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Chapter 98 The so-called super soldiers split the future!

With the activation of Trans am, the unprecedented joint force suffered huge losses in an instant. The departure of the two aces Sergei and Graham made the [Dingwu] force and the [Beyond the Flag] force even more vulnerable.

People are in a miserable state.

In less than five minutes, only Piris's special type of "Array" was left in the [Defense Force] unit, and the main angel with explosive performance was in a stalemate.

"Why?" Piris firmly resisted the joystick, and the two beam sabers intersected, otherwise the pink blade would hurt the [Trap] special type again, "I should be a perfect super soldier..."

"You still don't understand, woman."


"You are not a perfect super soldier!" Hallelujah chatted with Piris through the public channel at this time. It was an arrogant mockery, but it was also a declaration of redemption. "You have obtained super-fast speed through brain quantum waves."

You have reflexes, but your thinking can't keep up with the reaction speed! It's just like an animal being led by instinct!"

"No!" roared, and the specially equipped head machine gun of [Trap] opened fire.

But at this time, the main angel leaned back, swung the GN beam sword away from the opponent's right arm, flipped back, and kicked the [Trap] special suit's abdomen with his left foot.


"So I can predict your movements..."


[Entrapment] The special-type impact stopped on the fragments of the meteorite. After hearing Hallelujah's words, Piris looked up.

"...The fusion of reflection and thinking is what a super soldier should be like."

As soon as the voice fell, with a red afterimage, the Lord Angel rushed towards the [Entrapment] special type, pointing his sword directly at the cockpit, ready to end everything.

But at this moment, the red radiance disappeared, and the speed of the Lord Angel suddenly slowed down. Due to the sudden drop in performance, the movements of the Lord Angel were deformed, and the [Entrapment] feature was inserted into the main body more than ten centimeters away from the cockpit.

The installation model will also destroy the pseudo-solar furnace behind it.

At the same time, because of Piris's desire to survive, she subconsciously pulled the joystick and raised her arm, and the GN beam saber also pierced the lower part of the main angel's waist and abdomen.

It is precisely because of this coincidence that both parties, who did not remember the deep bond between each other, saved their lives.


The two planes exploded at the same time and went away in different directions.

"Tch, it's really embarrassing. At this time..." The violent explosions and vibrations plunged Hallelujah's consciousness into darkness. Fortunately, Allelujah took over to prevent the Lord Angel from becoming garbage and drifting to who knows where.


"Thank you for your hard work, Hallelujah." Hallelujah said as he removed the solar furnace and left the cockpit and the solar furnace. "You too, Lord Angel."

The Archangel who was taken away by Alvatere stayed away from the original fighting area and finally broke free from Alvatere's two mechanical claws, but the fierce firepower made him miserable.

"Hahaha... the abominable undead of Aeolia Schuchenberg! Let me, Alessandro Cona, use you to sacrifice your blood to a whole new world!"

24 GN small particle beam cannons are woven into a dense fire net, making it impossible for the Angel Angel (GN Armor Module E) to get close.

The two large GN cannons equipped with GN Fighter E cannot penetrate the GN stand powered by seven pseudo-solar furnaces.

Moreover, while the firepower was being suppressed, the large GN cannon on Alvatre's abdomen was still looking for opportunities to lock on the Angel of Energy. The power was enough to destroy half of the asteroid belt, leaving Setsuna with no other way to deal with it except to dodge.

"Damn it! I'm...Gundam Messenger!"

After dodging a large GN cannon, the Archangel (GN Armor Module E) directly opened its GN stance and rushed forward against Alvatere's gunfire. The mechanical claw below was entangled with Alvatere's mechanical claw.

"Now!" Instantly seized the opportunity and swung the large GN sword at Alvatrey's mechanical claw. It was blocked by the shield at first, and then it cut in like a hot knife cutting tofu, cutting it in half.


"How is it possible!? You actually hurt my Alvatere!"

"It's not over yet!" Another sword also penetrated Alvatre's GN stance, and he shot at close range, directly breaking the other mechanical claw.

"Damn it! It's coming out again and again... fangs!"

Six large GN fangs flew out from the lower abdomen and shot at the Angel of Opportunity from the side. At the same time, 24 GN small particle beam cannons fired continuously in an attempt to directly destroy the Angel of Opportunity (GN Armor Module E).

Setsuna yelled that something was wrong and retreated, but the target of the Archangel (GN Armor Module E) was too big to support Setsuna in retreating from such a dense fire net.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Ku~! The docking is released!"

Abandoning the GN fighter E-type, which had been shot into a sieve, the Energizer was finally out of danger with its petite body, but this was only temporary. The GN fangs were in hot pursuit, and Alvatere's firepower suppressed them continuously, allowing the Energizer to come back again.

Once caught in a dangerous situation where there was no way forward or retreat.

But this can only block for a moment, and cannot block his movements forever, because...

"Remember for a moment, your potential is more than what you show now. Try to stimulate it and squeeze it. If it doesn't work, think about why you want to become a Gundam Messenger and why you want to pilot a Gundam."

At this time, Yang Hui's words echoed in his mind, like a gentle breeze calming his already anxious heart.

