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Chapter 780 Return to Homeland

It is always full of emotion to set foot on a long-lost homeland again.

The people who followed Yang Hui back to Bunitalia, in addition to Yang Hui himself and Regeni Regeta, Todo Kaishiro's heart was full of expectations. They were looking forward to the most powerful country in the world.

, what is the difference between the land that gave birth to people like Yang Hui and his hometown?

There are also Jeremiah and others. Every one of them was full of dissatisfaction when they left here. Some of them were looked down upon by small nobles, some were marginalized commoners, some were marginalized side branches, and some were abandoned.

Orphans, some are illegitimate daughters who cannot be mentioned.

But at this moment, they were full of glory and returned to the imperial capital of Bunitalia. They had also washed away their luster and no longer longed for everything they once desired.

They now only have one identity, the Twelve Zodiacs of the [Nightmare] Knight, the most powerful knight under Yang Hui, and the sharpest blade.

After getting off the plane, Yang Hui took the lead wearing a black cloak with a golden nightmare embroidered on it. Everyone else was also wearing the same cloak, but the colors of the nightmares were different.

"Your Highness Yang Hui, congratulations on your triumph." Bismarck led the knights of the Round Table present to salute Yang Hui seriously, including Luciano Brandelli, who followed Yang Hui and others after getting off the plane and walked into the team.

"Excuse me, all the Knights of the Round Table, Bismarck."

"This is our honor, Your Highness Yang Hui, you and everyone present are also qualified for this honor."

"Well, let's go."

"Yes, your highness."

Except for Yang Hui who took Reggie Reggie and followed Bismarck into the car in the center, everyone else dispersed and got into a car under the leadership of the Knights of the Round Table.

"It's so solemn, Bismarck. In my mind, this is the first time that the Knights of the Round Table have arrived so neatly." Yang Hui said jokingly in the car.

"Your Highness, a brave knight naturally needs the highest standard of treatment..."

"Okay, okay." Yang Hui waved his hand, interrupting Bismarck, with a slightly disdainful expression, "Can you please use these words to fool those young people who are just starting out?"

"...Your Highness, you know that some of the Knights of the Round Table are getting older and it's time for them to retire."

"So? Are you planning to poach my people? This is something even his old man can't do." Yang Hui said to Bismarck in a slightly questioning tone.

"The Knights of the Round Table are the sharpest sword and the strongest shield in His Majesty's hand. Every Knight of the Round Table must be the strongest and most loyal knight in the empire, so..."

"Haha, who are you most loyal to? To his old man? Or to Bunitaglia?"

"To be loyal to His Majesty is to be loyal to Bunitalia."

"Okay, Bismarck, you don't have to pat his rainbow fart in front of me. He can't hear it, and I don't like to hear it. You should know very well." Yang Hui interrupted Bismarck again to prevent the loyal dog from blowing off his master.


"Yes, your highness."

Yang Hui's attitude towards Charles DI Bunitaria was really difficult for Bismarck to accept, but his owner didn't say anything. As a loyal dog, he could only accept it and get used to it, but this did not mean that Bismarck had nothing in mind.

There were no words of resentment.

But at the same time, he is indeed very optimistic about the prince Yang Hui. His achievements have surpassed all the existing princes and princesses. In his opinion, if the person who can inherit the throne of Bunitalia is Yang Hui, then Bunitalia

The Thalia Empire will become even more powerful. Under the leadership of Yang Hui, the Holy Bunitalia Empire will not only continue to be at the top of the world, but it is not impossible to conquer the whole world.

Being caught between two completely opposite emotions, dissatisfaction and appreciation, Bismarck's feelings towards Yang Hui were very complicated.

"Bismarck, if you want to recommend them to be Knights of the Round Table, I will not stop you." Yang Hui said to Bismarck.

"This...Your Highness Yang Hui, this is..." Bismarck was surprised. In his opinion, Yang Hui would not allow his carefully trained subordinates to leave him, but he was more than surprised, because without Yang Hui's secret obstruction, he had

Recruit several powerful Knights of the Round Table with greater confidence.

"But, there is one thing you'd better convey to others, Bismarck." Here comes Bismarck's expected "but". Yang Hui raised a finger and his tone was very serious, which made people feel faintly murderous. "You guys

It's your ability to persuade them, and I won't let them go, but if someone is secretly trying to be clever and plans to kill them first and then punish them, then don't blame me for not following the rules."

"This... Your Highness, are you planning to..."

"Many people have died in my hands, all kinds of people, but the Knights of the Round Table... let's just treat them as stamp collectors."

Bismarck's face was full of horror, and he wanted to scold Yang Hui for such outrageous remarks. The Knights of the Round Table were the personal guards of Charles DI Bunitaria. Let alone killing them, even the words he just said were worthy of being punished.

Determined to be rebellious.

But no matter how much he scolded him, they were all stuck in Bismarck's throat and he could not speak out.

