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Chapter 822 Research on blood serum

"Did you get the blood serum!?" Yang Hui asked in shock.

"It can only be said to be a semi-finished product, not the final product." Durandal called up his research information and data and explained to Yang Hui, "First of all, I used mice and have not conducted experiments on humans.

; Secondly, even the mice have experienced strong rejection reactions. Currently, a total of three blood serums, including the Revolutionary, NT and [X-Rounder], have been tested on different mice, and only a few of them have.

Mice can survive after being injected with serum, and others..."

Although I didn’t say it, I knew what the results were from looking at the test data and records.

"...The last point is the third point. Afterwards, I also checked the vital characteristics of the surviving mice, hoping to find out the special characteristics and use them as a reference for the adaptability test. The result was nothing. Except for the serum that had just been injected, it was very ordinary.

They are just white mice. Without reference and standards, it is impossible to test legion members and select suitable candidates for injection.

Therefore, it is only a semi-finished product and subsequent research cannot be carried out.”

Yang Hui understood what Durandal meant. If he wanted to continue researching the blood serum, it would definitely involve human experimentation. Human experimentation was strictly prohibited in Promis Fortress and all connected worlds. He would rather not have the blood serum than to do so.

Conduct human experiments.

"Wait, you..." Something suddenly occurred to him, and Yang Hui's eyes kept glancing back and forth at Durandal's body.

"Am I that crazy in your eyes? Are you experimenting on yourself?" Durandal covered his face and asked angrily. Even if Yang Hui didn't say it, he already knew what Yang Hui was going to say.

"Oh, that's good." Durandal is not only one of the top scientists of Promes Fortress, but also one of the most important figures in the world of Gundam SEED. If he experiments on himself crazily and kills himself, then

It’s a lot of fun.

"Actually, I think we can select a group of volunteers." Durandal suggested. The research on blood serum is his proud project. If it succeeds, it will not only greatly enhance the combat power of the Promes Army, but also greatly improve his

Personally speaking, it is also a great achievement, almost determining human evolution by human power.

And... the thing that he has been worrying about should also be solved.


"Listen to me first." He knew that Yang Hui would definitely object, so Durandal asked Yang Hui to calm down, "I don't plan to select volunteers within the legion, but all the worlds connected to the fortress, such as the dying

The elderly, terminally ill patients, physically disabled veterans, etc. For example, patients and disabled veterans can be provided with the opportunity to use the fortress medical cabin, as well as the elderly who are not many years old. The bloodline of the revolutionaries cannot grow.


Also, although most of the world has stabilized, it does not mean that there are no criminals, especially death row prisoners. For people whose fate is already destined, rather than sending them a bullet to end their lives, it is better to let them

All the remaining value is brought out.”

"This..." Yang Hui fell into thinking. Durandal's proposal... is not impossible, especially the latter. Death row prisoners are inherently heinous people. Instead of killing them directly, it is better to squeeze out their last value.

"If you approve, I will contact Gepu and Alugureas."

"Well... let's vote." Yang Hui decided and handed over the decision-making power to everyone at the decision-making level. Although he is the supreme commander, he never thinks that Promis Fortress is his own. People can be short-witted.

, Yang Hui never believed that he could always consider all aspects and make the most accurate decision at any time; similarly, he did not believe that his decision alone could represent the will of everyone.

Therefore, a decision-making layer was established to bring together representatives from all worlds and pool their wisdom to decide on all aspects of Promis Fortress.

Similarly, everyone at the decision-making level is also the supervisor of Yang Hui. The new members are also the supervisors of the old members. After all, they are eternal lives. As time goes by, no one knows what kind of changes will happen, especially the mentality.


"No problem." Durandal also agreed to vote. On the one hand, he was very confident that his proposal would be passed. After all, most of the people who can join the decision-making team are not gentle people; on the other hand, he also knew that Yang Hui

What is the purpose of this, and we also know that this kind of thing should be decided jointly by the decision-makers.

But there is no need for everyone to go back to the big conference room to vote on the spot. Most members of the decision-making level have other work to be busy with, either the work of Promes Fortress or the work of their own world. If it is not a very urgent matter, usually

Under normal circumstances, we will gather together after each mission. On the one hand, we will know the completion status of the mission and determine the follow-up development plan. On the other hand, we will also get to know each other with the new members.

For this kind of important but not urgent decision-making, Yang Hui directly added group chat and voting functions to the PAD communication system, which can be completed directly through the PAD operation.

