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Chapter 817 Each experience

The life-and-death duel between Yang Hui and Xia Ya that everyone was looking forward to did not begin, because a real purple-haired queen ended the farce. Although Cornelia felt that the atmosphere of fighting between companions was not bad, and

She was also very concerned about what Xia Ya said about Yang Hui having many wives, but her strong sense told her that it was more important to start the meeting early and completely complete the ceremony for them to join Promis Fortress.

Under Cornelia's suppression, Yang Hui naturally did not dare to make another mistake and could only lead everyone to the central conference room.

Of course, only Cornelia, Odisseus, Schneizel, Clovis, Lelouch and other people with decision-making power went to the central conference room, while the members of the [Nightmare] Knights who were warriors

They went to the training room under the leadership of Graham, Amuro and others. The soldiers naturally had a warrior welcome ceremony, I just hope they like it.

After arriving at the central conference room, they each took their seats. Although six teams went to different worlds to perform tasks this time, there were only three worlds that were actually connected, excluding the fact that they could not connect to Promes Fortress, but to UC for a year.

The Gundam Z world that is integrated with the War World, and the other four worlds are only the BUDDY COMPLEX world and the Full Metal Panic world that are connected to Prometh Fortress.

The representative of the Full Metal Panic world is the Mithril organization represented by Tessa Testarossa, and its followers are the adjutant Richard Madukas and AS (Armored mobile master-Slave system, master-slave follower mecha).

System) team members include Sosuke Sagara, Melissa Mao, Cruz Verba, and Belfugang Cruzot.

On the other hand is Leonard Testarossa, who was originally a member of the hostile Amalgam organization and Tessa Testarossa's brother. On the Amalgam side, Leonard was the only one who came. He represented

It's not Amalgam, because most of the members of Amalgam are lunatics and war mad, so they directly use thunder methods to eliminate them. Leonard joined Amalgam because of his personality, but the reason for the formation of his character stems from the spiritual damage he suffered in his childhood.

, after being exposed to the dark side that his sister had not been exposed to and becoming its victim, he took a different path from his sister.

Leonard and Tessa are both special people in the world of Full Metal Panic, named Whisperers. They are born with black technology information in their brains. Although they look exactly like ordinary people, they are very different from ordinary people in the spiritual field.

Differences, and resonance can occur between listeners, that is, information is transmitted through brain waves, similar to ventriloquism. However, resonance cannot be used frequently, otherwise personality confusion will occur.

The true identity of black technology is that the future technology of the Full Metal Panic world is passed to the past through the existence of the [Signal Tower], because the timeline of the Full Metal Panic world is constantly restarting, and every time it restarts, Leonard will appear.

A being, in order to change the tragedy and save his sister, will constantly restart the world. After each restart, there is no memory of the previous restart, but he will encounter the same experience, making the whole world fall into an endless loop.

The existence of [Signal Tower] is Tessa Testarossa in the first world. Due to unknown reasons, she did not restart with the world. Instead, she has been living in a special space in a spiritual state, remembering herself.

The future technology in , is sent to the restarted Whisperer.

After learning about the existence of Promis Fortress and knowing that he had been struggling in an infinite loop for many years, Leonard finally decided to come to Promes Fortress to find new possibilities.

Tessa Testarossa is willing to lead her men to join Promis Fortress, on the one hand, because their world has been in war, and she also wants to find hope to completely end world war and achieve world peace; on the other hand,

Although Tessa already knew Leonard's purpose and original intention, she still regarded Leonard as an extremely dangerous person and came to Promes Fortress to supervise him.

After everyone present heard about Leonard's deeds, they couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook their heads. Among the people present, there were really a few people who were as dangerous as Leonard, such as Cruze and Char.

Then there is the BUDDY COMPLEX world. This world is also a world where a war breaks out between two forces. One is the Free Treaty Alliance, and the other is the Republic of Zogilia. Because a madman's crazy plan to destroy the world was ended, the two forces temporarily entered peace.

period, but the war in this world also started because of the energy crisis. If no external force intervenes, another war will definitely break out.

After learning of the existence of Promis Fortress, both forces discovered the possibility of peace, so Alfred Galant, the general representative of the Political and Administrative Bureau of the New Central Committee of the Republic of Great Zogilia, joined forces with the Freedom Treaty

A representative and several members formed a delegation to come to Prometh Fortress.

"Sure enough, have they gone back?" Seeing that there were no people in the BUDDY COMPLEX world such as Watase Aoba and Yumihara Hina, Yang Hui was sure that they had returned to their own time.

The world of BUDDY COMPLEX has some similarities to the world of Full Metal Panic, in that it is also caught in a cycle of time and space.

But unlike the world reboot of Full Metal Panic, the male and female protagonists of the BUDDY COMPLEX world, Watase Aoba and Yumihara Hina, worked on developing a system called [Linkage] after graduating from college in the original era, equipped with a special linkage action battle of MS.

The system synchronizes the thinking of the two pilots through linkage, and sends the thinking data to the future one nanosecond later in the form of basic particle levels.

During the development process, the experiment failed, causing Yumihara Hina to travel to the future. As a pilot of the Free Treaty Alliance, she fought against the Republic of Zogilia. However, during the battle, the collision of the linkage system once again opened a space-time vortex, and Yumihara Hina...

She traveled back to the past 70 years with her machine and enemies.

Going back to the past, Yumihara Hina once again fought the enemy in order to protect her boyfriend, but the time and space vortex was inexplicably opened, and she took her boyfriend and the enemy back to 70 years later. This time, her boyfriend Watase Aoba came to the Free Treaty Alliance

, and Yumihara Hina came to the earlier Republic of Zogilia, and then...

