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Chapter 756 Communicating with the World

Time flies, and it has been three years. Everything in [ELEVEN] is making steady progress. There is only one task, which was started before Yang Hui arrived at [ELEVEN], and it has not been completed yet.


"Mr. Yang Hui."

"Haven't you found where the witch is yet?"

"The exact location of the witch cannot be determined yet, but recent intelligence indicates that the last place where the witch appeared was Shengen Island."

"Shengen Island..."

"Yes, an underground ruin has been unearthed under Shengen Island. The situation inside is very complicated, and our people don't dare to investigate in depth easily."

"Well...go and have a look!"


Regeni Rejeta arranged transportation according to Yang Hui's instructions, and went to the ruins of Shengen Island with Yang Hui, because Regeni Rejeta felt that this trip would not be that simple. This ruins had a strange

It seems that in order to ensure the safety of Yang Hui, Kaishiro Toudo took the three Senba people to personally protect Yang Hui's safety. Not only that, Jeremiah, Veretta and Qiong Luo each led a team to drive the machine as a protective force.

In this regard, Yang Hui didn't say much. If his prediction was correct, the ruins should be related to the core of this world, namely CODE and C world, and the witch... must be hidden in this ruins.

For Yang Hui, everything in the world of CODE and C is still unknown, and no amount of preparation is too much to deal with the unknown.

Shengen Island is not far from Tokyo, but the [Nightmare] Knights dispatched three teams at once, but something that had never happened since the establishment of [ELEVEN] immediately attracted the attention of spies from all over the world.

The most recent attack by the [Nightmare] Knights was when they wiped out a resistance organization in the southern region two years ago. At that time, they only dispatched two special machines, [Alyes] and [Dorothy], and led a squadron of ordinary Knightmare.

The largest resistance organization on the surface was wiped out, and the two Glasgow brigades purchased from the black market, a large number of tanks and Army aviation units, and countless personnel were wiped out.

Today, half a year later, the [Nightmare] Knights not only dispatched three special-purpose machines, but also three teams of sixth-generation Knightmare Glosters. With this combat power, it is not difficult to fight a large-scale annihilation battle.

"Lejetta, let Joan lead her team to clean the eyes." Yang Hui ordered. You can leave them alone normally, but they cannot let them know about the existence of the ruins and the witch.

"Yes, your"

After arriving at Shengen Island, Joan Luo's team immediately separated from the main team and spread out, building a simple defense circle on the outermost perimeter. Jeremiah and Veretta led their teams to guard the ruins.

The surrounding area ensures that if there is an attack from outside, they can protect the ruins and Yang Hui as soon as possible, or if Yang Hui has an accident inside the ruins, they can rush in and carry out rescue as soon as possible.

Yang Hui himself entered the ruins accompanied by Regeni Regeta, Todo Kaishiro, Senbo, Bubu, and Chiba.

However, I just walked through the door and did not explore in depth.

"It seems they are hiding here." Yang Hui knelt down and looked at the ground. There were footprints on the road that should have been covered with dust that did not belong to them.

"Your Highness, the situation inside the ruins is still unclear. I suggest that a professional investigation team be formed first to find out the situation inside the ruins before going deeper." Regeni Rejeta suggested, that weird feeling, in the

It became even stronger after entering the gate of the ruins. He hated this feeling very much. It kept haunting him, but he didn't know what it was... fear!

"You feel it, right?" Yang Hui raised his head and asked Regeni Rejetta.

"Yes." Regeni Rejeta nodded decisively without hiding anything.

"Yeah, I feel it too."

Reggie Reggie can feel the strangeness because he is a man-made changer. As a user of spiritual waves, he will have a certain resonance with the C world hidden in the ruins.

In this case, Regeni Rejeta, who is an artificial reformer, can sense it, and purebred reformers with more powerful mental waves can naturally also feel it, and more clearly.

Yang Hui was in this state at this time. He seemed to be able to hear other people's voices in his ears. This voice did not belong to any of them, and it was more than one person. The content was vaguely unclear.

"Todo, keep an eye on the surroundings and don't let anyone get close to me. Regeta, pay attention to my condition and intervene in time when necessary."

"You plan to!"

"Well, this place...is very interesting."

"...be careful."

"Well, I'm starting."

"Let me take a good look, the biggest secret in this world!" Yang Hui closed his eyes, and opened them again the next second, filled with colorful light. After entering the state of the changer, the mental waves became more and more sensitive. Under Yang Hui's

Under precise control, it pierces the surrounding environment like thin lines.

