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Chapter 716 Bunitalia was robbed!

"Man, what's going on over there?"

"What could possibly happen? Yesterday, we were able to fire a few shots at the beacons set in advance in the sea. Today, there are no beacons left. The higher-ups don't know what to do now."

"Didn't it say that there will be temporary changes to the content of today's exercise?"

"Yes, but there is no order yet, so we can only wait."

"That's right, but it's so boring."

"Yeah, I really hope the order comes earlier..."

"Notify everyone that the content of the exercise has been confirmed. Pirates played by an elite team are operating in the exercise waters. Our task is to find the pirates and completely annihilate them. Repeat it again, find the pirates and annihilate them all..."


For a moment, everyone who heard the order wondered if there was something wrong with their ears. Yesterday, they just put up beacons, but today they just let people play pirates?

"What do the people above think? They send people to pretend to be pirates?"

"Didn't you listen to the order just now? The pirates are played by an elite team! Be careful."

"What's there to worry about? The elite team is also a team! And they didn't say where they came from. What if they are from Sakura Country?"

"Then I can rest assured. No matter how elite the people of Sakura Country are, how elite can they be?"

"That is to say, and we are in the center of the military formation. Even if they are really elite, how can they break through the many defense lines and reach us?"

"That's right."

"Then I'm really sorry to disappoint you."

"Huh? Who...ummm..."

The two soldiers on guard had been dragged into a dark corner with their mouths covered. In their sight, a dozen people in diving suits were watching the surroundings with guns in hand.

They never expected that the "pirates" they were discussing just now would quietly appear in front of them.

This was not what frightened them the most, but the other party's voice and the appearance revealed when he took off his clothes.


"Shut up!" Yang Hui shouted, quieting the two struggling people. "This is during the exercise. You have been declared dead. You cannot speak or disclose our information to anyone. Do you understand?"

"Hmm!" The two looked at each other, nodded, and then Yang Hui ordered someone to release their mouths.

"Your Highness Cornelia! Your Highness Yang Hui! How could it be you!?" They really couldn't believe that the elite team playing pirates was actually led by Cornelia and Yang Hui, and every member was their knight.

Elite members of the group.

GRD! Who the hell would have thought that the "elite squad" in the order would be so elite!?

"I can't help it. It's boring to watch the show. I'm going to have some fun." While changing clothes, Yang Hui also chatted with the two soldiers who were first "killed" in action.

"Uh...that's the reason..." The corner of the soldier's mouth twitched. This reason made them unable to refute, and they felt extremely stupid.

"But... why are you attacking us?" the soldier asked again.

"Of course it will make your memory long." Yang Hui said jokingly, "Don't you think it is absolutely safe? Now that you are 'dead', do your faces hurt?"


"Okay, the question and answer session is over." During the conversation, Yang Hui and others had changed their clothes. Yang Hui put on an extremely lifelike simulation mask and also changed into the officer uniform of the Bunitalia Navy.

The others all wore Marine Corps combat uniforms, and their faces were covered tightly so that no one would recognize them.

"Remember your identity as 'dead people', otherwise..."

"Yeah, yeah!" They heard the threat in Yang Hui's tone, and the two of them almost had afterimages in their heads.

"very good."

After a group of people left, the two "killed" soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, but for a moment they didn't know what to do. They didn't want to leave, and they didn't want to leave. They just squatted there stupidly.

It wasn't until twenty minutes later that the people who came to change the guard hurriedly found them and asked: "What's wrong with you? Why aren't you at your post? What are you doing squatting here?"

The two soldiers kept silent, just pointed at themselves, and then made a gesture of cutting their throats.

"Why didn't you say... um!" The person who asked the question was stunned, but immediately realized that this gesture meant that they were "killed". According to the regulations of the exercise, "dead people" cannot speak casually.

It cannot be moved casually.

Thinking of this, the person who asked the question immediately understood that the enemy had appeared and was on this ship.

"Report from Post No. 12, two dead people were found. The enemy has boarded the ship. Repeat, the enemy has boarded the ship..."

As soon as the soldiers' report came out, the entire battleship's alarm was sounded, and everyone panicked.

"Enemy found! In Gnaku!"

At the same time, Yang Hui and others had successfully boarded their own aircraft, opened the door to the Gnaku from the main control room, and stepped on the prepared C-type equipment [surfboard].

"Tsk, I'm really unhappy."

"Sister Huang, please stop complaining. Your identity really cannot be exposed."

"Will the dedicated machine reveal my identity?"

"What do you think?"

"Hey, it's so troublesome."

"Hey, let's go. Bring enough supplies and ammunition and set off. There are still many 'enemies' outside."


"Yes, your highness!"

