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Chapter 112 Who is the Trickster?

The commotion outside the building had long been heard on the deck, but Feng Zhixian looked at the old leader Wang.

"The noise outside is really annoying!" Old Alliance Leader Wang frowned and said, "I would like to ask your county to deal with those ugly people who disrupted the farewell, and don't let him get off the hook again!"

After receiving the order, the government officials outside the building shouted in unison: "Quiet! The county magistrate is here! You must not be rude!"

When he heard that the county magistrate was here, Zhang Yuanmu, who wanted to report to the official, was immediately overjoyed! God helps him!

You, Lin Tailai, are doomed! Who doesn’t know that the county magistrate is dealing with you recently?

Furthermore, I heard that the county magistrate oversaw the cancellation of the Hengtang government-run fish market and its transfer to Fengqiao Town!

Such a coincidence? Lin Tailai was also slightly surprised. He casually came out to fight for territory and actually met the county magistrate?

When I saw the big boat just now, I thought it was some wealthy family out for a spring outing.

So Professor Lin and Zhang Yuanmu were both called outside the building to wait for interrogation by the county magistrate.

Lin Tailai sighed to Zhang Yuanmu: "This is true. If you don't take the road to heaven, a man without a door to hell will break in."

Zhang Yuanmu: "???"

This should be his line, right? You, Lin Tailai, are in a state of death. How can He Dehe steal this line?

Feng Zhixian came down from the top deck, but still stood on the boat, looking down on the shore, forming an outdoor temporary court.

Leader Wang was still "supervising" from above, so Feng Zhixian had no choice but to continue to "rectify" Lin Tailai.

Besides, everyone knows that they want to suppress Lin Tailai, but Lin Tailai openly jumps like this. Where does the county magistrate's face go?

The dignity of Bailihou cannot be provoked by the common people!

When Zhang Yuanmu, a good citizen, saw Mr. Qingtian, he immediately entered the plaintiff state and complained with tears:

"The little man originally lived on the edge of Suzhou city. He had a house and a farm at home, and he was very happy when he opened a new fish market.

Who would have thought that Professor Lin, so lawless and lawless, raided my fish market and destroyed my farmland.

I fell out with him and almost got whipped by him."

Feng Zhixian shouted: "Lin Tailai! I can see clearly that you are holding a murder weapon and committing murder on the street again!"

The government officials on both sides immediately stepped forward and took away Lin Tailai's murder weapon, the double whip.

Professor Lin sighed: "I have worked as a clerk in the county government, and I have done some hard work. Is the county official really so heartless?"

Feng Zhixian shouted righteously: "Public law does not tolerate personal affairs! Do you plead guilty?"

Lin Tailai pointed at Zhang Yuanmu and also complained: "Then I will report him, he opened the fish market privately!"

Opening a market and opening your own shop to do business are two different concepts. The market is subject to the jurisdiction of the government and collects dental taxes.

Zhang Yuanmu quickly defended: "At present, the villain is just using his own place to try it out to see if it is feasible. He has not yet had time to report it to the government!"

In this regard, Magistrate Feng made a very fair judgment: "Considering the difficulty of people's livelihood, I fined Zhang Yuanmu ten taels of silver and reported the fish market to the government within five days for review!"

Lin Tailai said anxiously: "I would like to ask the county magistrate to investigate carefully, we cannot close the case like this!"

Feng Zhixian patted the side of the boat and shouted: "How do I resolve the case? I don't need Lin Tai to guide me! You don't need to involve others. Do you know your guilt yourself?"

Lin Tailai shouted: "I heard that the imperial censor is in Suzhou. I'm going to report to the imperial censor!"

Feng Zhixian sneered and said: "The facts of the case are clear. If you appeal like this, you will only be sentenced to cause trouble over nothing and be beaten with dozens of killing sticks!"

If you’re not afraid, feel free to sue!”

"Puch!" Zhang Yuanmu on the other side couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed out loud.

What kind of officialdom novice is this? You have read too many operas and novels. Do you really think that the inspectors of the Eight Prefectures will always be towards you? Do you know that the officials protect each other?