"Hmm~!" The next second, Yang Hui felt that he had arrived at another place, a cosmic galaxy where heaven and earth could not be distinguished. He was stepping on the invisible earth, but ripples were splashing around like the sea.


"Mr. Yang Hui!" Although Regeni Regetta couldn't be seen, the anxious voice sounded in his mind.

"I'm fine!" Yang Hui immediately stopped Regeni Rejeta from interrupting him. The initial shock made him a little uncomfortable, but now it has calmed down.

"Ah, I didn't expect this to be an interesting guest." A short-haired woman wearing black clothes, with a purple-red belt hanging down from her waist, was floating in the wind, and she was sitting very

On the handrail, Yang Hui looked at him with interest.

"Sure enough, the will of World C." When Yang Hui saw this woman, the corner of his mouth curled up. He was right, World C was willing to contact him.

"It seems you know a lot, Yang Hui."

"You know a lot too, what should I call you?"

"Hmm... I really don't know. I can be anyone or not anyone. To humans, I don't exist, but what you can see is what actually exists. So... I don't exist.

? Or does it exist?"

"Like the witch in the forest?" Yang Hui asked with interest.

"Yes, it's just like the stories you often tell Lena. Things that exist and don't exist at the same time, and things that can't be proven to exist, naturally have no names, so... I don't know how to answer your question."

"Haha, it's just like an omniscient and omnipotent person can't create a stone that he can't lift. refutation."


"But you have now been proven by me to exist."

"That's right and that's wrong." The woman jumped off the armrest and faced Yang Hui face to face. The originally existing armrest suddenly disappeared, taking away the only sense of dissonance in the sea of ​​stars. "Being able to talk to you like this is only based on your memory.

It is just the image you can best understand, so my current body and existence are just false."

"But if I come again, you will be the one to receive me, right?"

"Hmm... I don't know, after all..." the woman suddenly smiled, the smile on her lips was full of "interest", "... you are the first guest here."

"Huh? Am I the first?" Hearing this, Yang Hui frowned. Anyone with CODE can connect to the C world, just like He's immortality ability, which is to back up his body and store it in the C world.

Instantly extract the backup and overwrite it in your hand to heal various fatal injuries.

In this case, Yang Hui should not be the first customer. He who owns CODE is in front of him, and there may be other CODE owners before He.

"CODE holders are not guests, they are considered one of the agents here."

"...It seems that I can't hide secrets in front of you." Yang Hui sighed. The embodiment of world C has the ability to read memories and hearts.

"Originally it wasn't possible." The woman spread her hands, helpless but joking, "You and the lady next to you are not the soul of this world, so naturally they are not within the control of World C. We know nothing about you.

, there is nothing I can do for you, but now..."

"Now I take the initiative to enter your control?"

"No, it's not control, but... in your words, communication."

"Understood." Hearing this, Yang Hui also breathed a sigh of relief. If it was for control, then he would be giving his own safety to the will of this world. But for communication, he would be an equal.

The control is still in your own hands.

As for lying... that is impossible. The will of world C does not have human behaviors and emotions. It is an existence similar to the rules of the world, like a highly intelligent AI that maintains the operation of this world.

"So, do you have anything to ask? Mr. Changemaker."

"This is not good, Miss Will. The communication is fair, but now you have read all my memories, but I know nothing about you."

"This is a necessary choice to protect you. After all, a 1T hard drive cannot hold 100 million TB of content."

"Okay." Yang Hui shrugged and agreed with the other party's statement. Just like Setsuna in the original plot was almost turned into a fool by ELS's stream of consciousness, the C world is the collective consciousness of the entire world, and it poured into Yang Hui.

Yang Hui's brain died immediately, and there was no luck at all.

"So...what do you want to know?"

"What do you want to know..." Yang Hui thought for a while and found that he didn't know how to ask the question for the first time, "...you know my memory, and you should also know that I just want to try to see if I can connect to the C world. Now

It has been successful."

"Yes, we know, but don't you have many questions in your mind? For example, the location of..."

"This is one, but I can confirm that she is in this ruins. Now I can connect to World C. This ruins no longer threatens me. It is only a matter of time to find her, so it is not important."

"Then let me change it. Can you get CODE? Or what is the GEASS you can get?"


This chapter has been completed!
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