"Let's do it tomorrow. They are not familiar with Promis Fortress yet. Let's wait until they understand the information in the PAD tonight before making a decision." Yang Hui pointed at the three Tessas behind him and said.


"By the way, I was so frightened by your results that I almost forgot about the real thing. Do you have any information about the awakening of talents?"

"Not at all." Durandal spread his hands helplessly, "To us, talent is just a noun. There is no record, no reference, and no successful person. How can we study it?"

"Okay, I'm just impatient."

"Among the members of T0, Graham is the one closest to awakening his talent, followed by you, Kira, Aslan, Amuro, and then Setsuna, Neil, and Lyle... According to the information you provided,

This mission should put a lot of pressure on you. I hope that some of you can awaken your talent and turn this term into reality, so that we can have a research direction."

"Try your best, I can't rush this thing." Yang Hui also said helplessly, "I plan to put some pressure on myself after arranging other things in the past few days."

"Haha, you told us not to be anxious, but you are the most anxious one." Durandal laughed and shook his head.

"Who made me the supreme commander?" Yang Hui spread his hands and turned and left the Genetic Research Institute without waiting for Durandal's answer. Tessa and the other three were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then came to their senses. Yang Hui had already walked a certain distance, and they put away their doubts and quickly followed Yang Hui's footsteps.

Durandal looked at their leaving figures and shook his head with a wry smile: "That's not how the word supreme commander is used. Yang Hui, you are the pillar of Promis Fortress that cannot collapse, instead of using your flesh and blood to help us. Cannon fodder."

Immediately afterwards, Yang Hui took the three of them to the military area and met the fleet commanders such as Rebel and Katie, as well as Lelouch, Cornelia and others who were conducting a fleet simulation battle.

No one from Lelouch World visited Promis Fortress with Yang Hui, because Yang Hui introduced Promis Fortress before connecting to the world, and also introduced some important members.

So after they came to Promis Fortress, they just visited various areas of Promis Fortress, and then they found Yang Hui, the member who had given them advice from the beginning, and followed them for advice.

For example, Odisius and Schneizel are experts in politics, so Yang Hui recommended them to members such as Gepu and Lady Doreen who are responsible for the government affairs of each world.

"How is it?" Yang Hui asked Ray Bill.

"Cornelia's overall view is good, but the details are not enough. To be honest, she should learn from you. Commanding a large army in the army is not suitable for her." Katie made the most accurate evaluation of Cornelia. .

"Where is Lelouch?" Yang Hui asked Ray Bill again.

"It is true that he is very intelligent and handles details perfectly, but his vision is too low." Ray Bill also commented on Lelouch, "But the problem is not big, it is also limited by the world. His learning ability and acceptance ability are very good. , I will take him with me on this mission. I believe he will soon be able to take charge of a space fleet on his own. It is only a matter of time before he surpasses me."

Lelouch is already doing a great job to allow Rebel to make such an evaluation. You must know that Tianam is Rebel's most outstanding student. Tianam is also an excellent fleet commander now, especially when looking at the overall situation. In terms of caution and prudence, even Ray Bill is a little worse, but Tianam has never received such a high evaluation from Ray Bill.

"As for Clovis... the highest level is probably the captain." Tianam shook his head.

Yang Hui was not surprised by Tianmu's comments. After all, he knew Clovis very well and was indeed not the material. Although he had worked hard to learn and grow after becoming the lord of [TEN], his talent was indeed not there. On this piece.

"Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Until all the ammunition is used up!" At this moment, everyone was attracted by the roar. They turned around and saw Dozlu Zabi directing his fleet to penetrate. He captured Lelouch's fleet and divided it into several pieces. Then the naval guns fired continuously, beating Lelouch's fleet into pieces and leaving very few pieces.

"He is still the same." Yang Hui looked at the excited Dozlu and shook his head with a wry smile. Dozlu's family also came to Promes Fortress after the one-year war. His wife and daughter are ordinary members of Promes Fortress.

And Dozuru himself did not become the fleet commander of the legion at the beginning. He was tired of wars and intrigues, so he did not last long in his peaceful life. Seeing the huge fleet and the handsome MS fighting back and forth, his heart itched.

He couldn't help it, and finally couldn't help it anymore, and asked Yang Hui to allow him to join the Promes Legion, even if he was just the captain of a battleship!

Of course, Yang Hui couldn't let Dozuru be the captain of just one battleship. After all, Dozuru was also the former commander-in-chief of Zeon's space fleet, and his abilities were definitely not weak.

What's more, Dozlu even destroyed Ray Bill's first fleet!

This chapter has been completed!
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