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Chapter 708: Brothers and sisters who became transparent

At the port of the concession, officials from Bunitalia welcomed the arrival of Cornelia and Yang Hui with the highest standards of etiquette.

They never dreamed that they, who thought they were just sent to this small country, would one day be able to welcome two powerful princes and daughters at the same time.

Among the current princes and daughters, the one with the highest status is Crown Prince Odisseus V. Bunitalia. No one can doubt this.

Next is Schneizel El Bunitalia, because he is the prime minister of the empire and has always been at the core of the empire. He has outstanding abilities and a deep city.

Next are Cornelia and Yang Hui. Cornelia always has the empire's army in her hands and has made great achievements in battle.

Although Yang Hui was once called the "Nanny Prince" and was looked down upon by others, after his glorious deeds in Africa spread, no one looked down upon him, and he is now the only person who succeeded Charles DI Bunitaria.

It is unprecedented for people to actually share some of their rights, even just a little bit. This makes others wonder whether His Majesty the Emperor's favor is to support Yang Hui and vaguely support his future as emperor.

In other words, Guinevere, who has always been a courtesan of the royal family, has always been very famous, but it is just fame without real power.

There is also Clovis, a rising star. Although the assignment [Ten] means delegating, he is also a prince with his own territory and should not be underestimated.

After that, there were no princes or princesses worth the attention of the expatriate officials. Including when Lelouch and Nunnally arrived in Sakura Country, the top person in charge of the concession did not arrive. He only arranged for his secretary to greet them and then sent them to Ash.

The Ford family stopped asking.

So this time Cornelia and Yang Hui arrived at the same time, and the person in charge of the concession did not dare to neglect them, and wanted to pull all the people in the concession to greet them.

As the flagship aircraft carrier docked, Cornelia and Yang Hui walked down surrounded by their respective knights. Yang Hui and his knights ranked behind Cornelia and her knights. This was also recognition of Cornelia's trip.

Leah's dominance.

"Your Highness Cornelia, Your Highness Yang Hui, welcome to the Sakura National Concession. I have arranged a reception banquet for you two..."

"Let's not talk about it for now." Cornelia doesn't like this thing the most. No matter what it is, she will hold a banquet first and then talk about the business after the banquet. "We encountered pirates intercepting near the territorial waters of Sakura Country."

"Pirates! These damn Sakura people actually allowed pirates to block our fleet. They really deserve death!" The anger on the person in charge's face was as if the Sakura people had a grudge against him to kill his whole family, but in Cornelia,

But Yang Hui thought it was funny in his eyes, "Your Highnesses, please rest assured. Regarding the fact that your Highnesses were frightened, I will issue a statement of protest to the Sakura Country government and ask them to give your two Highnesses a satisfactory answer."

"Pfft~" Yang Hui almost couldn't help laughing, was he frightened? Can you imagine such a weird flattery? Don't even think about who are the people standing in front of you?

"No need." Cornelia also suppressed a smile, but the look at the person in charge was also full of coldness. Her first impression was that of a smooth-tongued flatterer who was not very useful. "Our army has captured the pirates.

, but according to international law, we are pirates captured in the territorial waters of other countries, so we have no right to dispose of them. Contact the Sakura Country government and ask them to send someone to receive them."

"Captured? As expected of Her Majesty Cornelia! You are really..."

"That's enough, no more nonsense, go and do what you need to do." Cornelia interrupted the person in charge's flattery. After hearing one or two words, she could act like a clown, but after hearing too much, she felt sick.

"Ye...Yes, your highness." The person in charge was sweating coldly. He was frightened by Cornelia's momentum. He didn't expect that his flattery would hit the horse's leg.

He must carry out Cornelia's order and immediately find the person in charge of diplomacy around him to handle the matter. He can't leave now. Cornelia and Yang Hui haven't received her yet, and the fleet hasn't been arranged yet.

But he immediately regretted it and wished he could do it himself.

"By the way, where are Lelouch and Nunnally? Why didn't they come to greet us?" Cornelia asked coldly.

Logically speaking, Lelouch and Nunnally, who are also the prince and princess, should be the leaders of the welcoming team when the royal sister and brother arrive. There is no one with more noble status than them in the entire concession.

"This...that..." The person in charge was sweating coldly. He had completely forgotten the existence of Lelouch and Nunnally. His biggest wish was to make good friends with Cornelia and Yang Hui, find an opportunity to return to the empire, and return to the empire.

Go to the core circle of the empire, rather than stay in the concession of this small country for the rest of your life as an insignificant person in charge.

He has been away from the empire for many years, so he doesn't know much about the situation of the royal family. He just takes it for granted that the two highnesses will not care about Lelouch and Nunnally who have been abandoned by the empire, and will even hate Lelouch and Nunnally.

