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Chapter 658 I plan to sweep across

A large number of people arrived at the conference room of [Tiangong City]. However, there was not much going on in the conference room of [Tiangong City]. Many people were huddled together and stood against the wall.

"First of all, I would like to introduce to you the person you have been waiting for for a long time, Aeolia Huhenberg, the founder of [Celestial Being]."

The lights in the conference room dimmed, the screen lit up, and Aeolia Huuchenberg appeared again.

"First meeting, everyone, I am Aeolia Huuchenberg." Aeolia Huhengenberg already knows who the people here are, and also knows about Promis Fortress, Yang Hui and others

When people were chatting, they were not just talking to Neil and others, they were also talking to Aeolia Huuchenberg, who secretly controls all the authority of [Tiangong City],

For him, [Tiangong City] is his back garden, and everything that happens here cannot escape his eyes and ears.

Fleet, Gerhart, Rebel, Char and others all stood up and bowed slightly to Aeolia Huuchenberg, a person they had always heard of but had never heard of.

Everyone they met respected him and always looked forward to meeting him.

"Old man, tell me, what's going on now." Now that we know each other, there is no need for small talk and daily routine, and we can go straight to the topic.

"Well, the current situation..."

Immediately, Aeolia Huuchenberg explained to everyone the current situation of the Earth and the Earth Federation.

After the establishment of the Earth Federation, Liphonz Almac became the man behind the Earth Federation. He established the independent security force A-Laws, blockaded and oppressed the Middle East countries, and violently eliminated all those who resisted him. Using A-Laws, he

He slaughtered countless innocent people with his knife and used all means to achieve his own goals. As a result, even after the establishment of the Earth Federation, the world was still in chaos.

Various anti-federal forces emerge in endlessly, and factions within the federation are constantly fighting. Once discovered, they will be bloody cleansed without leaving any room. Just a few days ago, A-Laws used satellite orbital laser cannons to attack the strongest resistance in the Middle East.

The country Suir carried out an orbital bombing. In the blink of an eye, the entire country was wiped out, leaving only a huge crater and countless casualties.

The most egregious thing A-Laws has done is that as long as they don't deal with them, or there is even the slightest suspicion, they will directly arrest people on various charges without any investigation, and then send them to a certain place to work as coolies.

, and then carried out brutal massacres after using them, and then framed them to anti-government forces.

This is also the main reason why various countries are attacking the federal government and anti-government forces emerge one after another. This time, the orbital satellite laser cannon launched an orbital attack on a country, completely detonating the explosives of the struggle. According to the intelligence of Aeolia Huhenberger

, the anti-government forces have united with some people from the federal government and some people within the federal army to make a big move.

Then, there is the current situation of [Celestial Being]. Because of Yang Hui's intervention, the tragedy of the Heartfilia family was prevented. Louise did not join A-Laws to avenge her parents, but instead tried every means to contact [Celestial Being].

Become [Heavenly Man]’s new supervisor and fund provider.

Juan Jiang Crossroad is not dead either. She is still active in various places as a reporter, collecting intelligence for the [Celestial Being] organization. However, she is being hunted by A-Laws recently and has temporarily stopped her activities and is hiding.

Kati and Sergey have always adhered to Yang Hui's suggestion when he left, holding on to the troops in their hands in the regular army and refusing many recruitments from A-Laws, because their subordinates are all their die-hard supporters.

Coupled with the fact that they had always stayed within their limits and had not done anything beyond their reach, as well as their title of heroes, A-Laws was helpless against them for a while.

But this is only temporary. Aeolia Huuchenberg's intelligence shows that Livonz has never attacked them. In addition to the above reasons, on the other hand, he is also afraid of Yang Hui. After Yang Hui and others disappeared a year ago,

Livonz couldn't find any traces. He wanted to catch Katie and Sergey and force Mr. Yang Hui, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

But now, Livonz was impatient and planned to attack them, and he would attack them forcefully without any excuses.

Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang have been secretly placed under house arrest by the reformers. Neal and the others have planned to rescue them many times, but they have tried their best to find the specific location where they were placed under house arrest, so no action was taken.

Billy Katagiri accepted the call of A-Laws and became the technical chief of A-Laws. It was not that he betrayed, but that he was threatened. Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang were used to threaten him.

Originally, Livonz wanted to directly let Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang take charge of their and A-Laws' technology development, but the two elders were both stubborn people and would not agree even if they were killed. Livonz was unwilling to do so.

He abandoned two important bargaining chips like this, so he was placed under house arrest and used to threaten Billy Katagiri.

It is worth mentioning that there is a huge difference between the current A-Laws and the A-Laws in Yang Hui's memory. It has been determined that the number of artificial change makers is more than 50, and all of them hold important positions in A-Laws.

