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Chapter 687 New Permissions and New Functions

Returning to Promes Fortress, all those who came back had mixed emotions of joy but regret.

I am glad that I can come back again and survived this difficult mission, but regret that the peaceful days have left again. As members of Promis Fortress, they may not necessarily go to the mission world to perform missions, but as long as they encounter

They will definitely participate in the legion mission, and they may not go to the mission world alone to perform missions in the future.

The newcomers to the world of Gundam OO looked at everything around them curiously. They saw that the entire Promis Fortress was just a small continent floating in the void, and they saw the chaos of the void beyond the edge of the continent.

They exclaimed, some were frightened, and some were excited.

"This is Promes Fortress! This is the mezzanine of space!"

"It's incredible! It turns out that there really is a mezzanine between spaces!"

"Space... world... countless worlds... this is an infinite treasure house!"

"Teacher, can you calm down a little?" Yang Hui and Billy Katagiri held their foreheads in pain. Even Aeolia Huhenberger, an old man whose expression had never changed for thousands of years, showed a fanatical look, which was scary.

Not to mention Professor Fuman and Mr. Wang.

"Hmph! Katagiri, Yang Hui, you still have a lot to learn!"

"Yes, you are simply not qualified scientists!"

"Not to mention the science and technology of other worlds, as long as this special space mezzanine can be thoroughly studied, we can make a big step forward in this elusive subject of space!"

Sure enough, the persuasion of Yang Hui and Billy Katagiri was met with verbal criticism from the three heads of scientists. Their expressions were filled with hatred for steel, and they wished they could be expelled from the school directly!

"Alas." X2

Yang Hui and Billy Katagiri sighed in unison and took a few steps back to keep their distance from them.

"Billy, thank you for your hard work." Yang Hui comforted him solemnly.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have come." Billy Katagiri was about to cry. Looking at the current state of these three people, Billy Katagiri could already foresee the dire straits in the future. Although Yang Hui was also Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang's

student, and more outstanding than him, but Yang Hui is not only a scientist, he is also a commander and an MS pilot. He also needs to go to the mission world to perform missions.

On this point, Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang knew the rules and would not keep Yang Hui in the laboratory to assist them, but Billy Katagiri... that was hard to say.

"By the way...what happened to that person?" Yang Hui leaned close to Billy Katagiri's ear and glanced at the red-haired woman who was jumping around like a little girl, and Nina Trini who was killed by Yang Hui.

Dee looks almost exactly the same.

Mina Kalain, Nina Trinity's genetic provider, is a rising star in the scientific world. Her reputation as a genius is no less than that of Yang Hui back then, and she specializes in the fields of cosmic physics and other fields.

"What's going on?" Billy Katagiri blushed and asked Yang Hui awkwardly.

"I heard you were being chased?"

"What on earth do you want to say?" Billy Katagiri asked Yang Hui angrily.

"It's nothing." Yang Hui patted Billy Katagiri on the shoulder and said to him meaningfully, "You have been pushed back, and you will never be able to compare with me in your life."

"Go away!" Billy Katagiri slapped Yang Hui's hand away and walked away angrily. He felt that even if he was locked in the laboratory by the professors, he would be worse than standing next to Yang Hui.

Much stronger!

"Hehe." Yang Hui smiled, and then gave everyone an explanation and asked them to return to their respective posts. Then he brought members of the decision-making team to the central conference room to conduct a comprehensive summary of the battle and statistics.

The gains from this advanced assessment have awakened the next course of action.

"These three, Kati Manekin, Sergey Smirnov, and Aeolia Huhenberger, everyone here must know them already. As representatives of the Gundam OO world, these three,

Join the decision-making team and vote.”

This is also a new system formulated by the decision-making team. Every new world is connected to the Promis Fortress. Under normal circumstances, new people will join the decision-making team. This is also mentioned before. Special talents are treated specially. After all, if they have that ability, from then on

If you let others climb up from the bottom, it will waste time and opportunities, and it will easily cause dissatisfaction and create gaps.

Therefore, there are currently three plans for special treatment:

1. As for MS pilots, a newcomer challenge system is adopted. Challenges start from the backbone of the grassroots and go up. The higher the position, the more capable you are. After all, MS pilots have always been respected for their strength. Of course,

This is also about personal strength. If you want to lead a team, you also need to consider factors such as team command and team tactics.

Second, for commanders, they also face the challenge of simulated battlefields, but commanders not only look at command ability, but also command style, coordination ability, etc., and consider multiple aspects before determining the status of the newcomer.

