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Chapter 613 As long as you like it, we can dig it together!

"Colonel, aren't the troops full?" Amuro asked Yang Hui at the station of the 12th Independent Technical Force. Their combat establishment was already full. If they wanted more people... they would need to apply for expansion.

"It's just four people. Each of the three teams will have one person. The little girl can be given to Natal or Brad."

"But...if I remember correctly, the [White Dingo] team should be Colonel Hawkins' trump card, right? He probably won't let them go."

"Then why don't we poach them together?"

"Eh?" Amuro was dumbfounded. Yang Hui's operation was so cool. Even if he wanted to poach the ace of the Australian theater, he also wanted to poach the commander-in-chief of the Australian theater as well?

"Haha." Yang Hui didn't explain much and let Amuro figure it out on his own.

To be honest, Amuro was a problem child in the original plot, right? He did a lot of things that violated military discipline.

But under his guidance, why did he become an obedient student?

Amuro was taught step by step by Yang Hui. Whether it was mobile suit driving skills, tactics and strategies, or knowledge of mechanical physics and technology, Amuro learned quickly, but there was one thing that he couldn't learn, and that was Yang Hui's


I don’t know if it was due to his early enlistment and the correct guidance from someone, but he is now a typical good soldier who abides by laws and regulations. He is not tactful at all and executes everything in accordance with the rules and regulations.

The next day, Stan Lee Hawkins came to Yang Hui's office and talked with him alone.

"Colonel Yang Hui, Pierce has told me about the [White Wild Dog] team. If they are willing, I will agree to their transfer order."

"Thank you very much, Colonel Hawkins. I will not force them." Yang Hui nodded, secretly praising that he had read him correctly, "What about yourself, Colonel Hawkins?"

"Me?" Stan Lee Hawkins was stunned, not understanding what Yang Hui meant.

"The battle in the Australian theater is over. The Zeon Republic's troops should evacuate from Australia soon and return the lost land. By then, there will be nothing to do in the Australian theater. Doesn't Colonel Hawkins want to... go up a little bit?"

"...Colonel Yang Hui, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Stan Lee Hawkins immediately understood what Yang Hui meant and asked him to continue. After all, he was already a colonel in his 40s and still had hope of climbing to a higher position. Moreover, it was war time again.

This is the best opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

The credit of the Australian theater was reduced by less than half due to the emergence of the Twelfth Independent Technical Force, but Stan Lee Hawkins did not resent Yang Hui and the Twelfth Independent Technical Force. If it were not for their airborne surprise attack, he might not have been able to

Complete the final mission.

But...there must be some reluctance, after all, half of the cooked duck was suddenly taken away by others.

Moreover, the battle in the Australian theater is over. If he continues to stay in the Australian theater, he will also lose a lot of opportunities to make meritorious deeds.

Stan Lee Hawkins has always belonged to the neutral faction in the federal army. No, it should be called the honest faction. Even that faction does not participate in all the battles. He just completes his duties wholeheartedly, so he wants to move up.

Suddenly, it is very difficult, after all, no one wants such people to join hostile factions or form their own faction.

Because Stan Lee Hawkins didn't know the inside story of the relationship between Yang Hui and Rebel, he regarded Yang Hui as part of General Rebel's faction, which is currently the largest faction in the federal army.

Stan Lee Hawkins was very far-sighted. He could see that the reformists led by Rebeer had already gained a comprehensive advantage and it was only a matter of time before they completely defeated the conservatives. Moreover, he himself had no ill feelings toward Rebeer and even respected him very much.

But at this time, even if he wanted to take sides, he had no chance.

Now, in his opinion, Yang Hui placed a multiple-choice question in front of him as a solicitation for him to join the reformist group led by Ray Bill.

Stan Lee Hawkins is happy because this is a rare opportunity. Joining a faction also depends on the method. If you join casually, you will end up being an unknown member of the faction. But in his eyes, Yang Hui

As Rebir's absolute confidant, it was completely different to personally invite him.

But he didn't agree immediately. He had to pay for what he got. He wanted to know what he had to pay.

"On the current Earth front, North America is still left in the land battlefield, and there are Zeon remnants in the European and South African theaters. The European theater is personally chaired by General Ray Bill, so there will definitely be no problems; the person in charge of the South African theater is General Vic Hancock.

It is only a matter of time before we clear out the forces of the Principality of Zeon; and the final North American theater... is Major General John Gowan."

Having said this, Stan Lee Hawkins understood that Yang Hui planned to send himself to the North American Theater to replace John Gowan and take charge of the combat command of the North American Theater.

