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Chapter 947 Promotion to A-level pilot, a hasty life level jump

"It's absolutely true that you are a lunatic. It's just a little bit worse and your brain will be burned out!"

"Indeed, your decision was too hasty. Do you know what will happen to us if you are gone?"

"I'm sweating now because I'm afraid Yulin or Sima will shoot me behind!"

"I will not……"

"I don't believe it!"XN

"I'll shoot you in front of your face."

"Is there a difference!?"XN


"You're so ridiculous! It's because of you!" XN

Group 25, the most advanced ward of the First General Hospital, Yang Hui was lying on the hospital bed in a hospital gown. The room was full of people. Yulin, Xima, Huang, Wang Liumei, Katie and other wives were all there.

Ham, Setsuna, the Dilandi brothers, Allelujah, Sergey, Kira, Aslan, Cruze and other aces are also there. If it weren't for the fact that Ray Bill and others had to stay on duty in the fleet, Promis

All the top leaders of the legion must be here.

Although Yang Hui successfully awakened his talent at the last moment and was promoted to A-level pilot, the damage caused by the high load of the brain before the promotion did not disappear, so as soon as the battle ended, Yang Hui fainted directly, his brain was overloaded

The harm caused is very serious. If it were not for the powerful treatment chamber provided by Promis Fortress, it would be a question of when Yang Hui would wake up.

Even after treatment in the treatment cabin, Yang Hui successfully regained consciousness, but he was still very weak and had difficulty walking.

This was also the first day that Yang Hui woke up, so everyone crowded into the relatively large high-end ward to collectively condemn Yang Hui's hasty behavior and take care of him.

"Isn't there nothing we can do?" Yang Hui shrugged while lying on the hospital bed.

Everyone was silent. There were really not many choices in the situation at that time. Without Yang Hui's instructions, they would not have been so efficient in destroying the enemy, and the final battle would not have been successful.

"By the way, what does A-level feel like?" Everyone wisely chose to skip this topic and move to the topic they cared about most.

"Didn't I say that?" Yang Hui was stunned. He remembered that before he fell into coma, Graham asked this question and he also answered it.

"Speak humanly!"XN

Everyone cursed at the same time, and Yang Hui replied with two words, "It's great."

Nonsense! Don’t they know how cool it is to be promoted to A-level? But how do you feel cool!?

Then Yang Hui truthfully told everyone his feelings.

First of all, according to Mephis, being promoted to Class A is a leap in life level. In other words, Yang Hui's current life level is already higher than others. Most basic, all physical qualities have been greatly improved.

To give the simplest example, if Graham drives the current "Flag Gundam" to perform his favorite extreme maneuver, his internal organs will be damaged if it lasts for up to 10 minutes, but Yang Hui can play for half an hour.

Then there is the stand-in for mental power. To give the same example, Setsuna communicated with the ELS group by himself. He didn't even get the core information. He just walked around in a circle and almost became a fool. But Yang Hui could do it alone.

Resist the impact of the huge information flow and rush to the core area.

However, that's it. If you rush into the core area, even if you are A-level, you will have to rest. Yang Hui made a simple estimate. If you want to communicate with a consciousness collective race like ELS, you must be at least S-level.

But this is still a huge improvement!

There are also purebred reformers. The strength of NT's mental waves is at least five times that of the B-level peak. In other words, Yang Hui can now really hypnotize ordinary people with his mental power. When ordinary people face Yang Hui, even if they are conscious

Stubbornly resisting, Yang Hui wanted to directly hypnotize the other party, which was just an idea.

Of course, this only applies to ordinary people, that is, pure natural people. Anyone with a slightly stronger mental wave can fight against it.

There is also a freer consciousness communication environment, more accurate telepathy, etc. In short, the improvement brought by promotion to A level is all-round.

Then the MS driving skills successfully reached A level. Yang Hui previously drove the "Dawn Gundam". With his strong driving skills, combat experience, physical fitness, reflex speed and a series of basic conditions, he was able to achieve the point where man and machine are integrated, allowing

The body moves with the heart like a real body.

But now, Yang Hui feels as if he is really integrated with the machine. Although he still uses the joystick and various buttons to control his machine, he does not need any thoughts at all. He knows what to do when he has an idea.

The body will respond accordingly, as if there is really me in you, and you feel happy in me.

Finally, there is the talent, [Zero Time Calculus], this is the name of the talent, and it is also the final answer that Yang Hui uses his brain to perform high-level calculations.

[Zero Time Calculus], based on ultra-high mental power, constructs a consciousness space without time flow in Yang Hui's brain. Within one second, millions of calculations can be performed, and then with ultra-high reflection speed,

Based on this, the calculation results are fed back to the body to make the best choice.

