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Chapter 750: Siuda Felts Caution

Duke Xiudafelt fled Yang Hui's study, as if it was a devil's lair and scary, but after escaping for a certain distance, he heard the quarrel coming from downstairs, who followed him to find Yang Hui.

The nobles are here to put pressure on Yang Hui. These nobles are all families who have been rooted in the concession for a long time, so they have a high degree of control over the concession and know the concession and Sakura Country better than Yang Hui.

Therefore, they relied on their influence and control in the concession to unite to put pressure on Yang Hui.

Yang Hui was indeed powerful, but that was fighting, not politics, let alone business. The tricks the nobles played in private were very complicated. He was just a young prince who could lead troops to fight, so they didn't take him seriously.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the Governor's Mansion, I was rejected.

They were very angry about Reggie Reggie's obstruction. Reggie Reggie was just a little personal maid who dared to block their way.

But Duke Xiudafelt now feels that it may be a blessing to be stopped below, because they are facing Yang Hui's fright.

It took me some time to control my emotions and put my clothes in order before I reappeared in people's sight.

"Duke Cudafield!"

"Duke Cudafield is here!"

"Duke Cudafelter, what did His Highness say? Are you planning to take back what you said before?"

"As expected of Duke Siudafeld, even His Highness must think carefully about your words..."

"A bunch of idiots!" Although Duke Xiudafelt did not show any emotion on the surface, he was already cursing in his heart. He was flattering and didn't know the timing and occasion. Can some of these words be said here!?

"Quiet!" Duke Xiudafelt shouted with a sullen face, making the noisy nobles quiet down. "Please remember your identity, this... is the Governor's Mansion!"

As soon as these words came out, all the nobles present were stunned for a moment and fell silent. Some even turned pale, realizing that there was something wrong with what they just said.

"His Highness's golden words are just like water thrown out, so there is no reason to change them at will." Duke Xiudafelter said to them seriously, "Changing orders day and night is a public slap in His Highness's face, and it is also a slap in Bunita's face.

Leah's face, as one of the eight famous families of Bunitalia, I will never allow this to happen, so your demands need to be considered in the long term."

"Duke Cudafield...we understand."

"What Duke Cudafield said makes sense."

Although they didn't know what Duke Xiudafelter had gone through and what he had said to Yang Hui, the sudden change in attitude showed that this matter was by no means as simple as they thought, and Duke Xiudafelter had already given

They warned, and they will not continue to make trouble here.

Moreover, what Duke Siudafeldt said was reasonable. After all, Yang Hui was a prince with real power. Slapping him in the face would be a slap in the face of the royal family, a slap in the face of Bunitalia, and at the same time a slap in their own faces.

The nobles turned around and left the Governor's Mansion. Duke Xiudafelt did not want to stay here any longer. Yang Hui's threat did play a big role, but as one of the eight famous families, Duke Xiudafelter was not a few.

He can threaten someone with just one sentence, let alone a fool. He also has to think about how to deal with the relationship with Yang Hui next.

However, when Duke Cudafield passed by Regeni Rejeta, Regeni Rejeta suddenly stopped him and said something in his ear, which made him stunned for a moment and surprised.

Look at Reggie Reggieta.



"……I will think about it."

Regeni Regeta nodded after hearing this, and after sending the last Duke of Xiudafield away, he returned to Yang Hui's study.

"Mr. Yang Hui."

"all gone?"

"Yes, Duke Siudafeld has already favored you."

"It won't be that simple." Yang Hui shook his head. Although he used the terrifying murderous intent he had accumulated from the battlefield to scare Duke Xiudafelt from the beginning, this was only temporary and could stabilize the eight famous families.

With such a status, it is impossible for Duke Cudafield to deal with him so easily.

"I told him that."

"...How did he answer?" Yang Hui was not angry because of Regeni Rejeta's arbitrary assertion, and was more concerned about the result.

"He said he would consider it."

"I understand, go down."


On the other side, the nobles naturally wanted to know more things, including the conversation between Duke Siudafeldt and Yang Hui. They did not leave directly after leaving the Governor's Mansion, but planned to go to the mansion of Siudafeldt family to discuss the follow-up.

plan of.

But Duke Cudafield uncharacteristically told them that he was tired and needed to rest, and asked them to go back.

Although the nobles were very curious and anxious, Duke Cudafield was their leader, and he had said so. Naturally, they could only temporarily suppress their curiosity and anxiety, go home, and go back tomorrow.