Lin Tailai waved behind him, and two people stood out from the crowd, each holding something in their hands.

If you look closely at the shape of this thing, one big and one small looks like two square-mouthed buckets.

Professor Lin introduced: "This is a fish bucket copied from Zhangjia Fish Market. They made it themselves and used it in the fish market!"

When Lin Tailai first traveled across time and took over the Hengtang Fish Market, he knew that trading in the fish market did not use scales, but official fish buckets.

A large betta fish weighs ten pounds, and a small betta fish weighs two and a half pounds. The government collects transaction tax per bucket, which is very convenient.

Everyone didn't understand for a moment. Isn't it normal to take out Yudou from the fish market? Is it worth mentioning it separately?

Lin Tailai said sternly: "So this Zhang Yuanmu not only opened the market privately, but also made weighing instruments for use in the market privately. This is an unforgivable crime!"

Damn it! Feng Zhixian, who was most familiar with the law, was the first to react and was stunned instantly.

Is Professor Lin planning to go on a killing spree?

When discussing the achievements of Qin Shihuang in later history textbooks, there must be an article about "unification of weights and measures." This shows the importance of weights and measures to a unified country.

Therefore, the establishment of weighing instrument standards also symbolizes the power of the state and the government.

When people do business with each other, it doesn't matter if they make their own weighing instruments, as long as both buyers and sellers agree.

But markets that must be under official jurisdiction are different. Officially issued weighing instruments must be used, which is a symbol of official power.

Opening the market privately and making weighing instruments privately, it seems inconspicuous and not as sensational as murder and arson.

But it is definitely a sin, no matter how big or small it is.

But if someone makes trouble without mercy, it can definitely lead to a serious crime. To put it in the most serious form, what is the crime of illegally minting copper coins?

Although the phenomenon of privately minting copper coins is rampant now, it does not mean that you are legally innocent!

Even Feng Zhixian was partial to Zhang Yuanmu in his heart and did not dare to openly say that he was not guilty!

Professor Lin sneered: "Zhang Yuanmu opened the market privately and made weighing instruments privately, clearly invading the power of the government!

The dignified county magistrate deliberately left things alone and openly favored Zhang Yuanmu when faced with reports from good people and righteous people!

Only then did I understand that the county magistrate thought that this Zhang Yuanmu was the real official of the Ming Dynasty!"

After Professor Lin's explanation, Zhang Yuanmu finally understood.

The mood that I thought I had a chance to win suddenly collapsed, and I suddenly understood what "Hell has no door, you just broke in" means.

For a moment, his face became extremely anxious, and he looked at the county magistrate nervously. Only the county magistrate could help him exonerate himself now.

In order to open the fish market, he gave money to the county magistrate!

Feng Zhixian looked up blankly and looked around. There were many spectators watching the public trial. He must have heard what he just said.

"Tricky people! Tricky people!" Feng Zhixian slapped the side of the boat angrily and cursed angrily!

In those official secret books, it is often said that "there are many unruly people in Wu". Today I have experienced it again!

Professor Lin asked: "How can a county court case be filled with emotions? Who are the unruly people?"

Feng Zhixian gritted his teeth for a while, then suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the other side: "I say Zhang Yuanmu is a troublemaker!"

Lin Tailai replied politely: "Since Lao County respects Mingjian, I can rest assured.

How can a good citizen like me, who is well-educated, enthusiastic about literature, loves poetry and calligraphy, and is seriously preparing for the county examination next month, be a unruly citizen?"

You want to take the county exam? Feng Zhixian stared straight at Lin Tailai.

Lin Tailai continued: "Only those who are inconsiderate of their parents and officials, and often go to higher levels to file complaints, such as going to the inspector, the governor, the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate, and even going to the capital to file a complaint, are the unruly people!"

Feng Zhixian didn't want to look at Lin Tailai anymore, so he turned around and shouted: "Zhang Yuanmu! Do you know your guilt?"

Zhang Yuan, Mu Zhang Chaofeng, who was also the number one figure in Fengqiao Town, immediately collapsed.

He understood that the county magistrate had given up on him.

"No, no!" Just when the dust seemed to have settled, Professor Lin suddenly shouted again.

