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Chapter 974 Lux and Shirley’s dark underbelly

"Hey! Did I read that correctly?"

"Probably not, otherwise I would have seen it wrong."

"La... Miss Lux and Miss Shirley! Why did they come to this party!?"

"Did you come here for me?"

"Go away! Don't even look at your identity. It should be an invitation from PPSE Company."

"It is very possible that even Miss Lux and Miss Shirley will have to think carefully about the invitation from PPSE Company."

There was a lot of discussion at the banquet, and everyone was speculating about the reason for Lux and Shirley's sudden visit. After all, Lux and Shirley are the most popular singers in the world, with hundreds of millions of fans, and I heard that they are not bad.

Money, when to release songs, and when to hold concerts all depend on my mood, and I never take a job that I don't like.

Seeing Lux and Shirley come directly in front of Yang Hui after entering the venue, it also confirmed the speculation that they accepted the invitation of PPSE Company.

But... what happened next shocked everyone. Lux, Shirley and Yang Hui didn't have any communication. They just hugged each other intimately. From the looks of them, they were very close and not at the level of ordinary friends.

of hugs.

"How can it be repaired?"

“Damn it now!”

"Heresy! Heretic who should be burned to death!"

"Miss Lux! Miss Sherry! See his true face!"

Although these words were not spoken, Yang Hui was an A-level purebred reformer and NT, and could clearly feel their emotions. He couldn't help but look at Lux and Shirley with a wry smile: "I have become a public enemy, you

Are you satisfied?"

"Of course, who kept you from coming to us?"

"That's right, we always wait for a period of time every time we go to a place, just waiting for you to come to us, but you never come."

Lux and Shirley stuck out their tongues playfully and started to make fun of Yang Hui.

"Don't you all in the group know how busy I am?" Yang Hui said depressedly.

"But that's not why you don't come to us!"

"That's right!"

"Okay, my fault." Yang Hui raised his hands in surrender. He was also stupid and tried to reason with the unreasonable magical creature.

After just a hug, Lux and Shirley separated from Yang Hui. Although they wanted to make a little bit of a conspiracy, they would not embarrass Yang Hui in public. Their behavior just now was just right. Not only would they not embarrass Yang Hui,

In order to save face, he declared Yang Hui's outstandingness and excellence in front of everyone, and by the way, he spread a lot of dog food.

"Mr. Yang Hui, you... are really amazing." Ricard Fellini gave Yang Hui a thumbs up helplessly. Although he was envious and jealous, he also knew that there was no difference between him and Yang Hui.

Thoughts, and even offered blessings to Yang Hui because of the relatively familiar relationship.

The people who are familiar with Yang Hui are similar. After all, when he comes into contact with Yang Hui in private, Yang Hui is very easy-going and easily wins the favor of others.

As for those unfamiliar people, they didn't dare to do anything. It was enough for Yang Hui to ignore those looks.

Of course, except for one person present.

"Damn it, why are they here!? I finally got the tickets for this banquet!"

This person is Kirara, who is considered a relatively popular idol. She is good at singing and dancing, and can also make models. She is an Akihabara model idol who can't even fight against her, but...it's tragic.

, her popularity is very low.

That's why she wanted to win everyone's recognition through a gorgeous competition, and also signed up to participate in the Model World Competition. Unfortunately, she was eliminated by the combination of Iori Makoto and Reiji in the peripheral elimination round.

In the beginning, she also liked to win by any means, just to increase her popularity, so before the game started, she would find ways to get close to the next opponent, looking for opportunities to destroy the opponent's model in advance, so as to win without fighting.


Then, she also used tricks on Iori Makoto, causing the Strike Gundam to be created in a damaged state during the competition, but due to Reiji's wonderful operation, she defeated Kirara.

However, just when Kirara was in despair, Iori Makoto showed his pure heart. His pure love for models and model battles moved Kirara, making her realize her mistake and give up all means.

way, and really work hard on model battles.

This time I tried to find a way to attend this banquet. On the one hand, I wanted to get in touch with the world's top model fighters. On the other hand, I also wanted to see if there was any chance to increase my popularity.

She was quite confident at first. After all, she was an idol. Most of the model fighters attending the banquet were men. She could still capture a group of people with her charm.

As a result... after Yang Hui brought his wife group to the scene, she started EMO.

But fortunately, they are not idols or competitors.

And then... Lux and Shirley came, two of the world's top singers, and Kirara fell to rock bottom for a while.

