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Chapter 805 Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers

[Aquilias] made the most gorgeous appearance, and everyone else also showed their talents.

"You can't be compared to the younger generation, ha~!"

The appearance of [Dorothy] is similar to that of [Aquilias]. She also turned into a meteor and fell from the sky. The sledgehammer in her hand also flipped in the air for two weeks with the help of the rear propeller, and hit the command center heavily.

The building was shattered from top to bottom like a piece of tofu. The hammer hit the ground, causing the ground to tremble.

"Lord Jeremiah, don't be like a little girl! The machine can't hold it!" Like Kallen, Jeremiah also received complaints from the team members, but Jeremiah's daily prestige in the hearts of others is still very high.

Yes, just complaining without blaming.

"Hahaha! This is [Dorothy] given to me by His Highness! With the coverage of GN particles, this level will not be unbearable for the body!" Jeremiah said happily while swinging the hammer to destroy the surroundings.

Laughing loudly, I have to say that this gorgeous way of making an appearance is really cool! Jeremiah said that he learned a lot!

Jeremiah is not as impulsive as Kallen. He does whatever he wants without caring about the condition of the machine. He only dared to do this considering the protective ability of GN particles on the machine. He just spun and accelerated twice in the air. If it was true

No brainer, Jeremiah performed a rotating windmill falling from the sky on the spot!

"Alas." The team members sighed as they eliminated the enemy troops at the headquarters. It must be said that after the aircraft was equipped with a pseudo-solar furnace, its performance increased dramatically.

Among other things, the anti-gravity properties allow them to soar in the sky. The energy weapons that they did not dare to use as a killer in the past are now used as rain. The anti-gravity properties and the attachment of GN particles to armor and skeletons allow them to make more powerful weapons.

Extraordinary actions, such as...


A [Nightmare] knight hit the oncoming Knightmare with a backhand elbow. Before the enemy plane fell backwards, he grabbed the enemy plane's head and pushed it down. He raised his knees and violently smashed the enemy plane's head.

If it were before, he would not have dared to do this. On the one hand, he would definitely be put in a sack after the battle, and on the other hand, his knee joints would be damaged, causing him to lose his ability to move.

Now...GN particles are so high!

"Lord Jeremiah, the suppression is complete!" The headquarters was filled with smoke, ruins were everywhere, and the remains of enemy planes were scattered all over the place.

"Where is the enemy's commander? Have you found him?" Jeremiah asked.


All members of the team were silent, and they all stared with dead eyes in the cockpit.

When you hit the building with your hammer, the building is gone, how do you expect anyone to survive!?

"Well, move forward 10 kilometers to build a position. The enemy's reinforcements will arrive soon."


[Ryan] transformed into a lion the moment he landed. The sharp tiger claws shone with a bright green light, smoothly slicing the enemy aircraft in sight. The two beam cannons on his back fired in the opposite direction, killing the two behind him.

Taiwan locks its own Knightmare penetration.

A Knightmare rushed from the side holding an alloy saber. [Ryan] transformed on the spot, bent his knees and turned his head to the sky to avoid the slashing alloy saber. He twisted his waist and used huge force to drive his right leg, like a fierce whip.

At Knightmare's waist and abdomen, a huge force directly separated Knightmare from his waist and broke him into two halves.

Before it was over, [Ryan] quickly stood up, grabbed two pieces of debris in mid-air and threw them out, hitting the enemy plane. At the same time, the gatling beam at his wrist was deployed and opened fire.

"Puff puff puff puff..."

"Boom boom boom..."

It is riddled with holes and blooms like fireworks.

The team members behind them then landed and cooperated with [Ryan] to sweep the airport. They ran to the nearby Gnaku and the enemy planes that were preparing to attack. Without hesitation, they shot and destroyed them completely. These fighters or Knightmare had no impact on them.

It means too much. The [Nightmare] Knights don't need it, and there is no shortage of regular troops. What they need is that the airport is completely under their control, and all enemies within sight must be killed.

"Captain Gino, mission accomplished."

"Are you sure you destroyed all enemy planes?" Gino asked.


"Very good, let's wait for... Mr. Todo to call and set off directly!"


[Jiminy] led the [Four Holy Swords], a total of five mechanized battlefield ghosts, shuttling back and forth between the warehouses. The scale of this warehouse is not small at all, with a huge amount of supplies, half of which are strategic.

Supplies or Knightmare spare parts, leaving this batch of supplies can bring huge help to friendly forces.

So Kaishiro Toudo chose the warehouse as the target, because [Jiminy] and [Four Holy Swords] are specialized in melee combat and can break through without exploding better than others.

Although this team only has five Knightmare, their combat effectiveness is even stronger than the other five directions!

"[Ghostly Shadow Killing Method]!"

"Understood!" X4

The enemies guarding the warehouse could only see five phantoms shuttling back and forth between the warehouses, appearing in the blink of an eye and disappearing in the blink of an eye. Just when they were about to turn around to look for them, the deadly blade behind them pierced their chests, and the sword was withdrawn.

He fell to the ground.

