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Chapter 674 Livonz lost everything

With a moment of determination, the [Trans-am Burst] system was successfully activated, and the ultra-high purity GN particles exploded, attracting everyone's attention except for three people.

Turning on the [Trans-am] system, Flag Gundam and Luna Gundam moved immediately. GN Super Dragoon was scattered around. The high-output beam sniper rifle only fired one shot, which landed on the surface of a GN Super Dragoon and split into

A dozen beams of light fell on the surface of other GN Super Dragoons, scattered again, scattered back and forth, and returned countless times. The dense raindrops of beams flew outward like a torrential rain of pear blossoms, falling on all the surrounding enemy aircraft.


Although each beam shot is like a thin needle due to dispersion, and the output is very low, but...it is better because of the density. One shot cannot penetrate the armor made of E carbon, but what about the gaps in the armor? What about the optical camera? In the gap

What about the circuits and pipes?

For a moment, all the surrounding enemy planes turned into hedgehogs, and small explosions like spots exploded one after another after burning, showing everyone what it means to "destroy a thousand-mile embankment in an ant nest."

Flag Gundam immediately transformed into MA and broke through the blockade of smoke, dust and fire. All the weapons opened their bloody mouths and tore the prey in front of them to pieces with their ferocious fangs and bloodthirsty claws.

"What on earth is this!? The brain's quantum waves are all messed up!"

"GN particles? So disgusting, vomit~"

"Nina! Mihail! Escape!"

John Trinity was fortunate that he pulled Angel 2 back a long distance after being kicked away, hiding behind the changer, [Gag], and not on the path forward of Flag Gundam, otherwise he would be exposed

With the indiscriminate fire coverage of the Nano Gundam and the assault of the Flag Gundam, they will become part of the fireworks and debris.

"Brother John, let's activate [Trans-am] and fight with them!" Mihail Trinity shouted. His character is the most impulsive among the three brothers and sisters. Even after so many experiences, he has not changed at all.


"No! Hurry..."

"Can you leave?"


John Trinity is the calmest, in an unknown environment, the Dawn Gundam, Flag Gundam and Luna Gundam are powerful, without the help of the Changemaker and [Gag] Suicide Force, the three of them combined

He can't beat any one of them, let alone three of them together.

Revenge is important, but living is even more important, so John Trinity made a prompt decision and took his younger siblings to escape. As long as he survived, there would be many opportunities for revenge in the future.

At this time, Angel Unit 1 had just grabbed Angel Unit 2 and Angel Unit 3, and was about to leave here at full speed. John felt something touch his body. Gradually, his consciousness

As you get further and further away from him, the temperature of your body becomes lower and lower.

"what happened……"

In the last whisper of his life, under the horrified eyes of his younger brother and sister, John Trinity split neatly and smoothly into two halves together with Angel Unit 1.


"Brother John!"

"Nina! Be careful!"

Nina Trinity was still echoing in the death of John Trinity, but Angel Unit 2 pushed Angel Unit 3 away. The next second, several thin beams of light that were difficult to see clearly appeared.

The line flickered for a moment, and all the limbs of the Angel Unit 2 turned into debris. At the same time, the Dawn Gundam dragged the afterimage to the front of the Angel Unit 2. Without hesitation and mercy, it stabbed in with a sword.

its cockpit.

"Brother Mihail! No~!!!!!"

Two brothers died tragically in front of her. Nina Trinity collapsed. She lost the last pure land in her heart, the last pillar and support. The fear and despair during her captivity completely swallowed up her reason.

The Dawn Gundam was so close, its scarlet light looked like a hideous and terrifying monster.

"No! Don't come over! Don't come over! Someone come and save me!"

Nina's roar seemed to be heard by heaven. Dawn Gundam did not kill Angel 3, but stayed for a second, then raised its wings and flew towards the "Celestial Being" dragging the tail of the afterimage.

"...Saved?" Nina Trinity looked at the Dawn Gundam going away. The collapse came to an abrupt end. All that was left was confusion, no doubts, and only a blank space.

"What kind of light is this?" Nina Trinity, who had a blank mind, suddenly saw the sacred golden light shining, wrapping her in it, "It's so warm..."

"Boom boom boom boom..."

bit dyed Angel Unit 3 golden, bringing warmth and redemption to Nina Trinity instead of turning into a crazy wronged soul.


At this time, Yang Hui's eyes were filled with colorful light. In the large chat room, he had obtained all the thoughts of the three Trinity brothers and sisters, the unknown reasons of John Trinity, and Michael Trini.

Dee's eager protection, Nina Trinity's collapse and redemption.

Do you care? No, the Trinity brothers and sisters are enemies. If they pick up a gun, be prepared to be killed.

And Nina Trinity, what kind of feelings does she have for Yang Hui? Admiration? Pursuit? What has she experienced? Cruel? Pity? Tragic? Who cares?