That's why they didn't come to greet us at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Not only Cornelia, but also Yang Hui's face became quite ugly. He had always been aware of Lelouch and Nunnally's situation. Although they had no worries about food and clothing, they did not encounter anyone.

Dangerous, but he has indeed become a "transparent person".

But wanting to curry favor with them without any understanding, and only flattering them, Yang Hui couldn't help but want to kill him directly.

"No...it's nothing. His Highness Lelouch and His Highness Nunnally are both very good. They should be studying in the elementary school of Ashford College..."

"Should?" Cornelia raised her eyebrows, so frightened that the person in charge almost knelt down, "For the sake of the empire, the princes and princesses of the empire bear the burden of symbolizing friendship and stay away from their homeland and live in a foreign country. As the responsible person of this country's concession, you

People don’t understand their living conditions, so where do they place the majesty of the empire!? Where do they place the majesty of the royal family!?”

"Spare... spare your life... Your Highness Cornelia, I was just... just... just negligent for a moment. Because of the arrival of the two royal highnesses, I have been busy with reception matters, so..."

"Any reason is an excuse! Since they are welcoming us, why are my brothers and sisters not there?"

"This...I just..."

"I will truthfully report this matter to the cabinet meeting. You can wait for the empire's trial."

Even if Cornelia is a powerful general, she does not have the power to deal with the highest person in charge of the concession at will, so she cannot immediately remove him from office and arrest him. He must be reported to the cabinet meeting, which will make a decision.

But even so, the fate of the person in charge is also the difference between dying early and dying late. Cornelia's speech still has a great influence in the cabinet meeting.

However, Cornelia can't do it, but Yang Hui can do it. All he needs to do is lay some charges and provide evidence, and then he can be raped directly.

"No, Sister Huang, just order the military police to arrest him." Yang Hui said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Cornelia frowned and looked at Yang Hui.

"No! Your Highness Yang Hui! Even you can't do this!" the person in charge shouted, "The decision of the top person in charge of the concession must be made at the imperial cabinet meeting. Even if you are the prince, you have no right to interfere!"

"I do not have the right to interfere." Yang Hui sneered. There are many ways to deal with such people, "I do not have the right to directly remove you from your post, but... the traveling royal family will automatically be given the power to supervise when they arrive at any concession.

Power, that is to say, I have the power to supervise whether you obey the rules or violate the rules. Are you... treason? "

"This! This is impossible! I am a noble nobleman of the Holy Bunitalia Empire! How can it be possible to treason!? Your Highness, you cannot slander me!"

"Really? Then can you tell me what the secret deal between you and Chisong is?"

"What...what Chisong? I don't know him at all!" Upon hearing Chisong's name, the person in charge trembled all over, but he quickly calmed down and denied it.

"Don't know? That's very strange." Yang Hui pretended to be confused, but the disdain on his lips never stopped, "As the top person in charge of the Sakura Country Concession, you actually don't even know the most famous general of the Sakura Country Young Faction.

, is this a work mistake of yours?"

"So what? As a noble of the empire, I have no problem knowing the general of this small country!" Anyway, if he didn't know him, it would be dereliction of duty at best. He would not dare to admit the serious crime of treason.

"Really? Regetta."

"Your Highness, the intelligence officer reported that at 10 o'clock five days ago, he accepted Akamatsu's invitation to go to Tokyo for a banquet. The location was..."

Reggieta told the information in front of everyone, in great detail, including what food he had eaten that night, how much he ate, how much wine he drank, and which girls he found.

"You...you...how...how is it possible..." The person in charge knew that he was finished. Although he had not seen any substantive evidence, he had said it so clearly, and it was all true. There must be substantive evidence.

The evidence made it impossible for him to quibble.

Cornelia glanced at Yang Hui and saw that this was all true, so she asked the gendarmerie to arrest him immediately and imprison him pending interrogation. As for his work, he could just leave it to his deputy for the time being.

"Your Highnesses, do you need me to invite His Highnesses Lelouch and Nunnally..." The deputy was also very scared at this time, afraid of following the same path as his superiors, but he also knew how to watch what was happening.

Is it because they ignored the existence of Lelouch and Nunnally?

"Where are they?" Cornelia asked.

"It has been confirmed that the two royal highnesses are in class at school."

"Well, then go to Ashford College and let me know in advance that everything at the college will continue as usual. There is no need to arrange any reception ceremonies. Especially the courses in the primary school cannot be affected in any way." Cornelia thought of something and looked at Yang Hui.

, and found that Yang Hui's expression was exactly the same as his own, a little bad and a little expectant.

"Yes, your highness."

This chapter has been completed!
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