Stan Lee Hawkins must have heard of John Gowan's name, and knew that although he was a major general, he was only a technical major general, and he made a huge contribution in supporting Ray Bill and Yang Hui's MS development plan.

But... that's all. John Gao Yun did not perform very well in combat command, so the North American theater he was responsible for has always been the weakest theater on the earth front.

"Then Colonel Yang Hui... what do I need to do?" Stan Lee Hawkins asked seriously. He had no doubt that Yang Hui had the ability to send him to the North American theater to take over John Gowan's job. As long as he agreed, count.

Due to his achievements in the North American theater, his promotion to brigadier general is certain. Moreover, he is only in his 40s, so there is still more room for him in the future.

But pie does not fall in the sky. He has received benefits, so what price should he pay?

"Just do your job well. I hope that the North American War Zone will be the first to end the fighting among the remaining three war zones. As long as the California Base is recaptured, Zeon on Earth will have no chance of a comeback."

"That's it?" Stan Lee Hawkins asked in disbelief.

"that is it."

"...Colonel Yang Hui, I..."

Stan Lee Hawkins was going to say something else, but Yang Hui raised his hand and interrupted him: "You don't need to do anything else, Colonel Hawkins, your ability is obvious to all, whether it's me or General Rebel, or even the Federal Army."

The soldiers all hope to end this absurd war as soon as possible."

"..." Although Stan Lee Hawkins did not completely believe Yang Hui's sincerity, he still put on his military cap, stood up and saluted.

Since the other party was so serious, Yang Hui naturally responded seriously, put on his military cap, stood upright and returned the greeting.

"I will fulfill my duty."

"I will send a message to General Rebel, and you can leave as soon as the order comes."


The two sat down again, and Stan Lee Hawkins chatted with Yang Hui about the exchange and learning issues between the two troops. Although he would be transferred soon, the federal army in the Australian theater would always be his subordinates. Even if he left,

He also hopes to get more for them.

"No problem, Colonel Hawkins. You can choose people from five brigades to come to our camp to observe and learn. At the same time, you can also carry out various exchange activities in your camp every afternoon."

"No problem, I will arrange it immediately, starting this afternoon, how about it?"


"Then I'll leave first."

"I won't send it."

After Stan Lee Hawkins left, Yang Hui gathered everyone together. The 12th Independent Technical Force was airborne by a single person. Except for the five teams fighting on the front line, there were no logistics departments, maintenance squads, and guards. They were all borrowed.

People in the Australian War Zone.

"I have reached an agreement with Colonel Hawkins. Before the arrival of the Luna, the Australian theater will select five groups of people to enter our station for observation and learning. Do you know what to do?"

"I know! Hehe!" XN

The people who lined up neatly smiled maliciously. To observe and learn, of course you have to join in to learn the essence!

"Also, starting from this afternoon, you will also go to their bases in batches to conduct exchanges and studies, and give lessons to the ordinary troops who failed to be selected,"

"Report!" After waiting for two or three seconds and seeing that Yang Hui did not continue speaking, Fort Romfilo typed the report.


"What are we going to teach?" Fort Romfilo asked. It's okay to bring training. You just have to follow their rules anyway, but taking classes... I'm sorry, this is beyond the scope of my business.

"Teach them how to survive on the battlefield, and you can also teach them some of your unique skills. Anyway, let's do it according to their abilities."


"Disband yourselves. You can decide among yourselves who will go this afternoon."

After Yang Hui left, everyone gathered around. The four team captains and South Baninger came to the front to take over Yang Hui's position. Yang Hui was the captain of Team 1, yes, but he was also the twelfth independent technical force.

As the chief officer, there is no need for him to participate in discussions on such trivial matters. South Baninger is the deputy captain, so he can take over.

"The Luna will arrive the day after tomorrow. We have two afternoons, how about half and half?" South Baninger suggested.

"Okay, Team 1 will be divided in half. My team, Aslan's team and half of you will go today."

"Tomorrow, the remaining half plus George and Gai's team will go."

"What do you think...the colonel's purpose for agreeing to this exchange and study?" Cong Yunqi asked.

"What else could it be? To increase the survival rate of friendly troops and improve their capabilities." George Miguel spread his hands and said. After following Yang Hui for so long, he still knows his style and habits very well.

"One more thing." Aslan added, "the observation and study groups of the five brigades."

"Haha, that's right." The five people looked at each other and smiled. This is Yang Hui's style. "Be sharp-eyed and report the good seeds directly if you find them. Leave the rest to the colonel."

This chapter has been completed!
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