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Chapter 642 Their respective experiences

Yang Hui knocked on the table, asking everyone to look away. After all, they came to Promis Fortress, and in the future they would be companions and comrades-in-arms.

Ray Bill and others also understood what Yang Hui meant, and put away their contempt and confusion. After all, the situation in each world is different. They don't know what the situation is in the iron-blooded Orphans world. The surprise just now is indeed rude.


"Then let me be the first to report." The emperor knew that Naze and Tabin were embarrassed here, so he took the initiative to stand up and clear up everyone's doubts.

The iron-blooded world of Orphans also has a unified government, but this unified government was established by several nobles. The nobles are all stupid, so problems will inevitably arise, except that the earth is still under control.

China, the moon, Mars, and even the developing Jupiter...

Anyway, the residents outside the earth are being squeezed very hard, and everyone wants to be independent.

In their hands is an armed force that fights violence with violence, Gallallhorn.

To put it nicely, they were to maintain law and order, but in reality they were just thugs for the nobles. Anyone who was disobedient or ignorant would be beaten and that would be the end of the matter.

It is precisely because of this world background that the world is very chaotic. There are countless space pirates, and there are also a large number of various companies outside the earth.

Why mention companies? Because these companies have their own armed forces!

Outside the earth, as long as you have money, you can have mobile engineers, mobile suits, battleships, whatever you want. If the armed forces owned by these companies can be integrated, they will definitely be no worse than Gjalalhorn!

Doesn't Gjallarhorn care?

As long as the other party does not touch the unified government, that is, the interests of the Seven Stars family, they will not care about them, and even use the method of using barbarians to fight barbarians, making them fight more and more fiercely, weakening each other's strength.

After the Emperor and the others came to this world, for the first time, they were not reborn as babies, but came directly in the body of a 20-year-old. The place of arrival was the Martian city, which is Gudelia Lana Byrne.

The city where Stan was going to launch his independence movement.

Their identities are members of a small security company. Although it is not large in scale, it has a very good reputation in the industry.

So Gudelia Lana Burns found them and hired them as her escorts to go to the earth. However, because the number of people was too small, Gudelia Lana Burns was still worried, and then

We also found another security company on Mars, Chryse Security Company, or CGS for short, the predecessor of Tekkadan, the security company where Olga Yezka and Mikazuki Augustus worked.

Since they did not grow up in this world like before, they did not have the time or opportunity to make arrangements in advance, so they could only follow the mission and accept the employment of Gudelia Lanna Burns.

Then... Gallarhorn got the news that although the Martian city is remote, it can still bring benefits to the Seven Stars family, and if a city becomes independent like this, will other extraterrestrial cities follow suit? So they are absolutely

If it was not allowed, troops were sent to intercept it.

What happened after that was almost the same as the original plot, from Mars to Earth, fighting with Tekkadan, getting on the line with Tabins, an organization under Divas, a huge complex enterprise based in the Jupiter circle, and fighting with Tabins.

The leader of Mars, Mase Tabin, became brothers with different surnames. After stumbling all the way, they arrived on Earth and achieved the independence of the Martian city.

Then... the next situation was completely different. The short-term stability gave Huang and others a chance. After seeing the threat hidden behind it, Huang persuaded Olga Yezka and Nase Tabin to secretly expand their power.

, improve the combat power in your hand.

Just at this time, McGillis Farid, who belonged to the Seven-Star Family but was eager to change the decadent status quo of Gallarhorn, got on the line and decided to help him overthrow the rule of the Seven-Star Family, and together they launched the final

armed revolution and achieved success.

According to the original historical trajectory, the reason why the armed coup failed was because the allies that McGillis Farid had secretly contacted turned against him in the end and did not provide support as agreed. The fleet he led and the Tekkadan were weak.

Defeated at the hands of Arianhead's fleet.

But with the addition of the emperor and the others, these problems naturally no longer need to be worried. The Seven-Star family gave up directly and finally ousted them all. Other major forces in the economic circle had no chance to rebel under the threat of Graham and others. In addition,

Graham and others brought their own mechas. After changing all their weapons to physical weapons, the Arianhead fleet and even the support fleet of the Seven-Star Family could not even make waves in front of them.

Not to mention the intelligence network controlled by Wang Liumei and the emperor's tactical command, all the hidden dangers that led to failure were eliminated from the beginning, how could they still lose?

In the end, the Seven Stars family was ousted, and McGillis Farid's armed revolution was successful, but he died together with his former friend Gaelio Baldwin, unable to see the victorious future and the new unified government.

It was renamed the Federation and implemented a parliamentary system. Each economic circle would elect several representatives to participate, including Gudelia Lanna Burns.

As for the Speaker and Standing Members... Wang Liumei said that there are many puppets, and if there are not enough, we can find more.

The only people who followed the emperor and others to the Promes Fortress were the Tabins of Naze Tabin and the Tekkadan led by Olga Yezka. This was because the government side were all puppets and did not need to know.

