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Chapter 913 Harvest and Failure

At the end of the battle, the Prosmi Corps descended and temporarily regarded the dilapidated 33rd Marine Corps' garrison as their own.

Looking at the body lying in front of them, Major Ogetay and the survivors of the 33rd Marine Corps felt sad and heavy, especially the completely shriveled body that remained relatively intact. They had a lot of questions in their hearts, and there was also a question.

There is so much sadness, all stuck in my heart that I can't express it.

It was at this time that [Dawn Gundam] slowly landed on the ground with a group of MSs. Yang Hui left the cockpit and came to Major Ogetai.

"Major Ogetai, I am Yang Hui, commander-in-chief of the 25th Fleet."

"Commander Yang Hui, thank you very much for your rescue. I am the captain of the 33rd Marine Corps, Major Ogetai."

"My condolences." Yang Hui saw the sadness on Major Ogetai's face and said sincerely.

"Thank you, Commander Yang Hui."

Although Ogetai is only a major captain, he is not stupid. When the people below started making trouble, they forced him to contact the new unified government and Shirley to hold a concert for them. The time happened to be when Shirley was seriously ill.

At that time, a coup was about to be launched just after it was launched, and a sudden change occurred just before it was suppressed. The members of the troublemaking group without exception turned into a monster named [Body-Eating Snake]. It was all too coincidental, just like the carefully planned

The script is the same.

This made Major Ogetai certain that there must be someone behind the troublesome group. There was a mastermind behind all this. Although he could not guess the purpose of the other party, he did not intend to let this grudge end just like that.

"Please give us your mutated remains. We need to study their remains." Yang Hui said to Ogetai. This was not a request, but a demand.

"...Okay, but I have a request." Major Ogetai said seriously to Yang Hui.

"Please say."

"As you can see..." As he spoke, Major Ogetai looked around the dilapidated station and glanced at the surviving compatriots, "...the station was destroyed, and the survivors could no longer support the 33rd Marine Corps.

My request is that the 33rd Marine Corps be integrated into the 25th Marine Group and obey your orders. However, the next time we encounter the [Body-Eating Snake], my people and I... will take the lead!"

Not all Zentraedi people are crazy and warlike, but one thing is true. The gene of fighting is engraved in their DNA. Seeing so many compatriots dying because of someone's conspiracy, the anger is in their chests.

Soaring in the middle.

"...Happy cooperation." Yang Hui nodded. He knew very well that the surviving 33rd Marine Corps was not conquered by them. They just wanted revenge, so this was a deal.

Although the 33rd Marine Corps suffered heavy losses and their reputation among the Zentraedi was not very good, their combat effectiveness was worthy of recognition. This was also a great complement to the 25th Marine Group.

“A pleasure to work with.”

In the current situation, the concert cannot be held, and the 25th Fleet has no reason to continue to stay in Gallia 4. Help the 33rd Marine Corps to briefly repair their warship, repair the damaged holes, and give it a breakthrough

With the ability of the atmosphere, the Promethean Legion and the 33rd Marine Corps left Gallia 4 and returned to the universe.

After returning to the universe, Yang Hui handed over the 33rd Marine Corps to Ray Bill for arrangement, and he found the mobile formation led by Cruze who returned at the same time.

"How is the situation?" Yang Hui asked immediately.

"The first goal was achieved, the second goal failed." Kruse's expression was not very good-looking. Although this time he did not let Grace's conspiracy succeed, and he also stopped Grace before she planned to kill everyone and activate the big killer weapon.

But his mission was only half accomplished.

"Follow me." They were still in a public place, which was obviously not suitable for talking about the actions of the Einsatzgruppe. Yang Hui and Kruse went all the way to the commander-in-chief's office. All the doors and windows were closed, and the shielding device was activated to prevent the leakage of information.

"I have sent Grace's body to the research department, along with the final trump card she prepared - [Dimension Devourer]."

When talking about [Dimensional Devourer], Kruse's expression was particularly ugly, because he was frightened at the time. [Dimensional Devourer], a strategic weapon capable of destroying a planet, whether it was during the old unified government period or

During the new unified government, their use was prohibited.

This is not just a ban on use in name, but the unified government is afraid of the terrifying power of this weapon. When the [Dimension Devourer] was successfully developed, it immediately stopped the entire project and destroyed all research materials and traces.

In addition to the experimental bombs that were tested and exploded, the unified government has only produced two bombs, which are currently stored in secret warehouses on the earth as the last resort that can be used when the survival of mankind is at stake.

He never expected that Grace got one from somewhere and placed it not far from the 33rd Marine Corps station in Gallia 4. Once activated, Gallia 4 would become a crescent moon forever, and the 33rd Marine Corps

Everyone at the Marine Corps station will be wiped out.

Fortunately, Cruze had quick eyesight and stopped Grace before she was about to die. Otherwise, not to mention the [Archangel], Shirley, Lux's shuttle, and the support fleet that landed later would also be wiped out.

The Meath Army will suffer its largest and irreparable losses since its establishment.

"Where's the second target?" Yang Hui asked.

This time Cruze led the Rangers to secretly land on Gallia 4, not only to capture Grace and stop her conspiracy, but also to land on the Macross fourth ship Macross Global, which was still relatively intact but was still relatively intact, was also an important goal.

Because before Yang Hui came to this world, he had planned to use Macross-class battleships to replace all the existing battleships of the Prosmi Corps. However, Macross battleships are also quite precious in this world, and you cannot get them just because you want to.

Not to mention large quantities.

So Yang Hui had an idea to use ELS's swallowing and learning ability to swallow up Macross Global.

According to the ELS rules of Promis Fortress, unlike the ELS in the Gundam OO world, which can directly transform after being swallowed, or even split to create countless identical existences, it can also immediately obtain all the technologies and related designs of Macross Global without spending any money.

Resources, unlock Macross Global in the research area and production area.

Not only that, after Macross Global crashed into Gallia 4, it became Vajra's nest. A nest of this size is completely incomparable to the small nests discovered before. Once this nest can be obtained, the research on Vajra will advance by leaps and bounds.

However... Kruse failed.

"Now it is certain that Grace's target is not only the Queen of Vajra, but also the group of [Body-Eating Snakes]." Cruze said seriously.

This chapter has been completed!
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