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Chapter 814 VV’s GEASS ability, selfless power

Chapter 814 V.V.’s GEASS ability, selfless power

Lelouch was right. Charles DI Bunitaglia had no intention of hiding at all. His location actually spread through the public channel and actively told others where he was. This made Yang Hui have to be more vigilant.



Arriving at the location of the coordinates, Yang Hui looked at the deep entrance and did not dare to act rashly. The Twelve Zodiacs and the [Four Holy Swords] guarded the surroundings, alert to enemies that might appear at any time.

"Mr. Yang Hui, what are you going to do?" Regeni Rejetta asked Yang Hui. The battle in the rear is not over yet. Conventional troops will not be able to play any role against an enemy of the level of the Body-Eating Snake. [Sanctuary

】Must fly in the sky as a last resort.

"...Regeta, Todo, you follow me in, the others will stay on guard, and any enemy planes that appear will be destroyed directly." After thinking for a moment, Yang Hui decided, although Charles DI Bunitaglia will

His coordinates were sent out, but he didn't know whether Charles DI Bunitaglia was really at the coordinates. He had to see Charles DI Bunitaglia with his own eyes and kill him with his own hands.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome if this old yin B disappears and hides without anyone noticing.


The entrance and exit of the coordinates are large, allowing Knightmare to enter directly. Otherwise, Yang Hui would not dare to take the risk and enter the passage with his body. In case Charles DI Bunitaria planted bombs at the coordinates, waiting for Yang Hui to use his body

If it explodes directly after entering, then it's really over.

With the protection of Knightmare, or pseudo-solar furnace and GN particles, the GN force field is enough to withstand a small nuclear explosion at full power output.

The tunnel full of darkness was straight and long. Yang Hui and the others did not dare to move forward too fast, in case there were any traps arranged on the road to sneak up on them, until...a little light appeared in their eyes, getting bigger and brighter,

They knew that this passage was finally coming to an end.

"Rejeta, the distance of the passage, the distance between us and the ground." Yang Hui asked Regeni Rejeta before he was about to rush out of the passage.

"The passage is determined to be a straight passage with a length of 4 kilometers. It is 1 kilometer away from the ground. No metal reaction was found on the ceiling. The probability that the GN particle cannons of [Caesar] and [Lebra] can penetrate directly is 95%." Lei Jie

Nirejta reports.

"[Caesar], [Lebra] lock our current coordinates, and the GN particle cannon is charged and on standby." After confirming the surrounding situation, Yang Hui immediately ordered Ophis and Aniya in his mind through the "Guardian of the King"


"Yes, your highness." X2

"Let's go in."

Three Knightmare rushed out of the dark passage and entered the bright hall.

"This is!"

Completely different from the dark passage, the hall is like another world. The dusk sunlight shines on the drifting clouds. The ancient hall floating in the air is connected to the platform under their feet by suspended steps. There are huge boulders and towering obelisks.


And the person they wanted to identify was right in front of them, on the high steps, standing in front of the ancient palace, looking down at them expressionlessly.


"Yang Hui, you're finally here, why don't you come down and meet us?" Charles DI Bunitaria asked calmly, but it was precisely because he did not express any emotion that the ridicule and disdain in his words became even more apparent.


"...Charles, what conspiracy do you have?" Yang Hui couldn't believe Charles DI Bunitalia. He was not an arrogant person. He had a lot of success in every step from before he ascended the throne to the present.

A strict plan, if Yang Hui's appearance hadn't disrupted his plan bit by bit, there would have been almost no chance of the [Twilight of the Gods] plan failing.

"Conspiracy? Haha... Hahaha! I didn't expect you to be afraid of me, haha. Should I say I'm honored? Yang Hui, a man from heaven!"

"Sure enough, you also know..."

"It seems that you don't know my brother's GEASS ability. It's interesting. People from outside the world don't know everything." Charles DI Bunitaria smiled softly.

"V.V.'s GEASS ability?" Yang Hui was stunned for a moment and frowned deeply. In his memory, all the GEASS ability users or CODE holders who appeared on the scene knew the GEASS ability, except for one person, that is V.V., he always

They are all on guard against V.V.'s GEASS ability. In Yang Hui's opinion, the ability to successfully possess a CODE is definitely very powerful.

But what puzzles Yang Hui is that in the battle with V.V., V.V. never used his GEASS ability from beginning to end. After defeating the body-eating snake and seeing V.V.’s life force and soul drained, Yang Hui thought that

Due to his own luck, V.V., whose soul was used as fuel, was unable to use his own abilities and was killed.

But now...his heart was raised again, and he began to speculate about V.V.'s GEASS ability.