3. The decision-making layer, the most important department of Promis Fortress. Generally, at least one representative from each world will join the decision-making layer. After all, the way forward for Promis Fortress can not only feed back the development of the connected world, but also require

The support of these worlds.

However, there will also be special circumstances. For example, in the Iron-blooded Orphans world, neither the Tabins nor Tekkadan are qualified to join the decision-making level. The current state of the government of the Iron-blooded Orphans world is

The future is promising.

So, who is qualified to join the decision-making team? How can they be recognized by everyone?

The easiest way is to vote.

The general process is for members who go to the mission world to make detailed reports to let everyone know what kind of person the candidate representative is, and then all members vote. The majority does not obey the minority, but only if more than 80% agree can it be passed.

As the general of the Promes Legion, Yang Hui has veto power, and more than 80% of the decision-making members believe that Yang Hui's proposal is unreasonable and can also veto and impeach it.

Kati, Sergey, and Aeolia Huhenberger can skip the reporting process. Everyone present has participated in the advanced assessment, has fought alongside them, and knows them well.

As expected, everyone agreed. Kati and Sergey, one is Yang Hui's woman and the other is Yang Hui's eldest brother. From what they learned, they are both very good soldiers and excellent commanders.

, Sergey is also an ace pilot, so he has no doubts.

And Aeolia Huuchenberg... To be honest, she still has concerns. After all, the black hand who has been able to hide behind the scenes and plan the human race for more than two hundred years is wary and wary.

However, Aeolia Huuchenberg's scientific research ability is indeed formidable. He is involved in various fields. He is an absolute all-rounder and has amazing leadership skills. He is perfectly suitable for the position of the head of the scientific research department.

Since they are scientific researchers, they will not participate in any world missions, and they will not pose such a big threat to Promes Fortress. After all, in Promes Fortress, no small move can be hidden from Mavis, the great butler.

"Okay, unanimous vote." After a brief welcome, the three of Kati sat down in the area belonging to the Gundam OO world, and Yang Hui continued the meeting process.

The first is the reward for the mission. To be honest... it's so rich that they don't even know how to use it.

I won’t mention the number of times the skills are collected and strengthened. Everyone here has reached the top level in the field of expertise. The next step is the transformation of life from B level to A level. The number of times strengthened has no effect.

And the extracted skills are not very useful to them. They are all walking on their own paths now, and fancy skills have no meaning.

Therefore, unless you encounter a skill that particularly suits you, you won’t want it.

In the current situation, opportunities for skill extraction and enhancement are generally reserved for newcomers, allowing newcomers who are lagging behind to quickly catch up with the backbone team.

The construction opportunity mission has reached 20 times, and the number of enhancements has reached 40 times. There are also a large number of material rewards. How to use these rewards is enough for everyone to discuss for a while.

Then, the most important thing, and the harvest that everyone cares about the most, is the authority of Promes Fortress!

[Congratulations, Commander, and congratulations to everyone, for successfully passing the advanced assessment, and Promis Fortress has been fully upgraded. 】

In order to let everyone know, the shadow of Mephis appeared in the center of the large conference room and announced to everyone the changes in Promes Fortress.

[All primary permissions are open. Commanders have permission to know the 15 pre-selected targets for the next mandatory mission 3 days in advance, and have the right to choose one of the worlds to upgrade to the Legion War mode.

Central database information unlocks primary areas.

Special areas for other races are opened, and the main control interface of Promis Fortress unlocks other race pages and adds new construction options.

The level cap of each building area in the fortress has been lifted and raised to LV.10.

Open the central hall workbench and open the employment task system.

Open battle points system and open exchange system.


Everyone was delighted to hear the series of new permissions and functions reported by Mephis. The first one could know the optional mission world in advance. With Yang Hui as a "prophet", they could make more complete preparations and obtain

More gains.

Second, after experiencing the legion war mode this time, everyone knows that it is impossible to experience it a second time in a short time. After all, they have experienced the powerlessness in the face of a racial war, and they are not qualified to intervene in a war of this scale.

However, it is not possible now, but it will be possible in the future! With the right to independent transformation, they can carry out the legion battle mode safer and more securely. This mission has made them rich.

Not to mention the database, data and intelligence are always the most important and highest-priority existence in a war.

I won’t talk about foreign races, it must be ELS, and now that ELS has started, there will definitely be more allies from other races in the future. This is great news. As for the specifics, I will learn more about it later.

But the new features that were opened next stunned them, so much so that they didn’t listen much to what happened next.

"Mephis, please explain in detail the employment mission system, battle points system and redemption system."

This chapter has been completed!
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