"Why did I become a Gundam Messenger? Why did I pilot a Gundam?..."

The subconscious movement of his body allowed Setsuna to control the Angel of Energy to avoid Alvatere's attack, and he subconsciously pondered this question that had puzzled him for a long time.

"...I...why...Gundam Messenger? Gundam?"

As the thoughts sink more and more into my mind, it seems that I have entered a special situation for a moment. The movements of the capable angels also become erratic and elusive, but they feel that they follow a special law, like an obscure and difficult to understand song.

Dance music guides its steps.

"I... have no reason!" At this time, Setsuna's eyes became firm again, "I am the Gundam Messenger! I... am Gundam!"

The movement of the powerful angel suddenly changed, and it stopped in place. All the bombardments passed by it, as if it was deliberately avoiding the powerful angel.

At the same time, Angel Angel raised his arms and fired his GN pistol one after another, directly knocking out the four large GN fangs that were about to fire. Then he pulled out two GN short knives and threw them out with force, directly inserting them into the large GN fangs that were still moving.

On the teeth.

"What!? The movements are completely different!" Alessandro Cona was shocked. He didn't know what happened in that moment, and his sense of threat increased greatly.

The Angel's double swords popped out, dodging left and right, passing through the gap in Alvater's fire network. The two swords crossed in a cross, destroying the large GN cannon on the abdomen, and then inserted into Alvater from below, leaving two long streaks.

sword marks.


"Damn it! My Alvatere!"

Just as Alvater continued to explode and the Angel Energy was about to escape, an orange beam penetrated the Angel Energy's left arm and removed it.

But Setsuna bore the impact with an expressionless face. If you look carefully, you can see a tiny stream of light in Setsuna's pupils.

Setsuna didn't care at all about the damage to Angel Angel, because the enemy had been eliminated and his mission was completed.

At this moment, the beam cannon with a purple arc shot through the smoke and dust of the explosion, came to the front of the capable angel, and covered him.

"Hahahaha! Finally... finally completed! The abominable undead of Aeolia Schuchenberg! This new world is finally my color! Rebirth after destruction! Unfortunately, you are not in my new world

The location! Hahahaha..."

Although the destruction of Alvatre was indeed beyond Alessandro Cona's expectations, the Angels had been eliminated, and it was estimated that the other [Celestial Being] troops had also been almost eliminated. The slight deviation did not affect him.

's script.

But at this moment, Alva Yalon's alarm sounded loudly as he escaped from Alvatre, and the presence of the Angel of Energy still existed on the radar.

"What!?" Alessandro Cona saw in disbelief that in the universe, the capable angel rushed towards him with a red afterimage. Although his legs were missing, the sharp blade on his right arm was still there.

Shining with a chilling light.

"Can it be used as an angel... Aeolian's system?"

"Found it..." a voice came from the public frequency.


"I found it! You are the twisting point of this world! That's right! You are the culprit! What this world really doesn't need..."

Before he finished speaking, the capable angel had already arrived in front of Alva Yalon, and cut off its arms one after another before it could react at all.

"Abominable! Abominable undead! Do you want to prevent the rebirth and continue the destruction?" Alessandro Cona roared angrily, while deploying a GN stance to force the Angel Angel back.

The powerful output power makes Alva Yalon's GN position almost invulnerable, and he can retreat safely if he wants to.

But unfortunately, what it encountered was Archangel. As the second Gundam equipped with a physical sword, it was the nemesis of GN's position.

"Of course!" With Instant's shout, the physical sword penetrated the GN's stance, pierced Alva Yaron's body, and cut off its wings.

"The position is actually...!"

"I want to... destroy this twisted point of yours!"

Withdrawing the GN sword, he quickly pulled out the GN dagger from his waist with his right hand and inserted it all into Alva Yalon. Then the GN sword popped out again, leaving a ferocious cross on Alva Yalon's chest.

"I want to... split our future! Intervene with force and eradicate war! This is what we are... [Heavenly Beings]!"

Kick away Alva Yalon who is about to explode.

At this time, Alessandro Cona was almost unconscious. He knew that he was about to die, and the only emotion in his mind was fear.

"I haven't created a new world yet, and I haven't correctly guided mankind forward. How can I die here? I don't want to die!"

At this time, Livonz's image appeared in the cockpit, and Alessandro Cona seemed to have found the light of life in the darkness.

"Li...Li Fonz...save...save me..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the little angel in his heart opened his mouth, he used a basin of cold water to extinguish his newly ignited fire of hope: "Alessandro Corner, you are an outstanding clown."


"This is no longer Aeolia Schuchenberg's plan, but mine."

"Livonz...you bastard..."

"Leave the future of a unified world to me."

"You bastard...take away my long-cherished wish of the Kona family..."

"Just because you always say these things, it's hard to achieve anything big."



Alessandro Cona's anger reached its peak, and at the same time, explosive fireworks were ignited, and Alva Yalon exploded completely.

Of course Setsuna didn't know about this conversation. He just panted heavily and said with a smile: "Mission...completed...ha~ha~...Energy Angel successfully expelled the target...successfully cut open the future."

This chapter has been completed!
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