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Chapter 9 Final Preparations

Chapter 9 Final Preparations

Author: Praise of Dreams

Chapter 9 Final Preparations

Although Aeolia directly hung up the communication and did not agree to Yang Hui's final proposal, after all, Yang Hui's status and rights were given by Aeolia himself, right?

So does it really matter whether he agrees or not?

Moreover, even though Aeolia was almost made to vomit blood by Yang Hui, she still agreed in the end.

No, VEDA sent instructions the next day, approving all Yang Hui's proposals, but adding restrictions, that is, Yang Hui must go to Jupiter in person to build a solar furnace, and he must come back within a year. As for how many units he can bring with him

The return of the solar furnace depends on his own ability.

Seeing this restriction, Yang Hui almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. How long has he been in [Celestial Being]? He has to build a solar furnace by himself? He has not yet fully understood the theoretical knowledge of GN particles!


I'm sorry Mr. Ian, I can only ask you to sacrifice your life to accompany me.

However, before setting off for Jupiter, Yang Hui and Huang descended to Earth again to implement the first proposal before they could set off. The second proposal to add a Gundam Messenger has already sent the information to VEDA. Yang Hui's candidate

Renzhen is the second generation of Lockon. The younger brother of the current Lockon, Lyle Dylandy, has sniper skills that are comparable to his elder brother Neil Dylandy, and his ability in mid-range shooting is stronger. He is very suitable for supplementation.

Discover the missing part of Gundam Messenger.

Yang Hui originally thought about recommending Sergey or Graham, but he put an end to this idea as soon as it came up.

There is no other reason. Both of them are too famous in their respective troops. Fortunately for Yang Hui, those who know his true identity have either retired, died in battle, or been transferred to other confidential departments, and his

Their positions have been transferred to the Academy of Sciences a long time ago, and they have faded out of everyone's sight, but if they suddenly disappear, they will definitely be suspected.

Furthermore, they may not agree yet. It is estimated that Graham will readily agree, but Sergey is absolutely impossible because he still has a family.

Furthermore, Yang Hui thought, if Sergey and Graham were poached again, what would happen to the other side? They could just sweep...

Ahem, the premise is that those plans with no lower limit have not been realized.

At night, the most luxurious hotel near the Federal University welcomed some of the most special guests.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time, Professor Elfman, Mr. Katagiri." Wang Liumei was responsible for receiving Professor Elfman and others who were invited.

"Well, where is that brat?" Elfman asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Maier has been waiting for you in the inner room. Please follow me... Please wait a moment, another guest has arrived." Wang Liumei glanced at the two people who had just entered the door and said to Professor Elfman.

"Huh?" Looking in Wang Rumei's direction, their pupils tightened because the other party was also a famous figure.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Smirnov, welcome you both."

"You too...?" Mr. Wang looked at Wang Liumei and found that she was still a girl and was actually arranged to receive them. The meeting between them was very important, and the person who could be arranged to welcome them was definitely

It would not be a casual decision, this girl... also made him feel that it was not simple.

"Yes." Wang Rumei replied calmly.


After the four people gathered together, Wang Liumei took them to the inner hall.

"You brat, why are you back so soon?" Seeing Yang Hui, Mr. Wang and Professor Elfman cursed angrily at the same time.


If anyone else had said that, he would have immediately retorted, but his two teachers... would just have to accept it.

After being ignored by the two, the last person, Kati Manekin, also arrived, and the meeting officially began.

Yang Hui first told the five people the information he had learned this month and Aeolia's true plan, and then told them his plan.

"Well... Aeolia Schuchenberg is truly a terrifying person."

"Yes, we saw things two hundred years ago that we can't see now."

Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang lamented at the same time, a sense of frustration arose spontaneously. There was also competition among scientific researchers, but they were really convinced by Aeolia.

"Guys, what do you think?" Yang Hui asked.

"Well, I didn't expect that I would be able to witness this moment of historical change in my lifetime. I can't refuse this invitation." Mr. Wang was the first to express his position. There was no way, whether it was [Celestial Being]'s new technology or the upcoming dialogue,

He couldn't refuse.

"I also accept this invitation. This important moment cannot be without me! Besides, we are only responsible for supervising you, and there is not much risk, right?" Professor Elfman said with a smile.

The two people with the highest status agreed, and the other three naturally would not refuse. It can be said that no one with a bit of ambition would refuse this invitation, because it represents a witness to history.

"But Yang Hui, what you promised me...hasn't been fulfilled yet?" Mr. Wang said jokingly, not caring at all that Professor Elfman was present, or...he just wanted to win Professor Elfman into his camp.

Come in.

"The promised thing? What is it? It can't be a solar furnace, right? Brat! I'm your teacher too, right? Why don't you have my share!? Do you still regard me as your teacher?"

Yang Hui, who was being scolded with his head down, glanced at Mr. Wang with a resentful look, and comforted him: "Teachers, there's nothing I can do about it. You see, I haven't fully understood the theoretical knowledge of solar furnaces and GN particles yet.

