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Chapter 729 Chapter 727: Little Suzakus first meeting

"So what image do I have in your mind?" Yang Hui angrily turned Lelouch's hair into a chicken coop.

"Let me go!"


Suppressing Lelouch firmly, Yang Hui turned to look at Shumu Suzaku: "Suzaku, right?"

"Yes...yes, His Highness Yang Hui."

"Don't be nervous. This kid is a bit difficult to take care of. You should be more considerate on weekdays."

"No...there is no such thing, His Highness Yang Hui, Lelouch..."

"There's no need to defend him. I'm his brother. I've watched him grow up, but I still don't know what his character is? He's bratty, arrogant, conceited..."

"Yang Hui! I'm really angry!"

"Look, I'm still irritable."

"Pfft~ Hahahaha..." Nunnally, who was watching the fun on the side, couldn't help but laugh out loud. The clear and melodious laughter made the noise instantly quiet down, soothing the bad taste and Lu Lu in Yang Hui's heart.

Lu Xiu's anger.

"Nunnally..." Lelouch pouted and complained. He didn't want to help him, and even laughed at himself. However, he was a girl control and couldn't lose his temper with Nunally.

"Well, the people who picked me up are here, Your Highness Yang Hui, Lelouch, Nunnally, please allow me to take my leave first." Shumu Suzaku saw the car that picked him up parked at the school gate, and said to Yang Hui and others.

"great, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

"Hey, little Suzaku." When Shumu Suzaku was about to leave, Yang Hui called him.

"Your Highness Yang Hui, is there anything else?"

"It's okay, I just want to say a few words. Your father is your father, and you are you. Just be yourself."

"This... Your Highness Yang Hui, I don't understand." Shumu Zhuque really didn't understand. He is still a little baby now, and he is very simple. He has not experienced cruel baptism, so he cannot understand these big principles.


"It's okay, just remember it. One day, you will understand."

"This... okay, Your Highness Yang Hui, I will remember it."

After bowing again, Suzaku Shumu ran towards the car that picked him up, but on the way he passed Kaishiro Todo who was guarding the car, stopped again, and exclaimed: "Master Todo!"

But when he looked up, he saw only a man wearing a mask. His face could not be seen clearly, and he was holding a knight's sword instead of a katana. Suzaku Shumu suspected that he had recognized the wrong person.

"I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person." Shumu Suzaku apologized quickly. He was a student of Todo Dojo and learned kendo from Todo Keishiro. After hearing about Todo Keishiro, he didn't believe that Todo Keishiro would betray him.

But he can neither prove nor change.

After Todo Kaishiro was sentenced to death, he has still not been able to get out of the shadow of sadness. Perhaps because of this, he recognized the wrong person.

Todo Kaishiro's face suddenly twitched under his mask. He didn't expect Suzaku Shumu to recognize him. Fortunately, the other party said that he had recognized the wrong person, so he breathed a sigh of relief and did not answer. He just nodded in response.

It wasn't until Shumu Zhuque got in the car that the housekeeper who came to pick him up asked him: "Master, what did His Highness Yang Hui say to you? And who is that person?"

This butler is the butler who takes care of Shumu Suzaku, and is also the spy sent by Shumu Xuanwu to Shumu Suzaku. His biggest role is to know the progress of Shumu Suzaku's relationship with Lelouch and Nunnally at the first time.

But today, there is another major harvest.

"His Royal Highness Yang Hui just told me..."

Immediately, Shumu Zhuque told the housekeeper the whole process of his recent contact with Yang Hui. He hated this feeling. Every minute and every second of his life had no secrets and had to be monitored and understood by others.

But this was an instruction given to him by his father, and he had to follow it.

"I see, I understand. Then young master, who is that person?"

"that person?"

"That's the person who stopped you in front of Yang Hui-dian getting out of the car."

"I do not know him."

"do not know?"

"Yes, I don't know him, but when I passed by him, I seemed to see Master Todo, so I recognized the wrong person." When Todo was mentioned, Shumu Suzaku's expression dimmed, his eyes were red, and he argued

He tried, defended, and tried hard, but no one believed him, including his senior brothers and sisters who had a good relationship with him and respected Todo Kaishiro.

"I see, Master, you should let it go as soon as possible. No matter what the truth is, this matter has its final result. If you continue to be troubled by it, it will affect your health and study life."

"Well, I understand." A promise is a promise, but it can't be that simple? Shumu Suzaku had self-doubt for the first time. Are his father's words right? Is the truth really unimportant?

On the other side, Yang Hui also picked up Lelouch, Nunnally, and, oh, by the way, Mireille and went back to Ashford's house.

Even if the new Governor's Mansion is built, Yang Hui does not intend to bring Lelouch and Nunnally to live in the Governor's Mansion. Once the new Governor's Mansion is further away from Ashford Academy, it will not be so convenient for them to go to school;

Secondly, they and Mi Lei are very good friends, and they have become accustomed to each other's existence after living together for several years. In this case, why should Yang Hui be the bad guy?