[Jiminy]'s double swords shone with two different lights, one black and one white. The moment it passed by the enemy plane, I felt something flashed in my eyes, and then the Knightmare was smoothly sliced ​​open.

, the upper body fell to the ground, but the lower body was still standing without falling.

"Master Todo, the suppression of the warehouse is complete." The [Four Holy Swords] gathered around [Jiminy] again. There was no explosion in the entire warehouse, but there was no intact Knightmare.

"Okay, let's set off and head towards the coastline." Todo Kaishiro immediately ordered to set off, not caring whether anyone would take over the things here.

"Lord Todo, [Ryan] and [Pixx]..."

"Don't worry about them, they will leave immediately after they finish."

"It's better to send a message to say so." Qianye suggested.

"Well, Gino and Suzaku send a message and let's go."

"Yes!" X4

Ophis has a calm character. [Caesar] used his shield to withstand the fierce defensive firepower and cover his teammates to safely land on the ground. He is still the strongest shield for his teammates, leading his teammates to advance steadily.

"Captain Ophis is really reliable." His teammates couldn't help but sigh. Even though he was older than Ophis, they were convinced by Ophis' performance.

[Caesar] has a balanced body, but the shield in its hand is the strongest shield among the twelve zodiacs. At the same time, the other hand holds a sharp spear, the latest GN particle cannon.

But Orpheus rarely uses the GN particle cannon.

"Others have sharp spears, and they are enough, but only I can hold the strong shield. This is something only I can do."

Orpheus said this to others, and he also used this shield well to protect others and fulfilled his duties perfectly.

"The opportunity has come, all planes disperse." The team advanced to the airport. There were not many enemy planes left. With their combat style, they should be the slowest, but they couldn't delay the entire team's retreat. This level no longer exists.

any threat.


The planes spread out to the left and right and began to mow down the remaining enemies, but they all tacitly gave way to the road in the center, because...

[Caesar] stands heavily on the ground, with the GN particle cannon in its right hand mounted on the groove of the heavy shield.

"GN particle compression started, completed, GN cannon, launched."


The orange torrent of energy surged forward, plowing the airport's runway and swallowing the tower directly in front.

"Release completed..." Lifting up the smoking GN example cannon, Orpheus looked around. All remaining enemy aircraft were silent, "... Suppression completed, move forward 10 kilometers and establish defensive positions."


At the last place, the suppression of the warehouse by the team led by [Piskes] was coming to an end. Shumu Suzaku looked at the wreckage everywhere and the enemies fleeing in all directions with a deep look.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh? I'm fine."

"It's okay, let's go. We still have tasks to complete." Of course the veteran knows what Shumu Suzaku is thinking at this moment. There are only a few people like Kallen who are excited when they go to the battlefield. More people are like

Shumu is like a Suzaku, with a complicated heart.

There is the panic after killing someone, the sadness of seeing the ruins of the wall, the confusion of looking at the place to escape, the excitement of completing the mission, and the joy of walking off the battlefield alive...

This complicated mood cannot be comforted. You can only come out on your own. Those who cannot come out can only say that they are not suitable for the battlefield, or... are not suitable for the [Nightmare] Knights, even if he is someone Yang Hui values.

The same goes for being the owner of [Pixx].

"Don't you need to take care of this place?" Shumu Zhuque asked. There are still a lot of supplies in this warehouse, and there are still many enemies alive. If no one is watching, those people will probably come back and reoccupy this place.

"Don't worry, our goal is not to occupy this place. If we can defeat it once, we can defeat it a second time. We must first carry out [Jimini]'s order." The veteran said, this is the truth, but it is not complete, because their

The original goal was to completely destroy this place and not leave any supplies for the enemy, or to kill everyone here as much as possible to prevent them from having a chance to reoccupy this place.

However, considering Zhumu Zhuque's gentle character, the veterans allowed the enemy to escape without pursuing them or causing extensive damage here.


"Then you stay here alone to take care of the supplies, is that okay?" the veteran said to Shumu Suzaku.

"Eh? I'm alone? Where are you?" Shumu Suzaku asked in surprise.

"Continue the mission."

"But you guys..."

"Listen, Suzaku, the situation on the battlefield can change in an instant, and the consequences of indecision can be very serious." The veteran lectured in a serious tone.

"This...I...I know..."

"Let's go first."

Without waiting for Shumu Suzaku to reply, the veterans took off one after another and headed towards the enemy's defense line on the coastline. The performance of [Piscus] is indeed powerful, and Shumu Suzaku can indeed exert its performance 100%, but...

so what?

In the past, when there was no "Piscus", they still carried out various difficult tasks. One more person would not be more, and one person less would not be more.

"..." Looking at the leaving team members, Shumu Zhuque looked at the warehouse here again, and the veteran's words kept echoing in his mind.

"The situation on the battlefield can change rapidly, and the consequences of indecision can be serious."

"Tch! I know, of course I know! I'm just... damn it!" Shumu Suzaku gritted his teeth, and [Piscus] moved. The gun in his hand fired one after another, turning the entire warehouse into a sea of ​​flames, and then in the GN particles

Surrounded by others, he took off and chased after his teammates in the direction they left.

This chapter has been completed!
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