Find Duke Cudafield.

Duke Cudafield returned home with a heavy heart, and happened to see the woman cleaning the house.

"You're back?"


"What did that boy say?" The wife of Duke Cudafeld was also the daughter of a native earl in the empire. She had been pampered since she was a child and was used to being domineering in the concession. There was no respect for Yang Hui in her words.

"You'd better swallow your pride, Margaret."

"Hmph! A young brat is at best a reckless man who only knows how to fight."

"...Go to the study and wait for me." Duke Siudafeld paused for a moment and asked her to follow him to the study.

When the Duchess heard this, she had a disdainful expression on her face, but she still walked to the study. After all, she was just a Duchess. Duke Judasfeldt could tolerate her arrogant attitude, but she still knew that she could not go too far.

"Go down and rest." Duke Cudafield said to the woman who was cleaning.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Duke."

"...Go and clean up. I'll take you to the Governor's Mansion later."

"Your Majesty the Duke? What are you..."

"Don't worry, I don't want to do anything to you, it's just that... you have a good son."

After Duke Siudafelt finished speaking, he didn't explain much, and went upstairs to the study under the woman's doubtful and fearful eyes.

"What? He didn't agree today?" Seeing the arrival of Duke Cudafield, the Duchess asked.


"Haha, do you really think it's important to be a prince? This is not a local area..."

"You'd better treat him with some respect, Margaret."

"..." The duchess was stunned for a moment after hearing this, put down her tea cup, and asked with a puzzled look, "What happened? How could you say such a thing?"

"His Royal Highness Yang Hui... is scarier than we imagined." Duke Xiudafelt said with lingering fear.

"What? He threatened you with a gun?"

"No...but...it doesn't have to be a gun."

"So what happened?"

Immediately, Duke Xiudafelt told the Duchess what happened between him and Yang Hui. Of course, he hid part of it because he knew the Duchess's character very well. If she knew some things, it would only cause more trouble.

"He's too presumptuous!"

"You are the one who is presumptuous, Margaret. No matter how you think of him, he is the fourth prince of the empire and the governor of [ELEVEN] personally appointed by His Majesty. And don't forget, there is Cornelia by his side.

Your Highness and Your Highness Clovis."

"So what? This is Sakura... No, it should be called [ELEVEN]. It's not local, nor is it [TEN]. Isn't there an old saying in the big country next door? A strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake."

"Haha, it depends on what kind of dragon it is. No matter how powerful the local snake is, it is just a snake." Duke Xiudafelt shook his head and smiled. At first, he had the same idea as the Duchess, a reckless man who only knew how to fight.

He could control it easily, but now... that kind of murderous intent was really not something he could bear. The meaning conveyed to him by the murderous intent really made Yang Hui angry. He didn't mind killing anyone.

"...Are you scared?"


"Oh, you have to know what Yang Hui did. He threw the noble's face on the ground and trampled on it. He has already offended the public and will not end well."

"...I don't think so. We can't fall out with His Highness now. His Highness Yang Hui must be hiding something we don't know about. We must investigate clearly. We must not fall out with him before that."

"……ok, I get it."

"By the way, I will take her to the Governor's Mansion tonight."

"What do you mean?" The duchess became furious when she mentioned the woman outside. No woman could accept her husband mentioning his mistress in front of her, and this mistress also gave birth to a child for him.

But she could only be angry, and she could only raise the daughter born to her mistress as her own, because she did not have the ability to carry on the ancestral lineage for the Siudafeld family.

"Her son joined the [Nightmare] Knights."

"Oh, birds of a feather flock together, that kind of [ELEVEN] garbage is collected, it seems that the knights are just like that, garbage recycling station..."

"That's enough!" Duke Cudafield shouted, startling the Duchess, "I told you to calm down your attitude."

"I...I understand, I will pay attention to it." Duke Xiudafeldt is usually very tolerant of the Duchess, but his majesty as the head of the family is not weak at all. When this momentum is suppressed by the Duke

When Madam's shoulders fell, she, who was usually arrogant and domineering, could only turn into a cowardly little kitten.

"You go down first"

The Duchess got up and left the study. Duke Sudafeld poured himself a glass of red wine. The red wine glass was shaking in his hand, and the bright red wine was swirling in the glass, just like Duke Sudafelt's thoughts, which were constantly spinning.


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