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Chapter 848 Shirley Lu’s Date

"Pfft~ I didn't expect that you would have so many fun things during your wandering."

After wandering around for a while, Shirley Lu may have felt a little tired, or she saw that Yang Hui's soul was about to leave his body and needed a rest, so he found a cafe to sit and rest. During this period, Shirley Lu asked Yang Hui

Various interesting facts about the Promethean Legion.

"That's right, without these things, I might have gone crazy a long time ago."

Yang Hui talks about things that happen in other worlds. He changes the background and tells it to Shirley Lu. She often travels around and has no friends. She really likes to hear such anecdotes. She can only say that gossip and eating melons are human beings.

The essence of.

"Didn't Lux tell you this?" Many of the things Yang Hui said were known to everyone in the Prometh Legion. Lux naturally knew it too, but Yang Hui was curious that she didn't know these things from Lux.

"I... of course Lux and I were talking about girls! How could we talk about such trivial matters?" Shirley blushed and said arrogantly.

She and Lux ​​were chatting when nothing happened, but she was more interested in asking Lux why she liked Yang Hui so much, why she didn't become a strong woman like herself, what kind of women Huang and the others were, and what kind of women were Lux and Huang.

How do they live in harmony? After all, in her opinion, it is simply a fantasy that so many outstanding women share the love of one man.

"All right."

"Where should we go next?" Seeing that Shirley had finished drinking the coffee and finishing the cake, she planned to continue today's date. However, when she thought that most of the shops in the 25th Ship Group had been browsed, she couldn't think of where to go, so she asked

Yang Hui.

"how could I know?"

"What!? You don't know!?"

"...Why do I have to know?" Yang Hui felt baffled. The date with Shirley Lou started out of nowhere. He didn't need to make a plan when he went on a date with Lacus, or went on a date with either Huang or the others. It just happened.

I walked around, looked around, and played wherever I went, so I didn’t have any date plans at all, let alone with Shirley.

"伱! Isn't it a man's responsibility to make romantic date plans when going on a date with a girl!?"

"Thank you on behalf of all the male compatriots!" Yang Hui rolled his eyes angrily, "I never had any plans when I went on a date with Lux and the others."

"Then...then what are you doing?" Shirley Lu asked curiously. In fact, she didn't understand either. She just came across this type of short video on the Internet when she was bored and took it out directly.

"Wander around and walk around as you please. When you're tired, take a rest or go home."

"that's all?"

"if not?"

"Shouldn't it be a very rigorous and romantic plan? There are also very exquisite decorations, even invited actors to cooperate, and finally there is an exquisite romantic dinner..."

"Have you seen too many poisonous chicken soups on the Internet? If two people really love each other, how can they care about these things?" Yang Hui educated angrily, "The vigorous ones are like an epiphyllum, and the ordinary ones are the real ones! What you said can also create a

Momentary touching, and then what? After we have been together for a long time, in fact, the happiest thing is for the other person to accompany you and enjoy a moment of tranquility. After all, we are all adults and have our own things to be busy with.

Like an ocean-going ship, it has experienced strong winds and waves outside. When it gets tired and bored, it just wants to return to a warm harbor and dock, and return to its own little home to have a warm meal."

"Eh? Is that so?"

"Of course, what do you think?"

"For example." Yang Hui raised two fingers, "One, I will prepare expensive gifts for you in advance for every festival, but I don't remember when your menstrual period will come, and I don't remember what you like to eat and what you don't like to eat.

What; the other, who never celebrates holidays, but remembers all your preferences, remembers all your special moments, remembers the details of every aspect of your life, and takes good care of you; which one do you choose?"

"Choose both!" Shirley replied without hesitation.

"...Scumbag!" Yang Hui scolded, why doesn't this girl act according to common sense?

"No! I mean... isn't it good for the two to be together?" Shirley Lu knew that what she said was ambiguous, and Yang Hui understood that she wanted two men, so she quickly explained with a blushing face.

But he soon discovered something was wrong and immediately hit back: "You are the least qualified to call me a scumbag!"

"Uh..." Yang Hui was stunned, as if this was indeed the case.

"And why should I explain to you!? I don't care what you think of me! Anyway, we have no relationship at the end of today! Absolutely! No!" Shirley said angrily.

"..." In response, Yang Hui remained silent, expressing serious doubts.

"Also! Forget everything I just said! You must forget it! Did you hear it?"


"Listen~! See~! No~! Yes~!"

"Listen...I heard it." Facing the powerful Shirley Lu, Yang Hui nodded obediently.

"Very good! Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"Where are there so many problems!? Just follow me!"