What Yang Hui had to do was to kill them here. As for the final redemption? Yang Hui didn't expect it and didn't care.

"Setsuna has finally fully awakened." Yang Hui's attention was half on the OO Gundam. It was their hope and gave the inevitable war a glimmer of hope.

The other side's attention is on the distance between itself and [Celestial Being].

"It's within range, old man!"


"Aeolia...Hughenberg!" Livonz looked at the shadow that appeared in front of him and roared angrily.

With VEDA's authority completely out of his control, and thinking of Reggie Reggie's taunts, Livonz finally figured out his plan, his goal, and who was hindering him.

"Lifonzi Almac, individual number C-A02, the second artificial changer made by me..."

"Shut up! I am the change maker!"

"...You did not disappoint me. You successfully acted as the leader of the second phase of the plan, bringing together the contradictions after the world was unified, and then..."

"I said shut up!" Livonz interrupted Aeolia Huuchenberg again, with a terrifying expression, "I'm not leading the second phase of the plan! I didn't focus on contradictions! Everything I did!

All to fulfill your plan! I could have completely unified the world, achieved true world peace, and then led all of humanity through the upcoming dialogue! Why!? Tell me why!? Why stand in my way!? Why would you rather

Those who choose inferior species are unwilling to choose me!?"

"...Both ordinary people and revolutionaries are all members of the large human group, and the path of mankind is the result of the collision of countless possibilities. Even VEDA's calculation predictions will lead to countless

There is a result, and we will choose, choose the best and easiest shortcut to move forward, but it does not mean that the road with low probability will disappear.

And you, Livonz Almark, are a gamble of mine. According to VEDA's calculation results, I chose you as the core of the second phase of the plan. You are the best candidate to gather the contradictions under the sun, with a success rate of up to

98.14%, but I have not completely given up on other results, such as... You, like Tieria Erd, understand what human heart is, understand what emotions are, understand what real human beings are, and lead the world to true

s future.

It's a pity that I lost the bet, and you... also let me down."

"Shut up! You are so arrogant! What qualifications do you have to decide my destiny! I walked my own path! No one is qualified to decide! You are not qualified to stand on a high place and look down on me! Aeolia·


After the words fell, Livonz left VEDA's host room with a fire that burned all his anger. He still had a chance and the specially prepared machine, the most powerful machine in the world. With it, he still had a chance.

Opportunity to kill Yang Hui. As long as Yang Hui is killed, there will be no more opponents for him, and he can still control the Earth Federation to make a comeback.

Looking at Livonz's back angrily leaving, Aeolia Huuchenberg sighed.


"Father, are you feeling pity?" At this time, the shadow of Regeni Rejeta appeared behind Aeolia Huhenberg, bowing respectfully.

Regeni Rejetta, individual number C-A03, is different from other artificial changers. His genetic embryo was made by Aeolia Huhenberg himself. In other words, he and Tieria and

Like Livonz, he belongs to the first generation of man-made revolutionaries, but the difference is that he was not cultivated by Aeolia Huhenberger, but by Livonz.

This is the foreshadowing prepared by Aeolia Huuchenberg in advance. C-A01 Tieria Erd joins the [Celestial Being] army and becomes a loyal executor of the [Celestial Being Plan]. It also encounters contradictions and conflicts.

The resister; C-A02 Levonzi Almac, as the usurper of the "Celestial Being Project", is also the leader of the second phase; and C-A03 Regeni Rejetta is the arbiter, independent of the two

In addition, witness the outcome of the struggle between the two factions and who is the leader of the third stage.

This is also the reason why Reggie Reggie has always been by Livonz's side, but has always been at odds with Livonz. Moreover... he also has some small thoughts of his own.

"He...had a chance."

"It's his choice, isn't it?"

"Well, as he said, his fate was never arranged by me, but chosen by himself, and the same goes for you, Regeni Rejeta."

"Father, I know I was wrong." Reggieni Regeta did not sincerely admit his mistake. He did not feel that it was wrong for him to usurp the [Heaven Plan] and turn it into his own plan. Tieria

If Livonz is qualified, he will be qualified too.

It’s just that Aeolia Huuchenberg now controls the highest authority of VEDA. Regeni Rejeta, who is integrated with VEDA, dare not make any mistakes. As long as Aeolia Huuchenberg is alive, he will

You can never turn over.

"...After this battle, I will arrange a new biological terminal for you."

"Are you going to Promes Fortress?" The information about Promes Fortress has been recorded in VEDA's database by Aeolia Huhenberg, and Regeni Regeta has enough authority to read it.

"Well, I want you to witness on my behalf." Aeolia Huuchenberg must have brought VEDA into Promis Fortress, but he did not intend to follow Yang Hui and the others on their mission, so he wanted to

Arrange for someone to be by Yang Hui's side at all times to witness every legend.


"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Father, if you are following Yang Hui, I would like to... adjust the gender of the biological terminal."

This chapter has been completed!
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