Riding on surfboards, thirteen Knightmares rushed out of Gnaku's gate with [Athena] as the vanguard. Joan Luo and Dalton, who were the last to leave, also threw a few practice grenades. The explosions had no power.

But the Gnaku was instantly filled with billowing smoke, which also meant that the entire Gnaku was declared destroyed. No one present survived, and no machine was spared.

"Sir, Gnaku was completely destroyed, with numerous casualties. None of the Knightmare were spared, including [Athena], [Alyes], [Dorothy], [Baluge], and [Scorpion].

Thirteen Knightmare's were stolen."

"Where is Lady Cornelia's special machine?"

"It is also within the scope of 'destroyed'."

"Hmm...the right-wing troops and the left-wing troops move toward the center, and the Knightmare all attack to pursue the 'pirates'."

"Yes, your highness!"XN

"Everyone, be prepared to be scolded."


Originally, everyone was excited to pursue and retaliate, but this time not only did they lose face, but the stolen Knightmare also contained the special machine of Yang Hui and others, which was the technological crystallization of the empire.

They don't know the true identity of the "pirates". If they are from Sakura Country, once the technology is leaked, Sakura Country will definitely be able to develop excellent Knightmare in the shortest time, and even use these advanced technologies to deal with them.

The crime of leaking secrets alone is enough for them to be hanged collectively.

However... the temporary commander-in-chief of the fleet seemed to be unmotivated, with a splitting headache and an expression on the verge of tears, and even asked them to prepare themselves for scolding. What on earth was going on?

"Do you think Sakura Country's technical means can crack the biometric code lock designed by His Highness Yang Hui?"

"Uh..." Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then broke out in cold sweat.

"Moreover, Cornelia's body has not moved. It stands to reason that although Her Highness Cornelia's special machine is not a special machine, it is not much different. Moreover, it is Her Highness Cornelia's face. Why not take it away?


"Uh..." Cold sweat flowed down like a waterfall. No matter how slow his reaction was, he now understood that Yang Hui was definitely among the actors in the so-called "elite team" and the so-called "pirates".

"Do you understand? If you understand, just go and then...sigh."

"Yes, your highness!"XN

"Huh? You're quite motivated." The pursuit of the thirteen Knightmare was very tight, which aroused a lot of interest in Yang Hui for a while.

"If you make up for your mistakes, can you lose your energy?"

"Well, our acting talents are not very good." As he said that, Yang Hui drove [Athena] to "defeat" two [Sunderland] and [Gloucester].

"Your Highness, there are more and more enemies. If this continues, we may not be able to escape."

"Then break it into pieces, break out separately, and meet at the designated place."

"Yes, my lord!"XN

Regeni Rejeta and Cornelia followed Yang Hui. Jeremiah, Veretta and Qiong Luo chose a direction along the way. Gilbert, Dalton and one of the five team captains

Once one route was chosen, the remaining four team captains chose another route and launched an attack on the Bunitalian army's encirclement network from four different directions.

Since this was at sea, and the siege net had not been completely completed, it was quickly cut into pieces by four sharp blades. The battleships suffered varying degrees of damage, and the intercepted Knightmare troops suffered heavy losses. In desperation, they could only watch

Then the thirteen "pirates" walked away.

"What did you say? Bunitalia's fleet was attacked by 'pirates'? And 13 Knightmare were robbed?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"Hahahaha! This group of arrogant Bunitalia people are also today! Hahaha..." Shumu Xuanwu and the people of the Six Families of Kyoto now hope to see Bunitalia suffer and become more and more prosperous.

The more uncomfortable they are, the happier they will be.

"Are those pirates ours? Let them come back quickly. Don't worry about any military exercises. Getting Knightmare's technology is the most important thing!"

"Not our people."

"Is that someone from Bunitalia? But... this is unreasonable!"

"I don't know. I tried to contact Cornelia, but couldn't, so I couldn't know the true identity of the 'pirate'."

"We must ask clearly. Even if the other party is a Bunitalian, we must sell them at any cost. Even if it is just one, it is enough!"


At the same time, Akamatsu, who was sitting at Itsukushima base, also received the news. He did not go to the exercise area to command, but sat firmly in the rear. Firstly, the navy had not been completely recaptured by his people, and secondly, the joint coastal defense exercise

There is no need for him to take action.

But after receiving the news, Akamatsu couldn't sit still. He was not as excited as Shumu Xuanwu and the people of the Six Families of Kyoto. Instead, he frowned deeply and discovered something fishy.

"Your Majesty General, what should we do now? Do you want to try to contact us?"

"No, it doesn't make sense. It's impossible for Bunitalia to let someone take away thirteen Knightmares so easily, including several special machines. Do you think there would be no preventive measures for such a machine?"

"That's what you said."

"Well...wait first, wait for the other party to act first, and find out their target first."

"As commanded."

This chapter has been completed!
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