"Let me tell you, Yang Hui, my brother's GEASS ability is an ability without any power. I thought his ability was useless, but I didn't expect that his ability played a little role in the end.



"That's right, my brother's ability is called [King's Siblings]. From the moment he acquires the ability, he must be bound to a person. After binding, there will be no performance. Only at the moment of his death, will he remain

Everything is given to the person bound, including...his ability and his memory!"

"This!" Yang Hui was surprised. He thought about countless possibilities, and even calculated the abnormal abilities that affect time and space. He never thought that V.V.'s GEASS ability was actually the ability to selflessly contribute to others.

But...if you think about it carefully, it does make sense, since V.V. kept talking about Charles DI Bunitalia at the last moment before his death, and even sacrificed himself to activate the Body Eater in order to clear the biggest obstacle to the [Twilight of the Gods] plan.

The snake, everything he did was for Charles DI Bunitaria.

The ability of GEASS is the embodiment of a person's innermost vision. V.V.'s ability of GEASS is to hand over everything left after his death to Charles DI Bunitaria, which is reasonable.


"So I have received all my brother's memories, including the things about the ancient mechas, the different worlds outside the world, and... the fact that you are also a person from outside the world!"

"So? What do you want to say?" Yang Hui asked Charles DI Bunitaglia.

"This...is our world, the people from the outside world!" Charles DI Bunitalia was not angry, but with his loud voice and his majesty without anger, at this moment, he was a real emperor.

, "Whether it's me, my brother, the world of hypocrisy, or the world without lies, this... is our world, and it's not something you can touch at will!"

"..." Yang Hui was silent. He was not sure how much of Charles DI Bunitalia's words were sincere. If they were all true, then he had never really understood Charles DI Bunitalia.


Yang Hui once thought that he was a cowardly and selfish person. He, V.V., and Mariana were all unwilling to face the reality of the world and chose to escape and control the world to make the world what they wanted.

But now... Could it be that Charles DI Bunitaria was not doing it for himself? But for the world?

Without getting a reply from Yang Hui, Charles DI Bunitalia continued to talk to himself: "[The Sword of Akasha], if I detonate it, an area of ​​fifty kilometers will be wiped out, even if you come from the sky.

The special devices I brought cannot protect you, and you can't escape."

"Prepare to evacuate!" After hearing this, Yang Hui immediately said in his mind to Reggie Reggieta, Todo Kaishiro, and everyone outside the ruins, although Charles DI Bunitalia said a question.

, there should be more to come, but Yang Hui did not dare to be careless. If what he said was true, then he could only try his best to escape and fight for a chance of survival.

"Originally, I planned to detonate the [Sword of Akasha] directly when you got close. Even if my plan fails, this world will not allow people who do not belong to this world to touch it!" Seeing [Athena],

[Alyes] and [Jiminy] began to retreat slowly. Charles pretended not to see them and continued, "However, the moment I was about to activate the [Sword of Akasha], the consciousness of world C found


"The consciousness of world C took the initiative to find you?" Yang Hui was surprised, because the consciousness of world C took the initiative to find someone. In Yang Hui's memory, there is only one person, and that is Lena. This is also related to Lena's GEASS ability.

Because her ability is [Redemption and Hope], she is also called [Fragment of GEASS], and she is the only person whose bird representing GEASS ability is blue.

"What does it tell you?"

"What did you tell me..." Charles suddenly sighed with emotion. His aura weakened, his majesty was no longer there, and he turned into a feeble twilight king. "...An enemy that cannot resist, a fortress that represents hope, and...

…the only guardian who can protect this world.”

"So you changed your mind?" Yang Hui asked.

"If we don't change, what can we do?" Charles DI Bunitaria shook his head with a wry smile. He actually gave up his dignity as a king, took off his cloak without any image, and sat on the highest step in front of the palace.

On the steps, like a kind elder, he patted the empty seat next to him. He knew that Yang Hui must be able to see it.

"..." Yang Hui did clearly see Charles DI Bunitaria's movements and knew that he was inviting him.

After thinking for a long time, Yang Hui decided to accept the invitation.

"Your Highness, please allow me to accompany you." Seeing Yang Hui jump out of the cockpit, Todo Kaishiro also left [Jiminy] and followed Yang Hui with a knight's sword in hand.

"Yes." Yang Hui nodded, leaving Regeni Rejeta to take care of the machine, and led Todo Keishiro up the stairs step by step, and came to sit next to Charles DI Bunitalia.

Zhiro stood behind Yang Hui, his eyes fixed on Charles DI Bunitalia. If he made any abnormal move, he would immediately draw his sword and kill Charles DI Bunitalia with one strike.

This chapter has been completed!
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