After dinner, he played with Lelouch and Nunnally for a while, and tutored Nunnally and Mirei on their homework, before Yang Hui returned to the Temporary Governor's Mansion.

"Your Highness, Master Shumu almost recognized me today." After returning, Todo Kaishiro immediately reported to Yang Hui. This was also an act of self-proof. After all, Yang Hui couldn't have missed the scene when Shumu Suzaku called him. Even if

He didn't see it, but Reggie Reggieta, who was standing next to him at the time, also saw it.

"I didn't completely recognize you, that's fine." To be honest, Yang Hui was so frightened at the time that he couldn't see his face at all. If Todo Kaishiro had changed his costume and been recognized by Shumu Suzaku at a glance, the joke would have been made.


"But you should be careful in the future and avoid contact with him as much as possible."

"Yes, your highness."

"Not bad, pretty standard."

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness."

"Okay, there is no need to be so rigid in private, Todo, or...do you think of me as your lord?"

"...Your Highness may be disappointed."

"That's really a pity."

To be honest, Todo Keishiro has been observing Yang Hui and found that there are many things about Yang Hui that are beyond his imagination, such as his private personality, casual, free and easy, and sinister. He is not like a prince at all, but during a duel,

Yang Hui was so clean and tidy, and when he criticized the Sakura Country audience at the end, he was domineering and mighty, as tall and straight as a pillar between heaven and earth.

He found that the more detailed he observed, the blurrier the image of Yang Hui in his mind became. Too many aspects merged together and turned into vague chaos.

"You said Suzaku mistook that person for Todo?" Shumu Xuanwu asked after the butler's report.

"The young master indeed said that."

"Hmm...what do you think?"

"I think the young master was still immersed in sadness and admitted his mistake for a while. After all, he was dead."

"...really dead?"


"You go down first."


After the housekeeper left, Shumu Xuanwu sat alone in the study, with only the dim desk lamp still on.

"Todo...hehe, it seems you have made a choice? No, it should be...did we force you to make a choice?"

Shumu Xuanwu knew very well that Todo Keishiro was still alive and Shumu Suzaku really recognized him. Originally Shumu Xuanwu was only in the suspicion stage, even though he confirmed Todo Keishiro's "corpse" with his own eyes and saw "

"The corpse" was pushed into the cremation room, but he always had a hunch that Todo Kaishiro would not die so easily.

And now... he confirmed that Todo Kaishiro was indeed not dead, but had just changed his identity and followed Yang Hui.

As for why...hehe, do I need to say more?

"No, it's better to confirm it in person. By the way, there is Chisong. I should be able to recognize him."

Thinking of this, Shumu Xuanwu immediately called Chisong.

After some time, the fleet returned to Sakura Country, taking the other half of the [Nightmare] Knights with it.

After confirming that everyone had arrived safely, Yang Hui sent the Fourth Fleet back to China to resume operations. The port in the concession could not accommodate the docking of the two fleets.

"Oh, oh, oh, is this our new stronghold? It's really empty!" Lloyd sighed as he looked at the new stronghold.

"Let's arrange it well, we will stay here for a long time." Yang Hui said to them.

"No problem, Cecil, let them transport the equipment first and arrange the equipment first."

"Okay, Mr. Lloyd."

"Lloyd, don't take up my space!"

"Well, don't worry about these little things, Lakshata."

"How is this a trivial matter!? Have you forgotten that I am the director of the scientific research department!?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten it, but I am also a deputy minister, and the authority given to me by His Highness is the same as yours."

"That's also a deputy! Go aside!"

"Eh? So heartless."

"Mr. Lloyd~"

"Hey~! Cecil, calm down!"

After arranging the affairs of the new station of [Nightmare], Yang Hui gathered together Lloyd, Laksharta, Jeremiah, Veretta, and Joan Luo. These are the core senior leaders of the [Nightmare] Knights.


"Let's each report the situation."

"Your Highness, the control of the original garrison has been completed, and all those who should be eliminated have been eliminated."

"Ah, very good."

"Then it's our side." Lakshatta glared at Lloyd, and then said, "The cost of the sixth-generation Knightmare Gloster still cannot be reduced. The people in the military think that Sunderland is more cost-effective.

, so we decided to mass-produce the Sunderland, and the Gloster will still be produced in small quantities as a vehicle for elite troops. The development of the seventh-generation Knightmare has hit a bottleneck and will take some time."

"Well, it was expected." The choice of the military department and the results of Lakshata and others were all within Yang Hui's expectations, and there were no surprises.

"And that one, it's finished." Lakshatta said.

"Has it been tested?"

"not yet."

"I understand. Let's find an opportunity and then find a suitable target for testing. For now, let's arrange the various departments and let them operate normally."

"Yes, your highness."

This chapter has been completed!
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