After playing with Shirley Lu for another afternoon, at Shirley Lu's request, Yang Hui recommended a pretty good street restaurant. The seemingly simple cuisine brought great excitement to Shirley Lu, who was used to eating all kinds of high-end cuisine.

delicious enjoyment.

Finally, Shirley arrived at a park on the edge of the island. It was already dead of night and only the street lights still illuminated the darkness.


"What's this?"

"Crepes, a very popular dessert among girls."

"Since...since you insist on buying it for me, I will try it reluctantly."

"Yes, yes, eat it quickly, the ice cream on top will not taste good if it melts."


One second, Shirley looked reluctant, and the next second, waiting for the sweetness of the crepe to bloom in her mouth, she covered her mouth and became intoxicated.

"Wow~! This is delicious!"

"Isn't it good? I checked and found that this store is quite popular. I'm lucky that it hasn't closed yet."

"I didn't expect that the food in a seemingly inconspicuous shop is actually more delicious than the food in a high-end restaurant." Today, Shirley Lu experienced happiness that she had never experienced before. She dated a boy and deliberately tormented each other, and had a very casual relationship with the boy.

Chatting, as well as those ordinary restaurants and street stalls, all brought her very novel and happy memories.

"Each one has its own pros and cons. Chefs in high-end restaurants generally have undergone very systematic study and hard work, so the taste of the food itself is worthy of recognition, and the presentation will be very delicate. After all,

Those customers like it.

Ordinary street shops can always exist because they mostly have traditional craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation. The inheritance contained in them is difficult to feel in high-end restaurants. Although the presentation is not so exquisite and the taste will be different, but

Delicious without a doubt.”

"You like ordinary food?"

"Not really, but in my opinion, roadside restaurants have a very big advantage over high-end restaurants!"

"What is it?"

“Plenty of food and plenty of food!”

"Pfft~ Hahahaha..." Shirley smiled. She thought Yang Hui was going to reveal some terrible secret, but this is what happened? "You can continue to order if you are not full."

"Then being laughed at by those who claim to be the top in society?"

"I never care about those people who pretend to be elegant."

"But it's very troublesome. Such a big plate can hold so much food, and it's not big enough to fit between your teeth. It makes me feel sick just looking at it."

"Do you have a big appetite?"

"Please, after all, I am also an ace pilot. I train a lot, so I naturally eat a lot."

"That's right...can I go visit your station?" Shirley Lu suddenly asked.

"What? Interested?"

"A little bit, I want to see how you train, and didn't Lux say there are many female soldiers? I want to write a new song, and my intuition tells me that I might find inspiration there." Shirley explained.

"Going to the military camp to find inspiration? Are you planning to switch to the field of military songs?"

"Stop talking so much nonsense! Just say yes or no!"

"It's no problem, your words can still stimulate the passion of those stupid boys."

"Then it's settled. As for the time... can it be within this week? Next week..." Shirley was a little happy to see Yang Hui agree, but she also felt disappointed when she thought that she was about to leave the 25th Ship Group.

"What's going on next week?"

"No...it's nothing. Anyway, it's within this week, okay?"

"This week..." Yang Hui thought about his future itinerary. Now he really has nothing to say that must be done. Basically, it is the presidential palace, LAI company and the new unified army station running back and forth. Which side is needed?

Wherever he is, there are excellent principals in three directions leading a group of outstanding subordinates to implement the plan. He only needs to supervise and check for leaks and fill in the gaps.

"Is that okay?" Shirley Lu looked at Yang Hui expectantly.

"It should be no problem. If it doesn't work, I can ask Lux to take you there."

"It means nothing if you're not here!" Shirley said in a low voice.

"What did you say?"



We strolled around the park casually again. Seeing that it was getting late, Yang Hui sent Shirley Lu back to the hotel. When she got off the bus, Shirley Lu happily said to Yang Hui: "Thank you, Yang Hui, I am very happy today."

"I'm quite happy too, except for shopping."

"What! You are the first man who can go shopping with me!"

"It would be an honor, Her Majesty."

"Of course!" Shirley proudly puffed up her chest, but soon, she hesitated a little and asked Yang Hui in a low voice, "Yang Hui... you said... do you want me to stay?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"No...nothing! I'm leaving first, remember to tell me the time! Goodbye!"

Seeing Shirley Lu running into the hotel with a blushing face, Yang Hui smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was a purebred reformer + NT, and his bloodline level was about to break through A level. How could he not hear Shirley Lu ask?

What, and the mental waves he received can also know a lot.

"Oh, Lacus will really give me problems." Yang Hui shook his head helplessly, and drove the car into the distance.


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