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Chapter 745 It’s different from the rumors

Just as Yang Hui said to them and Shumu Xuanwu repeated it in front of them, they should not die easily.

First of all, Shumu Xuanwu put them on the TV screen, and even publicly listed the crimes they had committed, one by one, in front of the people of the whole country, making them the sinners of the country and the nation.

, so that the six families in Kyoto were completely nailed to the cross of shame.

Moreover, Shumu Xuanwu's arrangement was very good, and some less important crimes were mixed in with the major crimes that angered both humans and gods, allowing people to actively ignore these minor crimes and remember all the major crimes.

Especially for treason, in the face of the evidence provided by Yang Hui, even if it is white, it will become black. There is no room for them to refute. Even if they refute, with the previously disclosed crimes and preconceptions, the people will definitely

They will not be believed, and Shumu Xuanwu has evidence and they have no evidence to prove their innocence, so the clarification is just sophistry, and the accusation will turn into slander.

Yang Hui's punishment for them was not limited to the six of them. All the assets in their names were taken away. The top six families in Sakura Kingdom lost everything overnight, and all the members of the six major families became everyone.

Rats who cried out for beatings, who once showed off their power, were either living on the streets and being humiliated by the stupid people they once considered, or they could not bear the humiliation and committed suicide, or they disappeared without anyone noticing.

"Has everything been taken care of?" Yang Hui asked Regeni Rejeta.

"Everything has been taken care of. All the properties have been taken over. 10% of them have been handed over to His Highness Clovis and 20% to His Highness Cornelia."

"Yes." Yang Hui nodded. Although erasing the Six Families of Kyoto was Yang Hui's personal act, Cornelia and Clovis also helped a lot in this war. Yang Hui would not let them return empty-handed.


Although the two of them didn't care much about assets or anything else, they still accepted Yang Hui's offer. At worst, if any subsequent plans required a large amount of funds, they would just leave it to Yang Hui.

"anything else?"

"The personnel have been arranged. Based on the investigation, those who should be eliminated will be removed, and those who should be accepted will be accepted. Those children have been sent to various orphanages with good conditions."



After Reggie Reggie left, Cornelia and Clovis both looked at Yang Hui with smiles on their faces.

"What are you doing? You are so weird and scary." Yang Hui said to the two of them.


The two shook their heads at the same time, but their expressions and eyes remained unchanged.

In the end, Yang Hui couldn't bear the sight of them anymore. He trembled all over and chose to disappear from their sight.


Seeing Yang Hui running away in confusion, Cornelia and Clovis couldn't help laughing. They found that they seemed to have found a way to deal with Yang Hui.

"it is as expected."

"Sister Huang also guessed it?"

"of course."

"Haha, this is him, isn't it?"


At first, everyone including Shu Mu Xuanwu thought that Yang Hui's ruthlessness would make the Six Kyoto Families desperate, because the Six Kyoto Families had come into contact with Yang Hui's reverse scale, and the dragon's reverse scale wrath was not something that mortals could bear.

But Cornelia and Clovis have always believed that Yang Hui would not do anything to kill all the old, weak, women and children. After investigation, if they found that they had clean hands, they would secretly send someone to send them away in advance.

, send them to a safe place and let them start a new life.

Unable to return to the Governor's Mansion, Yang Hui was bored, so he walked to the street to relax alone, followed by Todo Kaishiro.

Originally, he didn't even want Todo Keishirou, he just wanted to walk around alone and relax. However, Todo Keishirou was a stubborn man with a square head. After devoting his loyalty to Yang Hui, he always insisted on his responsibilities.


"Boss, please order a piece of takoyaki."

"Okay...Yang...His Highness Yang Hui!" The boss, who was making takoyaki with his head down, was quite happy when he thought about the business coming in as soon as he left the stall. But when he looked up and saw his first customer of the day, he almost lost his mind.


"I don't look scary, do I?" Yang Hui raised his eyebrows, pretending to be confused, "X, am I scary?"

"No, His Highness's appearance is not intimidating, he is very handsome." Todo Kaishiro replied with a smile. He knew that Yang Hui was a very easy-going person in private, and would even abandon his noble status as a prince and mingle with the common people, but

The boss in front of you is not a Bunitalian who is familiar with you, but a native of Sakura Country. You have just led troops to conquer half of their country. Who among the ordinary people of Sakura Country will not be afraid of you when they see you?

"Well, boss..."

"Your Highness Yang Hui, I deserve death for not knowing you were coming..."

"Ahem, I want to say..."

"Your Highness, I am just an ordinary takoyaki boss. I am by no means a member of a rebel organization. I have never violated any laws. I have always abided by the policies promulgated by Your Highness..."

"No, I just want to say..."

"Your Highness, please let me go. I really didn't do anything. I am a senior and a junior. I..."

