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Chapter 802 Opening the Curtain of Subversion

"...To sum up, I will lead my troops to go out to eliminate the GEASS Order, a terrorist organization that has been in the world for many years, and stop the GEASS Order's evil plan!"

Publicize all the information about the GEASS Order, and whitewash the [Twilight of the Gods] plan as the GEASS Order's plan.

The reason for doing this is not that Yang Hui is afraid of completely falling out with Bunitalia, but because he is afraid of chaos in territories around the world. Although the territories outside Bunitalia are under the system of lord autonomy, they are still nominally Bunitalia.

Nitalia's occupied territory, if the [Twilight of the Gods] plan is Charles DI Bunitalia's plan, there will definitely be a huge wave of chaos in Bunitalia, and the territories outside the country will definitely

There will also be violent turbulence, and those careerists hiding in the dark will jump out and launch rebellions using the excuses given to them by Yang Hui.

This is what Yang Hui doesn't want to see. It is certain to confront Bunitalia, but he can use GEASS's special ability as an excuse to say that Bunitalia's army is controlled by the GEASS cult, or that one of them is

There are spies from the GEASS Order. There are three advantages to doing this.

First, Yang Hui and the others did not betray Bunitalia openly, and they stood up for justice.

Second, Yang Hui and the [Nightmare] Knights are the backbone of Bunitalia's military strength. Without rebellion against Bunitalia, the territorial careerists would not dare to move.

Third, it once again highlights the terrifying ability of GEASS and the threat of the GEASS Order. This can also make those careerists wary. Even Bunitalia's army is controlled by the GEASS Order. So are the people around them?


At the end of the press conference, Yang Hui ignored the reporters who still wanted to ask questions, and took Regeni Rejeta directly back to the military port where [Sanctuary] docked, summoning the entire [ELEVEN] army for combat deployment, and even Cornelli

Ya and Clovis, as well as Shamna and Grand Duke Augusta Henry Hyland, also have to conduct remote video conferences at the same time.

Yang Hui's plan is this. [ELEVEN] will leave half of its troops to defend the homeland to prevent young people from causing turmoil while Yang Hui is away from [ELEVEN]. The other half will go on an expedition with the [Nightmare] Knights, with the target being South America.

According to the information provided by Shamna, the base camp of the GEASS Order is at the junction of South America and North America, and South America is the place where the GEASS Order is most active and has the most secret bases in the world, so South America is the most important target.

Another point is that half of all the lords in South America are die-hard loyalists of Charles DI Bunitaria and the other half are loyal followers of the GEASS Order. They are all impossible to become allies and must be eliminated.

Therefore, the [ELEVEN] regular army’s targets are those secret bases and these lords, and the [Nightmare] Knights will help the regular army capture several territories and secret bases if they are able to do so, but their main target is still the headquarters of the GEASS Order.


Clovis will lead his army to stop the coming army from his country, not necessarily to annihilate them all, but at least not to let them affect the battle plan.

Cornelia sits in the center and is responsible for coordinating the annihilation operations of the GEASS sect around the world. The Knights of the [Rose Witch] are the absolute main force in annihilating the GEASS sect except for the American continent.

The four knights of Archduke Augusta Henry Hyland will also accept the command of Cornelia, because the GEASS Order in EU has been almost cleaned up, so more strength can be used to go to other areas.


Kyrgyzstan does not need to dispatch many troops. It only needs to send a certain amount of manpower to follow the army to deliver information and guide the way. On the one hand, because Shamna has not yet been able to organize all the mercenaries in Kyrgyzstan, in such a rigorous large-scale battle,

In the war, mercenaries themselves are variables and difficult to control, so they will not be allowed to participate even if their combat effectiveness is stronger than the ordinary regular army. When sending mercenaries, the only regular army in Kyrgyzstan is Shamna's Royal Guard, and the number is scarce, so they will be allowed to participate.

Let them stay at home and defend themselves.

As for Shamna's GEASS ability, it is better to seal it temporarily. After all, no one knows what changes will happen after restarting. Yang Hui is also very confident in his battle plan and does not need to load files and restart.

At this time, the sanctuary was already galloping on the sea, and was guarded in the center by several fleets.

"Yang Hui, Clovis called. [TEN]'s fleet has encountered Bunitalia's fleet and is in a confrontation. However, Clovis only blocked six fleets and the other fleets are missing. Let's be careful.

." Lelouch reported the latest information to Yang Hui.

"Call Clovis back and ask him to block those six. He doesn't need to worry about the others."


"Didi didi..."

"Your Highness! The Bunitalia fleet has been spotted 1,000 nautical miles to the right and is heading towards our fleet!" Before the reply message to Clovis could be sent out, CIC discovered the Bunitalia fleet's


"Call and ask why you're here."

"Yes, your highness!"

Soon, the reply message returned to the [Sacred Domain], and CIC immediately reported: "Your Highness, the other party claims to have an imperial edict from the emperor, ordering our fleet to immediately stop all operations and accept their jurisdiction."

"Then there's no need to say more, Lelouch."

"Understood." Lelouch nodded, immediately took over the command, and issued an order to the entire army, "The entire army is preparing for first-level combat. The third fleet changes direction and targets the Bunitalia fleet. Knightmare replaces C equipment and prepares to attack.

, [Piskes] and [Nightmare] Deep Sea Team transfer the Third Fleet.”

