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Chapter 886 Let’s go to Meixing Academy together!

"Goodbye, Miss Shirley, Miss Lux, Miss Katie, Mr. Yang Hui, thank you very much for sending me home." When they arrived, Li Lanhua got off the car and thanked Yang Hui and others.

"Go back quickly and remember to prepare well for the game."

"Well, I will try my best!"

Li Lanhua went home with high morale. Yang Hui and others also left by car. The next stop was to send Shirley Lu and Lux ​​back to the hotel.

"By the way...have you really decided?" Yang Hui asked Shirley Lu with a strange expression.


Because the G ship group that is going back is gone, Shirley can only stay in the 25 ship group for the time being, and her work is not that frequent, so she plans to find something to do for herself, and maybe new inspiration will emerge.


Then... Shirley Lu didn't know why, but she thought about mobile suits, MS pilots, and flying in the universe. So Shirley Lu made a bold decision, that is, enrolling in the 25th Ship Group and becoming a pilot.


In fact, the most convenient and efficient way for Shirley to experience MS driving is to directly ask Yang Hui to teach her. After all, Yang Hui is the strongest pilot of the 25th Fleet and one of the best instructors. Look at Pro

At least half of the members of the Meese Legion and the backbone of the pilots were trained by him.

But Shirley has her own pride. She doesn't want to be looked down upon by Yang Hui, so she won't ask Yang Hui to help her, nor will she accept Yang Hui's gifts. She wants to prove to Yang Hui that as long as she wants to do it, she can do it.

The one and only Shirley Lou!

"Since you have gone to school, should I also find something to do?" Lux stretched out her finger and pointed at her face. She was already the most idle one. The 25th fleet was so large, and Wang Liumei was the only one.

People can handle political matters in an orderly manner, and now that Wang Liumei has established a brand new framework, her joining at this time may disrupt Wang Liumei's deployment.

And what she does all day now is basically walking around with Shirley Lu. Now that Shirley Lu is also planning to go to Meixing Academy, she naturally has to find something to do to kill her time alone.

"You can come with me, too." Shellylu encouraged, holding Lux's arm.

"Should I be a student? Hahaha, the age is inappropriate." Lux covered her mouth and chuckled. Shirley was 17 years old, so there was no problem in going to school. However, Lux's registered age was 24, which was already beyond the enrollment limit of Meixing Academy.

It’s within the scope. It’s definitely not suitable to be a student. The teacher is still not good enough... not... much?

"How about... I also want to experience the fun of being a teacher?" Lux said with a naughty smile.

"Um..." Yang Hui and Katie were stunned for a moment, and began to imagine the scene of Lux being a teacher. Don't tell me...it seemed very suitable!

Meixing Academy already has an art department, and Lux's major is the right one, and Lux's temperament and approachability will immediately gain the favor of the students.

"Wait! Doesn't that mean...you want to teach me!? I can't accept it!" Shirley Lu couldn't accept that her best friend became her teacher. This was a downgrade for herself!

"But I'm not suitable to be a student either."


"I can't accept it anyway!" Shirley said with an angry face like a little girl.

"Okay, okay, I must be a teacher in the art department. You are in the driver's department, so that's different." Lux comforted Shirley.

"Even if you say so..." Shirley Lu was still unhappy. Although the subjects were different, Shirley Lu's current level did not require her to go to the art department, but this could not change the fact that one of them was a student and the other was a teacher!

"Then...I'd better not go..."

"No!" Shirley Lu was very happy when she heard that Lux was also going to Meixing Academy. After all, going to a strange environment alone would make her feel lonely even though she wasn't afraid.

"That's going to be difficult." Lux covered her face and said helplessly, but Shirley couldn't see the naughty smile hidden under her hands from the angle.

"Hiss~" Yang Hui and Katie, who were sitting across from each other and could see clearly, could not help but shudder, and then cast sympathetic glances at Shirley Lu. This girl was really eaten to death by Lux.


"Okay, okay, I agree."

"Well, okay then."

Although Shirley Lu was depressed, Shirley Lu wanted someone to accompany her to Meixing Academy more than the seniority of students and teachers. When she saw Yang Hui and Katie, they thought of something again, but when they were about to speak, they were interrupted by Yang Hui.


"Don't think about it. Katie and I are very busy and don't have much free time to be teachers. The same goes for everyone else. Only Lux has the most leisure time right now."

"Of course I know, just thinking about it..." Shirley Lu just had this idea suddenly pop up in her mind. She didn't really mean to do it. She also knew how busy Yang Hui was.

"By the way, Lux and Shirley, some tests may require your cooperation in the future. I will notify you in advance." Yang Hui said to Lux and Shirley. Their singing is also a very important research project, just because of MDE

The development of the bomb has just been delayed, not given up.

"Our song?"


"It can't be some evil experiment, right?" Shirley hugged her body tightly and stepped back.

"..." Yang Hui stared at him with dead eyes, and then...

"Hmph, now that you've discovered it, I'm sorry, Shirley, just be good and be sliced ​​up and used as a specimen!"

"..." Shirley Lu put away her fearful look and complained to Yang Hui expressionlessly, "Yang Hui, has anyone ever said that... your acting skills are embarrassing? And... very stupid?"


Lux and Katie couldn't help laughing happily, although Yang Hui's exaggerated performance was really stupid.

"So, am I that kind of person?" Yang Hui was not angry, but spread his hands indifferently. He was just joking and relaxing. When it comes to acting skills... Yang Hui prides himself on not losing to any actor. You know, he has worn

Those actors will never be able to catch up with the mask.

"Okay, I understand. Just inform me in advance and I will cooperate." Shirley Lu did not refuse Yang Hui's request. She also wanted to find out what kind of power her singing voice had.

On the other side, in a secret room on the lower floor of the 25th ship, Leon Mishima was waiting for a long-awaited guest. He was pacing back and forth in the room where he was the only one, looking very anxious, but it was normal, because

With the appearance of Yang Hui and the Prometh Legion, he has lost all real power and his plans have been shattered. The guest who comes to him is his only chance to stand up.

"Aren't you here yet? Are you just kidding me..." Before Leon Mishima could finish his words, the door to the room was opened, and Grace, dressed in women's business attire, walked in.

"It's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs, Assistant Officer Mishima. It's just a little delay."

This chapter has been completed!
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