"I just want to say that if you don't turn it over, the takoyaki will be burnt." Yang Hui stared at the dead fish eyes and said to the boss who was kneeling on the ground crying.

"Uh..." The boss was stunned, and the surrounding air suddenly became quiet.

"Well, boss, this is what it tastes like!" Yang Hui ate the hot takoyaki and gave a thumbs up to the busy boss.

"Hey, your highness, as long as you like it." The boss wiped his sweat and continued making takoyaki. He didn't know whether it was hot sweat or cold sweat.

"To be honest, I have eaten a lot of takoyaki, and yours tastes the best by far."

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness."

"But you shouldn't set up your stall at this time." Yang Hui was enjoying the takoyaki and said to the boss, "This street is mostly office space. They usually don't get off work until half past five. It's only three o'clock now. You should have lunch or

It’s best to come during lunch break or when you have to get off work at 5:30.”

"This... Your Highness, I..."

"Don't worry, I didn't say you were a spy or anything." Yang Hui waved his hand to ask the boss not to be so nervous, "This is not the first time I have seen you. When you first appeared, your family

The top and bottom have been investigated long ago, so there is no need to be so afraid."

Yang Hui is casual, but he is not unscrupulous. Any strangers who appear around the Governor's Palace, even Bunitalians, will be investigated to prevent spies or members of the resistance organization from sabotaging it.


"I'm just giving you a suggestion. Your craftsmanship is really good, but you just don't know how to do business."

"Well, ahaha, Your Highness is right. My craftsmanship is passed down from my family, so I'm quite confident in my craftsmanship. But...it's probably hereditary. My dad is not very smart and he made a loss in business before.

Once." After Yang Hui cleared up all the misunderstandings, the boss relaxed and started chatting with Yang Hui.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it, genetics is not my area of ​​expertise."

"Uh, haha." The boss was also amused by Yang Hui's humor.

"Try the two time periods I mentioned tomorrow. There is no guarantee that your business will be booming, but it will definitely be much better than what you are doing now."

"Okay, Your Highness, I will try."

"Well, I wish your business is prosperous, but if you want to move, remember to tell me where you are. It would be a pity not to find such delicious takoyaki."

"Okay, Your Highness, I will definitely remember it."

"Well, here's another one, please pack it up."


After getting another piece of freshly baked takoyaki, Yang Hui took Todo Kaishiro away. The boss stared blankly at the backs of the two as they left. He was horrified and confused. A person like Yang Hui should be a low-level person like him.

It is impossible for them to intersect in their lifetime.

Moreover, in the hearts of the people of Sakura Country, Yang Hui is a big devil. It was he who led the devil's legion to break through the country's gate, invade their territory, and kill their compatriots.

But now... he feels something different, as if the prince of Bunitalia... is not bad?


"Hey, guest, do you want takoyaki?"

"Well, I also want to taste the taste that His Highness Yang Hui praised."

"I want one too."

"Give me one too, no, two!"

"Okay, please wait!" At this time, the boss did not think so much. Because Yang Hui did not disguise himself, the passers-by around him recognized Yang Hui and heard the chat between Yang Hui and the boss.

When Yang Hui was here, they didn't dare to come forward because of fear. When Yang Hui left, they naturally wanted to taste his praise.

As the number of customers increased, the boss naturally focused on making dishes. Because there were more and more customers, he smiled broadly and silently thanked Yang Hui in his heart.

On the other side, Yang Hui and Todo Kaishiro who were leaving were walking slowly on the street. Because there was no disguise, pedestrians and merchants could recognize him, but they stayed far away and did not dare to get close.

But as Yang Hui wandered and chatted in one shop after another, the onlookers also discovered that Yang Hui was not as scary as they imagined, and he was not even as arrogant as the Bunitalians.

"Business is booming."

"Thank you, Your Highness, take your time!"

After saying goodbye to another boss, Yang Hui returned to the street with his pocket in hand.

"Your Highness." At this time, Todo Kaishiro whispered in Yang Hui's ear.

"Well, let's go." Yang Hui nodded, but nothing changed. He was still as comfortable and relaxed as before.

However, not long after advancing, Yang Hui left the street with Todo Kaishiro and turned around and walked into a small alley.

Immediately afterwards, four inconspicuous-looking pedestrians followed them into the alley, and then several burly men in suits and sunglasses appeared at the entrance of the alley, not allowing anyone else to enter.

Yang Hui and Toudo Kaishiro walked a certain distance, looked around and then stopped. The four people following them also stopped, their bodies tense, like leopards about to hunt.

"Leave it to you, X." Yang Hui said to Todo Kaishiro without looking back.

"Yes, your highness."

Todo Kaishiro took the order, turned around and faced the four people, pulled out his knight's sword and held it in front of him.

Yang Hui, regardless of what happened behind him or what the outcome would be, continued to walk forward.

This chapter has been completed!
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