"Huh? You are...Kiara, right?"

At this moment, Lux and Shirley saw Kirara huddled in the corner and took the initiative to step forward and say hello.

"Eh? Miss Lux...? Miss Shirley Lou?" Kirara was confused at the moment. Although she was in the same circle, Kirara usually liked to talk a lot, but she knew very well the status of both parties.

There is a huge gap between heaven and earth. It is very possible that the other party does not know that she is a little idol, but he actually takes the initiative to say hello to her! Is there some conspiracy?

"We have seen your performance and it has great potential." Lux said softly.

"Really...really!?" The sudden compliment made Kirala, a little idol outside the 18th line, feel flattered.

"Well, I've also seen your road show. It's really good. Your singing and dancing are both very good, but the dress and stage are a bit too gorgeous, which doesn't match your own conditions. This should be a problem with your company.

If you make some adjustments and give you another chance, the fire will be no problem."

In terms of idol reviews, Shirley is the most authoritative, and even Lux is not as good as Shirley.

"Thank you...Thank you Miss Shirley Lu, I...I will try my best!"

Originally, Kirara thought that Lux and Shirley were here to bully her. After all, this was a common situation in the circle. Unexpectedly, Lux and Shirley really thought highly of her and gave her the right advice.

, which is even more valuable!

As for ridicule... Kirara thought she was quite accurate in judging people, and she was a little idol outside the 18th line. As for two of the world's top singers, would she like to ridicule her?

Immediately, Lux and Shellylu started chatting with Kirara. Anyway, they had completed their purpose of attending the banquet. They were not very interested in model battles, and they couldn't chat with other model fighters.


The emperor and others were similar. They were not very interested in children's games, so they formed a group of ladies to chat alone in an area, while Yang Hui continued chatting with the familiar model fighters.

"By the way, Mr. Yang Hui, can you reveal the next project in advance?" Ricard Fellini asked Yang Hui in a low voice. Iori Cheng, Gligo, Scott and others beside him also looked at Yang Hui with burning eyes.

, after all, they all agreed that Yang Hui was going to cause trouble and didn't want to be frightened.

"Of course... you can't." Yang Hui raised the corner of his mouth in a playful manner, "This is a competition. As the organizer, how can I help you cheat?"

"As expected." Although Ricard Fellini and others regretted it, it was also reasonable.

"But... I can give you a little reminder." Yang Hui said, and deliberately raised the volume so that all the model fighters on the scene could hear, "After the opening ceremony in the morning, the second session will be held in the afternoon.

A project, try to live a little longer."

"Live a little longer?"

These words reached the ears of all the model fighters, and they all began to think. They recalled the past world competitions and found a suitable project.

"Is it a big melee mode? This is very interesting." Ricard Fellini said. He had encountered this mode in the last model world competition. All the qualified players entered the same map and had a big melee.

The longer you live and the more people you have, the higher your points will be.

"Almost." Yang Hui didn't say any more. After all, if he said anything more, he would really tell them the content of the project, and there would really be no surprises tomorrow.

But... Judging from their looks, there seems to be some misunderstanding, right? Hehehe, I hope they can maintain their confident expressions tomorrow.

After chatting for a while, more and more model warriors came over to talk to Yang Hui. After all, he is the chairman of PPSE Company and has a high status. If he can chat with him and leave a good impression, he might be able to talk to Yang Hui when needed in the future.

It comes in handy, and some people even want to get some information or something.

But as we chatted, we all found that the big boss Yang Hui is really nice, very easy-going, without the arrogance and indifference of the superiors, he can chat with anyone, and he is also very good at model and model battle.

Professional, so they no longer have any thoughts of clichés and really chatted happily.


"Excuse me, Mr. Yang Hui, I am Niels Nielsen."

"Well, I know you, Niels Nielsen, [Young Genius]. To be honest, I was quite surprised when you signed up for the World Series." Yang Hui pretended to be surprised. Although model battle is the core of this world,

But after all, they are just toys and games. In the eyes of the older generation or experts, they are just toys and games, not something worth paying attention to. Even being addicted to them is just playing with them to lose one's mind.

"Thank you, Mr. Yang Hui, I still have a lot to learn."

"Well, it's good to have such achievements at such a young age and not be arrogant or impetuous."

"Although it's a bit rude, can you take a moment to talk alone?" Niels Nielsen sincerely requested.


(End of chapter)

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