With this, Wang Liumei intends to improve the ability and prestige of Gudelia Lana Burns and promote her to the position of Speaker.

The people they brought were people they could trust and who could play a role in Promes Fortress.

"That's just the way it is."

"Mephis, there's more than one way to come?" Yang Hui asked Mephis. This time the emperor and the others had a very difficult start. If they weren't very capable, it would be really difficult to get 100% without knowing the plot.

world deviation.

[Yes, there are currently two types, direct arrival and rebirth arrival, which are completely random. 】

"Currently? Will there be other ways in the future?"

【Insufficient permissions.】

"Let me know as soon as possible next time this happens."


Now, everyone understood why only the heads of employment organizations were qualified to represent a world in decision-making meetings, and they no longer looked down upon them.

"The next step is the situation on our side."

Immediately afterwards, Fleet and Gerhart talked about their encounters in the world of Unlimited Jaeger Kaineng, and also relieved the nervous Aguirre from the pressure.

As before, they were reborn in that world as babies, but unfortunately, they were all born in autonomous city-states on the moon, and they were all born into civilian families and had no background to take advantage of. This gave them a bad start.

Great difficulties came.

With a little bit of effort, they gradually gained access to personal connections, intelligence networks, status, power... but as they learned more, they felt more and more headaches.

There are three main forces in this world: ROVIE, the United Republic of Earth, POLA, an autonomous city-state on the moon, TROM, the Third Republic of Mars, and an additional force, the Crowned Skull Space Pirates CSP.

The members of the Crowned Skull Space Pirates (CSP) are all radical lunar people who were exiled due to failure in the struggle. Their goal has always been to target the lunar autonomous city-state POLA. At the same time, they are much weaker than the three major forces, so it is easy to judge.

, there are also opportunities for competition and cooperation.

But the other three forces... in the words of Fleet and Gerhart, are a mess!

In 2413 AD, the fifty autonomous regions near the moon were dissatisfied with the stamp tax imposed by the Earth Alliance government and unilaterally announced their separation from the Earth Alliance. After many failed coordinations between the two parties, it turned into a war. The Earth Alliance government sent a space fleet to attack the moon.

With excellent and flexible tactics and Britz Tacteer manufacturing technology, they actually contended with the Earth Alliance Government for seven years. Finally, the Earth Alliance Government and the Lunar Federation reached an armistice agreement in the lunar capital of La Paz, and the Earth Alliance Government recovered the stamp duty.

With the expropriation order, the lunar city-state has formally returned to the unified government of the earth. The lunar city-state enjoys higher autonomy and self-defense rights (military) than the earth's autonomous regions. Its leader is not called the chairman of the autonomous region, but is called the chairman of the Lunar Federation, which can be said to be the middle of the country.


The protest actions of the lunar city-states gradually fermented among the immigrants in the space, and the unified government of the earth gradually lost its binding force on the autonomous regions of the space.

In 2438 AD, the Mars Autonomous Region, which has more than a hundred cosmic autonomous regions, announced that it would break away from the control of the Earth and establish the Third Republic of Mars. Because the distance was too far and it was difficult to deploy troops, the Earth's unified government launched economic sanctions on the Mars Autonomous Region for decades.

The relationship between Earth and Mars gradually developed into a Cold War. Both sides vigorously criticized the other to win the recognition and support of the neutral autonomous region. The Earth United Government believed that the Third Republic of Mars was a rebel group, while the Third Republic of Mars believed that the Earth Government was a rebel group.

A corrupt government that pollutes the earth and abuses resources.

The result is that the three forces each have their own agendas and want to be independent, but cannot completely isolate each other. All three parties want to be overlords, but none of them has the strength to do so. There are constant small moves, constant friction, economic sanctions and other shameless measures.

The means are endless.

Fleet and Gerhart judged that it would be absolutely impossible for the world to be completely stable in a short time. It would take at least 50 years to become completely stable and become the rear area of ​​Promis Fortress.


Please note, this is just a chance, not an accurate grasp.

And because of the main mission, they don't have much time to deal with the relationship between the three major forces. They can only follow the main mission, save some people if they can, and intervene in major events if they can.

Fortunately, the world deviation successfully exceeded 100% and qualified to connect to the world.

In the end, the members of the Crowned Skeleton Pirates realized the long-cherished wish of generations and returned to the autonomous lunar city-state POLA. They were no longer pirates with no fixed location. Nangong Xian, the interim acting chairman of La Paz, was arrested, and the war was temporarily resolved.


But the existence of the portal must not be known to the three major forces, and the follow-up of this world needs to be dealt with slowly.

The people who brought back Promis Fortress, the four male protagonists, the rescued Wolfgang, the slightly ordinary Ding Yi, the handsome Yu Wenfei Gong, the natural warriors Torre, Carmen, Maximon, Caruso,

Princess Aguirre and others, and even most of the bannermen of the Crowned Skeleton Pirates, don't know about the situation of the portal and Promes Fortress.

This chapter has been completed!
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