Because Yang Hui was smiling, holding the side of his face with one hand, tilting his head and smiling at Bismarck. It was a very sunny smile, as soft and warm as the warm sun in early spring, but in Bismarck's eyes, it was as cold as ice.

, Yang Hui’s side is not the vitality of early spring, but Shura Hell. The strong murderous aura has turned into a physical entity. Not only has it turned into a blood-colored coat draped on his shoulders, but there are also countless innocent souls surrounding Yang Hui in the middle.

The hollow eyes were staring at him, and the corners of his mouth soaked with blood were grinning.

"Bismarck, what's wrong with you?"

The magnetic call and Yang Hui's voice woke up Bismarck. In the blink of an eye, Shura Hell disappeared immediately. If it weren't for his body that was trembling with cold sweat, he would have doubted whether what just happened had really happened.

"Your Majesty... Your Highness... just... just now..."

"What happened just now?"

"No...nothing." Bismarck saw that Yang Hui still had a smile on his face and immediately shook his head. Even though he was also a battle-experienced warrior and the first knight of the Round Table in Bunitalia, he still had not faced the Shura Hell directly.


"Bismarck, you should also pay attention to your health. Look at you, you are sweating so badly."

"Thank you... thank you for your concern, Your Highness."

Not long after, the motorcade drove into the palace and stopped. Everyone got out of the car. Yang Hui led the twelve zodiacs towards the palace hall. But before raising his feet, he turned his head and said to Bismarck: "By the way, what you just said, don't

Forget, Bismarck."

"Ye...Yes, your highness." Bismarck immediately agreed. The bloody fantasy of Shura Hell has not left his mind for a long time. He wished that Yang Hui's warning could be engraved in his mind, otherwise he would accidentally forget it.


He knew that Yang Hui could really do it!

After Yang Hui led the people into the palace hall, Bismarck breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Lord Bismarck, what's wrong with you?" Dorothea Ernst, the fourth Knight of the Round Table, asked. Others were also concerned about Bismarck's status. After all, Bismarck was different from them. The reason why Bismarck became the first Knight of the Round Table was because

Not only his strength, but also his absolute loyalty to Charles DI Bunitaria.

Before Charles DI Bunitaria came to the throne, there was a serious rebellion within the empire. At that time, the entire Knights of the Round Table, except for Bismarck and [Marianna the Shining], all rebelled. It was Bismarck and Mariana who protected Charles.

DI Bunitalia, helped him ascend to the throne.

Of the two of them, one became Charles DI Bunitalia's favorite concubine, and the other became Charles DI Bunitalia's most trusted knight.

To put it bluntly, before Charles DI Bunitaria abdicated, Bismarck's first Knight of the Round Table was unshakable.

"Nothing." Bismarck shook his head. Even if he told about the hallucination he saw in the car, no one would believe it, so he directly asked them the result of their plan, "What was the result?"

The expressions of the knights of the Round Table darkened immediately after hearing this, and they knew without even having to answer that the result did not meet expectations.

"Lord Bismarck, they don't know how to praise me! These are the Knights of the Round Table, and they actually refused without giving me any face." An old Knight of the Round Table cursed dissatisfiedly.

"Exactly! I understand their loyalty to His Highness Yang Hui, but how can His Highness Yang Hui be more important than His Majesty the Emperor's safety?" Another old Knight of the Round Table added.

Then everyone began to complain about their dissatisfaction and anger. They became Knights of the Round Table, but they valued their status as Knights of the Round Table more than anything else.

Of course, except for one person, that is Luciano Brandelli.

When he was in [ELEVEN], he was severely taught a lesson by Yang Hui. With his flamboyant personality, he learned to be forbearing and deeply hid the viciousness in his eyes.

"Okay, I know everything. You don't need to be too excited. Most of them are young people. It is also the empire's luck to have the current strength at such a young age. Young people, it is normal to be young and energetic. I guess they will still be able to

After staying in the imperial capital for a few days, you can walk around more and give me some advice."

"Lord Bismarck, I think since they are so ignorant of praise, we might as well forget it. It's good that they are excellent, but they are not the only outstanding young people in the empire!" a Knight of the Round Table said unhappily.

"Be patient and give more opportunities to outstanding young people. You have to admit that they are indeed the best successors."

"His Royal Highness Bismarck, let's cut it off first and then recommend them directly to His Majesty. As long as His Majesty agrees, they can't do anything no matter how reluctant they are..."

"Absolutely not!" Bismarck interrupted immediately before the Knight of the Round Table could finish his words, and his expression was a little nervous, even panicked.

"Lord Bismarck?" The Knights of the Round Table were puzzled.

"Ahem, if you can, just do it. If it doesn't work, forget it. Don't be clever. Even if you can keep them, the Knights of the Round Table will be full of contradictions and cannot unite to protect His Majesty's safety." Bismarck thought about the appropriate solution.

To speak, to speak to the people.

"This... we understand."

"Remember, try your best to persuade, and if it doesn't work, give up. Never make any arbitrary decisions. Do you understand?" Bismarck said sternly.

"Yes, my lord."

This chapter has been completed!
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