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Chapter 811 Kill the snake!

"Your Highness!"

[Athena] kept dodging left and right in the air from the deflected beams fired by the Body-Eating Serpent. In the eyes of outsiders, she was like a small boat in a violent storm, which could be swallowed by the storm at any time.

"I found an opportunity! Compressed particles are released!"

Just as the Body-Eating Snake stayed in place to shoot, the beam guns and GN particle cannons of [Arieth], [Caesar], [Lebra] and [Sakitaris] burst out with radiance at the same time.

The four directions locked the body-eating snake's dodge direction.

The speed and power of the body-eating snake just now really scared them. They immediately came to their senses and planned to provide long-range support, but they never found the opportunity because it kept fighting [Athena] at close range and did not dare to fire at all.

Although the beam guns of [Elias] and [Sakitalis] can achieve precise strikes, neither Regni Rejetta nor Audrin are the Dilandi brothers who can attack at close range.

Among all the people Yang Hui knew, they were the only ones who could accurately hit the enemy plane during the dogfight.

And now, when the body-eating snake doesn't move, it's the best opportunity!

Opening fire determined to win, under such a fierce attack, the body-eating snake will definitely be swallowed up by the torrent of energy, but...

A scene that stunned them happened. The body-eating snake did not hide at all, but stopped shooting. All the unfolded parts closed again, and the whole body shrank together. The outer layer of the body appeared special like a transparent egg shell.

From this position, the shot of the beam gun was deflected directly, and the torrent of energy hit it and immediately dispersed into countless small strands of energy, which fell on the ground like raindrops, triggering countless explosions.

"A special force field that can deflect light beams! This...how is this possible!?" Audrin asked in horror. This scene was completely beyond her understanding.

"Calm down! Audrin, the opponent's special force field can deflect the beam. The energy weapon is judged to be invalid. Switch to live ammunition and try!" Regeni Rejeta calmed down and said to the three of them, because he considered the failure of the energy weapon.

, in addition to [Lebra]'s foldable GN particle cannon, their beam guns and GN particle cannons all use energy and live ammunition dual modes, and [Lebra] originally carries a live ammunition heavy cannon on its back.

"Yes!" X3

The four planes immediately switched live ammunition weapons, preparing to continue to suppress the Body-Eating Snake with firepower. However, the Body-Eating Snake would not stand there stupidly and let them attack. The small wings behind it appeared again, opening their claws and speeding towards [Sa

The direction of Kitalis.

"Damn it!" Upon seeing this, Audrin immediately drove [Sakitalis] to retreat in a roundabout way, while using live ammunition to suppress the attack.

However, the special force field did not appear again. The Body-Eating Snake just held his arms in front of him, and the large-caliber bullets that touched the armor of his arms bounced away with only slight sparks.

"Normal bullets cannot penetrate the armor of the enemy aircraft. Switch to armor-piercing bullets..." Audrin thought as she retreated, but the opponent's speed was too fast. She was caught up by the Body-Eating Snake as soon as she switched the magazine.

"Damn it! I can't dodge it! Then..." Looking at the body-eating snake so close, with its claws raised ready to strike, Audrin knew that [Sakitaris] could no longer dodge this blow.

, so he immediately controlled [Sakitaris] to turn around and adjust his posture, looking for gaps in the armor with his eyes, pointing the muzzle at the gap in the neck of the machine body, and pulled the trigger almost at zero distance, "... Then let's do it together

go to hell!"


Seeing that [Sagitalis] was in danger, all the companions who were paying attention to the battlefield felt that their hearts were suddenly clenched by a pair of big hands, making it difficult to breathe. They wanted to rescue, but they could not cross the distance between space and time, even if time slowed down infinitely at this moment.

, they couldn't move their steps.



The sniper rifle roared, and at the same time the huge claws swung down. However... the bullet penetrated the gap in the neck, but the claws failed to catch its prey. [Athena] suddenly appeared in front of the body-eating snake.

Next to him, a flying kick hit the side of the body-eating snake.

"Your Highness!"XN

Mr. [Athena] saved [Sagitalis], and everyone exclaimed.

"Are you okay?" Yang Hui asked Audrin as [Athena] protected in front of [Sakitalis].

"I'm fine, Your Highness." Audrey gasped for air. She was ready to die just now. After Yang Hui saved her, her heart suddenly relaxed. She was thankful but at the same time she only felt scared. This was her

It was the first time I was so close to death.

After receiving Audrin's answer, Yang Hui drove [Athena] towards the Body-Eating Snake. The Body-Eating Snake was too fast and other machines would be in danger once they were targeted, so they had to keep pestering him.

Let him change the target to someone else.

"That's it!" While fighting the body-eating snake, he saw the results of the shot that killed Audrey. There was a defect in the neck. There was no arc of electricity, but scarlet flowing like a living thing.