Then he said to Magistrate Feng: "This matter does not need to be urgent, lest a good person is wronged, and it is too late to try again after the county trial!"

What if the case is decided and the county magistrate gets rid of the suspicion of harboring the case but refuses to admit his guilt?

Feng Zhixian once again cursed "diao people" secretly in his heart, and shouted to the government officials: "Put the felon Zhang Yuanmu in jail pending trial!"

Four government officials immediately stepped forward and held Zhang Yuanmu down, dragging him towards the city.

Then Feng Zhixian felt really sick, got up and left.

When they returned to the top deck, Feng Zhixian discovered again that the face of the old alliance leader Wang was darker than his own.

"I have tried my best, but the people are too unruly." Feng Zhixian could only say this.

So Qi Shaobao stood up to smooth things over and said, "Let's write poetry quickly! Just now Wang Yuanmei stopped after saying two sentences, which made me feel really itchy."

It's almost dark. If we don't finish the farewell, we will really have to stop at Fengqiao tonight!

Leader Wang suppressed the annoyance in his heart, regained his composure, worked out his feelings, held the wine cup in his hand, and chanted again: "Stop getting drunk on Fengqiao wine, don't take yourself lightly."

Suddenly, another voice came from the shore: "Professor Lin! You said you founded a literary society called Xinxinshe, but there is no poetry collection!"

Another person shouted: "Are you the only one in this update society?"

It immediately caused the crowd on the shore to burst into laughter and interfered with the creation of the leader Wang Lao.

Probably because the excitement just now attracted many people to gather, the crowd had not dispersed yet and everyone started to have fun again.

Professor Lin is now also a local celebrity. He is the kind who has his own traffic and is qualified to be watched.

Then I heard Lin Tailai say loudly: "Am I not enough by myself?

In fighting, one is worth dozens, and writing poetry is the same! After all, I am the third in the world designated by the leader Wang!

For example, at this moment, I saw the Maple Bridge in the rain and thought of an old friend named Qi, and my thoughts suddenly burst out!

Two wonderful poems came to my mind to send to this old friend, and I wanted to write them on the wall of Hanshan Temple."

Someone asked: "How awesome can it be?"

Professor Lin said proudly: "In five hundred years, no one will be stronger than me!"

There were tricky people around who were not afraid of death. They hid in the crowd and shouted together: "Professor Lin is hyping up again!"

"Listen first!" In terms of literature, Lin Tailai didn't bother to refute, and liked to speak directly with facts, so he opened his mouth and said:

"First, at dusk, the tide is ebbing in the east pond, and the rain is falling where the solitary tent is parked. At night at Huohanshan Temple, which bridge has Wu Feng remembered?

Secondly, the maple leaves are sluggish in the water and the sky is empty, and it is hard to feel the same sadness thousands of miles away from you. When he was old, he dreamed of Jiangnan, listening to the midnight bell in the cold mountain alone."

Leader Wang on the deck suddenly felt that he could not recite his farewell poem again.

Immediately, someone on the shore commented: "A poem with such skill can only be written by the leader Wang Lao from thirty years ago!"

Then I heard Lin Tailai laugh and say: "This brother knows his stuff!

I don’t want to brag, but Wang Lao, the leader of the alliance thirty years ago, can still rely on his works to speak for himself.

But now the old alliance leader is no longer good. In the past ten years, he can only write poems and essays such as social works and epitaphs!"

Someone retorted: "Didn't Gao Changjiang analyze that Jin Ping Mei was written by Mr. Wang?"

Professor Lin was just about to continue talking when he suddenly heard an exclamation from the deck of the ship behind him: "Wang Yuanmei has fainted! Go and call for a doctor!"

Turning around to look, he saw Feng Menglong's father running out of the cabin on the second floor and running towards the top deck quickly.

Many people on the shore whispered: "Sure enough, as long as Professor Lin shows up, the doctor's business will be good."

In the past two days, my status has declined again. I have repeatedly failed in trying to write 7,800 words. Alas, I will post these 5,500 words today. I will see if I have any ideas tonight.

This chapter has been completed!
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