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Chapter 732 Declaration of War

Chisong looked at the fire exploding in the sky and let out a cry of despair. It was the result of all his efforts, it was the basis for him to fulfill his lifelong wish, and it was the only light in his dark life.

"Your Majesty General, something is wrong."

"What's wrong? Tell me clearly!"

"The effect of the explosion... is too bad! The energy level of [Amaterasu] explosion is countless times that of the explosion in the sky, and... it stands to reason that at that height, if [Amaterasu] explodes, we have no chance of surviving!"

"You mean! [Amaterasu] is still there! It hasn't been intercepted?" Akamatsu said in surprise, but immediately calmed down, "No, no, no, [Amaterasu]'s signal was indeed lost, and an explosion of this magnitude

"Amaterasu" has no reason to be spared, but why is the effect of the explosion so weak? Could it be that "Amaterasu" is a failure in the first place? No, it's impossible..."

"Your Majesty General, it's not good!"

"What's the matter? Report it directly!" Chi Song's eyes revealed murderous intent.

"Yes... it's Bunitalia! Bunitalia has declared war on our country!"

"What? So fast!"

Chisong immediately followed his men back to the command room, where Yang Hui's "Declaration of War" was being broadcast live on the big screen.

"Our country has obtained sufficient evidence to prove that Sakura Country violated international law and secretly researched banned nuclear weapons. Moreover, just now, a rocket was launched from Sakura Country's Itsukushima base. According to our military's precise calculations, the rocket

The ultimate goal is not space, but our country’s imperial capital. Therefore, our country has every reason to suspect that Sakura Country’s nuclear weapons have been successfully developed and used against our country.

In recent days, our country's concessions and shops in Sakura Country have been invaded by Sakura Country mobs, which has seriously damaged the lives and property safety of our citizens, and the Sakura Country government has been unable to take effective measures to stop it. This is a disservice to the Empire.

serious provocation.

Between the above two situations, the Empire will respond head-on to Sakura Country's provocations and threats and officially declare war on Sakura Country!

At the same time, on behalf of the Holy Bunitalia Empire, I am here to announce good news to the world. The empire’s latest technology [neutron jammer] has been successfully researched. This is a brand-new technology that interferes with fission. In other words, from

Starting now, the world will fully enter a nuclear-free era!"


"Damn Yang Hui! Damn Bunitalia!" Chisong almost smashed a big crater into the metal podium.

Akamatsu now understands that his so-called secret has always been in the opponent's sight. [Amaterasu] was intercepted just after it took off, and the speed of the missile was beyond their ability to intercept. [Amaterasu] had just been intercepted, Yang Hui

On behalf of Bunitalia, they publicly issued a declaration of war against the Sakura Country, as well as evidence that they were researching nuclear weapons, the injustice suffered by the Bunitalia people in the Sakura Country, and the final announcement of the [Neutron Jammer]

data of.

Everything was so timely. Yang Hui had prepared everything a long time ago. He knew that he was researching nuclear weapons, but he never launched them. He was just waiting for him to take out the nuclear weapons on his own initiative, and then take this opportunity to attack Sakura Country.

Sudden attack.

"General! Bunitalia's fleet has been dispatched and is heading towards Itsukushima base..."

"Ominato, the Yokosuka military port was attacked by Knightmare troops, requesting support..."

"The Commander-in-Chief of the Escort Fleet, Susan, betrayed the country and led the entire fleet to surrender to Bunitalia..."

"Tokyo announced its surrender to Bunitalia..."

"The Yokohama base was attacked by Knightmare forces..."

The bad news came one after another, making Chisong's anger as terrifying as a volcanic eruption: "Shut up!"


For a moment, the command headquarters fell into silence, completely opposite to the noise and panic just now.

"Command, Wuhe and Sasebo go north to support the Ominato fleet to recapture the military port and repel Bunitaria's Knightmare forces. The Kure team goes to support the Yokosuka military port and join the Yokosuka fleet to go north and eliminate the traitors in the escort fleet. Second

, the 3rd Ground Armored Force from..."

Akamatsu is indeed a veteran. Even if he is caught off guard by Bunitalia, he can still make the most correct response to different locations.

"Ask the ministries whether Bunitalia's special machine has appeared."

"Yes, Your Majesty General... I haven't found it yet!"

"Nothing was found..." Akamatsu stared at the map. Due to the sudden attack by the Bunitalia Empire, the entire northeastern part of Sakura Country was in chaos. But at this time, as the Bunitalia Empire's strongest combat force

[Nightmare] The Knights did not appear on any battlefield, so...

"It's all a feint. He's disrupting our sight. Could it be that... the target is still me? No, no, with his pride, he won't pay attention to his defeated generals, then... the Six Kyoto Families? That's not right, the people of the Six Kyoto Families

He has returned to Kyoto. Kyoto is too far away from the concession, so where is his goal..."