For example, if a bullet is fired at a person, the average person will be hit without making any reaction. The luckier person will avoid the bullet by turning his head based on instinctive reaction. The well-trained person will predict the opponent before shooting.

Judging the trajectory and performing dodge actions in advance, Yang Hui... can dodge perfectly. He can even fight guns, throw knives at bullets, and catch bullets with his bare hands. It is 100% successful and there will be no failure.


Because this process has been calculated and practiced countless times in Yang Hui's brain, it is no longer a stress response, but a mechanical memory.

To put it bluntly, now Yang Hui can confidently say to everyone present, you are all rubbish, I can beat ten of you by myself!

Of course, this sentence must not be uttered. Not to mention that the wife group is an existence that he does not dare to offend. His body has not recovered yet and he can only lie in the hospital bed. If he utters it, he will probably

I really can't get out of the hospital bed.

"..." After listening to Yang Hui's story, everyone was silent. If they had only vaguely touched the line of defense before, now there is a precedent that allows them to see the goal at the end of the road. They need to work hard now.

How to carve out their own path.

"I'll let you take the lead." Graham shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was the second oldest member of the Prosmi Army and was always suppressed by Yang Hui. He originally wanted to advance to A level first and then mock Yang Hui.

It is impossible to seize power or anything like that. First of all, Graham knows very well that he is not a leader. He is only suitable to be a soldier, and at best a teacher to lead students.

Secondly, look at how many things Yang Hui has to do all day long. He is too busy! That is not the life that Graham likes. He likes passionate battles. Anyway, there are so many people in the team who can use their brains, and he is also busy.

Too lazy to use my brain.

Furthermore, the entire Promis Fortress was built on the basis of Yang Hui. Everyone obeyed Yang Hui and recognized Yang Hui's leadership status. Most of the people in the top management were recruited by Yang Hui's charisma.

And Graham... was also convinced, just by his character and strength, but if Graham wanted to be the team leader... Among the people present, Cruze was the first to rebel, and Char would be far behind.

Finally, Graham and Yang Hui are life-and-death friends. They are truly good brothers who have walked side by side from the beginning, and they are also the best competitors (MS driving).

To sum up, if Graham wants to surpass Yang Hui, he just wants to ridicule him for "revenge" and doesn't have much thought.

Many people present had similar thoughts. After all, many of them had been abused by Yang Hui. Although they could regain the situation by gathering together, how could they be as comfortable as hanging Yang Hui up and beating him up alone?

"Congratulations, Yang Hui."

"Congratulations, your first A-level."

"As expected of you, Yang Hui, congratulations."

"Congratulations, sir!"

"Go away! You just have the word 'unconvinced' written on your face!" Yang Hui complained. He knew the group of people in front of him very well. In addition to Amuro and the disciples he personally brought out, there are also

There is an optimist like Luo, and there are wives of his own. One by one, which one has good intentions?

Especially you! Cruze! You smile so sinisterly, and you are thinking about how to murder me!?


"By the way, something suddenly occurred to me." Graham suddenly thought, "According to Mephis, you have been promoted to A level, which means you have completed a life level jump?"

"Yes." Yang Hui nodded.

"It has ended?"

"if not?"

"How sloppy." XN

Everyone complained. Originally, the life level jump they imagined should be a very spectacular and gorgeous scene. Not to mention earth-shattering, the earth would shake and the mountains would shake. At least there should be some special effects, but... it happened quietly like this.


[When the commander meets all the requirements, the only thing missing is a key. The process of life level jump is the process of inserting the key to open the shackles. There are no special effects. The same will happen to everyone.] Mavis explained.


"It's still too hasty." XN

Everyone was a little disappointed. They wanted to experience the special effects of a blockbuster movie with their own eyes, but all their expectations were dashed.

"I'm not a monkey!" Yang Hui cursed angrily.

"Hahahaha..." XN

The atmosphere was quite cheerful. After all, they won this battle and the result was good, but... the price was too high.

"How many people are left?" The sudden question made all the laughter disappear, and a heavy and sad atmosphere enveloped their hearts, filling the entire ward.

"Let's wait until you are discharged from the hospital." Huang persuaded Yang Hui while holding his hand.

Yang Hui's body is very weak now, and this weakness comes from the brain. It will take time to fully use the medical cabin to treat himself, so Yang Hui gave up using the medical cabin to continue treating himself after waking up, leaving time and opportunities to those who need it more.

Anyway, after he was promoted to A pilot, his recovery ability has also been greatly improved. He could recover just by lying on the hospital bed for two days.

The emperor also considered that the most important thing for Yang Hui now was to take good care of his health. After all, although the war was over, there were many things that Yang Hui had to deal with in the future, so... he didn't want to distract Yang Hui because of this matter.

Everyone else also acquiesced in this choice. We will tell Yang Hui about the situation of the legion after he recovers.

(End of chapter)

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