After I go back for the first time, I will go to Jupiter immediately and will not come back until a year later. Besides, I have given you the things now, can you hold on to them? When they are taken away by the Human Revolutionary Alliance and UNION, your students will really

It’s gone!”

After some hard talking, the two old men were persuaded to come down, and then they had a few words with Billy, Sergey and Katie.

"You kid, are you playing too much this time? Are you really not afraid of death?" Sergey said.

"Hey, you should be proud. Your brother is a pioneer in world reform."

"Fuck you! I would rather you stay at home and be a waste, but I promised dad to take good care of you!"

"Is it my fault that I'm so good?"

"Tch! If we meet you on the battlefield, I won't show mercy."

"Yes, yes, it sounds like you can beat me."

"Speaking of Merin, your plan is indeed too risky, isn't it?" Billy intervened at the right time in order not to be completely forgotten.

"After all, it involves world change and dialogue with outsiders. It's impossible not to take risks." Yang Hui shook his head and said.

Even when watching anime in his previous life, Yang Hui felt that the whole plan was very risky. For example, in the first season, what would happen if all the [Celestial Being] troops were wiped out? Who would A-Laws be left to deal with? What if Setsuna died midway?

, who should complete the dialogue? It is not difficult to find a purebred reformer, but it is impossible to find another purebred reformer like Setsuna.

But now that he was in their shoes, he realized that it wasn't that they didn't want to take their time, but that they simply didn't have the time to take their time.

On the other side, two best friends were also chatting privately.

"I also asked why you suddenly retired and ended up joining such a dangerous plan, Kujo."

"Well...actually even if this matter hadn't happened, I would have retired from AEU. I had already planned to go to the Human Revolutionary Alliance."

"It's very similar to your character. You are bold and careful, and you are good at making surprise attacks."

"If I were to act steadily and analyze the pros and cons like you, I wouldn't succeed."

"Kujo!" Katie's face turned red again and she shouted in a panic, attracting everyone's attention in an instant.

Embarrassed, Katy Manekin apologized and glared at the emperor.

Huang stuck out his tongue and then asked: "Speaking of Katie, haven't you thought about it yet?"


"Ah haha, I didn't say anything." Huang knew he couldn't irritate Katie anymore, otherwise she would really go crazy.

"Hmph! You'd better be careful on the battlefield! Otherwise I won't miss the opportunity!" Katy Manekin turned her head and said.

"Huh? I didn't expect your ambition to be quite big." A dangerous glint flashed in Huang's eyes.

I originally wanted to find an ally to deal with the beast together and take care of my best friend's feelings, but it turned out that the other party didn't even think about sharing, but planned to monopolize it!

"So you'd better stay alive."

"Aren't you worried that he is in danger? He is a front-line combatant."

"How could a man who caught my eye die so easily!"

"You! Ka~ti~"

It was late at night and everyone dispersed. The goal of landing on the earth this time was also completed. Yang Hui and Huang wanted to return to the universe immediately. Whether it was tactical drills, perfecting plans, or heading to Jupiter, they were all imminent. Tielia was right,

They don't have much time left.

"Mr. Maier, I am becoming more and more curious about you." Wang Liumei said to Yang Hui while the emperor was going to the bathroom.

"That's not okay, little sister, don't you know that it is very dangerous for a woman to be curious about men?" Yang Hui teased.

"Is Mr. Maier planning to do something to me?" Wang Liumei pretended to be cute, her big watery eyes blinking non-stop.

"Haha, that's not true. Not to mention that I have a fiancée, and I'm not interested in a little girl like you who is still young."

This time Yang Hui was shocked. Even girls hate men belittling their appearance and figure, especially the men they are interested in.

"Ahaha, don't be angry? You are still young, and you have a promising future!" Wang Liumei looked at her face, which was almost bulging into a bun, and quickly comforted her.

"Hmph! Don't think I will forgive you easily!"

"Didn't I apologize?"


"Okay, tell me, what do you want?"

"Hmm... let me think about it... I have it! Next time you come to Earth, how about spending a day alone with me?"

"No, although the emperor won't think too much about it, I can't give her a chance to misunderstand." Yang Hui refused directly.

"Oh? In other words, as long as Miss Huang agrees, that's it?"

"Ahem...is your focus wrong?"

"Well, I understand. Miss Huang is back and your train has arrived, so I'll leave first. I wish you a smooth journey."

"Hey! Wait...what are you doing?" Yang Hui scratched his hair in confusion.

"What's wrong? Where is Wang Rumei?"

"She left first, our train has arrived."

"Well, let's go then."


Huang held Yang Hui's hand with extra force. When she returned this time, she would be apart for a year. She had to cherish this time.

"Miss, you..."

"Red Dragon, don't ask what you shouldn't ask."


Wang Lumei looked at the passing scenery outside the car window, smiling from time to time, thinking of very interesting things.

(End of chapter)

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