After eliminating possible targets one by one, Chisong found that there were no suspicious targets left, so he could only start from scratch and look for Yang Hui's real target again.

"General, the Yokohama base has fallen, and less than one-fifth of the people have escaped."

"No problem, find a way to contact the people who escaped and ask them to go to Yokosuka Naval Port. After the two fleets have defeated Bunitalia's troops, they will meet up."


"Always pay attention to the movements of the [Nightmare] Knights. If you find them, tell me immediately!"


Yang Hui, who was worried by Chi Song, did not leave the concession, or even the Governor's Mansion. He had no intention of taking action personally in this battle, and stayed in the rear to take command throughout the entire battle.

"Your Highness, the Yokohama base has been captured."

"The troops were stationed in place, and the newly surrendered convoy went to the Yokohama base to join the ground troops. The engineering troops immediately moved in to build fortifications in preparation for resisting Yokosuka's counterattack."

"Yes, your highness!"

"Where is our fleet now?"

"It is expected to enter the observation range of Itsukushima in ten minutes."

"Stop advancing outside the observation range. The enemy will not move and I will not move."

"Yes, your highness!"

"Your Highness, there are collective riots in Tokyo, and I'm afraid a riot will break out."

"Send the order to the security team to kill on the spot." Yang Hui gave the most ruthless order in the calmest tone.

"Yes, your highness!"

The subordinates did not hesitate at all about this order. The citizens of Sakura Kingdom had frequently attacked Bunitalia's shops and even stormed the concession. If Yang Hui's order had not stopped them in front, they would have wanted to go on a killing spree at that time.

"Where is [Nightmare]?" Yang Hui asked.

"Half an hour ago, the last communication location of Knight Regeta was at Sankuni Pass."

"Well... we should be arriving soon. The 21st, 22nd, and 23rd Knightmare Battalions, and the 10th to 15th Ground Mobile Troops are moving forward and are on standby near Shenmei Pass and Kintoki Mountain."

"Yes, your highness!"

"Then, let's get started. I hope you can submit an answer sheet that satisfies me."

At this time, the [Nightmare] Knights, who were talked about by both Yang Hui and Chisong, had a total of 35 machines, consisting of [Ariese], [Dorothy], [Jiminy], [Barooge] and [Scorpius]

Well], 30 black-painted Glosters led by them have passed through the mountains and arrived at the surrounding area of ​​Mount Fuji mining area without anyone noticing.

"When you arrive at the designated place, the target is ahead. [X], do you have anything to say?" Regeni Rejeta asked.

"The only thing I know about the previous deployment of troops is..." [X] is Kaishiro Toudo, and the sixth unowned special machine - Gemini [Jiminy] was also handed over to him.

He is a person who keeps his word, and Yang Hui is also a person who keeps his word. Since you said so, I am not afraid of you going back on your word. I will give you the trust I deserve, but you must also do what you promised me.

, so Todo Kaishiro used the new identity of [X] to join the [Nightmare] Knights and participated in this battle.

"...This is what I know about the situation. I don't know whether it has changed since then."

"Very well, Veretta, Joan, you lead a group of people to attack from the northeast, find the garrison station mentioned by [X], occupy it, and kill those who resist on the spot."


"Jeremiah, you lead a group of people to occupy the cherry stone storage warehouse in the southwest."


"[X], I will lead a team of people to attract the attention of the enemy defenders and create opportunities for you to obtain your certificate of surrender."


"The battle will begin in five minutes. Disperse and hide on the spot."

Everyone's combat missions were determined, and they dispersed and used the surrounding environment to hide themselves.

At this time, Regeni Rejeta's communication rang. Seeing that it was Jeremiah's communication request, he connected directly: "What's wrong?"

"Does Your Highness really trust him to carry out the beheading mission alone?" Jeremiah's worry is not unreasonable. After all, Todo Kaishiro was a spy placed next to Yang Hui three days ago.

"This is His Highness's decision. Don't trust those who are employed, and do not use those who are suspicious. Isn't this His Highness's style?"

"Okay, but I'll keep an eye on him."

"You can figure it out yourself, as long as it doesn't affect your mission."


Five minutes, five minutes of calmness, but also five minutes of tension. Regeni Rejetta experienced the thrill of being shocked more than once following Yang Hui. Jeremiah, Veretta and Qiong Luo also experienced military violence.

The acting is exciting, but other people don't have this experience.

"The time is up, the battle begins."

As Regeni Rejeta's order was issued, the quiet woods came to life, and it was a very ferocious life. It was like the door to hell was opened, and the demons finally broke out of the cage and ran towards their goals.

"What's the noise?"

"What's happening in the mining area again?"

"No, it seems to be a mechanical sound...what is that!?"

"Knightmare!? How is that possible!? This is the rear area!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy..."


This chapter has been completed!
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