You must know that in the original plot, there are only five of the revolutionaries under Livonz, not counting the clones as consumables, and one is a rebel. Now multiply it by 10. Yang Hui thought, even if he joins, just

With the fighting power of [Heavenly Man], take jujube pills.

This is also the reason why [Celestial Being] is so depressed. Except for the location of [Tiangong City] which was hidden from the beginning by Aeolia Huhenberg and Yang Hui, all other strongholds, whether on the earth or in the universe,

, were all destroyed, and with VEDA in Livonz's hands, and without Yang Hui and Huang's advice, every action they took ended in failure, and every time they escaped death.

"Yang Hui, what are you going to do?" Aeolia Huhenberger asked.

"I plan to push horizontally." Yang Hui raised the corner of his mouth and said seriously.

"This is too messy!" Before Aeolia Huuchenberg could speak, Neil and others stood up to object. "Such a huge fleet has an unknown origin in the eyes of outsiders. No matter how many A-Laws there are,

To attract people, at least everyone knows that it is an army formed by the Earth Federation, but the Prometh Legion enters openly and openly, which is not something that [Celestial Beings] can justify."

"Yes, we will be regarded as aliens, not to mention that VEDA is still in the hands of those revolutionaries. It is very easy to manipulate intelligence and public opinion."

"And they still have hostages in their hands."

"Well, I have considered all these things." The push in Yang Hui's mouth was not a mindless move to directly pull up all the troops and sweep away all Livonz's forces. "In the first stage, stay in the United States, return to Earth immediately, and start again.

Taking over the intelligence network of [Celestial Being], it needs to be cleaned up and replenished. Cruze, you go and help Rumei, Gai, Amuro, Seema, Gerald and Reina as your bodyguards and find a way to remove the machine.

Take them there too, the first priority is to find out the locations of Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang."


"Emperor, take the remaining people on the Guanhong and continue the armed intervention. Neil and the others will go with you. Be careful not to expose them all and make full use of the [Mirage System]."


"Char, Flit, take some people with me to find Katie and Brother. The others are on standby for the time being. Ray Bill, Gerhart, the universe is left to you. If you are discovered, ordinary people will be placed under house arrest.

If they are from A-Laws, don’t let anyone go.”


After everything was quickly arranged, everyone dispersed to prepare for the next task. In the conference room, Yang Hui was left alone, and Aeolia Huhenberger did not disappear.

"Old man, can you get VEDA's authority back at any time?"

"No, in order to hide my existence, I am relatively isolated from VEDA and need to be close to each other."

"Has the Tianren's location moved?"

"Not yet. Liphonz Almac is a conceited man."

"Well...is there anything else you want to ask me?"

"You...were not from our world in the first place, right?"

"Haha." Yang Hui laughed and shook his head. Kruse and the others discovered the existence of Promis Fortress in advance, but Aeolia Huhenberger discovered more. He is worthy of being the biggest monster in the Gundam OO world...all the Gundam worlds

There is no one more evil than him, right?

"So, the conversation that I spent my entire life, even if it turned into quantum data, was to witness, was actually completed more than ten years ago, right?"



"I also want to ask why." Yang Hui said with emotion, "I am an otaku originally. Who knew that a disaster would come from the sky and my Blue Star would be destroyed? Just die. If you die, you don't need to know anything. Who knows?

Knowing that I was chosen by Mavis and reborn in this world, this world that I have had sex with countless times, and then...I originally thought that with the golden finger and the memory of my previous life, I could quickly complete your bullshit plan, and then take you with me.

I was expecting my wives to find a place to retire in peace, but God played another huge joke on me, the Fortress of Shpromis, the order and balance of the infinite world, this kind of responsibility... I also want to ask why."

"...At present, it seems that her choice was not wrong."

"Who knows?" Yang Hui shook his head, "It has only been more than two hundred years, but I feel tired. Maybe one day I will be tired and tired, and I don't want to go on anymore. I will turn black?"

"you will not."

"Why do you feel you are more confident than me?" Yang Hui asked with a smile.

"Because you are not alone."


"I will also continue to watch you, observe you, and record you."

"It seems there is no need for me to ask." Yang Hui shrugged and got the answer from Aeolia Huhenberger.

"No one who is ambitious can refuse." It is very rare that Aeolia Huuchenberg, who only has quantum data left, has always had a zombie face, but now he is smiling, very happily and very happily.


"Yes, but... let's wait until we get through this."

"Any information?"

"Those guys from Jupiter, ELS, alien metal life forms, their characteristics are..."

This chapter has been completed!
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