Just keep fighting, keep opening the space-time vortex, and then travel back and forth again, over and over again, until the intervention of Malu, Bakki Lulu and others finally ended.

In the final battle, due to the explosion of a large amount of the unique mineral [Nectorbium] in the BUDDY COMPLEX world, the space-time vortex was opened again. Watase Aoba and Yumihara Hina returned to their original timeline, and it was impossible to follow them to Promis.


But... Yang Hui has always wanted to complain about this world. Are time and space vortexes and time travel really so careless? Sometimes he goes back to the past, and sometimes he goes to the future.

"The linkage system and [Nectorbium] need to be studied carefully." Yang Hui thought as everyone introduced themselves.

After the self-introductions were over, each team began to report on their mission experiences and achievements.

In the world of BUDDY COMPLEX, the team led by Malu and Baki Lulu intervened in the battle as a third-party force. They implemented their old tricks in the world of Gundam SEED, coupled with the battleships and mobile suits that far exceeded those in the world of BUDDY COMPLEX, and the battle was over for a while.

Both sides couldn't hold their heads high. In the end, the former lieutenant of the Zogillian Republic Army, Bisson Jelafel, traveled back in time during a battle, secretly controlled the Political and Administrative Bureau of the Central Committee, and launched his plan to destroy the world.

was eventually blocked.

In the world of Full Metal Panic, Kati and Sergey's team joined the Mithril organization at the beginning of the mission and became an independent action team. They have been traveling between the two major forces to fight violence with violence. Kati and Sergey

They also complained that they spent their entire lives fighting as Celestial Beings in the Gundam OO world, but eventually became Celestial beings.

In one action after another, they came into contact with the existence of the Whisperers and the existence of amalgam, and collided with them. In the final battle, Setsuna used the quantum burst system and inadvertently interacted with the people in the special space.

Signal Tower] contacted each other, learned the truth about the world, and also understood the existence of Leonard. Finally, he reconciled with Leonard, eliminated the amalgam, and under Leonard's suggestion, showed his supreme strength.

This gesture has frightened the two major forces from starting a war easily again, and the mission is over.

In the Gundam Z world, Char and the others directly enter the world as aliens from another world. The time period they enter is just before the start of the original plot, and they are preparing to snatch the Titans' Gundam MK-II, whether it is Char, Amuro or Ha

Mandu discovered that the Titans in this period had completely risen and could only be destroyed by force. Therefore, Amuro's Earth resistance organization Calabar, Char's Ogu, and Haman's Neo Zeon secretly united together.

Using the original text of the Universe Charter they knew as a condition for negotiation, they received the full support of Anaheim Corporation and together they destroyed the Titans.

It is worth mentioning that because of their foresight, the fate of many people has been changed. For example, Matsunaga Makoto and Kobayashi Hayato who should have died in the battle are alive and well. Many Titans members who still have conscience were instigated to rebel.

Miu's lover Feng and "sister" Rosamia were rescued by Char and Amuro. Emma Xin did not die, and Camus was not turned into a madman by [milk% milk% head] Sirocco.

Next is the Gundam X world and the ALDNOAH.ZERO world.

The first is the Gundam

During the mission, Gerhat and Asem actually achieved the requirement to connect to the world, but they found that except for the moonlight cannon, which is a big killer, other things in this world are not that necessary for Promis Fortress.

Moreover, they also asked the members of the protagonist group, and they all said that the battle was over, and they did not intend to continue fighting, hoping to live a peaceful life, so instead of forcing others to connect to the world, they chose to return to Promis with the technology of the moonlight cannon.


As for the world of ALDNOAH.ZERO... Yang Hui can only describe Huang, Kruse's and their experiences as bizarre.

At the beginning of Tianhu, Kruse is the Duke of the Wesel Empire of Mars. He has a special machine with the ability to add a floating cannon to predict ballistics, and then he starts an invasion of the earth.

When he first arrived in the world, Kruse did not dare to fall out with the Visser Empire directly, so he also took his own Yanglu City to the earth.

After investigation, Kruse discovered that the Weiser Empire was divided into two factions, and also found out the mastermind of the assassination of the Peace Princess. While openly pursuing the protagonist group, he secretly made contact with the Peace Princess.

He also continued to connect with other nobles of the Visser Empire, and also contacted the Earth's government.

Finally...the few Martian nobles belonging to the conquest faction discovered that they had been surrounded by undercover agents, and the final battle ended without a shot being fired. The emperor was secretly killed by Kruse, and the princess of the peace faction was promoted to the throne.

Based on what Cruze did, it must have met the requirements of connecting the world, but unfortunately, the peace princess did not want to see war anymore, let alone any factors that might trigger war, so she refused.

Cruze's proposal did not connect the world, so Cruze brought two or three people he thought were good people back to Promes Fortress.

As for technology... Let’s talk about it. The characteristic technology of the ALDNOAH.ZERO world lies in the ALDNOAH driver, a special energy source that must be activated by the royal blood of the Visser Empire. The powerful weapons of the Visser Empire are all activated based on this driver.


The drive itself has too many limitations, and it won't be of much use if you get it back. And those seemingly powerful weapons... To be honest, most of the Promes Fortresses are better, and some are powerful but also have great flaws.

Except for a few technologies that Kruse thought were pretty good and he brought them back, the rest remained unchanged.

And during this mission, the accompanying emperor and others also saw for the first time the horror of Cruze, not his fighting prowess, but his perversion of holding people's hearts in his hands!

This chapter has been completed!
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