great power in the federation and are close to controlling the entire federation.”

"Then you still put forward conditions that are worthless?"

"Because I am worthless." Harman Kahn continued, "Everyone in the [Flanagon Agency], except for the rescued experimental subjects, were all killed by you in Hal, so you will report it.

There are no prisoners, and I have become the only prisoner who cannot be seen. There is no point in keeping me, so why not send me away to avoid being discovered."

"Young daughter of the Kahn family, your father is a valet of Duke Dejin, and he is well-known in the Principality of Zeon. It cannot be said that you are worthless. On the contrary, your value is not low." Yang Hui countered.

"No, although my father is His Majesty the Prince's personal attendant, he doesn't know much information. If it is to assassinate His Majesty the Prince, there is absolutely no need. His Majesty the Prince has already had the idea of ​​​​peace talks and surrender. Kill him.

, it will only bring harm to the Federation but no good, and it is impossible for my father to get close to Kilian Zabi, especially now that he has murderous intentions towards His Majesty the Prince." Haman responded.

"And what about yourself? You are a very good NT and are of great research value."

"You won't. You killed all the researchers, which shows that you don't need them, let alone this research. You also saved other experimental subjects, which shows that you have a bottom line."

"What if it's me in disguise?"



"What it tells me." Harman Kahn pointed to his head, "You are a person with a bottom line, and you hate experiments without a bottom line."

"...Haha, it's really an unpleasant ability." Yang Hui smiled. He just wanted to play with Harman Kahn and see what kind of skills she has in the future.

As a result, I temporarily forgot about not being able to lie in front of NT.

"Besides, in terms of research value, you are more valuable than me, aren't you?"


"Dr. Flanagan discovered the mental wave. Your mental wave is more powerful than anyone I have ever seen, and it is very special." Harman Kahn said calmly.

"Haha, that's interesting. Should I say it's you?" Yang Hui smiled with interest, got up and left directly without giving Harman Kahn a final reply.

However, it can be regarded as an answer. Everything is in the spiritual wave. It can be regarded as an answer, but it is not agreed.

"Republic of Zeon? If I could work under that gentleman, I would be happy." After Yang Hui left, Haman Kahn's eyes remained calm, and a radiance called "expectation" appeared.

Yang Hui returned to his room, took out his quantum communicator, and dialed Xia Ya's number directly.

"What's up?"

"On Earth?"


"I'm coming down soon."

"It seems that Ray Bill is planning a final battle."

"Yes, it's time to end this boring war."

"In your opinion...this war is boring?"

"Isn't this kind of war interesting when one person fights for his own ambition and a group of people fight for their own status?"

"So... there are still interesting wars?"

"Of course, does it count to bet on the life and death of mankind?"

"Haha, that's what you can say, Yang Hui, but... I'm looking forward to it."

"By the way, I will give you a gift then. You should like it."

"A gift? What gift?"

"Harman Kahn."

"It's her! Why is she in your hands? Isn't she with Kycilia Zabi?"

"..." Immediately, Yang Hui shared the information about exploring and destroying the [Flanagan Agency] and the death of Kycilia Zabi to Char.

"...You should have left her to me." Xiaya said in a deep tone. He would never forget the intimidation and oppression of Kycilia Zabi when he was a child.

"That was my original plan, but I ended up dying in the hands of her subordinates. No one could do anything about it."

"……I see."

After the communication ended, Yang Hui began to analyze the final stage of the entire plan. Three points are very important. First, control the death of Kycilia Zabi, end the war on the Earth Front and eliminate Mark Bay before the news of her death spreads;

Second, find out Kilian Zabi's trump card as soon as possible to prevent him from overturning the table without practicing martial ethics; third, contact Dejin Sodo Zabi to secretly promote the surrender of the Principality of Zeon.

Wait, there is another issue that needs to be dealt with, the [Continental Renaissance Foundation] in the hands of Heimer Diamitov.

Thinking of this, Yang Hui picked up the quantum communication system again and found Cruze. The negotiations between the federal mission and the Republic of Zeon had ended. Char had gone to Earth, and Cruze would naturally not continue to stay in the Republic of Zeon.

"When you return to Earth this time, you can join forces with Garp to make arrangements. After the war with the Principality of Zeon is over, eradicate them immediately."


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