The blood is darker, and...it is healing at an extremely slow speed.

"We can't let it heal! Regeta, Ophis, Anya, Audrin, live ammunition is effective, I will create a chance for you!"

"Yes, your highness!"

Reggie Reggie, Orpheus, Aniya and Audrey, they are not Graham, Setsuna, the Dilandi brothers, Allelujah and Tieria, they are not Fleet,

Woruf and Asem, not Kira and Aslan, not everyone in the Heretic Team, could not cooperate closely with Yang Hui because they could not keep up with Yang Hui's speed.

But if... just Yang Hui creates opportunities for them to carry out long-range attacks, they can still do it.

The ensuing battle stunned everyone below, especially the regular troops who were called over by Lelouch to block the surrounding area. They... seemed to have seen Yang Hui's fighting posture for the first time.


[Athena] kicked the Body-Eating Snake sideways and distanced herself at the same time.

"Ania, use high-explosive shells to hit a single point, Regeta, Audrin, prepare armor-piercing shells!"

[Lebra] The heavy artillery fired, just one shot. The shell came out with a deafening roar, bombarded the back of the body-eating snake, and exploded with fierce fire.

In front of the blazing fire, [Athena] rushed in without fear, only to hear a violent collision, and the body-eating snake flew out of the fire.

"Lejetta, Audrin, shoot three times at the joints of both arms, Anya, Ophis, prepare armor-piercing bullets!"

"Bang bang bang..."

Without any hindrance, the armor-piercing bullets fired from the sniper rifle connected seamlessly. The joints of the left and right arms were hit by three consecutive armor-piercing bullets, and scarlet-black blood flew into the air.

The next second, Athena's attack also arrived. The two swords inserted into the gap of her right arm, cutting off the giant claw on the right like scissors, and then kicked out, kicking the body-eating snake back to [Caesar] and [Leib]

Pull] in the center.

"Now, three shots in a row!"

Two armor-piercing cannons popped out of the chamber, hitting the chest and back of the Body-Eating Snake in the blink of an eye. The Body-Eating Snake, which had not yet regained its balance, could only watch as the shells hit itself one after another.

The first shell only made a violent collision sound, splashed sparks and then fell to the ground; the second shell did the same thing, but left obvious traces; the third shell shattered the armor, although it did not penetrate, but the round

The ball-like body was blasted with two large holes in the front and back, and broken armor fragments flew everywhere.

Reggie Reggie, Orpheus, Ania and Audrey have never had this feeling, that no matter how hard they shoot, they will definitely hit.

In their eyes, Yang Hui didn't create opportunities for them at all, but put the target in front of their eyes! There was no need to aim at all, they just needed to wait, and the target they wanted to target had already appeared in their eyes.

"That's it! Found it!"

Whether in front or behind, you can see a scarlet gem-like object inside the exposed chest, beating like a heart, with densely packed small tubes connected to the heart like blood vessels.

"Is that... alive!?" Everyone who witnessed this scene had the same thought in their minds. It was like a fantasy, but no other explanation could be found.

At this time, [Athena] rushed towards the body-eating snake, closed her swords, and inserted them into the body-eating snake's chest.



From nowhere in the body-devouring snake, an earth-shattering, ear-piercing scream erupted, conveying its pain to everyone.

"it's over."

[Athena] released the sword in her hands, instantly switched the two guns on her waist, and aimed the beam cannon at the scarlet heart.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Yang Hui's finger quickly pulled the trigger, and he did not know how many attacks were carried out. The recoil kept pushing [Athena] back. The body-eating snake started from the chest and quickly spread throughout the body, being swallowed by the light.

After retreating to a safe distance, Yang Hui stared at the fire and smoke that had not yet dissipated. It was not until four or five seconds later that the body of the body-eating snake fell from the fire and made a big hole in the ground.

[Athena] followed closely, not daring to approach rashly, and kept observing in mid-air until Yang Hui saw the slightly wriggling pipes stop and the scarlet light on the surface of the machine completely dim, before landing next to the body-eating snake.

"This looks like...well!"

The Body-Eating Snake is indeed very powerful. According to Yang Hui's observation, the Body-Eating Snake is a combination of machinery and biology. It is a biological weapon with outstanding speed, strength and defense. There are two weapons that have appeared in total.

It is very powerful and has a special force field that neutralizes energy weapons.

But... it can be seen from the way it acts, almost following instinct. Whoever poses a threat to it, whoever is closest to it, whoever is the best to bully, it attacks whoever it is, which shows that the body itself has no intelligence, and it

The pilot...

This is also Yang Hui's regret, not being able to get more information from V.V. The pilot should not be able to survive in the current state of the Body-Eating Snake.

But the next second, a gap suddenly opened in the head of the body, and a petite figure fell out. However, it did not fall to the ground, but was hung in the air by the pipes connecting the whole body.

This chapter has been completed!
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