"Yes, your highness!"XN

After receiving the order, the third fleet on the right wing immediately changed its direction and separated from the huge military formation. At the same time, the lower hatch of [Sanctuary] opened, and dozens of Knightmare jetted out. Under the leadership of [Pixx]

He quietly followed directly below the Third Fleet.

"Suzaku, this is the first formation of [Piscus], don't be embarrassed." Lelouch said to Shumu Suzaku in the private channel.

"Don't worry." Shumu Suzaku, who was driving the [Piscus], smiled bitterly and shook his head. He knew very well what his friend meant. It sounded sarcastic, but in fact he was worried.

After ending the communication, Shumu Zhuque took a deep breath and suppressed some tension.

Lelouch was right. This was the first battle of [Piscus], and it was also the first time he led a small team in combat. Moreover, he was facing enemies several times their size. He would definitely be nervous, but he would not be afraid.

I was just thinking about how to make this battle more beautiful.

"Sir Suzaku, the Bunitalia fleet has entered the main gun range, please give instructions." The commander of the third fleet contacted Suzaku and asked.

This is also the unspoken rule of the entire army of [ELEVEN]. Even if the military rank is higher than that of the Zodiac, in any battle, as long as the Zodiac is accompanying the team, they must ask for the order of the Zodiac.

"Commander, please take charge of the command of the fleet. The [Nightmare] Deep Sea Squadron will fully cooperate with the third fleet." Shumu Suzaku said seriously.

"Yes, my lord."

This is also the reason why this unspoken rule can always exist, and no one has any complaints. Being able to become the Zodiac is an absolute ace, but this ace is only in Knightmare's driving skills. Strong personal strength does not mean that

They will command large-scale battles.

Among the twelve zodiac signs, Monica is currently the only one who can truly serve as a general. Among the others, Jeremiah can command a small battle, and the others can only command a small team at most.


It is precisely because of this that they are very self-aware and will return command to the military commanders of each army during battles, and will not make a fool of themselves.

But at the same time, unless Yang Hui personally hands over the command to someone, the Twelve Zodiacs and the [Nightmare] Knights will not obey the command of anyone other than Yang Hui. Their command will cooperate with the regular army and will not temporarily belong to the other party.

"It has begun." Seeing the light on the sea continue to shine, and the Knightmare of the Third Fleet continuing to dive into the sea, Shumu Suzaku knew that the battle had begun.

"Accelerate the whole machine, ignore the enemy's Knightmare troops, go straight to the rear fleet, aim at the enemy ship's power system as much as possible, and paralyze the enemy fleet."


Shumu Suzaku's order is not in line with the behavior of the [Nightmare] Knights. When dealing with enemies, the [Nightmare] Knights command to kill them all without any mercy, and Shumu Suzaku's approach is undoubtedly soft-hearted.


However, the members assigned to the Deep Sea Team are all veterans, and they know Suzaku quite well, and they did not refute it. During the war, orders and prohibitions must be followed, and if you have any questions, you can raise them after the war.

Although it is much more difficult to accurately destroy the power system than to sink an enemy ship, but... that is for ordinary people, they are the [Nightmare] Knights, and precise strike is a required course!

[Pixx] accelerated suddenly, passing all the Knightmare and rushed to the front, and the densely packed bottom of the battleship appeared in his eyes. He continued to accelerate, sprinted to the bottom, and used his two palm sonic cannons to fire, and the power system was immediately destroyed.

After a successful attack, [Pixx] did not stop at all, avoiding the anti-submarine attacks of warships like a fish, looking for the next prey.

The deep-sea team also followed up at this time, and the entire aircraft spread out, each looking for its own target. The exploding harpoon guns fired one after another, piercing deeply into the propeller and then exploding.

The Knightmare force of the regular army is responsible for intercepting the Knightmare approaching the Third Fleet from the sea. Because the special underwater equipment has not been reported to the country, the Knightmare of the Bunitalia Fleet can still only surf and glide on the water. This pair of underwater

As far as the submersible Third Fleet Knightmare is concerned, it is a complete game, a game called lying on their backs and swatting mosquitoes, or shooting them with explosive harpoon guns, or suddenly surfacing and cutting them in half with alloy sabers, or bombarding them with sonic cannons.

The originally mighty Bonitalia Knightmare troops on the sea were rapidly reduced. Before the targets could even enter the observation distance of their naked eyes, they all turned into wreckage and sank to the bottom of the sea.

From the beginning of the battle to now, in only half an hour, the power system of the Bunitalia fleet was completely destroyed and the ability to move was lost. A Knightmare stood on the deck of each battleship and pointed its gun at the bridge.

There are at least three Knightmares waiting underneath, and any slight movement will sink it.

"War..." Looking at the wreckage slowly falling into the abyss, Shumu Suzaku had a complicated expression.

"Captain, the Third Fleet will take care of the prisoners, we should go back." A [Nightmare] knight reminded Shumu Suzaku.

"...Hmm." Shumu Suzaku nodded, and [Piskes] started again, diving at high speed in the direction of the main fleet.

"Still too young."

"It doesn't matter, just fight a few more times and it will be fine."

"It's better to report to His Highness."


Everyone in the Deep Sea Team was chatting while driving their own aircraft to follow the footsteps of [Pixx] and return to the [Sanctuary]. They have to go to South America and will not stay here forever. Bunitalia’s fleet

That's all, but it can't satisfy their appetite.

This chapter has been completed!
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